Sir Henry, having made a deal with Rumplestiltskin to get his own happy ending, writes the Guardian's powers out of existence, barring Weaver from ever relinquishing his Dark One powers and ensuring the perpetuity of Rumplestiltskin's. All rights go to ABC and The creators of Once Upon A Time. She agrees and goes back to camp with them. Though she has only refrained from magic for two days, she is struggling to not use it. Bud and breakfast holland michigan emma jones (ne swan; Emma is thinking she has feelings for regina but regina thinks she is totally gay for the swan. Henry thanks her for the pep talk, but walks off in low spirits. He relates that bringing Daniel back was a success, but the man is now a monster. Regina persuades her to break away from the path she is on now, starting by doing one good thing; giving up the slippers. ("Hyperion Heights", "Pretty in Blue", "The Eighth Witch", "Secret Garden"), Roni is pressured by Victoria into selling the bar as she watches much of the community in Hyperion Heights get similarly chased away, and the day before she is supposed to sign the papers, she is setting up the bar when Henry walks in. Jacinda, during a work shift with Roni, excitedly tells her about her upcoming date with Henry and the possibility of working on regaining custody of Lucy. Emma persuades Elsa into handing over the pendant in a pouch, but only after delivering it to the nuns for the counterspell, the group realize the bag contains pebbles. Before Snow leaves, Regina requests that, after she gets back to Storybrooke, to check up on Roland, as she knows Robin would want to know if his son is all right. Regina listens to Kathryn's grief over David's decision to leave her. Spending the first days adapting to her new life, she takes the woman formerly known as Snow White, Mary Margaret, to see a male coma patient, who used to be her true love. From Hook's previous run-in with Emma, in which she told him that he is the reason for her plans, he comes to believe Emma has something bigger at stake rather than her desire to snuff out the light. Congratulations! She is startled by his assessment that there is an empty hole in her heart, reminding Regina of what Rumplestiltskin said in their previous lives. Regina is born to Prince Henry, the son of a wealthy king named Xavier, and Cora, the daughter of a poor miller. ("Wake Up Call"), While Henry and Cinderella are away, Hook asks Regina about what she saw when she visited the tower. How could it? Believing Hercules can defeat the beast, Mary Margaret joins Regina and Emma at the diner, where Regina grills the Blind Witch about the deceased demigod. ("Mother's Little Helper"), While Emma and Henry research the symbols, David pressures Regina to use her sleeping curse antidote on him and Snow so they can be with Emma for the final battle, despite that she hasn't had enough time to test it yet. ("Page 23"), During the war with Snow White, the Queen pays a visit to a village, where her terrified subjects await her with birthday gifts. Upon discovering she does not know how to kill Rumplestiltskin, he tries to take Belle's life, but Regina enters the room to stop him by taking away his hook hand, claiming to know the crocodile he wants to skin and why he came from Neverland. When Mary Margaret and David finally return, they explain that Arthur can be trusted after all, and Lancelot is their actual enemy, much to Regina's skepticism. The two kiss, and after, Robin places something in Roni's hand. ("Only You"), Leaving Henry and Violet to wait in the library, Regina and Emma pinpoint Mr. Gold after seeing a magic storm cloud above the Hotel D'or building. This story follows the Fate of captain swan daughter Amber who believed all her life that rumple also known as the dark one was her father. She wants to know if magic can resurrect the dead, though he says it is impossible, a portal-jumper, Jefferson, claims he knows someone from another world that can perform such a feat. Regina accepts her help. He suggests that he's not yet adjusted to the town, which Regina offers him help with, but he declines and instead agrees to meet with her later at night. A ladder fell onto Regina's leg and she hit her head on the ground. They then take Regina to the vault, where Mr. Gold will force her to do his bidding. Upon hearing Maleficent admit that she can no longer morph into a dragon, Regina brings her to the burning tree as motivation. Facilier suggests she can stop pretending to be upset to see him now that her friends are gone and then shows her the necklace which once belonged to her. Regina has concerns that he isn't up for the task, but Henry attests the person who ripped out Violet's heart isn't his mom and he'll do whatever it takes to get back the old Emma. Because of this failure, she lets go of Sidney from his editing job at the Daily Mirror. However, after realizing her own magic injured her daughter, Zelena forfeits her to Robin, knowing she can't protect their child from Hades, whom she suspects wants the child for a time spell. Charming makes a futile attempt to rush at her, but the doors of his cell close via magic. She runs. While Cora is furious her daughter is giving up everything for a mere stable-boy, Regina attests he makes her truly happy. She is so preoccupied in fighting Mary Margaret until Emma purposely jumps overboard as a rigging rope pulley snaps and hits her on the head. ("The Tower"), In a morning meeting at the closed diner, Regina and her allies discuss what to do now that Mr. Gold is apparently alive. Please consider turning it on! Without Regina knowing, the Evil Queen has manifested again in New York, with plans of waging war against her. Regina resumes work as the mayor and receives a shock when she sees Henry at the diner. She ignores Archie's attempt to calm her down and frightens everyone with her newly gained powers until Henry agrees to accompany her home. Additionally, Zelena is upset that Regina removed a part of herself that is most like her, which Regina has nothing to say in defense of, to which Zelena declares she is moving out. The Evil Queen and Regina Mills are mentioned in the book blurb for the novel in "Hyperion Heights". Having spent years trying to kill or curse her, the Queen considers that having true power means sparing Snow White's life and gaining everything that was supposed to be hers. When Regina addopped her and Henry. As Henry continues on, stating the house is his too and that he misses his room, she finally pulls the door open and embraces him in a hug. She dbuts in the first episode of the first season of Once Upon a Time and is portrayed by starring cast member Jennifer Morrison, guest star Abby Ross . Regina also senses he is hiding something, but Mr. Gold smoothly talks his way through the subject. Regina then realizes the Queen may have turned Zelena against her and promptly leaves to find her sister. Regina is alarmed by the mention of a girlfriend, though he later insists he and Violet Morgan are just friends. She has more centric episodes than any character in the entire, The casting call for her younger self describes her as, "Latina. As Ella, Tiana's mother Eudora, Henry and baby Lucy depart from the room altogether, Regina stays behind and calls out Facilier from hiding. She defensively states that Samdi is not a snake, to which Kelly points out that she likes him. Keen on the idea, King George releases the prince to her. Later, David and Hook report witnessing a resident transform into a flying monkey, as it is concluded that the Wicked Witch of the West cast the new curse. While Hook and Charming are away searching for a magic bean, Regina remains in the castle and witnesses the partial destruction of the Enchanted Forest as Emma's belief is decimated. Sequel; The Evil Queen and Me Instead, they are stopped by a barrier, enacted to keep out anyone with a shadow, blocking their path up the stairs. At the wolf den, the Queen demands to see the leader, Anita, but a member named Adair notes she is already dead since being killed by her daughter, Red Riding Hood, and the pack is now led by him. Continuing to antagonize villagers, Dead Eye eventually has a run-in with Snow White before reporting back to the Queen. Born nolan ), also called the savior, is a character on abc's once upon a time and once upon a time in wonderland. Emma whispered into Regina's hair, before carefully rolling both of them over so that Emma is spooning her weeping lover. "Pilot" When Henry alerts them to Rumplestiltskin kidnapping Jacinda and Lucy to the Wish Realm, the foursome borrows Tilly's looking glass, which, unknown to them, has been tampered with by the Dark One to manipulate where they will go in that realm. Snow and David come by to offer support, but Zelena assures them that she can look after her sister, as they both lost the men they loved. In the dream, a vengeful Emma and several of the other town's residents drag her out of the house and tie her to a withering apple tree to get justice for what she did to them as the Evil Queen. ("Manhattan"), They find the dagger's burial site from the map and begin digging for it. Kurt, overhearing her, attempts to leave, before Graham wrestles him to the desk, which knocks the box with the heart to the ground. She then gives the bag's contents for Henry to research. Instead of killing him, as the boy fears, she smiles at him, causing the boy to have this memory ingrained in him for years to come. Relevant Pages Knowing that he has fallen on hard times, she promises to reward him handsomely, especially since he is barely making enough to provide a fulfilling childhood for his daughter Grace. Since he needs a strong heart for surgery, she presents Victor with the vault containing her mother's collection of hearts where he picks one. ("The Cricket Game"), Since facing the false murder charge, Regina has been hiding in a secret room in her father's tomb but allows Henry in when he shows up. Regina arbitrates that she, not Emma, gave into the darkness. This unexpectedly has fatal consequences as this only makes Henry more stubborn to prove the sinkhole has something to do with the curse. ("Pilot", "The Thing You Love Most"), At some point, the Queen spies on Snow through a mirror and locates her in Medusa's den, where Charming has been turned to stone by Medusa. He wonders why she doesn't seem happy about it. After Regina gives him payment for his services, the bandit presses her on whether she'd rather he kill the princess. To this, she accuses Emma of assuaging guilt over bringing back Marian. Once again the oddball out, she says nothing during the entire spectacle until Mary Margaret brings to everyone's attention that it was because of Regina's helpful efforts which allowed them to return home. But is the connection the two share impossible? After Henry and Jacinda grab a table together, Ivy badgers Roni at the counter, once again warning her to separate the couple before they share true love's kiss or face the consequences if the curse breaks. AU. Regina wishes for the curse to be broken by the only true love in her lifeHenrysince she wants to live for him. Relatives: Regina deflects Emma's wariness over the mayor getting involved in a missing person's case by stating she found John Doe on the side of the road years ago and became his emergency contact, though this is a complete lie. When Belle reaches the top of a hill, Regina ambushes the girl and entraps her in a jail cell. Gothel, with intentions of helping Drizella cast the curse, shows up with a coven of witches to free her before all of them teleport away. Surrender By: Velace. He suggests they have a romantic outing at Firefly Hill, but she can't since Cora is expecting her for afternoon tea later. Later in the day, Hook frees Zelena so she can use the wand, but when she escapes, he is forced to tell Regina the truth. For a moment, Cora feels genuine love for her daughter, but suddenly, she dies of a mysterious chest wound. She gives Jacinda the idea to form a petition and get people to sign it as a way to halt the demolition. She temporarily hands over Henry to Mary Margaret, and is shocked when her baby stops crying while the schoolteacher is holding him. Home: Suspecting the door might be in the Sorcerer's mansion, Regina and Maleficent go with Mr. Gold to search. Learning of Operation Mongoose, Emma joins them in search of Regina's happy ending. After banishing Cora to Wonderland, Regina discovers that she is pregnant with Daniel's child. Regina insists they can't be intimate again, but Robin humorously remarks that if they stay in the vault, it'll still count as the first time. The Queen interrupts their chat and sets up a parley with Snow White at the place "where it all began": the horse stables of Regina's old home. Cora brushes off the past since it's not relevant to the present, which Regina agrees with as her only priority is Henry. Regina sits in the front passenger seat as Zelena attempts to drive and ends up slamming the brakes too late before the car hits some garbage cans. As some of the townspeople are distributing supplies to the Camelot visitors, Regina relates her fears to Robin Hood about taking on the savior role and whether people are ready to trust her. Upon learning he is leaving his old life behind to get married, Regina is disheartened by the news, considering what Henry told her earlier. Instead, she is freaked out by the book's ability to see her future, while Henry suggests Robin Hood is her true love and she has to kiss him to revert everything to normal. Not liking her current clothes, she poofs into more Queenly attire. On Henry's word, Regina and the others agree Felix is dangerous and decide to lock him up. Later that same day, Regina is affronted by Emma, whose opinion has changed and now believes the mayor is absolutely guilty of killing Archie. Emma agrees, much to Mary Margaret's displeasure, though the heart allows Regina to send Devin back to Pan's camp to deliver one half of a mirror to Henry. Tiana asks how she knows this, but Regina saves her the burden of admitting the truth by making up a lie about using her magic mirror to spy on Tremaine. Later, Hook discovers Liam took the pages while under duress from Hades. "Emma!" Robin yelled. With the unconditional mother's love for her child, Emma unintentionally delivers true love's kiss, awakening Henry from the Sleeping Curse. While she is unsure if there is anything more powerful to counteract the Snow Queen's magic, Henry talks about Robin's persisting love for her. After Cinderella leaves to chase the remaining bandit, Henry shows his old Tron lunchbox to his mom. Before Regina calls it a night, Cora shows up, gifting Snow White's heart to her. ("The Thing You Love Most"), Regina receives a call from Dr. Whale concerning a brief fluctuation in John Doe's vital signs because of Mary Margaret's presence. Emma explains to Regina that she brought someone back from the past, and hopes a reintroduction will help the person see that she isn't the Evil Queen anymore. Regina becomes alarmed and secretly enters the house to grab the letter. ("Shadow of the Queen"), As the Queen is traveling down a road, she is oblivious to Snow White attempting to kill her by drawing and firing her bow at her. When Mary Margaret loses hope over her inability to help Hercules or herself, Regina reminds her that Snow White never lost faith in her, the Evil Queen, and won her over by becoming her friend. To ensure Hook is ready for the job and has no weaknesses, Regina tracks down his father Brennan, who abandoned Hook when he was a boy. She is portrayed by Jennifer Morrison as an adult, by Abby Ross as a teenager, and by Mckenna Grace as a child. ("A Wondrous Place"), After cleaning up the Queen's messes, including undoing the town barrier and freeing the Dragon from the mirror realm, Regina continues to have little progress with breaking the sleeping curse. While Mr. Gold and Emma are away on the mission, Regina tries to track down the Blind Witch at the diner, but she finds Cruella instead. Regina names the child Henry as her father's namesake and brings him home, though she can't stop his insistent crying in the diner. On May 5 of a certain year, Regina had just turned 16. When she sees Henry at the Daily Mirror has only refrained from magic for two days, dies! While Cora is furious her daughter, but the doors of his cell close via magic with Daniel child! 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