Behind an imposing line of pop-up gun turrets, tank traps and 12-foot (3.6-meter) concrete walls were fully equipped subterranean military bases complete with mess halls, hospitals, recreation facilities and railway lines. Having suffered early humiliations, he takes out his frustration on the women in his life. The pie that should become a pleasant memory for Pecola will only be a pleasant memory for the little white girl"Polly" exerts all her effort in trying to make the house of the white folks feel like a home. Frieda ran from the house to find her parents, who were in the garden, and told them what had happened. It's possible to see an unsettling connection between the blonde dolls and the blonde daughters of families that employ black servants: in playing with little blonde dolls, black girls must either pretend the child is theirsand so negate their own race and deny their own beautyor they must pretend that they, like Pauline, are servants caring for the children of white employers. Miss Dunion, a neighbor, came over afterward and suggested that the MacTeers take Frieda to the doctor to see if she has been "ruined"a suggestion that sends Mrs. MacTeer into a rage against Miss. March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 The Maginot Line took 10 years to build, starting in 1929. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! These various structures reinforced a principal line of resistance made up of the most heavily armed ouvrages, which can be roughly translated as fortresses or big defensive works. . 20% [19] Part of the rationale for the Maginot Line stemmed from the severe French losses during the First World War and their effect on the French population. Many believe it to mean "sea of bitterness" or "sea of sorrow." However, some sources cite the alternative definitions of "rebellion," "wished-for child," and "mistress or lady of the sea." The name is borne in the Bible by the mother . Want 100 or more? Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. She treats the girls with some kindness, telling them that Pecola is with Mrs. Breedlove at the house where Mrs. Breedlove is a servant. It is the Maginot Line. Contact us Mr. MacTeer: Claudia's father, Mr. MacTeer, is not present often in the book. . Ouvrage Hochwald is the only facility in the main line that remains in active service as a hardened command facility for the French Air Force known as Drachenbronn Airbase. Mrs. Breedlove sticks her head out the door, is introduced to the girls, and tells them they can wait with Pecola for the laundry and then walk back to town with her. The third-person narrator returns to fill in details about Pauline Breedlove's life, in a section that also has passages narrated first-person by Pauline. A white, comparatively wealthy girl who lives next door to the MacTeers. "Why the Massive Maginot Line Failed to Stop Hitler" The false sense of security contributed "to the development of the "Maginot mentality". On a Saturday in spring, Claudia goes inside and finds Frieda crying. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Her love she saves for the Fishers' daughter, while she becomes quick-tempered and abusive with her own children. She invites the girls upstairs for a soda, but Frieda tells her that they are not allowed to visit her because she is ruined. The Maginot Line throws the root-beer bottle at the girls in anger, but then she laughs. In contrast, the opposing German Army Group C only contained 19 divisions, fewer than a seventh of the force committed in the Manstein Plan for the invasion of France. It may be, though, that such an accusation coming from girls she thought might be innocent only makes the accusation more painful for Miss Marie. There were places along the cable where dismounted soldiers could connect to the network. Read an in-depth analysis of Pauline Breedlove. Pecolas fourteen-year-old brother, who copeswith his familys problems by running away fromhome. In Did you have a question about the first chapter of Bluest Eye. The two begin to have sex, but are interrupted by two white hunters, who shine a light on them and, snickering, tell Cholly to finish up. To be used as a basis for a counter-offensive. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. (including. They fought for four years in WWI, but were done in a week in WWII." [17] As long as the French occupied the Rhineland, it served as a type of collateral under which the French would annex the Rhineland in the event of Germany breaching any of the articles of the treaty, such as rearming in violation of Part V; this threat was powerful enough to deter successive German governments all through the 1920s from attempting any overt violation of Part V.[18] French plans as developed by Marshal Ferdinand Foch in 1919 were based on the assumption that in the event of a war with the Reich, the French forces in the Rhineland were to embark upon an offensive to seize the Ruhr. She reacts to the little white girl by soothing her, by promising to replace the cobbler, which shows both her own servitude and her preference for the white child over her own daughter. With fresh memories of fighting and living in squalid, open-air trenches, the French spent a decade building a 300-mile (482-kilometer) series of underground fortifications that would be both impenetrable and comfortable to live in. She says they can wait on the porch until Pecola gets home but they are too scared of her. The Treaty of Versailles: Did the End of WWI Cause the Start of WWII? Complete your free account to request a guide. Cloches are non-retractable turrets. [31] Stephen Ambrose wrote that in January 1945, "a part of the line was used for the purpose it had been designed for and showed what a superb fortification it was." Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. Her differing reactions to Pecola and the little white girl further this idea. Pauline points out the hypocrisy of the woman, who says she's thinking of Pauline's future but won't give her the small sum she needs to pay the gas man. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. While the accommodations weren't luxurious, the barracks and mess halls were a tremendous improvement over the mud, freezing cold and disease of WWI trenches. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. The Maginot Line named after Andre Maginot, the defense minister who initiated its construction was intended to act as a deterrent, as well as protect the vulnerable 200-mile border from . He feels that is right for a black girl like Pecola to long to "see the world with blue eyes," but a thoughtful reader will note that eye color does not have an effect on vision. [32], After the war, the French re-manned the line and underwent some modifications. A middle-class Black woman who, though she keeps house flawlessly and diligently cares for the physical appearances of herself and her family (including her husband, Louis, and her son, Junior), is essentially cold. She finds her mother singing and behaving strangely, absentmindedly doing the same chore twice. [47][48] More seriously, historians have noted rather than the Germans doing what the French had envisioned, the French played into the Germans' hand, culminating in their defeat. . The moment with the doctors is crucial, and is yet another scene in which we can study the gaze and how it functions. 3. Read an in-depth analysis of Claudia MacTeer. The narrative then moves to the current story-line. This section, like the sections on Pauline and Cholly, shows a preoccupation with geneology and ancestry. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. These women are prostitutes. 7. She has renounced her own black family for the family of her white employer. She becomes pregnant. She invites the girls upstairs for a soda, but Frieda tells her that they are not allowed to visit her because she is "ruined." Refine any search. Without the natural defensive barrier provided by the Rhine River, French generals argued that France needed a new defensive barrier made of concrete and steel to replace it. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Miss Marie: Miss Marie is one of the prostitutes who live in the same building as the Breedlove family. Subscribe now. Published April 09, 2021 03:43:00. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. These were buried concrete bunkers designed to house and shelter up to a company of infantry (200 to 250 men). LitCharts Teacher Editions. Friedas experience is frightening and confusing, but she is quickly defended by her protective parents, and Henry is a foolish rather than a threatening figure. After that, her marriage with Cholly deteriorates rapidly. Rgiments d'artillerie mobile de forteresse (RAMF) consisted of mobile artillery.[11]. As a. This points toward a source of Pecola's suffering: she cannot see herself, because she is invisible to so many. He goes from being the young lover to the naked black boy, forced to go on with sex while two bigger and stronger men watch. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. 9. 14. Check out the Hackenberg Maginot Fort, now a military museum offering tours, and the Schoenenbourg Fort. When Joffre, Maginot and others conceived of the Maginot Line, Germany was under tight military restrictions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. She then throws her root-beer bottle down at the girls' feet and laughs loudly, terrifying the girls, who run until they can't run any farther. They had found that the question of the cou- Both static and mobile artillery units were assigned to defend the Maginot Line. Once the French forces left the Rhineland in 1930, this form of leverage with the Rhineland as collateral was no longer available to Paris, which from then on had to depend on Berlin's word that it would continue to abide by the terms of the Versailles and Locarno treaties, which stated that the Rhineland was to stay demilitarised forever. Pecola is confused and talks about how nice Miss Marie (that is, the Maginot Line) and her friends are. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. The largest of these structures, Fort Douaumont, was captured by the Germans in 1915 and triggered the infamous Battle of Verdun, the longest and bloodiest battle of WWI, claiming 400,000 French casualties and 350,000 German losses. An independent and strong-minded nine-year-old, Claudia is a fighter and rebels against adults tyranny over children and against the Black communitys idealization of white beauty standards. In the interval between world wars, several European countries built elaborate permanent fortifications. At the house where Polly Breedlove works, we see where Mrs. Breedlove gives most of her attention and love. The Germans then broke through the fortification line as defending French forces retreated southward. Soaphead Church proceeds to write a letter to God, in which he blames God for making the world badly. Ace your assignments with our guide to The Bluest Eye! We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. When the British Expeditionary Force landed in France in September 1939, they and the French reinforced and extended the Maginot line to the sea in a flurry of construction from 1939 to 1940, accompanied by general improvements all along the line. $24.99 They also misinterpret Mrs. MacTeer's words and attempt to avert Frieda's "ruin," misunderstanding the words of adults. Claudia does not yet know that her mother here is reacting to Frieda's assault by Mr. Henry. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. This was impossible elsewhere as the other parts of the line were located in civilian areas.[10]. [4], Postwar assessment of whether the Maginot Line served its purpose has been mixed. After examining the conditions of Pauline's life, her misery seems a foregone conclusion. While Mrs. Breedlove goes to get the wash, a very young white girl appears and reacts with fear when she sees the three girls. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. Claudia and Frieda run away and decide that even though Pecolas mother works on the other side of town, Friedas situation is dire enough that they should go find her. Free trial is available to new customers only. The World War II German invasion plan of 1940 (Sichelschnitt) was designed to deal with the line. French cognate of Mary, which is derived from the Hebrew Mirym, a name of debated meaning. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. [37] In support, Roth commented that the French strategy envisioned one of two possibilities by advancing into Belgium: "either there would be a decisive battle in which France might win, or, more likely, a front would develop and stabilise". LitCharts Teacher Editions. The Maginot Line was the brainchild of Marshal Joseph Joffre, a French WWI general, but it was hardly a new idea. [23] Germany had the largest economy in Europe but lacked many of the raw materials necessary for a modern industrial economy (making the Reich vulnerable to a blockade) and the ability to feed its population. [18] Given that Germany had engaged in covert rearmament with the co-operation of the Soviet Union starting in 1921 (a fact that had become public knowledge in 1926) and that every German government had gone out of its way to insist on the moral invalidity of Versailles, claiming it was based upon the so-called Kriegsschuldlge ("War guilt lie") that Germany started the war in 1914, the French had little faith that the Germans would willingly allow the Rhineland's demilitarised status to continue forever, and believed that at some time in the future, Germany would rearm in violation of Versailles, reintroduce conscription and remilitarise the Rhineland. The location of this attack, chosen because of the location of the Maginot Line, was through the Belgian Ardennes Forest (sector 4), which is off the map to the left of Maginot Line sector 6 (as marked). Pauline has few friends; other women look down at her because she is poorly dressed and speaks like a Southern black. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Nonetheless, in 1927, the Inter-Allied Commission, which was responsible for ensuring that Germany complied with Part V of the Treaty of Versailles, was abolished as a goodwill gesture reflecting the "Spirit of Locarno". His active response contrasts with Pecolaspassivity. During peacetime, fortresses were only partly manned by full-time troops. Border Post line: This consisted of blockhouses and strong houses, which were often camouflaged as inoffensive residential homes, built within a few metres of the border and manned by troops to give the alarm in the event of a surprise attack and to delay enemy tanks with prepared explosives and barricades. The location of the Siegfried Line lies on the border of Germany and France. The problem was that Maginot Line, a great line of fortifications that spanned France's borders with several neighbors, was essentially a glorified trench. Both of the girls think that being ruined means becoming fat like Marie, and believe that Poland and China aren't fat only because they drink whiskey. She then tells the girls that they can wait with her until Pecola is back, offering them pop to drink while they wait. Teachers and parents! Claudia's assumption that sexual interaction always feels good suggests an innocence that Frieda no longer has. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. Its enormous cost and its failure to prevent German forces from invading France have caused journalists and political commentators to remain divided on whether the line was worthwhile. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. In contrast, Pecola spills blackish blueberries all over the floor, underlining the connection between blackness and mess. She makes fun of Claudia and Frieda and tries to get them into trouble, and they sometimes beat her up. The prostitutes tease each other affectionately and treat Pecola with kindness, while the rest of the community treats her cruelly. Elihue hates the animal and longs to poison it, but he convinces himself that he wishes to poison it for the animal's own sake. There are several kinds of armoured cloches. The local prostitues, Miss Marie (also known as the Maginot Line) is fat and affectionate, China is skinny and sarcastic, and Poland is quiet. THE MAGINOT LINE I31 ernment.I As a result, much of the spirit of the reform was quietly nullified, though the law, including the two-year service, remained on the statute books. She treats the girls with some kindness, telling them that Pecola is with Mrs. Breedlove at the house where Mrs. Breedlove is a servant. Beyond that, the French were well aware of the contribution of Britain and its dominions to the victory of 1918. As a mature women, she has a different understanding of the word from that of the innocent girls, which makes it more painful and triggers her violent reaction. You'll also receive an email with the link. Borey, Eddie. Mary, Jean-Yves; Hohnadel, Alain; Sicard, Jacques. The line has since become a metaphor for expensive efforts that offer a false sense of security.[1]. Love in the Bluest Eye is often paired with violence. She learns that Mr. MacTeer has beaten up Mr. Henry and kicked him out of the house. "The Maginot Line was never meant to fight the war by itself. Kaufmann added that before construction in October 1927, the Superior Council of War adopted the final design for the line and identified that one of the main missions would be to deter a German cross-border assault with only minimal force to allow "the army time to mobilise. In the 17th century, from his luxurious palace at Versailles, Louis XIV oversaw the construction of citadels and fortresses meant to mark and protect the Sun King's territory. [24] The Germans were expected to fight costly offensives, whose failures would sap the strength of the Reich, while the French waged a total war, mobilising the resources of France, its empire and allies. Thus the Germans were able to avoid a direct assault on the Maginot Line by violating the neutrality of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Their crew consisted of between 100 and 200 men. The Maginot Line laughs and throws her root-beer bottle at them. The secret German-Soviet cooperation started in 1921. However, they can never be white, and their worship of their colonial masters and hatred of their African ancestry has turned them into a twisted and self-loathing people. He goes on to live a life of alcoholism, marries Pauline but refuses to be faithful to her, and, we are told in an offhand manner, murders three white men. At fifteen, she meets Cholly; they marry and move far up to the North. The Maginot Line (French: Ligne Maginot, IPA:[li maino]), named after the French Minister of War Andr Maginot, is a line of concrete fortifications, obstacles and weapon installations built by France in the 1930s to deter invasion by Germany and force them to move around the fortifications. Rosemary Villanucci came out and told Frieda that her father would go to jail, and Frieda hit her. So look for a guy on youtube called feedback gaming. The kitchen is spotless, with white porcelain and white woodwork. For African Americans it suggests the possibility of interracial heritage, which may carry with it . He is a religious hypocrite. Patreon: https://www.patr. Mr. Henry, an adult male character, forces Frieda into womanhood. Artillery was coordinated with protective measures to ensure that one fort could support the next in line by bombarding it directly without harm. The thick-walled forts and casemates of the Maginot Line withstood direct hits from German bombers as they were designed to do, but the real action happened far away from that solid line of defense. Treats her cruelly we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes interaction always good. In or create an account to access notes and highlights her until why is miss marie called the maginot line gets home but are... Laughs and throws her root-beer bottle at the girls in anger, but were in! Tight military restrictions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles MacTeer 's words and to! 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