9. All Rights Reserved. I really love traveling to Argentina for visitation, How can i get the visa lottery form, And when is the form ending? It's one of those laws that nobody wants to be in charge of enforcing. I've been ripped off and threatened and was nevertheless considering returning to live for 2-3 months to write on SA culture because of the amazing exchange rate (even better than the 20 pesos to $US 1 that existed in 2018). 13. Bank workers are permitted to use their devices but not in the presence of clients. And remember: having a criminal record is definitely not cool if you're a man over 40. 8. Sometimes neighborhoods close down roads and ask drivers to pay a toll in order to raise money for doll construction. Their own co-thugs need to crack down on them and I don't see that happening soon. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { Area Codes-- The city area code for Buenos Aires, known locally as a caracterstica, is 011. In Singapore, selling non-medical chewing gum or chewing normal gum is a fine of $1000. To understand how this may impact cover under your policy, please go to our FAQs and select your country of residence. In Virginia, it is illegal for a man to kick a woman out of bed. Argentinian Patagonia, which covers nearly all of southern Argentina, is a must. I Worked with Argentinian's that Came to the US. Now, I'll just go to Chile. Who doesn't remember lazy summer days as a kid, climbing trees with your pals? Here, you can expect 90F (32C) on a "cool" day. a tall structure having a shining lustre, and calculated to frighten timid people.[1] He was fined either 50 or 500, depending on which source you consult. That's 19 % of the population about 1 in 5 people. Sadly, thanks to the Licensing Act 1872, it's also illegal and could land you a 200 fine and almost a year in jail. 25. He planted himself in front of the presidential palace, the Casa Rosada or Pink House, to harangue President Nestor Kirchner to change the law. I've lived in Copenhagen, Tokyo, and Pretoria (South Africa). By the way, the only place where I had problems was in the US, in New York and in Los Angeles where I got robbed. As for people ripping tourists, I've always being embarrassed by that, and it does happen.. Apparently, it will become legal in 2015 (how sweet). As I said before, surprisingly the one with the least amount of weird laws! This weird lawjust means that toenjoy your dinner of one of the 10 Best Foods for Your Heart without breaking any laws, be cool and stay calm. They are critical of other Latino countries, but lack the ability to be critical of their own country, and will defend it no matter what facts you present (look on here how they don't accept that crime is rampant in BA, but instead deflect it "crime is a problem in all major cities". The Andes is the longest mountain range in the world, and its southernmost stretch is home to the highest peaks in the Western Hemisphere, so be prepared for altitude sickness (as I learned the hard way). We compiled a list of weird laws around the world you may not believe exist. 6. So if any law or regulation made you double take, scratch your head or curse the powers that be in this strange and often . Yes, we're talking about something as innocent as a kiss between consenting adults. Who wants to take a sexcation to Birmingham? 14. Penalties for drug offences, even possession of small amounts, are severe and include lengthy imprisonment in local jails. What were you, born in a barn? If you own more than two in your house, you can be subject to criminal possession. EVER. Sadly, thanks to the Licensing Act 1872, it's also illegal and could land you a 200 fine and almost a year in jail. (To be fair, I must state that these are the urban populations I've been involved with in business, I've no experience with the country folks, just to be clear). Argentina as a whole is also changing, too many poor people, gangs of thieves, loads of scammers, counterfeit money flows like water. The peronist party are difficult to get rid off. In Utah you can marry your cousin, but only if you are both over the age of 65. The fine could be up to $2,500 or six months . In 2011, the South Korean government passed the Shutdown Law (also called the Cinderella Act) to curb excessive gaming among teenagers. They However make up a Small majority of the country they inhabit. But general careful behavior has avoided trouble as with any place in the world. On average, November is the wettest month, country-wide. But now we're curiouswhen a catnapping occurs, are there ransom demands? If you see somebody with a city plan, mostly everybody will try to help. How about laws in retrograde. You can't pay five dollars in nickels, or ten dollars in dimes. They have this expectation that they should live a certain lifestyle, but then not willing to put the time and effort in to earn it. Unfortunately, the reality is when talking about travel safety, you need to discuss potential dangers that travellers may face - and obviously with you being a local you might ask "well where are the good bits?" 64. Only male dogs and cats can be neutered. You could be nursing your hangover with an extended stay in Argentina in prison. Museums, restaurants, nightlife, tango, and more make the Porteian city sing. The minimum salary is at its lowest in the century, due to the recession and the pandemic. In 2012, the mayor of Falciano dal Massico, Italy, banned residents from dying within town limits. Then write your phone number on the car. This meant dangerous pathogens could survive in the cadavers and possibly re-infect the living. Rain gear comes in handy especially when touring the central and northwestern regions, as it can rain buckets year-round. 46. Follow me on Twitter. And according to a 2014 Procter & Gamble survey, two out of three beachgoers admit to peeing in the ocean. Check out our guide to vaccinations for South America. Not just flip flops, any shoes categorized as "noisy footwear," whether it's high heels or wood clogs. But riding a cow while drunk? In Goodyear, Arizona, it's illegal for any person to spit on the public sidewalks, highways, or crosswalks. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { If you were already thinking of slimming down, though, try thisSingle Greatest Full-Body Fat-Loss Workout. Which means that in rape cases, both the victim and the perpetrator could end up being charged with the same crime. Hope to hear from you all soon. Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. Sodomy is illegal, in general, in Idaho, Utah, Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. In Colorado it is illegal to collect rainwater. These are very sensitive subjects to many Argentines and can cause offence. } Back in 2017, our vacation was slightly ruined because my wife gave birth earlier than her due date and so our vacation turned to a mission of processing paperwork. In Massachusetts it is deemed illegal for a woman to be on top during sex. Today, however, it's just strongly encouraged. "Offenders will be severely punished," the mayor declared in a 2008 decree. 40 ThingsMen Should Never Say to a Woman in Bed. That law was only repealed in 1998. In Arkansas there still exists a law that was instated in the 1800s that states a husband is allowed to beat his wife, but only once a month. In the country that gave us sumo wrestling, being a little thick around the waist could get you in legal trouble. Regardless, you sure won't be tempted to get these cars dirtymeet the Leaders of the Pack: the Best New Cars for 2018. I'm writing an article on strange laws in Argentina, and am looking for people who've come across any weird laws during their time here. Driving drunk is no laughing matter. Since 1986, US authorities have had the legal right to access any 180-day old email, without a warrant. How he intended to punish a dead body was never explicitly explained. The ban was issued under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act, which was passed to protect native animals. In these states, sodomy is only illegal for homosexuals: Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. http://www.defensor-alejo.com.ar/legis_web/nac/nombre.htm, http://www.sitiosargentina.com.ar/Nombres/, http://www.portaldeabogados.com.ar/codigos/leynombre.htm, http://www.sitiosargentina.com.ar/Nombres/index.htm, http://www.sitiosargentina.com.ar/notas/JULIO_2004/que_nombre_le_ponemos.htm. Paige Cody / Unsplash. for pizza there many places depending on your preference (thick, thin crust, lots of cheese) I would research, depending on your preference, and go to Av. In Sweden it is illegal to be found buying the services of a prostitute, even though prostitution is legal. I was in BsAs and other parts ARG in 2009 and 2018. You can't brew alcohol stronger than one percent at home. This is because the town contains the worlds largest fully steerable radio telescope, which is operated by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). In parts of India, a man who is in debt can offer up his wife until the debt is paid. However, she must kill him with her bare hands. #1. Don't Cut the Cactus Jumping Cactus in Arizona Source At least in Arizona, because it is illegal to do so. Today, Arkansas law prosecutes . Wait, that mushroom cloud over the city is your fault? Many of the women are from poor areas or countries who have been trafficked against their will or kidnapped. Argentina became the first country in South America to legalise same sex marriage in 2010 and as a result, the rights of LGBTI people are protected. The crown left their swans untagged, while everybody else tagged theirs. They were reduced by 20 percent in Argentina. In a readers' poll conducted by the Russian newspaper Izvestiya, 46% agreed that a car is dirty if it's license plate is no longer visible. Talking about having passion to dance the national dance. (4) Common pipers and fiddlers. Joshua Painting. And the Currency Act of 1985 even provides a detailed breakdown of the pocket change glass ceiling. No word on whether you're also required to provide cops with handcuffs to slap on your wrists. Offences committed against national symbols carry a penalty of imprisonment between six months and four years. Coronavirus (COVID-19) and travel: The situation around the world is changing dramatically. The industry is unregulated meaning that there is a high risk of catching sexually transmitted diseases. However, they can continue to play offline games on their personal consoles, phones, tablets, and laptops. For more amazing advice for living smarter, looking better, feeling younger, and playing harder,follow us on Facebook now! Today, coat hangers in the cloakrooms of the British Parliament are modified to hold the swords of members of Parliament. As a result, ugly people feel they get the short end of the stick big time. } else { The former mayor immediately made a decree:"Any aircraft, known as flying saucer or flying cigar, which should land on the territory of the community will be immediately held in custody." The ban was issued under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act, which was passed to protect native animals. In Buenos Aires, theyre black and yellow, in Crdoba theyre white, and so on. Hey, if you opened the gate, you need toclose it, please. It might seem a little oppressive that parents are only legally allowed to pick between 33,000 government-approved names for their newborns. I mean, does this outlaw clotheslines . The ban was issued after residents discovered that the dead simply froze in the cemetery the instead of decaying. Only the richest of the rich could afford the rings used to mark ownership. President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (CFK) is known for her good looks, so she has to look good, right? A single piece of gum could land you a fine of $1000. In 2011, France passed a law mandating that sauces (such as ketchup, mayonnaise, and so on) must not be freely accessible to students but served according to various dishes. In Australia, men are free to cross-dress, just as long as their dresses are not strapless. The first store is shutting down tomorrow. Your reign of terror is over, kite enthusiasts. The crazy thing is, laws normally come about because people have done something so weird (or stupid) that they need to be put in their place. This has obvious consequences in security, and overall living quality. Forbidding sex "on the steps of any church after the sun goes down" is a perfectly acceptable demand, as is the 25 per person fine. If they dont, and you decide to take it anyway, check out the taxi's registration information displayed inside. Thanks. East Punjab Agricultural Pets, Diseases and Noxious Weeds Act of 1949. definitely not cool if you're a man over 40. In China, it is a law that a person must be intelligent to go to college. It is illegal to keep or kill mute swans (which are the stereotypical swans most people envision) in the UK. A wedding is a magical day, and you probably want to be awake for some of it. Image: Unsplash. If you're worried about other common health issues, though, try one of the 9 Medical Tests You Should Always Demand from Your Doctor to make sure you're in top shape. Thankfully, because it's one of the weirdest laws around the world, we're guessing it never really has to be enforced. Winters in Buenos Aires are mild, with temperatures ranging around 55F (13C). In Russia, Vladimir Putin just recently made it illegal to tell kids that gay people exist. 1. 54. When choosing what to pack, dont forget sunscreen, as the sun in Argentina is seriously strong. They are in the top in Viator , very polite, etc. This drive skirts the Andes, and also covers the regions north of Patagonia Cuyo and Northwest. So in 1958, Congress passed a law banning radio devices around the observatory. Statute 163.03 states that Floridians cannot hang their clothes on a clothesline to dry. True, there is danger and bad things in every country. How many of these weird laws in New Mexico did you know about? Example, Columbia in the 1980s when I could never leave the car, to today, with a bustling happy population and expanding economy. navigator.sendBeacon('https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', payload); Which means the prostitutes themselves would not be breaking the law. But Crdoba, Rosario, and Mendoza are also buzzing cities packed with activities, local culture, and great food. 13. You could be charged a fine of $1000 for this offense. To stem capital flight from the country, the government has placed restrictions on currency exchanges and travel. Quiet hours are a real thing in Germany. I was a 3rd culture kid growing up and only returned home for good, when I was 21. Strange Laws of Argentina 1 Dec,2022 admin Note that local laws in Argentina may differ from those you know back home. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. Baexpats - Community of Expatriates in Buenos Aire. 10. Around $10 for a bag of bird seed. Always keep cash and small change handy. With all these negative comments and stories, I started to be hesitant about our relocation planDid the country turned so unsafe this quick?or was it us who wrte careful and lucky back in 2017?.. xhr.open('POST', 'https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', true); Maybe now you'll just close the gate when we ask you nicely! Nobody had seen a top hat at that time, so it was scary and controversial. What doesn't make sense is why people feel the need to dye chickens in the first place, but they do. Petty crime rates in these cities are lower than Buenos Aires, but, for example, Rosario has been part of a drug-trafficking route for years, with increasing gang violence. 50-20 Vagrants. However, some skeptics doubt the efficiency of the ban, since most bank robbers trail the customer and rob them outside the bank.[5]. If you were caught with too many potatoes, the fine would be a whopping $2,000. In France, it is stated as illegal to marry a dead person. One town with a permanent ban on death is Longyearbyen, Norway, which has banned residents from dying since 1950. Offenders can be sentenced to 25-year long prison time. BA is not the same as it used to be. Well, specifically Chteauneuf-du-Pape in southeastern France. 53. In Canada, any comic book that portrays illegal activity is banned. The Do's Food and Drink. Also avoid talking about the Pern years and the military junta. It is on the books in China that a person must be intelligent to go to college. The king guessed the people were either disgruntled with the war with Scotland or over rumors that he was gay. And then paying the $250 fine, because despite living in a country with 318 billion treeswhich breaks down to about 8,953 trees per personapparently climbing even one of them is nothing short of a terrorist act. 35. I almost feel sorry for you you didn't see anything good worth to be mentioned here (not food, culture, music, tango, landscapes) and you didn't have any good experiences to share. In some cases, both the bride and the groom are absent. In Oregon, talking dirty while having sex is illegal. 36. Oral sex is often considered sodomy by many states, according to the Hebrew Bible. But since 2011, thanks to some inconsiderate nude hiker whose unsolicited naked ass was witnessed by a family, hiking in the buff could get you fined 100 Swiss francs (around $103). Things concerning Rosario are true. For now Ive cancelled my trip to Buenos Aires. In Florida, its illegal to fart in a public place after 6pm on a Thursday. In Saudi Arabia, there is no minimum age for marriage. At least the exchanging vows part. Bangladeshi children of 15 and older can be sent to jail for cheating on their final exams. 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