On the 17th three merchant vessels detached for Casablanca and, on the 18th, one detached for Gibraltar and two merchant ships and three British submarines joined the convoy. Bibb is credited with destroying one Japanese kamikaze aircraft in action at Karema Retto. The Iceland convoy was formed by 0900 and got underway, Bibb screening the rear. The plane disappeared in a smoke screen. Ten minutes later a kawasaki Ki-61 "Tony" fighter aircraft was sighted at about 5,000 yards, and Bibb commenced firing, but the firing was checked as the bearing became foul. On 28 September Bibb again departed Buckner Bay. USCG Duane (Wreck) Stern Smoke Stack Bow She is a 327 foot Treasury class US Coast Guard cutter. At 0115 Bibb, at general quarters, began making smoke to cover sector one of the convoy. The Madil's crew of three had been forced to abandon ship and take to the life rafts, and they were then rescued by the motor vessel Salvatore. Bibb Cutter File, US Coast Guard Historian's Office. The contact was analyzed as doubtful. In 1981 Bibb conducted a six-week patrol that included two training stops and several rescues. On March 2nd four merchant vessels detached for Gibraltar and Task Force 66 was relieved of escorting the convoy by a British task force. The cutter Bibb was named for George Motier Bibb, a prominent lawyer and jurist in Kentucky. With these modifications, she was well suited to assume the additional tasks to be performed on weather patrols as well as routing search and rescue work. From 14 August to 6 September of that same year she served on Ocean Station Echo. The convoy consisted of 69 merchant ships, 19 LSTs and one British aircraft carrier. The barometer dropped and the winds rose with a number five sea. . They then began paddling towards the cutter, but the seas were too great. On the 9th at noon the SCL-118, consisting of seven vessels bound for IceIand, began breaking off from the main convoy, escorted by Bibb, Ingham, and Schenck and entered Reykjavik Harbor on 14 February 1943. She underwent a major renovation at East Boston's Bethlehem Steel Shipyard in early 1975, including extensive repairs to her hull and machinery spaces. TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator. Saw lots of mail bags, boxes, wood, wood splinters, empty life jackets, oars, upturned boats, empty life rafts, bodies, parts of bodies, clothes, cork, and a million other things that ships have in them. On the 24th, the New York section of 19 ships detached with four escorts. ; 1 x 1-pounder.1941: 1 x 5/51 (single mount); 3 x 3/50 (single mounts);2 (?) On 2 November 1969, She began the year 1971 by serving on Ocean Station Bravo, where she served from 3 to 26 of January. On the 19th she proceeded to Casco Bay, Maine, where she engaged in various drills and exercises until tie 28th. On the 15th USS. In another significant action on 13 September 1968 Bibb fired on an enemy supply route in Khanh Lam Province. Therefore, the cost of the product will be higher than that of mass and industrial products. On the 6th two other destroyers, USS Schenk (DD-159) and USS Babbitt (DD-128) were relieved, and USS Decatur (DD-341) and cutter Duane (WPG-33) joined the escort, which had met the 13-ship convoy ONSJ-94 on a southerly course to Iceland. The Bibb was underway on zig-zag courses at five knots at the time from Norfolk to Casco Day, Maine. She anchored at Kerama Retto, Okinawa on 23 April. The legendary Bibb was named for U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (July 4, 1844 - March 7, 1845) George M. Bibb. The USCGC Bibb (WPG-31) was a 327-foot (100 m) Secretary-Class (also known as "Treasury Class") Coast Guard ship commissioned in 1936. Using that raft as a bridge between the flying boat and the motor surf boat, the Coast Guardsmen managed to save 28 persons in three trips and get them back to Bibb. On the same day all hands on Bibb went to general quarters when another warning was received and Bibb began making smoke. The healthy sheer forward and the high slope in the deck in the wardrooms was known as the "Hunnewell Hump." Robert Scheina. An hour later, another ship in convoy fired at an unidentified object and soon afterwards the lookout on Bibb reported a wake crossing the bow from port to starboard at a distance of about 500 yards, which faded. On 1 May 1965 the Treasury class vessels were re-designated as High Endurance Cutters or WHEC. U.S. Coast Guard Cutters& Craft of World War II. It turned out to be the stern of a torpedoed tanker, with no signs of life on board, though one boat and one raft remained on board. At the end of World War II, each Secretary Class cutter was returned to her peace-time makeup. On the 12th she delivered the two submarines to a local Canadian escort unit off the Sambro Light vessel. In May-June 1958 she served on Ocean Station Echo and in July-August 1958 it was back to Ocean Station Delta. The Bibb departed Guantanamo Bay on 29 December 1943, escorting convoy GAT-108 and arrived at Trinidad 3 January 1944. During this mission she destroyed eight structures and seven sampans and damaged 21 structures and 16 sampans. The U.S. Coast Guard cutter George M. Bibb (Builder's No. Bibb also provided logistical support to U.S. Navy "Swift" boats and Coast Guard 82-foot patrol boats of Coast Guard Squadron One. The Bibb picked up oil samples and ordering USS Portent (AM-106) to remain in the vicinity, rejoined the convoy. A few seconds later the plane crashed in to the USS Terror (CM-5) starboard amidships. The nearby cutter was able to repel the attack with five-inch gunfire while coming close inshore in relatively shallow water to retrieve her Medical Civil Action Program team. On the 15th USS Edwards (DD-619) departed for Bermuda, her sound gear inoperative. On 25 February 1943, a convoy was formed with Bibb as escort commander, escorting seven vessels, with Babbitt in company. The rafts were of the doughnut type and, due to the height of the sea, it was rarely possible to see more than two or three rafts at a time. .Built for only $2.5 million each, in terms of cost effectiveness we may never see the likes of these cutters again.. During the conversion, her wartime armament was removed, structural modifications were made, and towing equipment was installed, preparatory to resuming her peacetime Coast Guard duties. In May 1965 she served on Ocean Station Charlie. Washington, DC: U.S. Coast Guard, 1 March 1949. pp. The three left onboard Vigilant had to abandon their efforts and they took to a second life raft and Bibb's small boat again set out and successfully rescued them. Sonar: (1945) QC series; (1966) SQS-11. Later that afternoon Bibb dropped an eight charge barrage on a sound contact and whet appeared to be a torpedo wake. When the Grand Banks cruises were discontinued on 27 January 1940 Bibb was then assigned duty with on the weather stations. The convoy consisted of 102 merchant ships. That operation involved several different agencies including the Coast Guard, the Navy, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and others. V172 (1937-1938) The temperature of the water was 50 degrees, so that the survivors who wore winter underclothing suffered less in the water. Nothing was found when the airplane, low on fuel, had to head back for land. In the Vietnam War, the Bibb transported John Kerry after he was shot on his Swift boat. Fourteen minutes later a bogey consisting of probably two planes at low altitude, was reported as closing rapidly. She first underwent an equipment test by the Naval Underwater Systems Center in Long Island Sound. Her next duty on an ocean station was from 16 May to 7 June 1974 when she served at Ocean Station Bravo once again. Bibb was underway again on 9 June 1943 as flagship of Task Force 66 in company with Ingham and six Navy destroyers and six French escort vessels. The Bibb laid down an oil slick downwind of the Bermuda Sky Queen prior to crossing her bow to create a lee for the three men. Seven similar "combat cutters" were built and named for secretaries of the United States Treasury. Books and Government Publications. On the 3rd they stopped at Akueyre. Six hours later while returning to the convoy Bibb picked up 33 survivors from the Greek SS Kalliopi. Bibb, under the command of CAPT Paul D. Cronk, had picked up an aircraft on radar heading west at 0232 (GCT) on 14 October 1947. On the 8th, with Skagie Point abeam to port, the Free French Corvette Roselys joined the task force. At the same time one of the convoyed vessels, SS Elizabeth Massey, gradually lost position due to heavy seas and light condition and begun to fall behind. The convoy began break-off operations on the 7th. Later that year Bibb joined a destroyer squadron for the assistance of shipping in the North Atlantic. Those who did not make it into a life raft died from hypothermia. At 0250 on the 7th she sighted four star shells in the vicinity of the convoy and a vessel was reported torpedoed. The cutter, Sunk as an artificial reef off the Florida Keys on 28 November 1987, 2 x Westinghouse double-reduction geared turbines; 2 x Babcock & Wilcox sectional express, air-encased, 400 psi, 200 superheat. On the 6th Bibb, together with USS MacLeish (DD-220) was relieved of further escort duty and departed the convoy setting a course for Argentia, where she arrived on the 7th. The Bibb remained at anchor in Buckner Bay, Okinawa, during August, 1945, as flagship for Commander, Mine Craft, Pacific Fleet. Eight hours later she dropped one embarrassing charge on a contact believed to be using "pillenwerfer" tactics, whereby a U-boat uses an underwater decoy to enable the submarine to escape. 13-21. BIBB (C.G. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Assigned, 5 September 1939, to joint Navy-Coast Guard neutrality patrol in the Atlantic Ocean Reassigned as to ocean weather patrol in the Atlantic in February 1940 Transferred, 11 September 1940, to US Navy jurisdiction Because of the weather zigzagging was discontinued. Departing the same day for Trinidad, she arrived at her destination and on the 11th left Trinidad for Guantanamo Bay, arriving on the 19th. On 2 June 1943, Bibb moored in Delpit Basin, Casablanca. Three ships in the area fired at the aircraft which was knocked down about 1,000 yards to the north of Bibb. The 327-foot cutters were designed to meet changing missions of the service as it emerged from the Prohibition era. Two merchant ships joined on the 21st; six detached and six joined on the 22nd; and nine detached and seven joined on the 23rd. This method would prove impossible for the women and children on board, so the cutter launched her motor surfboat that towed a 15-man raft to the Queen. Soon after, a streak of heavy oil, 30 yards long, was sighted. On 1 October the convoy was augmented by 30 merchant ships and three Navy vessels. From October 1973 until she was decommissioned. The ship . Another time a medical team was sent ashore to the Village of Phu Tho, 70 miles south southeast of Danang. On 1 May seven merchant vessels were detached under escort of a destroyer escort for Algiers. The New York section, with the commander Task Force 60 in Bibb, now consisted of 148 ships in 8 columns. Thirty-two preliminary designs of a modified Erie-class gunboat were drawn up before one was finally selected. As raft after raft were brought alongside Bibb, it became necessary to leave dead bodies on the rafts, there being no time for the dead, when the living were clamoring to be saved. The USCGC Bibb was a 327-foot Secretary-Class Coast Guard ship commissioned in 1936. All came in at low altitude and seemed to approach a target from the stern, going into a steep glide shout 800 yards on the quarter of their target. Eight merchant vessels were detached for Gibraltar on the 15th. Then it was on to Guantanamo Bay for more intensive training with the Navy. Between 5 and 29 August 1971. All escorts were given permission to open fire at will on unidentified aircraft. A U.S. Army liaison officer boarded Bibb and worked with a spotter aircraft in coordinating our fire in support of the troops." ALCOAST 090/18: Medical Documentation of Asbestos and Lead Exposures on Coast Guard Cutters Update; ALCOAST 364/17: Medical Documentation of Asbestos and Lead Exposures on Coast Guard Cutters; SF180: Request Pertaining to Military Records; Coast Guard Cutters Constructed Prior to 1991 and In Service from 1990 to 2017; Information for CG Veterans/Retirees Filing for VA Disability Compensation . Description [ edit] MV Hephaestus was a steel -built tanker with a tonnage of 595 GRT. On 1 February 1943, Bibb was underway from St. John's to join eastbound convoy SC-118 and reported to commander Task Unit 24.6.1 at 1005. Pin it. On the 13th, sixteen merchant vessels detached for Algiers while 23 merchant vessels joined from that port. On the 26th the Delaware section of the convoy departed under escort of Ingham and USS Threat (AM-124) and at 0935 the lead ships were ordered to follow Bibb to the swept channel of New York harbor. On the 13th Task Group 21.13 joined, departing the next day. From time to time on the voyage Bibb rendered medical assistance to crew members and to one German prisoner of war aboard the various convoyed ships. The Bibb then discovered the motor vessel Mary J, disabled and drifting between South Caicos Island and Haiti. On the 2nd five merchant vessels joined the convoy from Algerian ports. On the 14th several high frequency direction finder bearings were reported and on the 19th the convoy made an emergency turn on a contact which later proved to be non-submarine. She received credit for the destruction of one Japanese aircraft. On two occasions she sent a medical team ashore to the fishing village of Song Ong Doc in An Xuyen Province, approximately 150 miles southwest of Saigon. Also, on one of these occasions a working party laden with paint and brushes accompanied the medical team and assisted the villagers in painting a church. Made in 1940, this U.S. Coast Guard film shows the Cadet Cruise made by the USCG's class of 1940. The plane crashed into the starboard side of USS Pinkney (APH-2), a transport for the wounded. In May 1965 she served on Ocean Station Charlie. Bibb was under the command of Commander Roy L. Raney during the convoy battles to come. Bibb ventured to the ocean stations again in August-September 1957 and once again sailed on Ocean Station Delta. Leaving Trinidad on 20 December, escorting convoy TAG-104, On the 20th a Liberator was sighted screening the convoy. These men had been some 60 hours in rough seas in an open boat and on rafts and their condition was much better than would be expected. Thirty-two preliminary designs of a modified Erie-class gunboat were drawn up before one was finally selected. On the 27th Bibb, in company with Ingham, searched for survivors of the torpedoed SS Athan Sultan, but being unable to sight anything, even though both vessels had a radar signal which was about 2 to 8 miles distant, they fired three star-shells. Because of the weather zigzagging was discontinued. If you served in USCGC Bibb (WPG-31/WHEC-31), Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends. In January 1945 Bibb left Charleston, South Carolina for service in the Pacific theater where, as an AGC, she served temporarily as the flagship for Commander, Mine Craft, Pacific Fleet. Between 5 and 29 August 1971 Bibb served on Ocean Station Charlie, then on Ocean Station Delta from 14 October to 7 November 1971 and again on Ocean Station Charlie from 31 December 1971 to 22 January 1972. Quartermaster Third Class Bill Batson, of Quincy, Massachusetts, reported: "We arrived on scene late in the afternoon of 1 November. The Penmar had been torpedoed about 2200 on 22 September 1942 and had sunk in about 10 minutes. On the 27th two merchant vessels were detached for New York. On the 2nd they were en route to Raufarhofn, where Nova discharged and loaded passengers. Capt. The pulling boat successfully rescued the remaining passengers and crew and the captain's gig finally got its engine going again and both boats were then brought back aboard Bibb. Many of the Bibbs crewmen leapt into the water to assist the nearly frozen survivors, and the cutter Ingham assisted. Other duties besides conducting weather patrols included search and rescue standby and other patrols for the First Coast Guard District, making reserve training cruises, and occasional search and rescue details at Bermuda and Argentia. On the 22nd the Norfolk section of the convoy was detached, escorted by four destroyer escorts, and a little later the Delaware section left under escort of two destroyer escorts. Her task was to prevent the infiltration of arms, ammunition, and supplies to communist forces in South Vietnam by stopping, boarding and searching vessels in her area of operation. Leaving Trinidad on 20 December, escorting convoy TAG-104, Bibb arrived at Guantanamo Bay on the 25th. Shortly afterwards, star shells, denoting a submarine attack, appeared in the same area. February 2023; S M T W T F S Executive Officer, LCDR Nicholas A. Forni. She departed Guantanamo Bay on 9 December 1943, escorting convoy GAT-104 and arrived at Trinidad on the 14th. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1990. On the next morning, 1 September 1942 at 1110, Bibb made a sound contact and five minutes later dropped a barrage of six small and two large depth charges. Between the 8th and 12th, Bibb took aboard crew members from three merchant vessels in convoy for medical treatment. Seven similar "combat cutters" were built and named for secretaries of the United States Treasury. The Treasury class cutters proved to be highly dependable, versatile and long-lived warshipsmost served their country for over 40 years. That evening 11 ships of the convoy bound for Iceland departed the main convoy with Bibb, Ingham and Schenck as escorts. On 4 June 1944, CDR H. T. Diehl, USCG, relieved CDR C .A. On the 11th ten merchant vessels were detached for Oran while sixteen joined. There was also an unoccupied lifeboat awash and two unoccupied rafts. An hour later Bibb was ordered to detach from the convoy and return to Iceland, with SS Toltec. In February-March 1959 she served on Ocean Station Charlie, and served there again in July 1959. The New York section of the convoy began breaking off on the 26th, with Ingham, as senior escort with four Navy destroyers, and the rest of the convoy stood into Chesapeake Bay entrance. On the 11th she was underway proceeding to Norfolk and on the 12th was standing down Hampton Roads, anchoring in Lynnhaven Roads. Each of our products is invested with brains and time to create by the best designers, as well as a dedicated team of ideas. On 17 July 1982, In 1984 she participated in a multifaceted law enforcement operation code-named "Operation Wagon Wheel" in the Caribbean. One merchant vessel was detached for St. John's. In October of 1950 she served on Ocean Station Dog and in December it was duty on Ocean Station Easy. On the 14th she stood out of Norfolk preparatory to acting as escort commander of convoy UGS-18 en route to North African and Mediterranean ports. The ship saw service in World War II. On several occasions she was praised for her gunfire support. Seven similar "combat cutters" were built and named for secretaries of the United States Treasury. Because the air passenger trade was expanding both at home and overseas, the Coast Guard believed that cutter-based aircraft would be essential for future high-seas search and rescue. The three vessels arrived off the entrance to Chesapeake Bay on the 17th. The Bibb, relieved of this arduous duty, continued carrying out law enforcement and search and rescue patrols. Three hours later smoke was sighted on the horizon and Bibb advanced speed to investigate, but friendly aircraft in the vicinity, for air coverage, identified the smoke as coming from friendly vessels. She remained underway except for three days, until 11 October, carrying out typhoon plan X-RAY. Bibb completed her deployment in February of 1969 and was relieved by Spencer. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Early on the 30th and again on the 6th of May Bibb fired on enemy aircraft. She arrived at San Juan on 7 January 1944 and departed on the 8th for Guantanamo Bay where she arrived on the 9th. Bibb was named for U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (July 4, 1844 - March 7, 1845) George M. Bibb . Later in the day she took station "one" in convoy UGS-39 forming off Norfolk swept chanced as flagship of Task Force 60, with six Coast Guard-manned, and six Navy-manned destroyer escorts. On August 6th Bibb expended 11 depth charges on a sound contact which was later evaluated as non-submarine. The Vigilant capsized and sank one hour later. Armament:1936:3 x 5/51 (single); 2 x 6-pounders. On the 14th the task force got under way escorting convoy UGA-8A for Casablanca. A fire which broke out on Bibb on the 21st proved to be rags burning in a bucket. Radar: (1945) SK, SG-1; (1966) AN/SPS-29D, AN/SPA-52. She passed through to canal and departed Balboa on the 23rd for Pearl Harbor. Departing Guantanamo on the 23rd she arrived at Norfolk on the 26 January 1944. That afternoon Bibb attacked a sound contact with a full nine-charge pattern and some heavy oil and light bits of debris resulted. She departed Manzanillo on the 3rd and reached Pearl Harbor on the 11th. The ship was 327 feet in length, with a draft of 12 and a half feet. Sometime in May or June of 1937 her named was shortened to Bibb. On the 12th four merchant vessels were detached for Bone, Algeria, while three merchant vessels from that port joined. The passage across the Atlantic continued without incident. Again on the 29th, On the morning of 6 May 1945, at 0846, SOPA warned that bogeys as well as many friendly planes were within four miles. On the 30th she departed Boston for Casco Bay, Maine. On the 15th a destroyer escort fired across the bow of a fishing boat to keep it clear of the convoy after the fisherman had refused to follow orders. Contents 1 History The Bibb rests at .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}2459.71N 8022.77W / 24.99517N 80.37950W / 24.99517; -80.37950Coordinates: 2459.71N 8022.77W / 24.99517N 80.37950W / 24.99517; -80.37950. Two minutes later lookouts on Bibb sighted one aircraft identified as an Aichi D4A "Val" dive-bomber at a range of 8,000 yards appearing just over Hokaji Island, at an altitude of about 1,000 feet. By the 28th the ships were widely scattered and seldom in contact with each other. On the 27th USS Chase (DE-158) departed for Gibraltar and on the 2nd the main convoy stood up the main channel through Gibraltar straits. U.S. Coast Guard cutters & quot ; were built and named for of! A steel -built tanker with a draft of 12 and a vessel was reported as rapidly. 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Kathy Hochul Measurements, Coppell Municipal Court, United Airlines Uniform Flight Attendant, Articles U