Which statement accurately describes a characteristic of information technology? D. finances. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was further amended in 1991, prohibits employee discrimination Karson Photography Studios previously hired and managed its own custodial staff, but the company recently started The wage gap between men and women is increasing. Which of the following statements about knowledge workers is NOT true? -Marital status, A objective characteristic required for an individual to perform a job properly is known as a __________ __________ __________ __________ (BFOQ). The stereotypes Americans dont actually believe in are that older employees: What about you? c. Separation the halo effect accommodation There will be less immigration from Asia. According to a 2012 study, workers over the age of 55 are actually more likely to participate in organizational change efforts, as well as implement new, innovative solutions in their workplace. On a positive note, 9 in 10 respondents agreed that people who discriminate against older workers should be punished. based on an analysis of what people actually do in an organization. The board of directors in a public corporation is responsible for 58. T F 34. By signing up,. To influence the way employees behave a. corporate culture. D. older workers. D. They are inflexible about the types of work they will perform. Which of the following statements about older workers is true? Comparison A. \end{array} & \text { Markup } & \text { Selling Price } \\ variety of ages, races, and nationalities. While in his twenties, Bush flew warplanes in the Texas Air National Guard. "I will quit as soon as I get another job offer that meets certain conditions" is a view held by: B. PC teams Which of the following statements does NOT describe individualistic cultures? C. costs of health care for illness which is often chronic. motivation, Why is it important to manage employees as individuals who have different personalities and circumstances? Travelers Corporation has begun to draw on a previously untapped source of workers with. a. payroll. d. a service organization. Most old people are set in their ways and unable to change. D. Getting to know your supervisor, A _____ role is to be a culture carrier, to teach new hires the ropes, to provide candid feedback on hor they are being perceived by others, and to serve as a confidential sounding board for dealing with work-related problems. In selecting a field of employment and an employer, all of the following guidelines should be followed EXCEPT: D. Never accept short-term trade-offs for long-term benefits. The Bible is an anthology - a compilation of texts of a variety of forms - originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. e. The Milwaukee Brewers baseball team has players with a variety of personality traits. The Pareto Principle soaked into the fabric of modern society. And allow you to better interact with social media platforms such as Facebook. a. And, this is not a surprise, whether they were in occupations that require close physical. As a result, his coworkers continued to feel he was lazy and incompetent. Manufacturing (on average, 45% of respondents agreed with stereotypical claims), Healthcare (32% of respondents agreed with the stereotypes). One thing is blatantly obvious, though: the younger you are, the more likely you are to feel older workers diminish you in one way or another. a. Travis asked his mother if he should look for a new job because he wasn't happy in his current one. In some cases, the percentages presented may not add up to 100 percent; depending on the case, this is either due to rounding or due to responses of neither/uncertain/unknown not being presented. The dates, the demographic context, and the cultural identifiers may vary by country. d. Ethnocentrism a. B) Long-term employees are considered engaged. Keep in mind that disabling cookies may affect your experience on the Site. D. gender-specific panels. _____ occurs when people's expectations of themselves lead them to behave in ways that make those expectations come true. A. discrimination by would-be employers who underestimate their skills. They function well if constantly interrupted. c. It has decreased ethical decision making for managers. Which traits are elements of an individual's core self-evaluation? hindrance stressors For many workers, the midlife transition is accompanied on the job with a(n): e. a hybrid organization. C. personal flexibility. b. Prioritizing individual tasks K-Mart had 896896896 swimsuits that were marked to sell at $49.99\$49.99$49.99 per unit. c. ethnocentrism. d. Valuing harmony more than honesty What is the probability D. Regardless of length of experience, the older the employee, the higher the accident rate. e. The Milwaukee Brewers baseball team has players with a variety of nationalities. They occur frequently because they tend to be accompanied by problems of employee, C. Employee demotions within a firm usually involve a cut in pay, status, privilege, or, D. In 98 percent of the cases, demotion is mutually satisfactory to the organization and to the. Perhaps more so than elsewhere, in the workplace. Positive stress that can stimulate better coping and adaptation, What are examples of emotional labor on the job? The 5 most common stereotypes about older workers are: That said, we no longer trust all stereotypes described as popular in most research papers. The "can do" aspect of our personality can best be described as __. D. organizational learning. b. In general, most old people are pretty much alike. What is the term for the way individuals perceive their ability to perform across a variety of different situations? b. a biotechnology firm. A. unmarried 30-year-old male. According to the Pew Research Center, which statement is accurate regarding predicted trends in the United States during the next few decades? b. A. promotion to senior management. The law is designed to eliminate age discrimination of people of all ages regardless of the size of the employer. Question: Question Completion Status: QUESTION 42 In the context of ageism, which of the following statements is true of older workers in an organization? b. offshoring. The right . Mothers Personalization cookies are also used to deliver content, including ads, relevant to your interests on our Site and third-party sites based on how you interact with our advertisements or content as well as track the content you access (including video viewing). a. keep all data collected confidential. B. a satisfying job. Choice, Positive stress that can stimulate better coping and adaptation Two baseball players, Fredo and Karl, on different teams wanted to find out who had the higher batting average when compared to his team. Use our builder to create a resume in 5 minutes. He always looks on the bright side of things and sees the glass as half-full, rather than half-empty. Psychological contract She is known as the "cheerleader" of the department because she is enthusiastic about every project and highly focused. D. Conditional, _____ quitters rationally evaluate alternative jobs and are relatively free of strong negative emotions toward their former employers. Which of the following statements about older workers is true? Jenna loves her job. C. Impulsive Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Uploaded By accountingGVSU. This seeming contradiction flummoxes liberals - how can the right both defend and attack individual liberty? Create your CV in 5 minutes. d. Ethnocentrism Which groups are often incorrectly perceived as having low organizational commitment? Find the reduced price of each unit using the formula N=SMN = S - MN=SM, where MMM is the markdown, SSS is the original selling price, and NNN is the reduced price. Forming a positive impression of an individual based on a single trait is called _____. e. A desire to stand out from the crowd, Which term refers to the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures? Click on the types of cookies below to learn more about them and customize your experience on our Site. Older workers have higher rates of absenteeism than younger workers.C. b. twenty and thirty _________ represent logical and possible sequences of positions that could be held, based on an analysis of what people actually do in an organization. guarantee a. Forming a positive impression of an individual based on a single trait is called _____. What does Liam's behavior demonstrate? The AMD Co. makes computer chips that are installed in various computers. \hline The two industries in which the stereotype is most common are Manufacturing (53% of respondents agreed) and Software and IT (52%). 55. Many managers prefer to demote employees rather than discharge them or move them, B. d. Diversity management c. corporate governance. a. the "like me" bias. Crises And what are the facts?A study by Personnel Psychology found that older workers are indeed less interested in career development programs. Participation in additional training and learning self-efficacy, as reported by supervisors, was slightly lower in workers over the age of 55. C. Older workers are less productive than younger workers.D. What do you think we can do to further reduce the negative impact of ageist stereotypes on the work lives of 55+ colleagues? It has increased a sense of urgency related to decision making. e. Separation, The purpose of diversity training is to help employees __________ their biases. Karen was surprised when her friend said that the man at the first table in the restaurant must be a great basketball player just because he was tall and African American. group in the workforce is a diversity management technique referred to as An exodus of older people from the workforce just as UK employers lost access to the EU labour market is a key factor in labour shortages that have been plaguing businesses in sectors ranging. Interestingly, in an open-ended question we asked our respondents what they thought was the main advantage younger workers had over older employees.Most of their answers focused on the economic factor. Older workers say their biggest problem is: A. discrimination by would-be employers who underestimate their skills. D. demotions. employee styles, knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes. b. C. Preplanned What term describes retired workers' choice to return to the workforce? Career plans are too time consuming and amount to too much busy work. Older workers are retiring earlier than before. The company maintains a dedicated piece of equipment for each type of product that is processes, such as "top hat" flash drives, credit card flash drives, swing flash drives, and wristband flash drives. self-fulfilling prophecy, Jenna loves her job. Which of the following is a fact about older workers? B. their training performance is slightly lower than that of younger workers. This is an example of The ongoing mix of work, leisure, and education many retirees now want has been called: A. subjective B. objective C. specific D. general A. occupational advancement. C. cognitive mechanics. c. difficult to achieve in the workplace, since older people rarely look for work. \hline \text { Dishwasher } & \$ 229.55 & 125.00 \% & \text { a. } a. His insights have been featured in CIO and Best Life Online. A typical characteristic of a knowledge worker's career path is Which of the following is NOT a reason that organizational career management systems. T F 38. What legislation prohibits discrimination against the disabled and requires organizations to provide reasonable accommodation for an individual's disabilities? Which of the following demonstrates deep-level diversity? e. stereotyping. Which of the following is true about employees working in the same company but in different locations? c. outsourcing. b. d. forty and fifty Performance and productivity, Counterproductive work behaviors \text { Based on Cost } Titvle VII of 1964 Civil Rights Act, as amended. 59. Behavior is defined as the combination of which two elements? Organizational behavior is a field of study that explains and ______ behavior. So far, weve discussed (and fact-checked) older worker stereotypes that most Americans believe in. a. decreased turnover. Older workers are not as healthy as younger employees. Do people really believe those? d. Prioritizing the group over self Answer to: Indicate whether the statement is true or false. C Preplanned b. hide Life cycle theory B. Reality (2020 Study), https://doi.org/10.1080/01973530903435763, https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/214453/rrep682.pdf, https://hbr.org/2018/07/research-the-average-age-of-a-successful-startup-founder-is-45, https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/labourproductivity/articles/sicknessabsenceinthelabourmarket/2016, https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/156038/0192_NPHA-ageism-report_FINAL-07132020.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y, Pareto Principle & the 80/20 Rule (Updated for 2021), 150 Sales StatisticsProspecting, Calls, & More [2020 Update], Social Distancing or Distant Socializing? For these reasons, we may share your usage data with third parties. They are more afraid of discrimination than of change. Performance and productivity. Impulse For more information, please visit our Cookies Policy and Privacy Policy. C. socialization. Refer to the model. -If a supervisor assumes that an elderly worker is not as physically strong as a younger one. The three people he interviewed include an older woman, a man in a wheelchair, and a recent college graduate with beautiful blond hair. c. thirty and forty Distress C. unmarried single 30-year-old female with no children. This allows us to improve our Site and our services. Influenza, or flu, is the most serious disease of the respiratory system that is easily transmitted and is caused by influenza viruses. Define depreciation (as well as amortization and depletion) considered a noncash charge. The people who volunteer for the local animal shelter have a wide variety of expertise that they use to help He would have to make payments for $95$ months. B. military veterans B. blended life course. D. the stereotype of older workers as difficult colleagues. ) c. Ethnocentrism D. Preplanned. Identify an advantage of diversity for a business organization. e. Increased employee performance, A business that combines and transforms resources into tangible outcomes that are then sold to others is called C. mentors. Even though she had never instructed anyone on how to use the new software, Millicent accepted the responsibility of instructing Sherri because she knew she was capable of doing the job. fundraise for the organization. A. This one saw a substantial discrepancy between the two major age groups in question: 51% of people younger than 55 think its the case, compared to only 31% of people 55 or older. c. Reprimanding and penalizing Over 1,000 Americans told us how the way they communicate has changed. These cookies are placed by third-party companies to deliver targeted content based on relevant topics that are of interest to you. And how do the stereotypes fare against hard data? Refer to the Economic Letters (Vol. a. a. For example, if one customer places an order for 1,000 credit card flash drives, then that order would be processed as one batch and it would be shipped as one batch. d. Seniors, Generation T, Generation M This one seems almost intuitive, doesnt it? This is an example of _____. Still While I strongly oppose any signs of ageism, I think our data calls for older workers to reevaluate their behaviors towards the youngest of their colleagues. e. profit maximization. His mother was commenting on Travis's ______. c. Valuing personal freedom above all else b. variety of ages. B. integration. The Chicago Bulls basketball team is made up of players with a variety of personal values. A new president must be chosen for a big business. c. an increase in employee lawsuits. Using stereotypes about a culture to classify its members unfairly. B. cognitive pragmatics. Pages 20 Ratings 85% (26) 22 out of 26 people found this document helpful; D. negatively linked. One in five adults age 50-plus (21%) report that they have experienced age discrimination since turning 40 years old. Expert Answer The correct answer is option A.The older worker in an organization has the followin View the full answer Transcribed image text: Which of the following is true of older workers? p 127 Which of the following statements is true about older workers A Older. Support from lower-level managers THE Speech from the Thr Clinically, it is characterized by general symptoms, mainly elevated temperature for 2-5 days and headache, as well as muscle pain and fatigue. Valuing personal achievement above the achievement of the group Tennessee License Law Enforcement Overview, Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, James J Cochran, Jeffrey D. Camm, Thomas A. Williams. A member of the Republican Party, Bush family, and son of the 41st president George H. W. Bush, he previously served as the 46th governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000.. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. Michael has a degree in Liberal Arts and specializes in personal and professional storytelling. c. corporate governance. c. diversity mentoring. Pregnant women. \hline \text { Karl } & 0.177 & 0.189 & 0.015 \\ Instead of a career spanning one industry and a few positions as was expected at the beginning of their careers, most workers today are expected to have 11 different jobs in the modern, dynamic economy. If you're considering something different for a later-in-life career, this information might give you some ideas. See perfect CV examples that get you jobs. \hline \text { Fredo } & 0.158 & 0.166 & 0.012 \\ Weve decided to check what stereotypes they have to battle at work. The law covers employees 40 years of age and older in companies that have 20 employees or more. Healthcare was the sector in which most people (58%) thought older workers indeed were bad at coping with changes. What is the likelihood that a minority candidate will be hired? B. children. This is known as _____. B. their training performance is slightly lower than that of younger workers. Older managers meet with younger subordinates to learn about new technology and electronic commerce in: Covering Phoenix, Mesa, Glendale, Scottsdale, Gilbert, the valley . e. All of these are correc, __________ workers are hired because of what they have learned through specialized training. Which theory suggests that those responsible for promotion may use prior history of promotions, functional-area background, and number of different jobs held? Which of the following is a basic conclusion drawn from the current research about international management? B. career plateau. d. a service organization. This act prohibit discrimination in employment against women based on gestation, childbirth, or related conditions. The tendency to attribute to an individual the characteristics you believe are typical of the group to which that individual belongs is known as _____. A defining characteristic of a tiered workforce is __________. d. Age The majority of older workers work manual labor jobs. c. Valuing personal freedom The view that a career will suffer unless quick, early promotions occur is called: Which of the following is NOT included? The company defines its batches based on customer orders. c. Disparity a. All-level diversity According to the research papers we examined, the popular stereotype is that workers over the age of 55: Aren't motivated Don't participate in extra training or career development programs Are resistant to change Aren't as productive as younger workers Don't identify themselves with companies they work for Are distrustful of other people To help ensure that respondents took our survey seriously, all respondents were required to identify and correctly answer to an attention-check question. a. a. a manufacturing organization. This act bars employers from discriminating against individuals who are 40 years old and older because of age. Identify the dimensions of primary diversity. Ignoring and avoiding It provides more flexible operations. Physical abilities No way people still pigeonhole older employees like that. A. senior managers. Release of Claims Under OWBPA 3. B. D. Tournament theory, Instead of upward mobility, more organizations in the future will be encouraging workers to "find rewards and happiness" in _____ mobility. Older worker, as compared to younger workers: 56. As experience is subjective, we understand that some participants and their answers might be affected by recency, attribution, exaggeration, self-selection, non-response, or voluntary response bias. d. Gender Turns out, there is And the stereotype has nothing to do with reality. c. an information technology firm. It might be the case that they just dont need extra training as much as their juniors. This Section of the Compliance Manual focuses on employee benefits that raise unique issues: life and health insurance benefits, long-term and short-term disability benefits, severance benefits, pension or other retirement benefits, and early retirement incentives. George Walker Bush (born July 6, 1946) is an American retired politician who served as the 43rd president of the United States from 2001 to 2009. e. stereotyping. True These candidates include two people of colour. Is there any scientific evidence in favor of or against this claim? United States during the next decade. Informed consent b. She told him it probably wouldn't matter because he was never happy with any job. Disparity Their costs of health care are lower than younger, married workers with children. d. are generalizations. commitment to the organization As reported by supervisors, was slightly lower in workers over the age 55! Workers work manual labor jobs by supervisors, was slightly lower than younger workers.D return to the workforce a to... Depletion ) considered a noncash charge Personnel Psychology found that older employees like that and is by., what are examples of emotional labor on the bright side of things and sees the glass as,! 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