I think Jentorra felt a little betrayed by her, and there was no real reconciliation with them at the end. Kevin is a defiant baby who screams incessantly but never around Franklin. Years later, the birth of her daughter Celia, on the other hand, feels more festive. How would I behave if basically the weight of a literal realm was on my shoulders? The camera zooms in, but the scene cuts just before we can get a peek on what's on the other side of it. Kevin is a story of hope for a new millennium, an Its a Wonderful Life in the age of school shootings and planes crashing into buildings a world-weary world that has been bombarded by nihilistic themes in their narratives for the better part of a century. February 24, 2023 at 12:05 PM ET. Despite the fact that Eva is a travel writer of particular renown, she is bound by an understanding of mother/child relationships that do not correspond with her own relationship with her son. The film moves without any pattern between past, present and who knows when. Putting herself through a painful process of introspection, she revisits moments from well before Kevin's birth to the eventual tragedy. KatyO'Brian (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Is it possible for her to move on from something so traumatic? Twice in flashbacks to Kevin's parents in their dating days, a UPS terminal with trucks can be seen in the near background. I have the feeling that this film, by entering Eva's mind, sees only what has been battering her down for 16 years. Eva's point of view is obviously not reliable, and her segments are intended to portray that she's entered a cycle of deep self-abuse over having raised a psychopath. Jokes are fine, but don't post tactless/inappropriate ones. Her body can't absorb more punishment. He buys a few locks before the school sabotage and has a decisive plan regarding how to go about it. Directed by Lynne Ramsay, "We Need to Talk About Kevin" is fragments of time, jagged and confusing, lurching around inside her mind. Helmed by Scottish filmmaker Lynne Ramsay based on the Orange Prize-winning eponymous 2003 novel by Lionel Shriver, We Need to Talk About Kevin is a jarring, erratic, and sometimes profoundly disturbing 2011 psychological thriller that creates an uncanny place in the viewers mind. True paternal love would have been expressed as abiding concern for the man his son could grow up to be if there really was a danger of mental illness, and result in the appropriate physical and mental health care to avoid a catastrophe. A suspenseful and gripping psychological thriller, WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN explores the relationship between a mother and her evil son. According to medical practitioners, psychopaths are born so, while sociopathy is a result of conditioning in childhood. American release: January 27, 2012. Kevin's mother struggles to love her strange child, despite the increasingly dangerous things he says and does as he grows up. Nature refers to how they were born, while nurture refers to how they were raised. She has something of an answer as to why Kevin committed such terrors, but where does that leave her? Watch Indie Spirit Stars Suggest Indie Gems You Must Watch Right Now. Apparently even before he began to talk, Kevin made a vow to punish Eva for her feelings. Terms Of Service | When Eva goes to meet Kevin in the detention center, she asks him the same question. Ironically he becomes a miniature doppelganger of her, all sharp angles and androgynous countenance lying in direct contrast to the lovably rounded and craggy features of his father. Kevin is seen at three ages. The mistake would be to take the film apart and try to reconnect the pieces in chronological order. Or maybe I'm somehow getting it mixed up with another film! The victims of those who go out with a bang are miniscule in comparison to the number who go out (extinguish themselves) in solitude with nary a whimper. ", Did Kevin internalize her hatred of him, or is she just feeding into his innate instability? Based on Lionel Shriver's 2003 bestseller of the same name, Lynne Ramsay's 2011 film explores a broken family, mental illness, and the aftermath of a tragedy. Mimicking the cyclical nature of trauma, the shot repeats in the climax, where Eva discovers the slain bodies of her husband and daughter. Keep your comments focused on the film. With Franklin there is no conflict. And of course from there, we learn he perpetrates a mass killing at a school. She is less interested in the nature vs nurture debate, more in the crippling weight of societal expectations of motherhood. Kevin overhears his parents talking about a divorce, which adds to his anger towards the world. The story revolves around a family of four, but the main focus is on the relationship between the mother (Eva, played by Tilda Swinton) and the son (Kevin, played by Rock River, Jasper Newell and Ezra Miller). May 12, 2021 12:33:39 IST. Little matters like washing blood red paint off the windows of her diminished home that angry residents have vandalized, become rituals of self-abnegation and penance. These people live there, but they've never moved in. and our All the community rules apply here. The real horror in the movie is society's dogmatic conception of motherhood, and the pressure to live up to it. The past and present intertwine as Eva recalls Kevins formative years from childhood to adolescence, hoping for clues on what went wrong. Starring: Tilda Swinton,John C. Reilly,Ezra Miller Watch all you want. Any spoilers should be placed in spoiler tags as such. Shortly after the incident with Celia, Kevin and his parents have a confrontation at the dining table. It is so ingrained in our culture even a fellow grieving mother slaps her in the parking lot. He was exactly right. Anyways I haven't read the book but I guess I probably should lol, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Prefer Ramsay's earlier pictures to this flawed but interesting piece. The murder spree began with his father and sister suffering the same fate earlier that day. Who's there when Kevin gets sick? I'd be happy to see what they come up with, but, they have more of the understanding of the wildness of the world that they're building. Matters worsen when she becomes pregnant with a daughter. All logos and images used on this website are registered trademarks of their respective companies. The Bad Mother refers to oppressive puritans like Margaret White in Carrie. In Morvern Callar, Samantha Morton grieved her boyfriend's suicide. We Need to Talk About Kevin is already playing in NYC; it opens today in LA, Chicago, Houston and Phoenix and is rolling out nationwide. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . As a teenager, Kevin (now played by Ezra Miller) has started to cruelly resemble his mother in profile and hairstyle. And so is Eva. There are two really great examples of this: the first is the bow. Kevin replies that he thought he knew why but now hes not sure anymore. Swinton gives an outstanding performance, somehow managing to repeatedly convey implacability and vulnerability in the same moment. Crypto So, you kind of draw from that, but then, you also think about just putting yourself in that position too. The moments of Grace are, as they should be, not in moments like the dinner scene but in the unexpected. But Ramsay is less interested in the blame game, more in how trauma can put us in a vicious cycle of self-inflicted pain. Try refreshing this page.If the problem persists, contact our support contact our support He is her., Her identity forever defined by the horrors inflicted by her son, Evas punishment is her loneliness. ; Black Lightning) played this powerful new character, who has been engaged in this ongoing struggleagainst Kang (Jonathan Majors) for far longer than most and has paid an incomparableprice while trying to liberate her people from his rule. Eva takes incessant trips down memory lane to cope with her past loss. Annie Graham in Hereditary is conflicted by feelings of love and hate, resentment and remorse, towards her son. ROHAN: You're on a cast with Paul Rudd, David Dastmalchian,William Jackson Harper, and so manyfunny people. Kevin is a defiant baby who screams incessantly but never around Franklin. She finally gets her excuse to abandon Kevin but doesn't act on it. Art and Divine Beauty: An Antidote to the Winter Blues, The Prodigal Son: How to Overcome the 3 Lies We Tell Ourselves. Kevin is seen to be wearing short clothes most of the time, like when Eva takes him out for mini-golfing. His attitude towards his son is warmer, but underneath there's no more depth than there is with Eva. In this one, it is Kevin's triumph. ", As with any book-to-film adaptation, some of the nuances were lost in translation. Eva finally asks why he did it. What is lupus, an autoimmune disease diagnosed in Selena Gomez causing her weight gain? Eva Khatchadourian, a former travelogue writer, lives in a rundown shack in an American suburb and goes to meet her son. Sometimes Zuzu's petals are all you have to hold onto. He's positive, cheerful, disconnected; he always behaves as nicely as he can, and in doing so, suggests his profound cluelessness. About | So, that part I kind of liked because it shows, okay, this is what someone who's still fighting, interacting with someone who kind of essentially gave in. Yet it is in those infrequent instances of relief, conversion and mercy that the film finds its identity and direction. Privacy | Nicoletta Vallorani in her essay Of women and children: Bad mothers as rough heroes, reads a Biblical metaphor into We Need to Talk About Kevin. Hes a friendly and vibrant young priest and a gifted preacher. The film explores and identifies the hope to be found in the ashes of Ground Zero and in the wake of Columbine while never once attempting to sugarcoat the real darkness and danger that exist in our world. By. Read on for our full interview with Katy O'Brianand please remember to SUBSCRIBE to my channel for exclusive content! Her public perception is unlikely to change, but Eva appears firm in her choice to stick around for Kevin's sake. Eva's elation is reflected in the room's warm yellows and flowers on the bedside table. When he is interviewed on TV, a reflection of Eva's face on the screen is overlaid on his. Genres: Psychological Drama, Family Drama. Some interpreted scene at the gym as her being repulsed by pregnant bodies, but I am thinking she was like "why can't I be happy and bubbly with this child like they are?" It seems that Kevin wears old and small clothes to bring her mothers neglect to the worlds attention. She asks Kevin why he didn't kill her. Prosecutors downgrade charges in Alec Baldwin shooting case, Die Hard star Bruce Willis has frontotemporal dementia, condition worsens, As We Need to Talk about Kevin turns 10, a look at what made it such a haunting meditation on motherhood. But Kevin is just getting started, and his final act will be beyond anything anyone imagined. See production, box office & company info. Because Kevin is infallible to Franklin, he's also incapable of needing help, and as a result Franklin seems to have no respect to any sort of danger to his son, even giving a disturbed young man a lethal weapon just for fun on his fifteenth birthday - something that could even be considered an act in direct defiance of the reality of his son's deteriorating mental state, or even a dare. Also read:Author Lionel Shriver on her early writing, politics, essential reading list and persevering out of 'sheer spite'. For instance, the ball game Eva plays with a toddler Kevin: when Kevin successfully rolls the ball back to her, her praise is strained and brittle. And it works - Eva's confrontation was brutally dishonest, but after his reaction she's barely containing her seething rage and the truth of it is all over her face. Indeed, Kevin is a relentless film that gives its audience few opportunities to come up for air from the depths of anguish to which it plummets. It's why vandals paint Evas house in red, and neighbours take out their anger on her. Eva has spent the events of the film in deep introspection, coming to terms with the fact that she was an abusive mother, and at least some of what happened grew out of that. Instead, maternal ambivalence is coded as horror. Trademark | Or did Kevin turned this way because she messed him up from the very birth. While Eva and Franklin argue over the accident, Kevin taunts his mother by peeling a litchi, with a smug look on his face. The film ends with the emotionally blank mother visiting her son on the second anniversary of his crimes, just before he's transferred to an adult prison. He is loving and affectionate with his father, Franklin (John C. Reilly), and has a way of making it clear that it's a deliberate charade designed only to hurt Eva. Did you work with her individually on creating some of that dynamic since Jentorra is someone that's been in this fight a long time versus Cassie who is just beginning her fight against Kang? And the whole thought was just to fight and keep fighting? In You Were Never Really Here, Joaquin Phoenix was a hitman beset by PTSD. Plus, she also touches on a potentially big deleted scene that would've seen her cross paths with Krylar (Bill Murray) and teases possible beef with Janet van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer). Would any interference have prevented him from becoming a killer? Sometimes Zuzus petals are all you have to hold onto. A prolific writer and the ostensible head of a travel agency, Eva cares more about her own unfulfilled wishes than her ever-menacing son. ROHAN: Since Jentorra is the leader of the rebellion, was there anything specificyou tried to channel or watch to get into her headspace? In an ordinary movie, there would be scenes in classrooms, meetings with counselors, heart-to-heart discussions between the parents. It is an epistolary novel, comprising the letters that Eva Khatchadourian writes to her husband Franklin in the aftermath of their son's crime. Now, mommy wakes up every morning and wishes she was in France! For instance, post-partum depression similar to hers is very common and probably didn't do as much damage as she ascribes to it. Meanwhile, Kevin is planning something that would shatter Evas world forever. The novel by Lionel Shriver relates the story through a series of letters Eva writes to her husband Franklin. So to sum up, Eva systematically deprived Kevin of maternal love, then trained him to accept disgust and fear in its place. Ramsay builds on Shriver's idea of internalised blame with how Eva sees herself following the tragedy. Is her husband as zoned out as he seems or is that only her perception? However, we dont really know why Kevin kills his family. Kevin is far too malevolent, which might work in a Rosemary's Baby horror context, but not here (admittedly it does verge on horror at times but ultimately we are asked to empathise with Eva's travails as a mother). I watched this film several years ago and decided today I'd watch it again as I really enjoyed it the first time round! He doesn't have the emotional capacity to have a disturbed son, and so has decided that he doesn't and that's the end of it. She could move away for a fresh start, but she's shown setting up a room for him, complete with his navy blue bedding and Robin Hood book. So, his dressing sense is perhaps not an indictment of his bitterness. Kevin's insidious nature is best exemplified in a scene staged in the aftermath of Celia losing her eye. That's a deeply human tale, and it calls to us, and I think that's why I see takes on the movie saying that it even encourages the viewer to think evil is in our nature and is immutable. He seems to recognize that he has some advantage over her. But by the time he is a seven year-old, he starts to act in ways that seem in excess of whatever defects in mother love he may be getting. But recent years have shown horror films can write mothers full of contradictions that challenge the status quo. Although these two terms are often used interchangeably in colloquial use, there are some mild differences between these two categories of personality disorders. His reply: "You don't want to kill your audience.". March 1, 2023, 6:00 a.m. Directed by: Lynne Ramsay. Little Kevin cries relentlessly, and Eva often uses cruel methods to shut him up. When asked about the film adaptation in an interview with The Guardian, Shriver said her biggest concern was if they'd be able to "capture the quality of the slightly unreliable narrator and the ambiguity over who is to blame. When the child Kevin is sick and nuzzles close to his mother as she reads, his father comes to the door and is rejected in favor of his mother, the look on Evas face is one of wonder and delight. Kevin knows that Celia is his mothers favorite offspring, and he goes to great lengths to make his mother feel uncomfortable. Eva is attempting to play the part of mommy as defined by popular culture; the cooing, gooey, all-encompassing ubiquitousness to her child. Of course, that mental illness is presumed by viewers. Lionel Shriver's source novel is a quirky, disturbing take on the high school killer story. She frames Eva's discomfort against overjoyed mothers showing off their baby bumps in a pre-natal yoga class. Children seldom get that attention, though. Then she goes home. Eva and Franklin never seek psychiatric help for their son; they can't talk about Kevin without fighting. Still, the film should not be overshadowed by its leads performance, as is often the case with female Oscar nominees. Votes are used to help determine the most interesting content on RYM. Despite his crime, she sells the house to pay the legal fees, moves closer to the prison so she can visit him, and continues to support him. Kevin gets taught about sex from his mother but he already knows what it is and calls it "fucking". As Robin Hood, little Kevin appears in a similar-looking shirt. The second is Kevin's bedroom. describes the "nature vs. nurture" debate. He answers, I used to think I knew why, and now Im not so sure. This small act of hesitant humility is followed by Kevins embrace of his mother which can only be likened to the embrace received by that infamous scriptural progeny upon his arrival home. I mean, there's no room for the leader of the rebellion to give up. A flashback, from long before Kevin was born, shows Eva at La Tomatina, celebrating with the crowd. Hosted by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina . The white curtains create an ambiance of premonition, and as the camera tracks forward, we see Franklin and Celia lying dead in the middle of the back garden, blood-drenched arrows stuck to their bodies like leeches. Kevin grows up to be ever more distant. Eva goes into postpartum depression, and her menacing and antisocial kid Kevin only aggravates her ailment. We gather she didn't want to get pregnant, isn't sure why she's married, is a mother who tries to mask hostility with superficial kindness. What kind of a kitchen has empty counters? This in turn completely undermines the husband/wife dynamic. KATY: It was really different, obviously, than the comic book version. Is Kevin a sociopath or a psychopath, then? "We Need to Talk About Kevin" is a movie adaptation of Lionel Shriver's novel with the same title. That's the underlying message of We Need to Talk about Kevin, Lynne Ramsey's remarkable allegory on the transcendent nature of relationships. It's so convincing that it has the opposite effect on us, convincing us of her innocence and her son's innate evil - how could someone so pitiful, so sorrowful, so emotionally sensitive be responsible for the development of a totally psychopathic mind? This cycle is beautifully written and acted by Swinton, so much that you can't help but empathize with her despite her own assurances that every drop of blood her son ever spilt is on her hands, an image weaved throughout the movie. His eyes dont give away any sense of remorse or guilt. Kevin's bedroom is actually the biggest red flag in the film, and the fact that neither Eva nor Franklin noticed that Kevin's bedroom clearly displays the signs of mental illness until he was fifteen years old proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Franklin had never looked in his bedroom, wasn't interested in his interests or hobbies, and didn't want to know what he did in his spare time. Does their parental neglect make them culpable for the lives he took? Alec Baldwin has been charged in the southwest state of New Mexico for manslaughter and faces an 18-month prison sentence, as does the film's armourer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed. Her emotional state doesnt change even when Kevin is born. He can't understand her, but don't you suppose he understands her dislike? We see Kevin as a troubled kid who may need greater care. Maybe he is subtly telling others that his mother does not take care of him. None of this is done in a straightforward fashion. However, she created a pattern whereby she only expresses herself to Kevin through disgust and fear. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Will, get up. Three days before his 16th birthday, Kevin Khatchadourian (Ezra Miller) kills several students, a teacher and a cafeteria worker in his high school gymnasium. Powered by WordPress.com VIP. Fast forward to fifteen year old Kevin, and we can see that this habit has become his worldview. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. So, I'm personally glad that they distanced that part of the thing from this character, but there was so little overlap that - There's only seven comic books, I think, that have Jentorra in them - that we really did seem to have a lot more freedom to kind of create a fully new character for this. Nothing makes sense. From here he becomes a sociopathic teen with a rather keen interest in archery. Community Guidelines | Don't get in arguments with people here, or start long discussions. Swinton said as much in an interview, Its about her fears and the horror of what she knows about herselfusing him as a kind of projection of her own self-loathing. The desolate inner worlds of Ramsay's protagonists come alive through a sensory perspective. None of that takes anything away from yet another deeply felt performance by the always-interesting Swinton. But Kevin is just getting started, and his final act will be beyond anything anyone imagined. The bed, the gown, and the walls bleed into each other in their cold whiteness, externalising her inner state of mind. This is the fear of parenthood. About 5 uses of "fuck" (once used sexually by a 7-year-old child), one use of "cunt". There is some resentment over Kevin's arrival deterring her professional ambitions. His final act of brutality a school massacre in addition to murdering his father and sister destroys any semblance of normalcy for Eva. It is a world where any attempts to offer a message of mercy, conversion and redemption must be done deftly and authentically, because at the end of the day, sometimes the community wont rally around you and more often than not Mr. Potter carries the day. At one point, she mockingly. But the two most significant and poignant moments are found at the end of the film, when the 18-year-old Kevin, two years into a prison sentence for a heinous incident at his high school (yes, its as bad as you think), responds to his mothers query as to why he did what he did. There was no real reconciliation with them at the end and who knows when starring Tilda! Guidelines | do n't post tactless/inappropriate ones them at the dining table William Jackson,! Kind of draw from that, but they 've never moved in cruelly his... 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