3 credits. in Biology. The overall approach reflects the broad multi-disciplinary, multi-scale reality of modern/contemporary biological sciences and will help students identify themes, patterns, and processes that transcend scales of biological organization from organisms to landscapes. Each graduate receives a commemorative rainbow cord to symbolize their academic achievement. Mentors are not limited to faculty members within the Department of Biology, but the context of the research study must be applicable to the biological sciences as determined by the department. Designed for biology majors. 3 credits. Virginia Commonwealth University is holding Fall 2021 commencement on Saturday, the first time the event will take place in person since Fall 2019. BIOL451. Experimentation is discussed in context with methods of data collection and analysis. Hormonal control systems at the organ, tissue and cellular level. Virginia Commonwealth University - Class Rings, Yearbooks and Graduation | Balfour Virginia Commonwealth University Change Your School Contact We're bringing the TRADITION to you. The course also covers applied topics such as biotechnology, pollution control and food production. Enrollment is restricted to students with graduate standing that have completed at least a minor in biology or equivalent. 3 Hours. The 25th Annual Graduate Research Symposium was held on April 19, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Commonwealth Ballrooms of the University Student Commons. Experiments are designed to apply advanced techniques and concepts of molecular biology and genetics using prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. Consenting to VCU's privacy policy requires the use of Javascript. Advanced methods are taught enabling students to interpret and present findings from the primary literature in this field. Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). BIOL522. 3 credits. At fall commencement, Camille Schrier praises new graduates for their resilience, Class of 2021: Estefania de la Rosa advocated for a campus where everyone feels included, Class of 2021: Growing up in a refugee camp fueled in Khada Dulal a desire to help others, Class of 2021: After three careers, Tiffany J. Hite takes leap of faith to accomplish her dream of becoming a nurse, Class of 2021: As he combines passions for sports, law, politics and business, Andy Mensah remembers his roots, Class of 2021: Winfred Walker is an advocate for racial equity at VCU and better representation in comics, VCU to celebrate fall commencement in person on Saturday, Class of 2021: After overcoming steep health challenges, Heather James now inspires others, Class of 2021: After throwing everything he had at his student loans including his car Joel Rosback is graduating debt-free, Class of 2021: Elijah Dawson, the first in his family to graduate from college, has big plans, Class of 2021: Madisyn Elam looks for improvements to health care, Virginia BIOL351. BIOL445. Assessments and applied activities reinforce major course concepts. 2021-2022 Biology College of Humanities and Sciences Program description The Department of Biology offers programs leading to baccalaureate, master's and doctoral degrees; the doctoral degree is offered through the Ph.D. in Integrative Life Sciences program. Lectures and readings will explain the patterns in plant development from a morphological and molecular standpoint. Variable credit. Emphasis will be placed on attaining a deep understanding of a few widely used tools of bioinformatics. An introduction to the basic principles of ecology, including interactions among organisms and influences of the physical environment. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. As a young student, that recognition helped me realize that I had what it was going to take to pursue art as a career. Aquatic Microbiology. Prerequisite: biochemistry or cell biology or permission of instructor. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Map out a 4-year course plan in Degree Works' Student Educational Planner. For more information email sswadvising@vcu.edu. If you're ready to apply to VCU, you're in the right place. Reception to follow in the MCALC Courtyard. 4 Hours. 3 credits. 4 credits. BIOL498. Explores the interactions of microorganisms and their environment, including discussion of microbial diversity, nutrient cycling, symbiosis and selected aspects of applied microbiology. Wednesday, May 10, 20235 p.m.University Student Commons, Richmond Salons907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. Students successfully completing this course will be able to effectively communicate the science and relevance of their own research in verbal and written formats with non-scientists in the lay public, government and nongovernment institutions and the media. Open to qualified seniors and graduate students only. As 80 percent of the worlds population (and 50 percent of Americans) lives within 50 miles of the coastline and humans use coastal areas extensively, understanding the natural roles and services provided by coastal ecosystems and their constituent organisms is fundamental for addressing management, conservation and response to climate change. Prerequisites: BIOL151 and BIOZ151; BIOL152 and BIOZ152; and BIOL300 or equivalents, all with minimum grades of C. Physiology of higher plants at molecular, cellular and organism level. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Prerequisite: BIOL300 or equivalent. 4 Hours. The goal of this course is to provide training in science communication to diverse audiences from scientific and nonscientific backgrounds and across diverse career paths. Semester course; 3 lecture and 3 laboratory hours. Crosslisted as: BNFO601. Prerequisite: BIOL545/LFSC510 or permission of instructor. 3 credits. This course must be taken for two consecutive semesters starting in the fall. Addresses the basic biology of yeast used in brewing beer and briefly in wine production. The four-year curriculum in biology prepares students for employment in laboratory or field programs in private industry or government agencies and for teaching in secondary schools. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. An examination of the basic structure of the nervous system, nervous system operation on a cellular and molecular level and the formation of the nervous system during development. This course will involve a practical approach to the methods used to culture, identify and enumerate specific microorganisms that affect the cycling of elements in aquatic systems and those that affect or indicate water quality. Students will acquire skills with analytical techniques used in laboratory settings and in field-based applications for purposes of identifying and delineating wetland ecosystems. Tickets for guests are not required. BIOL333. Each graduate receives a commemorative Serape stole to symbolize their academic achievement. Apply to be a Diversity Ambassador with the. The Lavender Celebration celebrates the achievement of LGBTQIA+ undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral candidates. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Enrollment is restricted to seniors and graduate students who have passed the VCU prerequisite or an equivalent general ecology course at another university. Explore peer leadership opportunities or apply for the. BIOL425. May be repeated for credit. BIOL482. Introduction to core biological concepts including cell structure, cellular metabolism, cell division, DNA replication, gene expression and genetics. 4 credits. For more information, please reach out to Alvin Bryant via email:arbryant@vcu.edu. Topics include molecular aspects of cells, bioenergetics, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, cellular and organismal reproduction, genetics and evolution, and ecology. Join job listserv sites that provide access to job postings in desired fields. After a tumultuous year, 5,200 VCU students celebrate graduation Saturday Eric Kolenich May 14, 2021 0 VCU's graduation speaker is Dr. Brandee Branche, 28, who graduated from the. Conservation Genetics. 3 credits. 1-4 Hours. 3 credits. 3 credits. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 1-3 Hours. Enrollment is restricted to students with permission of the departmental chair and limited to students for whom a laboratory supervisor has agreed to mentor their laboratory assistantship. Prerequisites: BIOL300 and CHEM102, each with a minimum grade of C. Basic principles of developmental biology and stem cells of vertebrates, pinpointing the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms that guide development and stem cell biology. A comprehensive introduction to the vertebrate immune system emphasizing the molecular and cellular basis of innate and adaptive immune mechanisms, interactions and regulation. Field Botany. 3 credits. 0 Hours. Tickets are not required for guests. BIOL516. The basic principles and methodologies of molecular biology and genetics are applied to genome organization, replication, expression, regulation, mutation and reorganization. Open only to graduate students and qualified seniors. Graded as pass/fail. See your academic and career advisors regularly to discuss your progress towards graduation and career planning. 3 credits. Prerequisites: BIOL300 and CHEM301-302 and CHEZ 301L, 302L or equivalent. Spring 2023 Universitywide Commencement Saturday, May 13, 2023, 10 a.m. Family and friends unable to join us in person may view the universitywide celebration via livestream at 10 a.m. EST on Saturday, May 13 at www.vcu.edu. Prerequisites: BIOL152, BIOZ152 and BIOL300, each with a minimum grade of C. BIOL310 and BIOL340 recommended. Students will utilize a number of computer programs to analyze and interpret management strategies. School of World Studies - For more information please reach out to Amy Rector via email: alrector@vcu.edu. Biology Integration: From Organisms to Landscapes. An opportunity for students to develop skills necessary for effective communication of their research in writing. 3 credits. A maximum of four combined credits from BIOL496 and BIOL499 may be applied to degree requirements. BIOL580. Limited Seating. Additional credits from these courses may be applied to upper-level and open elective credits toward the degree. Clinical Component Completion Fee of $580 is required for each additional month needed to complete the clinical component beyond the due date. 4 Hours. Prerequisite: UNIV200 or HONR200 with a minimum grade of C. Introduces the range of human diversity as well as a broad understanding of evolution and evolutionary biology, particularly as it applies to hominid evolution. Topics include speciation concepts, evolution of vegetative and sexual characteristics and an overview of angiosperm diversity to the level of family. The school offers undergraduate, master's and doctoral degrees in five areas: criminal justice, homeland security and emergency preparedness, public administration, public policy and administration, and urban and regional studies and planning. (And counting!) 3 credits. 3 credits. Independent Study. Specific topics include basic genetics, primatology, paleontology and the hominin fossil record. A final report must be submitted at the completion of the project. BIOL676. 1-4 Hours. A minimum of three hours of supervised activity per week per credit hour is required. Transfer students must be from a Virginia college or university and transfer a minimum of 30 credit hours. 3 Hours. Evolution of the Angiosperms. Biology Integration: From Molecules to Organisms. Tickets are required. Graduate check-in will begin at 4:00 p.m. and doors will open for the public at 4:30 p.m. Tickets are not required. Enrollment is restricted to students with graduate standing that have completed at least a minor in biology or equivalent. Prerequisites: BIOL300 and BIOL310 each with a minimum grade of C. A study of the molecular biology of aging as it relates to evolution of life span, model organisms, diseases and genetic regulation of aging. Prerequisite: BIOL317 or equivalent with a grade of C or better. Saturday, May 13, 20235:30 p.m.Greater Richmond Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A403 N. Third St., Richmond, Va. 23219. This course will expose students to the recent advances in the biology subdisciplines that span from molecules to organisms, by examining how molecular and cellular processes scale and culminate to affect organisms. Crosslisted as: ENVS330. Dec. 6, 2021. This course may not apply as a laboratory experience. Teaching assistants will enhance their knowledge of course content and develop skills that are natural to an instructional role, an understanding of the learning process within a discipline and the ability to explain the importance and value of course content to a novice audience. BIOL205. A maximum total of six credits for all research and internship courses (BIOL395, BIOL451, BIOL453, BIOL492, BIOL493, BIOL495 and/or BIOZ395) may be applied to the the 40 credits of biology required for the major. 3 credits. Please enable Javascript functionality in your browser so you do not see this message again. Semester course; 1 credit. Science Communication: Research Proposals. 3 credits. and drugs of abuse (alcohol, marijuana, etc.). 3 Hours. Work with a professor as a preceptor or through a directed/independent study. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Graded as pass/fail. Ahntastic Adventures in Silicon Valley Theoretical and empirical analysis of processes that occur within natural populations, including population genetics, population growth and fluctuation, demography, evolution of life history strategies and interspecific interactions. This course examines the physiological adjustments and adaptations made by organisms in response to their environment. Undergraduate Bulletin Print/Download Options This is the preliminary (or launch) version of the 2023-2024 VCU Bulletin. in Biology. D.D.S. School of Education's Dean's Suite at 804-828-3382. Prerequisites: BIOL151 and BIOZ151. 2 credits. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Field experience with community partners, including public parks, botanical gardens and organic farms. Crosslisted as: ENVS654/URSP654. Graduation - Virginia Commonwealth University Chemistry Graduation VCU Department of Chemistry Fall 22 Graduation Speeches Watch on It gives the Department of Chemistry great pleasure to present our candidates for all bachelor's and doctorate degrees. Permission of instructor is required prior to registration. Preference will be given to a transfer student with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA. Global change is explored through the perspective of a biologist in association with social and economic concepts. Currently looking for summer . Prerequisites: BIOL 218 and 317 with minimum grades of C. Study of the characteristics, adaptive radiation and distribution of mammals, with emphasis on North American forms. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Biology majors must have completed BIOL200. Medical Microbiology. Supporting Our Students Student Organizations Learning Environment and Mistreatment Special Events Registrar LCME Accreditation Policies Graduate Medical Education Residents and Fellows Residency in Dental Medicine Graduate Education Ph.D. Programs Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 4 credits. Biology of Aging and Diseases. 70.4K Followers. Each graduate receives a commemorative Kente stole to symbolize their academic achievement. Examination of the basic factors that affect reproductive performance and how these factors are used to regulate the reproductive processes of domestic animals and humans. Students will seek out ecologically relevant opportunities with local, state and federal community partners who will provide experiences to enhance academic enrichment and personal growth and will help foster a sense of civic responsibility. Semester course; 2 lecture and 3 laboratory hours. Pre- or corequisite: BIOL540 or equivalent. 3 credits. Also discusses the interactions between fungi and plants and fungi and humans. 3 Hours. 3 credits. Enrollment is restricted to students with graduate standing. Semester course; hours to be arranged. These cookies help us provide you with personalized content and improve our website. For more information, please reach out to Charlene Crawley via email: cdcrawle@vcu.edu. Prerequisite: BIOL631. Reflect on your own cultural competency, and be prepared to answer. BIOL322. Class of 2021: Winfred Walker is an advocate for racial equity at VCU and better representation in comics. BIOL631. Class of 2021: After overcoming steep health challenges, Heather James now inspires . The course covers fundamental rules of writing, the writing process, technical writing, visual presentation, oral presentation, engaging audiences and communication with the public. The following graduate courses are required, and constitute the core courses of the curriculum: BIOC 503 Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology BIOC 504 Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology BIOC 651 Biochemistry Journal Club (each semester) BIOC 661 Critical Thinking (two semesters) BIOC 690 Biochemistry Seminar (each semester) Open only to qualified seniors and graduate students. BIOL335. Prerequisites: BIOL151 and 152; BIOZ151 or LFSC/BNFO251; BIOZ152 or LFSC/BNFO252; CHEM101 and CHEZ101, all with a minimum grade of C; BIOL200, MATH200, MATH201, STAT210, STAT212 or STAT314. 3 Hours. Semester course; 2 lecture and 4 laboratory hours. Significant emphasis on medical aspects of development such as human birth defects, cloning, properties of stem cells and their medical uses, and careers in developmental and stem cell biology. Topics include the history of stem cell research; the generation of pluripotent stem cells; the role of adult stem cells in disease and genetic disorders; the use of genetic engineering in stem cell-based curative gene therapy; and discussions of the ethical issues related to stem cell use in regenerative medicine. Prerequisites: BIOL300 and 310, each with a minimum grade of C. Basic principles of developmental biology focused on vertebrate model organisms with an emphasis on the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms that guide development. Monday, May 1, 20235 p.m.University Student Commons, Richmond Salons907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. (Marine Biology), Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico, Humacao, PR. Semester course; 1 lecture hour. Prerequisite: BIOL317 with a minimum grade of C. A service-learning course coupled to course content and material taught in BIOL317. Cellular and Molecular Biology. Students must complete a minimum of 20 service-learning hours with community partner(s). 4 credits. Tue Aug 23 2022 06:39:17 GMT-0500 (CDT). For additional questions email grscott2@vcu.edu. This capstone event is a time to recognize outstanding student achievements and look toward the next stage of every student's journey. March 1, 2021 by Student Affairs. Semester course; 3 lecture and 3 laboratory hours. Prerequisites: physics and calculus, or permission of instructor. Principles of Nutrition. The ceremony will be live streamed at the following link. Semester course; 3 lecture and 3 laboratory hours. World Studies - for more information, please reach out to Charlene via. ), Department of biology, University of Puerto Rico, Humacao, PR the perspective of biologist... Or equivalent commemorative rainbow cord to symbolize their academic achievement, 302L equivalent... Laboratory hours in person since Fall 2019 equivalent with a minimum of three of... 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