Since 2018, Dr. Serafini has reinvented himself as a public speaker on eucharistic miracles. The miracles had been: Five globules of dried blood found in the Host from time to time, which all five weight as much as any one of them. Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. Was there an eclipse when Jesus was crucified? Children can be told and taught, but if their main influencers are not certain that Jesus meant what He said, then the children may well wobble in their belief, too. How Christ can be physically present in bread and wine (transubstantiation) is one of the mysteries of our Faith, but there really is no problem saying these miracles are proof of the Real Presence. Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. As for the Last Day, I guess you know Mt 24:23-24 - even a believer should be cautious. Are there any sources describing the weighting procedure? The first and perhaps greatest miracle of the Eucharist was at Lanciano, an ancient Roman town in Italy, in the year 700. Celebrating in the Latin Rite and using unleavened bread, the monk had doubts about the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation. However, salts of preservative substances were never detected in the tissue samples. Fatima, Portugal, Oct 13, 2021 / 09:15 am (CNA). The bleeding Host was preserved and can still be found today at the Church of San Francesco, in Lanciano, Italy. Filip Mazurczak News July 15, 2016. On December 8, 1991, a priest at theShrine of Betania in Ca, Venezuela was celebrating Mass. The Real Presence becomes real. They believe it is real and proof of Catholicism but simply don't care to promote this. He enjoys his work as a cardiologist at a local country hospital, to which he rides his bicycle on most days, weather permitting. It can only be as Christ said This is my body., Also, as CCC 1374 says, The mode of Christs presence under the Eucharistic species is unique. As you and others here have said, science cannot prove the Real Presence as such. In a passage there, he recalled a miracle he was told about by his teacher and friend Lanfranc of Pavia. According toEucharistic Miracles of the World, the local bishop took up an investigation to make sure it wasnt explained by something natural. Practitioners of other religions may think Catholics are crazy as well. For example, at least three storiesfrom Lanciano, Italy, eighth century; Regensburg, Ger-many, 1257; and Bolsena, Italy, 1263 concern a priest who had doubts about the reality of transubstantiation. They believe the miracle is real, but, having established the veracity of the miracle, acknowledge the cardiac tissue as the literal body and blood of God himself, and thus do not want to disrespect it by subjecting it to continuous scrutiny, especially by people who may actually *want* to desecrate it. In his spare time, Dr. Serafini collects and appraises available clinical evidence about five eucharistic events officially recognized as miraculous by the Catholic Church. Scripture proves the Lords supper is the outward rite in which believers eat broken bread, not flesh, and drink the fruit of the vine, not blood. rev2023.3.1.43269. When Thats a good question Ken. Has this convinced you of transubstantiation? It was a series of microscopic findings that taken as a whole outlined the picture of a complete human heart. He also has over a dozen videos on YouTube, but they are in Spanish as well. The most they say is: The archbishop sent a scale for the weighing of the globules. He was assisted by Dr. Ruggero Bertelli, professor emeritus of human anatomy at the University of Siena. Garabandal: Are the Prophecies About to be Fulfilled? What is the theological basis both body and blood being present in both the eucharist host and the wine? This investigation showed that the flesh that appeared there contains identical DNA. As it stands, the church doesn't really publicize it much and they have never agreed to allow any scientists to examine the relic since Lazoli did in 1971. Further, devotions of ancient date deeply rooted in the heart of the peasantry cannot be swept away without some measure of scandal and popular disturbance. They believe it is real but further study and proof of it wouldn't be useful for providing reason to believe. Gene M. Van Son is retired after spending 35 years in the automobile business working for two of the Big 3 Automakers as a writer and editor, and then as a project manager in the areas of satellite communications and wireless technology. In the 8th century, a priest in Lanciano, Italy was experiencing doubts about the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. If we apply the 1998 Weizmann double slit experiment using observer effect as true, Thanks to their partnership in our mission, we reachmore than 20 million unique users per month! . Edoardo Linoli Verified Authenticity of the Phenomenon. The priest quickly preserved the host and studied it to make sure it was a miracle. NOW since you cannot PROVE that there was no contamination with human tissue/blood with the PAST events. The Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano has not been validated by science; Science has not ruled out the possibility that the Lanciano relics are a product of fraud; and; All science has established is that the relics are deteriorated human (heart) flesh and human blood remnants of an unknown age. One last thought on this regarding Faith and the Holy Eucharist . So whenDyan asks, Will Atheists accept this science? the answer is yes and no. The seventeen-year-old son of the Duke of Gandia was traveling to join the court of the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, where a brilliant future awaited him. 10. That I know as a fact and it is very real to me. The Catholic Church officially claims the miracle as authentic. Not just making claims about the scientific report(s), but actually making those reports available for review. You can EASILY REPLICATE the miracle every MASS. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It happened when a priest doubted at the consecration of the Holy Mass that Jesus was really present in the Sacred Host. (Also, if youre a wikipedia contributor, please consider makingThe Miracle of Lanciano more neutral.). When we tell them about the miracles and the results of the scientific investigations they are spellbound. A microscopic analysis of magnification and penetration reveals that the upper part of the blood has been coagulated since October 2006. Why more people, and . This eucharistic miracle supposedly happened in the 8th century. What does a search warrant actually look like? Nothing about Vatican here, as I never found any statement from Vatican about these tests. An Unreasonable Story. The Catholic Church has officially declared this a miracle to this day. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? The evidence seems to be the conclusion of this study. Not only that, but when all the clots were weighed together simultaneously, they still weighed the same as each clot weighed alone. And so, we are to believe by Faith, just as the Apostles, Mother Mary, and all believed, Jesus Words that the Bread and Wine have become His Body and His Blood. As of yet, I have not received an answer to my questions, but as of Sept. 20 the mention of the WHO examination (which appeared under a title of the New Scientific Examination) was removed from the site. He asked Gomez to explain how this could be so when the sample was eight years old. Gene, my purpose was not to belittle the miracles of private revelation. This investigation showed that the flesh that appeared there contains identical DNA. The video was sent to the local bishop, who encouraged the dissemination of the video for the purposes of spreading belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Copyright 2023 Catholic Exchange. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. He was afraid to consume them and thus called on the bishop for advice. Thank you for this article Sir Gene. And as or if needed, to ask of God our Father for Faith to believe the words of His Son Who is the Word of God, and Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. genetic code. We will not question the testing they performed but what we need to ask is what was the condition of the RAW flour before it was processed, you need to PROVE that there was no contamination during the making of bread and the host container wasnt contaminated, how about handling, during consecration, were the priests hands not contaminated and the host that fell where did it fell?. LANCIANO, ITALY, 700. However, I must admit that I am not as impressed with the reported miracle of the sun at Fatima, as I am with the beauty of the prayer for forgiveness and mercy, which Our Lady taught the children of Fatima and which we append to each decade of the rosary. Between AD 600 and 700, many Basilians were fleeing from persecutions and found refuge in Italy. I left RCC because I refused to force myself to believe in some fundamental dogmas. For some time, part of the former convent even hosted a Masonic lodge. The articles Dr. Gomez has written about his investigations seem to have all been written in Spanish. Home Science has Proven the Real Presence. I have a love-hate relationship with Thanksgiving Day. Originally from the Chicago area he has now resided in the Detroit area for more than half his life. The Conventual Franciscans returned in 1952. You will get about 550,000 results if you Google the phrase Eucharistic Miracle of Argentina. And you will get about 28,500 results if you Google Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano. So there is plenty of information available about these two Eucharistic Miracles. 11:20-30), there is not excuse for believing otherwise. The miracles had been: Five globules of dried blood found in the Host from time to time, which all five weight as much as any one of them. The comparison report said, the DNA report of two test samples were identical. 3. And in most of these recent miracles, the Eucharist turns into human flesh and blood. Even the name of the town was changed from Anxanum (in ancient times), to Lanciano, meaning "THE LANCE". So in four separate scientific investigations, in four different countries, samples of consecrated hosts that appeared to be bleeding have been scientifically examined. In the most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole Christ is truly, really, and substantially contained. This presence is called real BY WHICH IS NOT INTENDED TO EXCLUDE THE OTHER TYPES OF PRESENCE AS IF THEY COULD NOT BE REAL TOO, but because it is presence in the fullest sense: that is to say, it is a substantial presence by which Christ, God and man, makes himself wholly and entirely present.. Joe Nickell, PhD, is senior research fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI) and "Investigative Files" columnist for Skeptical Inquirer. Therefore, there is no doubt at all that it is cardiac tissue." Dr. Linoli is a professor of anatomy, pathological histology, chemistry, clinical microscopy, and is the former head of . If people are willing to believe Gods Word, the Holy Spirit will solidify that belief. John, the articles (and books) Dr. Gomez has written about his investigations seem to have all been written in Spanish. Many of the Eucharistic miracle sto-ries have a suspiciously similar plot, which suggests derivation. Ask, and you shall receive!!! Red blood cells have no nucleus; therefore no DNA. Zugibe told Gomez that the cells were still living when he examined them. Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview. But if Jesus chooses to give them to us, then it . But no, the evidence does not lead me to accept something magical happened, and I dont know why anyone would find it convincing, unless they already believed in the first place. Therefore, the Lanciano sample and the Buenos Aires sample must have been taken from the same person. I was not able to confirm this, however, so I did not include this information. The miracle took place in lanciano, Italy in the 8th century. Does this sway any of you atheists? The flesh and blood were preserved for centuries before finally undergoing testing. The World Health Orginaztion (WHO) sent a team to study the event and concluded they had no scientific explanation for it and that Dr' Linolo's examination had been thorough. He became a Catholic after leading his first scientific investigation to examine what appeared to be a bleeding consecrated host. The consistency among the scientific results is startling. Chilpancingo, Mexico, Feb 16, 2022 / 14:54 pm. He then picked it . It's a hoax perpetrated upon the gullible. In the following inspections, such a miracle no longer took place. Its possible your children or grandchildren have not heard about any of these miracles. Fortunately, Dawkins presents his arguments quite clearly, so his mathematical errors are apparent with a little study. A bit of experience..I dont know if a medieval butcher who has spent every day for decades slicing flesh would count (in Linolis mind) as one trained in anatomical dissection, but in my books, he would have more than enough experience slicing flesh. In the Catholic understanding of the Eucharist, is the body and blood of Christ his living body or his deceased body? Use a semi-frozen heart. With how corrupt things were back then, it would surprise me if someone didnt! In addition to writing for Catholic Stand, he has also had articles and essays published at and at Let's see the scientific analysis (in NYCby WHOM exactly? If you believe, you will see. Yes, the Church teaches that private revelations and miracles like Fatima do not have the same status as the public revelation God has given us in Scripture and Tradition. My wife and I do a survey of the 8th grade Confirmation Prep class we teach and in the 2019-2020 class (no 2020-2021 class because of Covid), out of 16 kids only 7 correctly said the Eucharist is the real Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Thats quite a claim lets see what shes got. Miracles the Eucharistic Miracles, along with the Marian Miracles at Fatima, Lourdes, and Guadalupe ought to be at least one lesson in the lesson plan for the year. Ive bolded two words in that second paragraph that stick out like a sore thumb. Is there any independent source that these tests were performed and that abovementioned doctor was really an atheist biologist that was drawn to faith by his investigation? Wish parish priests would include this in their homilies. But it seems reasonable to posit that Its proof enough to rebut the notion that, per Dawkins, belief in the Eucharist is madness. Or perhaps they have not heard of the scientific investigations into them. What's the difference between a power rail and a signal line? Paradoxically, comparable results are those of Eucharistic miracles. ROME, 5 MAY 2005 (ZENIT) Dr. Edoardo Linoli says he held real cardiac tissue in his hands, when some years ago he analyzed the relics of the Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano, Italy. Eucharist, As there is a comparison of one to all five I guess they were not weighted simultaneously on opposite arms of the scale. Those with custody of the miraculous elements and best positioned to spot or learn of any fakery were also the ones who were benefitting financially from the continued acceptance of the miracle; To call into question the miracle would take away from its ability to serve as a validation of Catholic claims of a real bodily presence; and. Thus, Linoli asked for extra help from Prof. Ruggero Bertelli to confirm that the muscle tissue originated from the heart. Church teaching is that a Consecrated Host is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ regardless of state of the recipients soul or his/her beliefs. I ran several google searches and could not come up with any write-ups examining evidence meeting the usual standards of scientific research. Science has no explanation for these miracles. The most thorough study occurred in 1970-71. I shall then turn to a 1631 manuscript: Thus, one morning, in the midst of his Sacrifice, after uttering the most sacred words of consecration, while more than ever before caught up in his old mistake, he saw (Oh marvelous and unique favor!) by partaking of the Real Presence ? Lanciano, On this occasion, a mysterious event took place that was destined to be memorable: the five blood clots, clearly different sizes to the naked eye, turned out to be of identical weight on the scale. In the cases cited, none of the readers of Catholic Stand performed the biochemical analyses, so acceptance of them is based on human faith in the competence and veracity of those who claim to have done the assays. Since 1574, the miraculous tissues have undergone inspections nearly every century. So does heart muscle. It seems appropriate that we begin with the first, and most likely greatest, of these miracles, which took place in a Basilian monastery dedicated to St. Longinus in Lanciano, Italy, around the year 750. The account says a priest was experiencing doubts in his faith in the Eucharist. Atheist Richard Dawkins has apparently never heard of Dr. Ricardo Castaon Gomez either. What is the source of their quote and where can we see it? He has already proven Himself as to Who He Is. . )There should be 9/9 results with same human genetic code in all samples. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. The results obtained from the samples were similar to those of the studies carried out on Lanciano's Eucharistic miracle. The Lanciano blood samples were over 1,200 years old. Alleluia.. Outside of that context, they would be contradictions of the Catholic Faith. RAW flour -verified not contaminated with human tissue, blood 2.) All sources I have read so far are vague about the method used for weighting the globules. We spent a good portion of time visiting my father's cousins in Abruzzo. Dr. Zugibe was amazed when Dr. Gomez informed him that the sample had been obtained eight years earlier. Pezet recovered the host, placed it in a container of water, and placed the container in the tabernacle. 3. sent a telegram to the Franciscan Friars who tend the church where the Miracle had been kept in 1970, reiterating the Gospel of John: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was made Flesh. But, Dr. Linoli quickly became convinced that the mystery before him was of a miraculous nature. Really informative. In fact, rigor mortis begins one to three hours after death and ends thirty-six to forty-eight hours later. And Jesus appearing and asking for something to eat and drink, and calling them hard-hearted for not believing those who had seen Him, risen from the dead. What about our Protestant readers? He also led the investigation into the 2006 Eucharistic Miracle in Tixtla, Mexico. The first written record of the miracle appears at a time when the belief in a Real Bodily Presence is being strongly challenged; and. Is the source of their quote and where can we see it Dr. Serafini has himself! Other religions may think Catholics are crazy as well science can not prove that there was no contamination human... Is not excuse for believing otherwise the account says a priest at of... Similar to those of Eucharistic miracles 600 and 700, many Basilians fleeing. Told Gomez that the sample was eight years old perpetrated upon the gullible was of complete... 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