She conducted numerous landing exercises at Vieques, Puerto Rico, and Onslow Beach, North Carolina, for the next three years. 27, USS Chincoteague AVP24 War Damage Report No. 1. 29. JOSEPH HEWES, Action report dated 16 November 1942. APA-1 through APA-99: Right Column -- This created extreme logistics burdens for the invasion force because it resulted in considerable overloading of the transports with both men and equipment. With her reserve buoyancy and freeboard so severely reduced it is probable that she could not have been saved had the sea been at all rough, or had assistance not been immediately at hand. Sanborn was decommissioned and placed in reserve for the last time and berthed at Orange, Texas. The story of USS 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy captain Hawks and ex-merchant captain MacDougall as boat commander. The holes in the port tank were considerably larger than those in the starboard tank and apparently the rapid flooding of this tank, combined with a probable immediate, though temporary, loss of stability (see paragraph 36), caused the ship to heel to port, and then to come to an even keel as the holds and starboard tanks flooded. commissioned service. She then sailed to Tulagi, Solomon Islands, and Noumea, New Caledonia, to embark new landing craft, and returned to Saipan. There is no information available on the condition of the ship at the time she was attacked. The story of USS 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy captain Hawks and ex-merchant captain MacDougall as boat commander. The story of USS 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy captain Hawks and ex-merchant captain MacDougall as boat commander. However, by the end of that decade, it was clear that boats Manage your privacy settings. Some attack transports were assigned to the European Theatre, participating in the invasions of North Africa, Sicily, Italy and Normandy. She next headed for San Francisco to embark troops of the U.S. 86th Infantry Division, transporting them to Batangas, Luzon, via Eniwetok and Ulithi. Biblio is a registered trademark of Biblio, Inc. Help Support Independent Used Book Stores. TASKER H. BLISS - AP42/A16-3 - Action Report dated 15 November 1942. Away All Boats (International Post-production script for the Away All Boats (International Post-production script for the 1956 film), Joseph Pevney (director); Kenneth M. Dodson, Ted Sherdeman (screenwriters); Jeff Chandler, George Nader, Richard Boone, Charles McGraw, Julie Adams (starring), Universal Pictures, Universal City, CA, 1956. No collapsing of bulkheads, such as was reported by HUGH L. SCOTT, was noted on the BLISS. In such a helpless condition and with the heavy list, it was necessary to abandon both ships to the progressive flooding which finally caused them to sink. 52, USS Lexington CV2 War Damage Report No. Post-Production Film Scripts, Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. 47, USS Enterprise CV6 War History 1941 - 1945, USS Franklin CV-13 War Damage Report No. In late March, Sanborn sailed west for Okinawa with the largest amphibious task force of the Pacific campaign. 32, Transports Torpedoed Off Fedela, 11-15 November 1942. This was largely due to the fact that the density of the cargo was high and the hold was therefore practically open. 41, USS O'Brien DD415 War Damage Report No. Timbers and cargo in the holds were thrown about, and a man in No. In view of present material shortages, particularly special treatment steel, however, the use of plastic protection as a substitute must be accepted in many cases. ELECTRA - A7-3/AKA/L11-1/(017) of 22 June 1943. (1) At a draft of 30 feet and with an assumed permeability of .85 at the ends and .90 amidships, these ships had a three-compartment standard to the main deck at the quarterpoints and a four-compartment standard amidships without approaching the main deck. (a) CTF 34 Material report 00243, 27 November 1942. The ship heeled sharply to port, then rolled to starboard about 40 and finally settled on a list of about 200 to starboard. The ship was unloading to the beach with all boilers on the line and engines ready for immediate use. 3 hold was then pumped out and patches were concreted from the inside (see photos 3 and 4). It is to be noted that this is almost identical with the torpedoing of HUGH L. SCOTT. The state of the wing tanks at the time of the damage is not known, but even a small amount of flooding in these tanks would cause a considerable heeling moment and would contribute materially to the list. At about 1731 she was struck by one torpedo on the starboard side near the bulkhead between the fireroom and the engine room, and a few seconds later a second torpedo struck the starboard side near No. 1 deep tank from above. The ability of ELECTRA to survive a hit amidships, followed by such extensive flooding, speaks well for the C2 type of hull, but it must be remembered that her survival was, to a great extent, due to the energetic efforts of the escorting ships. Decommissioned, 6 April 1956, at Orange, TX. 61, USS Northampton CA26 War Damage Report No. Despite personal friction, the two have plenty to deal with as the only experienced officers on board during the "shakedown." The refrigeration spaces probably flooded all the way across in a short time and nearly all of the final list thus is attributable to the flooding of wing tanks. Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. 18. No. (f) C.O. 32, Destroyer Report - Gunfire, Bomb and Kamikaze Damage, Destroyer Report - Torpedo and Mine Damage and Loss in Action, Submarine Report - Vol. Take a stab at guessing and be entered to win a $50 Biblio gift certificate! safely considered extinct. EDWARD RUTLEDGE (APA24) All U.S. Navy Attack Transports (APA) in commission during WWII listed by class; with descriptions and links to individual ship pages. 25. The second explosion then seemed to occur in the engine room, about 30 feet aft of him, and this explosion put the fires out, bringing darkness and preventing any further inspection. (APA) was created and new numbers were assigned to fifty-eight APs (AP At this time the list was apparently about 20 to starboard and the main deck was about 10 feet from the water. Fresh water pumps were stopped but the main engines were operated until the lubricating oil pumps stopped and water was level with the main engine operating deck. 1980 and sold abroad, leaving only a few throughly obsolete Post-production International Continuity and Dialogue script for the 1956 film. Smoke and hot gases from the explosion in the engine room, however, appear to have filled the officers' lounge on "B" deck immediately and this would seem to indicate the rupture of some bulkheads in the vicinity. 2 hold filling No. Despite personal friction, the two have plenty to deal with as the only experienced officers on board during the "shakedown." Almost laughable incompetence gradually improves, but the crew . And few anticipate the challenges in store at Okinawa. Yellow untitled wrappers, script on white stock. It also caused the cabin and adjacent rooms under the bridge structure to collapse, apparently from the weight of plastic protection installed above them. The first torpedo caused heavy black smoke to pour out of the stack, and steam was observed escaping from the engine room hatch. (b) C.O. We are members of ABAA and ILAB, and specialize in First Editions of Modern Literature, Crime Fiction, Science Fiction, Jazz, and Books on Film, Music, Photography and the Arts. APA numbers to 247, though fourteen ships (APAs 181-186 and APAs It was based on a popular novel of the same name, written by an officer who served on one during World War 2. In 1942, when the AP number series had already extended All spring bearings were rolled out and thoroughly cleaned. transports numbered in the APA series, as implemented in February Check our website for directions if you are coming through the Baltimore area. Goofs About a third of the way through the film, the Belinda is shown taking part in the assault on Makin Atoll. ELECTRA - Serial 048 - of 17 November 1942. Despite personal friction, the two have plenty with which to deal as the only experienced officers on board during the "shakedown". Reduction gears were washed and steamed and all gear teeth were wiped out. 1, War Damage Report No. The story of U.S.S. Fire followed the explosions immediately and, as stated above, was uncontrollable; all machinery being out of action and the heavy list making it hard to move around. (c) C.O. 36. 17. Therefore, the new classification of Attack Transport to 50 h.p., one 150 k.w. Title page dated April 17, 1956, with a credit for director Joseph Pevney. these were outfitted with heavy boat davits and other arrangements Publisher: Universal Pictures, Universal City, CA, Association Member: not have an active link on this page, contact the Photographic Title page integral with the front wrapper, as issued. Multilith duplication. Despite personal friction, the two have plenty to deal with as the only experienced officers on board during the "shakedown." Apparently, neither ship developed an excessive list immediately after the damage, although RUTLEDGE did list to starboard as a result of unsymmetrical rapid flooding as indicated on plate II. 2 deep tanks which were loaded to about 79% of their capacity with gasoline in 5-gallon tins. Post-production International Continuity and Dialogue script for the 1956 film. The ship appeared to lift and then immediately listed about 30 to starboard and began to settle aft. 6 and 7 holds. 3 hold was badly injured. After embarking her landing craft at San Francisco, California, conducting shakedown training at San Pedro, California, and amphibious training at San Diego, California, Sanborn left for Pacific Ocean duty, arriving at Honolulu on 16 December 1944. After her return to Norfolk, she continued to conduct amphibious training; this routine was interrupted, however, when Sanborn starred as "USS Belinda (APA-22)" in the movie Away All Boats produced by Universal International Pictures. 53, USS Independence CVL22 & USS Denver CL58 War Damage Report No. Seller Rating, Publisher: Universal Pictures, Universal City, CA. Joseph Hewes (APA22), Edward Rutledge (APA24), Hugh L. Scott (AP43), Tasker H. Bliss (AP42) & Electra (AKA4) - War Damage Report No. Away All Boats (Domestic Post-production script for the 1956 Away All Boats (Domestic Post-production script for the 1956 film), Universal Pictures, Universal City, CA, 1956. passenger ships and larger freighters were acquired, converted If you would like to see an image of any book, please let us know and we will be happy to place an image online for you. Large quantities of fuel oil flowed out on the water on the starboard side. The actual reclassification of these ships was not implemented ELECTRA - starboard side looking forward and showing the outside of the large patch over the torpedo hole. World War II service edit] 6 hold filled and the main deck aft was soon awash, the list gradually decreasing to not more than 3 as the ship settled. No machinery or electrical derangements occurred in the plant throughout the return voyage, which speaks well for the promptness and thoroughness of the repair measures undertaken by the ship's force. By the late 1960s, 41 of these ships were redesignated with the hull symbol (LPA) Landing Platform, Amphibious, but they all retained their names and hull numbers.[1][2][3][4]. Despite personal friction, the two have plenty to deal with as the only experienced officers on board during the "shakedown." Almost laughable incompetence gradually improves, but the crew . After July 1954, she once more participated in landing exercises along the U.S. East Coast and in the Caribbean. The damage sinkage in this case was about 14 feet, which caused the vertical center of buoyancy to be raised about 6 feet. All books are guaranteed to be as described, and may be returned at any time for any reason for a full refund, including return postage. to enable them to handle landing craft for amphibious assault ELECTRA - looking forward and to starboard at the shoring for the large patch. The explosion apparently ruptured both the forward and after bulkheads of No. 6 cargo hold. 1 fireroom, and the second probably hit in the engine room. Despite personal friction, the two have plenty to deal with as the only experienced officers on board during the "shakedown." Despite personal friction, the two have plenty to deal with as the only experienced officers on board during the "shakedown." No. As tank manholes to both No. When it became apparent that nothing could be done to save the ship, the Commanding Officer ordered the ship abandoned. 2). 1 fireroom and the other hit between the engine room and No. Her beach party also suffered from enemy action; all of the party's officers were lost. Naval ship and its crew in the Pacific, from 1943 to 1945. Away All Boats (Domestic Post-production Joseph Pevney (director); Kenneth M. Dodson, Ted Sherdeman ( Joseph Pevney (director); Kenneth M. Dodson, Ted Sherdeman (screenwriters); Jeff Chandler, George Nader, Richard Boone, Charles McGraw, Julie Adams (starring). Please report any broken links or trouble you might come across to the Webmaster. U.S.S. Salvage operations were undertaken immediately and divers from CHEROKEE made temporary patches which permitted pumping of No. The searchlight platform shook and guys to the stack were snapped. Don't let a few small mistakes erode the value of your growing book collection. Brush riggings were cleaned and studs and insulation renewed as necessary. All books noted as First Editions are also First Printings unless indicated otherwise. You may phone, fax, or email an order at any time, 24 hours a day. We value your privacy and use cookies to remember your shopping preferences and to analyze our website traffic. 23. Inclining experiments are not available for these ships, but the Navy Yard, New York (Field Production Division) reported that SCOTT with 1,000 tons of ballast had a metacentric height of -1.23 feet (presumably in Condition II) and that 1,000 tons of additional ballast were to be installed. of the 1950s modernization of the Navy's amphibious force with Attack Transports numbered The Commanding Officer of SCOTT recommended that use of "concrete" (plastic) protection for bridge structures be discontinued. 8. 11. He reported that for the next hour the list seemed to increase gradually and objects kept sliding across the deck. He walked aft to this area and encountered flames coming from the starboard passageway between the uptakes and staterooms. hyperwar, APD -- High Speed Transports, and LPR -- Amphibious Transports, Small. 3 hold side with a patch of timber and mattresses and on completion of this patch the engine room was pumped dry. If you would like to see an image of any book, please let us know and we will be happy to place an image online for you. The story of USS 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy captain Hawks and ex-merchant captain MacDougall as boat commander. No other information is available concerning the extent of the flooding. Destination, rates & speeds. ships of the Maritime Commission's S4, C2, C3 and VC2 ("Victory") Miscellaneous Class No. The steering engine room reported "violent vertical whipping" and the forward 3" gun group reported "severe vibration". 58, Summary of War Damage to U. S. Battleships, Carriers, Cruisers and Destroyers 17 October, 1941 to 7 December, 1942, USS Birmingham CL62 War Damage Report No. 9. ELECTRA (AKA4). (i) C.O. Near Fine. This seller has earned a 4 of 5 Stars rating from Biblio customers. U.S.S. This completed the flooding and brought the second deck about five feet below the waterline, the remaining freeboard at frame 113 being only about five feet. During the early stages of flooding, the stability losses due to the free surface exceeded the initial stability so that a condition of negative stability resulted which listed the ship. There were 11 large holes and numerous smaller ones in the port side. Movie title: Popularity: 3.324 Duration: 114 Minutes USS Pierce (APA-50) was an Ormsby -class attack transport that served with the US Navy during World War II . Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded and used for any The story of USS 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy captain Hawks and ex-merchant captain MacDougall as boat commander. World War II. Therefore, the new classification of Auxiliary Personnel, Attack (APA) was created and numbers assigned to fifty-eight APs (AP #s 2, 8-12, 14-18, 25-27, 30, 34-35, 37-40, 48-52, 55-60, 64-65 and 78-101) then in commission or under construction. 10. The ship slid under and disappeared at 1848, approximately 1-3/4 hours after the torpedoing. Despite personal friction, the two have plenty to deal with as the only experienced officers on board during the "shakedown. USS Sanborn (APA-193) was a Haskell -class attack transport acquired by the U.S. Navy during World War II for the task of transporting troops to and from combat areas. Almost laughable incompetence gradually improves, but the crew remains far from perfect when the ship sees action, landing troops on enemy beachheadsand with few anticipating the challenges in store at Okinawa. The crew shot deck and aerial photography of the Navy's maneuvers. There was no difficulty from fire, but there was apparently a fire for a brief period immediately following the first explosion. to Obtain Photographic Reproductions. Her material condition was not reported. Post-production Domestic Continuity and Dialogue script for the 1956 film. 3 hold thus took place quickly from both sides. Large quantities of oil flowed out on the sea on the starboard side. As will be noted on plates III and IV, both of these ships have deep wing fuel oil tanks abreast the boiler rooms and fresh water tanks abreast the engine room. At 0030, the BLISS was observed from shore to be burning fiercely from stem to stern and ammunition was exploding every few seconds. He observed that bulkheads and decks in this area were spotted with oil and that the staircase down to "E" deck seemed to be sagging. The engine room was abandoned at about 0700 and continued to flood. [16], On this occasion, Japan sent the cruiser They had been left in operation, apparently, as the engine room flooded. The ships were rendered completely helpless by the loss of all power, and on BLISS the problem was complicated by the uncontrolled fire. The story of USS 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy captain Hawks and ex-merchant captain MacDougall as boat commander. 1943, with links to those ships with photos available in the Online USS STANSBURY (DMS8) commenced towing at 1350 and towed with difficulty until 1640, at which. 33. The APA/LPA designation may, therefore, now be 2 hold near the forward bulkhead and about 10 to 15 feet below the waterline. You may search our entire stock, get directions, or view our newest arrivals by catalog or category by going to our easy-to-use catalog homepage: If you are using a screen reader and having problems using our website, please call, Away All Boats (International Post-production script for the 1956 film). #s 2, 8-12, 14-18, 25-27, 30, 34-35, 37-40, 48-52, 55-60, 64-65 Post-production International Continuity and Dialogue script for the 1956 film. We are members of ABAA and ILAB, and specialize in First Editions of Modern Literature, Crime Fiction, Science Fiction, Jazz, and Books on Film, Music, Photography and the Arts. We are open 10AM-6PM EST, Monday through Friday, and Saturdays by appointment or chance. to transports and given hull numbers in the AP series. 2 hold and No. TASKER H. BLISS - AP42/A16-3(110) - Report of Loss dated 24 November 1942. Ten boats were lost, one by enemy fire and nine broached in the treacherous surf. As soon as pumping operations would allow entrance to the engine room everything was washed down with fresh water, followed promptly with an open steam jet. EDWARD RUTLEDGE, War Diary. APA-100 through APA-249: To the best of our knowledge, the pictures provided in the ". Be the first to contribute. Steps shall be taken accordingly to insure that the report will be seen by those persons responsible for design, construction and repair of naval vessels, as well as for their operation, but by no others. 2. Sump tanks were pumped, refilled with fresh water, pumped and wiped dry. During the next five months, she showed the flag in ports in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Crete, Sardinia, France, and Spain. Post-production International Continuity and Dialogue script for the 1956 film. Neither could the fire on BLISS be fought without power. Investigation showed that all panel boxes secured to bulkhead 80 on the starboard side were out of commission. When the explosion occurred, all circuit breakers for pumps in operation were blown open and lubricating oil and fresh water pressures were lost, which caused the main engines to be stopped. The ship was ordered abandoned over the port (high) side. With the assistance of two French tugs, ELECTRA was beached in Casablanca Harbor at 0400, 16 November 1942. generators. This period of negative stability existed for only a short period of time after which the ship came back to the upright position and remained so until flooding stopped. Boats continued in the vicinity of the ship until about 2030. References: The story of USS 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy captain Hawks & ex-merchant captain MacDougall as boat commander. The APA/LPA designation may, therefore, now be safely considered extinct. The story of a U.S. naval ship and its crew in the Pacific, 1943-1945. Despite personal friction, the two have plenty to deal with as the only experienced officers on board during the 56, USS Houston CL81 War Damage Report No. EDWARD RUTLEDGE ltr. 57, Wartime Diversion of US Navy Forces in Response to Public Demands for Augmented Coastal Defense-CNA, Wartime Instructions for United States Merchant Vessels 1942, Washington Navy Yard: History of the Naval Gun Factory, 1883-1939, Washington Navy Yard - Pay Roll of Mechanics and Labourers, c1819-1820, WAVE QUARTERS D STATION RULES FOR LIFE AT D, [UPDATED] Washington Navy Yard Station Log November 1822 - December 1889, The Story Behind Names of Different Ranks, History of Warrant Officers in the US Navy, Women's Uniform Regulations, Yeoman (F), US Naval Reserve Force, 1918, Women's Winter Uniform Regulations, Yeoman (F), US Naval Reserve Force, 1919, World War I British and German Naval Messages (1918), World War II Invasion of Normandy 1944 Interrogation of Generalleutnant Rudolf Schmetzer. The flooding of the shaft alley and the after magazines through leaky doors, unpacked glands, and open cable holes again emphasizes the necessity of constant checking and searching for openings in "watertight" boundaries. 19, USS South Dakota BB57 War Damage Report No. 38, USS North Carolina BB55 War Damage Report No. Both of these ships remained afloat for some hours after the damage was sustained, but both listed heavily to starboard immediately upon being hit. She therefore took over the tow and RAVEN continued pumping until about 2245, at which time she cleared ELECTRA's side and trailed her into Casablanca. This seller has earned a 4 of 5 Stars rating from Biblio customers. JOSEPH HEWES was anchored off Fedala, French Morocco on 11 November, 1942 in 26 fathoms with 75 fathoms of chain to her port anchor. beyond 100, it was decided that these amphibious warfare ships About one half hour after the hit, smoke started coming out through ventilators on the port side, followed by flames, and at 1830 the Captain was forced from the bridge by fire and smoke. The list, however, bears investigation. HUGH L. SCOTT - AP77/A16-3 of 16 November 1942. We are open 10AM-6PM EST, Monday through Friday, and Saturdays by appointment or chance. 21. Another two transports sunk in 1942, USSGeorge F. Elliott and USSLeedstown, were also configured as attack transports but did not survive to be reclassified as such. It appears that this was actually installed before the ship was torpedoed. RAVEN - Serial 002 - of 17 November 1942. Shortly after the torpedoing of RUTLEDGE and SCOTT at 1732, TASKER H. BLISS was hit simultaneously on the starboard side by two torpedoes. Section concerning other research options. to Honolulu, Hawaii; the, landing craft, vehicle, personnel (LCVP) or Higgins boat, World War II troopships - Army Center of Military History. Divers closed off the hole in bulkhead 80 on the No. Biblio is a registered trademark of Biblio, Inc. Help Support Independent Used Book Stores, Away All Boats (Domestic Post-production script for the 1956 film). In the early 1940s, as the United States Navy expanded in response to the threat of involvement in World War II, a number of civilian passenger ships and some freighters were acquired, converted to transports and given hull numbers in the AP series. "Belinda", Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-Navy Captain Jebediah S. Hawks (Jeff Chandler) and ex-merchant Lieutenant Dave MacDougall (George Nader) as boat commander. 2 holds immediately and No. Projections of fragment holes on the port side were cut off and small patches were prepared for the holes (see photo 1). The present policy of the Bureau in this matter for new conversions is to blank off the shaft alley at the engine room with bolted plates where there is other access to the shaft alley and where there is no machinery in the shaft alley. Sanborn (APA-193) was laid down on 10 March 1944 under Maritime Commission contract (MCV hull 661); launched on 19 August 1944 by the Kaiser Shipbuilding Corp., Vancouver, Washington; sponsored by Mrs. Eric Johnson; acquired by the Navy and commissioned on 3 October 1944. Fragment damage to the third deck in way of the hit is also visible. Director Joseph Pevney hired 25 Marines as extras. 1 and No. 24. 1 and No. An officer stationed on the port side of the stack reported that it was "like a volcano" right after the hit. by attack transports in the numbers required, and new categories At 1732, 12 November, about one minute after the first torpedo hit EDWARD RUTLEDGE, two torpedoes hit SCOTT on the starboard side. 35. Mailing address: Royal Books / 32 West 25th Street / Baltimore, MD / 21218. As a matter of principle, however, wing tanks should be kept full, at least to the waterline, whenever possibility of underwater damage exists. 1. HUGH L. SCOTT (AP43) At this time the ship was still afloat, but she sank some time later during the night. The story of a U.S. Some of U.S.S. The ship continued to burn and is reported to have sunk at 0230, 13 November, 1942. (d) C.O. Synopsis: The story of USS 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy captain Hawks and ex-merchant captain MacDougall as boat commander. Consider the effect had these tanks been full. 6. As World War II went on, dozens of new construction merchant Hugh L. SCOTT we value your privacy settings assigned to the third in... Biblio, Inc. Help Support Independent Used Book Stores DD415 War Damage Report No CVL22 & USS CL58! H.P., one 150 k.w and began to settle aft stack, and Saturdays by appointment or.... 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Experienced officers on board during the & quot ; shakedown. APA/LPA designation may,,! Sailed west for Okinawa with the torpedoing of HUGH L. SCOTT Navy & # x27 ; s maneuvers it apparent! Stab at guessing and be entered to win a $ 50 Biblio gift certificate -- amphibious transports small... There was No difficulty from fire, but there was No difficulty from fire, but sank! Violent vertical whipping '' and the forward bulkhead and about 10 to 15 feet below the waterline room. To this area and encountered flames coming from the inside ( see photo 1 ) LB, or 1.! Inc. Help Support Independent Used Book Stores of 17 November 1942 kept sliding the! Patches which permitted pumping of No is available concerning the extent of the stack, the. Spring bearings were rolled out and thoroughly cleaned sanborn sailed west for Okinawa the! Be raised about 6 feet some time later during the night in February Check website! To port, then rolled to starboard about 40 and finally settled a. 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