Margaret may have been deprived of her dynastic importance, but her marriage was honourable and stable, and she retained her status, if not her familys great titles and wealth. Her mother, the great heiress Isabel Neville, died in 1476 after giving birth to her fourth child; this last baby, like Isabels first child, did not live. Mary's household was broken up at the end of the year, and Margaret asked to serve Mary at her own cost, but was not permitted. But it is difficult to detect in her conduct the heroic virtues assumed by Rome, and easier to see self-protective caution at work. When historical novelists are looking for ways to empower their heroines they opt for making them hotshot herbalists or minxy witches. And so, when More returned from a diplomatic mission to France in summer 1527, the king laid the open Bible before his favorite councilor. She is a close student of the sources, and careful not to stuff her novels with false excitements. No one would stage a rebellion in her favour while there were male Yorkists to mount a challenge. The grave of Anne Boleyn. A pearl necklace is just a shadow now. Contemporary chroniclers often referred to him as a friend of the poor. Arthur had been a courtier, an able jouster and a great favourite with Henry, serving in his privy chamber. The Editor Basically, they disliked and mistrusted one another. Margaret was 14, and probably remained at court rather than living with her husband. He has been held up to schoolchildren for centuries as the most. St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church in Bridge Gate, Derby, Our Lady and the English Martyrs' church in Cambridge. Utopia is a complex and witty work which describes a city-state ruled entirely by reason. But Reginald Pole refused to do so, leaving for Europe in 1532. It is only in posteritys schoolroom view that Bosworth was the end of the Middle Ages or the end of anything; the noble families didnt think their wars were over, and indeed they were not, because in 1487 the new king was defending his throne at the Battle of Stoke. This was not, as some say, Cratwell, who had himself been executed three years earlier, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace & Blessed Margaret Pole, "Unknown woman, formerly known as Margaret Plantagenet , Countess of Salisbury National Portrait Gallery", "The Execution of Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury", "1541: Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury", "Pole, Margaret, suo jure countess of Salisbury (14731541), noblewoman", "Margaret Plantagenet, Lady Pole & Countess of Salisbury (14731541)", "Our Lady Queen of Peace & Blessd Margaret Pole, Southbourne", The Tragical History of King Richard the Third,,_Countess_of_Salisbury&oldid=1140799395, People convicted under a bill of attainder, People executed by Tudor England by decapitation, People executed under the Tudors for treason against England, Burials at the Church of St Peter ad Vincula, Governesses to the English Royal Household, Hereditary peeresses created by Henry VIII, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Articles incorporating text from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the ODNB, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing copy edit from February 2023, Articles needing expert attention from June 2022, Miscellaneous articles needing expert attention, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, English Martyrs Church, Preston (she is on the right. Allida is tongue-tied with An Impossible Thing to Say by Arya Shahi, in which an Iranian American teen in Arizonafalls in love with the new girl at school, Shakespeare, and rap music while . She was executed in 1541, the act of attainder rendering a trial unnecessary. Her early years are obscure. at, Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March (conflation of, This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 21:21. Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury (14 August 1473 - 27 May 1541), was an English peeress.She was the daughter of George, Duke of Clarence, and Isabel Neville and was niece of kings Edward IV and Richard III.Margaret was one of two women in 16th-century England to be a peeress in her own right with no titled husband. EXECUTED: 27 MAY 1541. It is painted on a dateable oak panel, and the dates suit the presumed subject, but the artist is anonymous. The reasons were various, but the most important was Katharines position as aunt to the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V. Charles would not let his aunt be cast aside (he was also considering the dynastic appeal of her daughter with Henry), and he pressured the pope to deny Henrys petition. Margaret Plantagenet, the daughter of George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence and of his wife, Isabel Neville, was born on 14th August 1473 at Farleigh Castle, near Bath. Columbus, Ohio Area. But Reginald stayed in Italy through the reign of Anne Boleyn supposedly preparing a learned statement on the kings case. During her time in prison, Cromwell himself was executed. by Susan Higginbotham. In 1529, he represented Henry VIII in Paris, persuading the theologians of the Sorbonne to support Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon. It was unlawful before man and God and thus void. Her first son, Henry Pole, was created Baron Montagu, another of the Neville titles, speaking for the family in the House of Lords. "Margaret Pole, Tudor Matriarch and Martyr." He encouraged them to do so. After bearing More three daughters (Margaret, Elizabeth, Cicely) and one son (John), Jane died in 1511. More's trial took place on 1 July. His decision to become a lay Christian now made, More quickly married. The relationship between the King and Margaret wavered a bit in 1518 when Henry repossessed some of her Salisbury lands saying they belonged to the duchy of Somerset. In 1886, 10 years after . . Henrys adult opponents were dead or driven abroad. Lady Fitzwilliam would not stay in the house alone with the countess, and the Lord Admiral soon requested Cromwell to take his guest away, sending his complaints with a few Shelsea cockles for the ministers table: I beg you to rid me of her company, for she is both chargeable and troubles my mind. When Margaret was attainted in May 1539, Cromwell displayed a mute witness against her, a coat-armour found among her effects, painted with the royal arms and the emblems of the family, pansies for Pole, and marigolds for my Lady Mary, as one witness explained: Pole intended to have married my lady Mary, and betwixt them both should again arise the old doctrine of Christ.. If, however, the subject lives a life of great extravagance, tell him he, too, can afford to give largely, the proof of his opulence being evident in his expenditure.. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Reginald Pole, (born March 3, 1500, Stourton Castle, Staffordshire, Eng.died Nov. 17, 1558, London), English prelate who broke with King Henry VIII over Henry's antipapal policies and later became a cardinal and a powerful figure in the government of the Roman Catholic queen Mary Tudor. [6] She remained there until she returned to favour when Henry VIII came to the throne in 1509. At their trial, a Cromwellian observer said, the noblemen stood at the bar with castyng up of eies and hands, as though those thyngs had ben never herd of before, that thenne were laid to theyr charge. Because of this, she becomes an unprovoked target for the King's anger. The governors of Lincoln admired him enough to appoint him lecturer on law for three consecutive years. Her daughter Ursula married the Duke of Buckingham's son, Henry Stafford, but after the Duke's fall, the couple were given only fragments of his estates. I have a feeling that Edward and Thomas had an even closer relationship when their brother Henry was around. After his death, and for centuries thereafter, Sir Thomas More was known as the most famous victim of Henry VIII's tyranny. Richard Pole was appointed to the household of Arthur, eldest son of Henry VII and Prince of Wales, heir apparent. When Reginald was seven, and Margaret a widow with an uncertain future, she sent him to be educated at Sheen with the monks of the Charterhouse. . Gaily agreeing that the chief female virtues are meekness and self-effacement, they managed estates, signed off accounts, bought wardships and brokered marriage settlements, all the while keeping up a steady output of needlework. But time and impatience had made him emphatic in his righteousness. And More was more convinced than ever that he needed to leave royal service. Apainting in the National Portrait Gallery offers a grey-white face, long, guarded, medieval, remote: unknown woman, formerly known as Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury. Her son Reginald described himself afterwards as son of a martyr and in 1886, Pope Leo XIII had Margaret Pole beatified as a martyr. She would have been a widow when the portrait was painted, but she holds a sprig of honeysuckle, symbol of love and marriage. Certainly Henry wanted Mores support. "Sir Thomas More: Biography, Facts and Information", February 22, 2015, You are here: Home Tudor Citizens Sir Thomas More: Biography, Facts and Information, Copyright 1999-2023 All Rights Reserved.English HistoryOther Sites: Make A Website Hub, The Right to Display Public Domain Images, Author & Reference Information For Students, Sir Thomas More: Biography, Facts and Information,, House Of Tudor Genealogy Chart & Family Tree, Mary, Queen of Scots: Biography, Facts, Portraits & Information, Catherine Howard: Facts, Biography, Portraits & Information, Queen Elizabeth I: Biography, Facts, Portraits & Information, Jane Seymour Facts, Biography, Information & Portraits, Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk and Princess Mary Tudor, Anne Boleyn Facts & Biography Of Information, Katherine Parr Facts, Information, Biography & Portraits, King Henry VIII Facts, Information, Biography & Portraits, Thomas Cromwell Facts & Biography Information, Mary Boleyn: Biography, Portrait, Facts & Information, Thomas Wolsey: Biography, Portrait, Facts & Information, Sir Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury (1563 1612). Whether the countess was up to this is hard to say, but later the Imperial ambassador was to declare that Mary regarded her as a second mother. You see, we speak of being anchored to our principles. He worked eight years as undersheriff and proved himself an impartial judge and able administrator. In theory, after she married, a womans personal property and real estate were at her husbands disposal. It was a housekeeping matter, the French ambassador said; Henry, now with his fifth wife, Katherine Howard, wanted to make a progress north, and to empty the Tower before he set off, either by acts of mercy or the condemnation of detainees. The kings mother, Margaret Beaufort, was protective of young brides; her own body had been wrecked by a pregnancy at 13. It was More who coined the term, a pun on the Greek words for no place and good place. Thomas More was born on 7 February 1478 in London, the son of a successful lawyer. England became an embattled nation. On this date in 1541, 68-year-old Margaret Pole, countess of Salisbury, was beheaded within the confines of the Tower of London, as befitted her rank. The threat seemed even greater by 1538, when the two great powers, France and the emperor, signed a peace treaty which left them free to turn their attention to the pariah nation. Ursula married into the powerful Stafford family; of Margarets sons, only Reginald did not marry; by the age of seven he was given utterly to God. Margaret Pole was restored to a position as lady-in-waiting, which helped her financial situation. It was time to be rid of Warwick. Margarets brother was 24. Henry VIII was a Catholic ruler, and enjoyed friendly relations with the papacy until he sought to divorce Katharine. Higginbotham is more comfortable with biography, but this has not deterred her publisher from dressing up her new book like a historical novel of the type she doesnt much like, with a moody wash of colour and a woman with trailing skirts and half a head. Art and science The German artist Hans Holbein the Younger paints King Henry VIII. His resignation was at first not accepted. Margaret de la Pole married Sir Robert de Neville, Sheriff of Yorkshire, Constable of Pontefract Castle, son of Sir Robert de Neville and Joan de Atherton, before September 1344. Because she was a girl Margaret did not represent the same threat. Chapuys wrote that, "at first, when the sentence of death was made known to her, she found the thing very strange, not knowing of what crime she was accused, nor how she had been sentenced". She is a former faculty member of the Humanist Institute. Margaret was a great heiress, grand-daughter of the Earl of Warwick who was known as the Kingmaker. Nor make one step, as you shall see; She, her grandson, Henry (son of her own son Henry), and Exeter's son were held together and supported by the king. She was more likely arrested simply because of her maternal connection to Henry and Reginald, her sons, and perhaps the symbolism of her family heritage, the last of the Plantagenets. She was pregnant at the time of her bereavement, and soon she would join the entourage of the Spanish bride. With the accession of the young king uxorious, beautiful and benign England seemed to have entered a golden age: and at his coronation, all the spectators, and presumably Margaret Pole with them, with great reverence, love and desire, said and cried: Yea, yea!. In this first biography of a significant female figure in the male-dominated world of British Tudor politics, Hazel Pierce reconsiders the life and martyrdom of Catholic duchess Margaret Pole against the changing social and political landscape of her times. When Margaret was only four years old, her father was killed in the Tower of London where he was imprisoned for rebelling again against his brother, Edward IV; rumor was that he was drowned in a butt of Malmsey wine. Margaret's own favour at Court varied. Reginald was present at the treaty negotiations. On her wrist, emblematic, is a small barrel. Those two could only get along for short while before things got heated. Margaret, Countess of Salisbury, was born at Farley Castle, near Bath, on 14th August, in or about the year 1473. The king added that his lack of a legitimate son was clear proof of Gods displeasure. Read anywhere with the London Review of Books app, available now from the App Store for Apple devices, Google Play for Android devices and Amazon for your Kindle Fire. The alleged plot between the earl and Warbeck was flimsy and perhaps government-sponsored, but both men were tried and executed. Here is where it gets complicated. On 27th May, in 1541 Margaret Pole, niece of Richard III and Edward IV, was executed at the command of Henry VIII. She was a patron of the New Learning, like many Renaissance noblewomen; Gentian Hervet had translated Erasmus' de immensa misericordia Dei (The Great Mercy of God) into English for her. But Lord Montagu attended Annes coronation as he would later attend her trial. When Richard Pole died in 1504 Margaret had had to borrow money to give him a suitable funeral. Katheryn Howard was fortunate. It is only in adversity that Margaret shows herself, in the records of her interrogations, when she was a woman in her sixties, experienced, shrewd, hard to frighten. She managed her lands quite well, and became one of the five or six wealthiest peers in England. The hands are the standard-issue long-fingered type; a black ribbon, added later, may conceal damage to the paint. He was knighted in 1521, became speaker of the House of Commons in 1523, and earned the title of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. He answered their queries as best he could, assuring them of his loyalty to king and state and stressing the matter of his personal conscience. Henry VII also decided, about that time, to marry the 15-year-old Margaret to his half-cousin, Sir Richard Pole. It was Mores execution far more than those of Anne Boleyn or Thomas Cromwell or Margaret Pole which established the kings reputation for capricious cruelty. An Exclusive First Look at Laura Carmichael as Maggie Pole in the Series Finale of The Spanish Princess Watch as she confronts Sir Thomas More. Afterwards, More's head was displayed on a pike at London Bridge for a month. The only people to escape the toxicity of the court were Lina (Stephanie Levi-John) and Oviedo (Aaron Cobham), who decided to seek a new life in the Ottoman Empire. Her heads. The symbolism and importance of this decision cannot be underestimated. He had a true gift for friendship and inspired deep loyalty amongst his family and friends. Based in North Carolina, Higginbotham is a lawyer by background and has written several historical novels, spanning different eras. Ursula Pole, married Henry Stafford, whose title and lands were lost when his father was executed for treason and attainted, restored to a Stafford title under Edward VI. Higginbotham follows Pierce in refusing to vilify Henry for his treatment of the Poles. On the scaffold, Margaret prayed for the royal family all except Anne Boleyns daughter, Elizabeth, whom she regarded as illegitimate. Margaret Pole had connections to all manner of visitor attractions, including Farleigh Hungerford Castle, Somerset, where she was born,and the Tower of London. Hilary Mantel. It is at this moment that we must step back and consider the England in which More now lived. In: Ghosts and Hauntings. But literacy was their usual weapon, not spells, and many of them picked up enough legal knowledge to fight their corner in civil disputes. Margaret was a daughter of George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence and Isabella Neville. Margaret's only surviving sibling was Edward, Earl of Warwick. Buckingham was alleged to have said that the lack of sons to carry on the Tudor line was Gods punishment for the imprisonment and death of the young Earl of Warwick. Reginalds brother Geoffrey was in correspondence with Reginald, and Henry had Geoffrey Pole, Margarets heir, arrested in 1538 along with their brother Henry Pole and others. Shrewsbury Cathedral, she is in the fourth window in front of John Fisher. She was by necessity hostile to the Catholic church. Yet even as his legal future seemed assured, More was deeply conflicted about his future. Her mother was one of the greatest heiresses of her time while her father was the younger brother of King Edward IV of England. This discovery resulted in removal of Mores books and writing materials. EDWARD STAFFORD, THIRD DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM, eldest son of Henry Stafford, second Duke of Buckingham, was born at Brecknock Castle on 3 Feb. 1477-8. He was the child Margaret had been carrying when her brother Warwick was executed. Her father was Shakespeares false, fleeting, perjured Clarence, who died in the Tower of London at the age of 29, attainted for treason and supposedly drowned in a butt of malmsey. International The queen had suffered a series of miscarriages throughout their marriage; their only surviving child was the Princess Mary. What a contemporary described as her nobility and goodness soon put her back in royal favour. But Margaret Pole, one of the great magnates of Tudor England, is not overlooked. Most governments with a sense of self-preservation would have regarded the family with justified wariness, and likely acted against them sooner. Mores beginnings, however, hardly predicted his spectacular career. Higginbothams narrative begins with this bungled beheading so either the jacket designer was in the dark about the contents, or someone at her publisher has a mordant sense of humour. Even as he secretly wore a hair shirt, he openly and consistently fasted, prayed, and maintained a relatively modest household. After Richard was killed, Margaret came to court under the new regime, and in September 1486 she attended the christening of Arthur, the first Tudor prince. More was not a man to be broken by prison, but he suffered physically. He had several other livings, although he had not been ordained a priest. When Arthur married Catherine of Aragon, Margaret became one of her ladies-in-waiting, but her entourage was dissolved when Arthur died in 1502 aged fifteen. Whatever her private feelings at this point, in public she was pragmatic and circumspect. First I went on the Internet to find some ways of measuring wind speed. Margaret kept silent on the matter. She was attended by servants and received an extensive grant of clothing in March 1541. BORN: 1473. Ultimately, they would both become martyrs of their faith (though this show is not likely . After his marriage to Anne Boleyn and the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth, Mary was sent to join the household of the infant princess. Henry wrote to Margaret, who in turn wrote to her son, reproving him for his "folly". We know her, as we know so many of her contemporaries, through her inventories, through legal documents and official letters. Henry wanted Reginald to come back to England and talk the matter over, but Reginald had the sense to keep his distance. Margaret Pole was a pretty tough and clinical woman. It was perfectly clear to any objective observer that the marriage was unlawful before God! After Richard III seized the throne, he sent Margaret to Yorkshire with her brother. Marys food, Henry ordered, was to be served with joyous and merry communication. Edward IV declared that Margaret's younger brother, Edward, should be known as Earl of Warwick as a courtesy title, but no peerage was ever created for him. It was the Act of Succession, passed the following month, that sealed his fate. One of her children, Reginald Pole, would go on to become a cardinal, and then . The National Archives, minsters' accounts, SC6/HENVIII. In 1485, he was defeated and killed at the Battle of Bosworth by Henry Tudor, who succeeded him as Henry VII. And clinical woman inventories, through legal documents and official letters speak of being anchored to principles! Black ribbon, added later, may conceal damage to the throne in.! Deep loyalty amongst his family and friends scaffold, Margaret prayed for the King added that lack. 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