Bill wants Steffy and Liam to be together and he was upset that his niece worked to reveal the truth to Hope which might create problems for his son's relationship with the woman he wants for him. Sheila is infuriated that she is losing again. Quinn convinced Ivy to ask Liam to marry her so she won't be deported. Liam leaves the building and Quinn follows after him. Steffy said that things went out of control to the point that Hope was being chased by the press while she ended up in the hospital two times. Being an actress, it is natural to preserve her looks so that the available roles will be available to her. Ivy hands Liam over the phone. (2015). Ridge doesn't agree to design Hope's wedding gown and tells Brooke that Steffy and Liam are already reconnecting while Hope asks Steffy if Liam said anything about changing his mind about marrying her. whittlesea council asset protection Steffy see's it as a sign to go back home. Hope says she knows that she will have to earn his trust back and asks Liam to not count her out. At the station, Liam picks out the man who entered his house. Steffy appeared at Liam's remembering all the great memories they've shared. Suffered memory loss due to the shock of killing Aly (2015). Hope asks Steffy if she would like to come to her wedding. Hope later marries Wyatt in Milan, when Hope was supposed to marry Liam in Paris, but Quinn pushed Ivy Forrester into the Seine, forcing Liam to save her, and be too late in meeting Hope. On Tuesday, May 24, she first introduced to the world her newborn by sharing a precious pic with her boys that was captioned, And then there were three., More: Katherine Kelly Lang back to work after surgery. Steffy starts packing up Steffy's clothers and wants to move her out of Liam's home and says that she is through with being nice. See Hunter Tylo S Shocking Transformation Right Before Your Eyes Life Style. The two women looked through the window and when Taylor started having slight doubts Steffy assured her. Steffy mentioned how Hope's mother flaunted her sexuality to get Steffy father Ridge, but Hope replies that she is not her mother. Steffy assures Liam that it is legit and Flo can be trusted. Katie takes her to the hospital where Steffy hears that she's infertile. Steffy's and Bill's romance started to become more serious. Thomas explained that if they would let Brooke in, she would beg, plead and cry like always and that Ridge deserves a little time away from her. Eric started talking about Quinn Fuller. Top Celeb Surgery claims she has had. Youll never know how sorry I am. Afterwards Steffy enjoys having Liam home, and being a mother. Hope is there and even though Liam considers a future with her he still wants to go to Steffy to get anwsers. Liam claims he is done with Steffy. When Taylor reappeared in 2005 she was shocked to see that Ridge re-married and that he has a son with Brooke, but she was very happy to see Steffy and her other two children again. Steffy and Liam reminisced about all their memories and hugged on the couch when Ivy came home from shopping. Ivy finds Steffy backstage at Forrester while Steffy is watching over an old electric panel that begins shooting out sparks. He told Steffy that his wife Hope Logan has kissed Steffy's brother Thomas Forrester. Bridget told Liam, Hope, Brooke, Thomas and Ridge that Steffy's test results are good enough for her to hear the truth. Wyatt started flirting with Steffy stating she's beautiful and intelligent and she should give him a chance. Steffy and Wyatt cuddle in bed. She knew that Brooke suddenly wanted her father back and she was scared that they will get back together if they see each other and talk. Steffy tried to get through to Aly once again. The night before the ceremony Hope and Liam were supposed to be together, but Steffy's grandmother started feeling bad and Hope stayed with her instead., Liam hung out with Steffy, having followed her to a club, and had a great time dancing together. Wyatt busts through the door and realizes Liam has amnesia. Ridge fired Steffy when the video went public, but Steffy got Liam to help clear her name. Morgan pretends to be Taylor's friend, but secretly schemes and fakes a message from Taylor to Ridge in which Taylor agrees that Ridge should impregnate Morgan. When Liam arrived with Kelly, Steffy was surprised by how big Kelly was. Liam runs up to Steffy and they hug and kiss. Liam buys two seats on the plane for Ivy to lay her feet on. Rick tried convincing Bill to use his shares to his and Eric's advantage and he'll have more control around the company. Fell off a cliff and plunged into the Adriatic Sea (2012). Liam joins her and when they finish Steffy starts crying. In the past she was pregnant with Ridge's child, but Steffy's grandmother Stephanie Forrester secretly convinced Morgan to have an abortion. He apologized to Steffy for making her feel uncomfortable. She has more than 518,000 followers, by the way. Ivy walked in eavesdropping hearing Liam tell Steffy he'll help Ivy understand over dinner tonight. Whether Jacqueline MacInnes Wood has undergone a nose job is anyones guess but she sure has a better looking nose than before. He tells her that she is the only person that understood his fascination with Bob Hope. He confronts Morgan and she lies to him. Steffy tries to get Wyatt to convinces Liam that she has not betrayed him again. She tells Wyatt that he has to tell his mother to leave them alone. Hope ran straight to Liam and apologized to him. Hayes will know of his father through pictures and stories. One day Hope Logan stops by and asks is Steffy knows where is Douglas's ball. At one point Bill wanted to leave his wife for Steffy. Some of her favorite style celebs are Kate Hudson and Jennifer Lopez. Ivy keeps labeling Steffy as a murderer but Liam explains there was a rock and she can't see it in that angle. When Steffy talks to Taylor about adopting a sister for Kelly, so that she can have a sibling to be close with, like her twin sister. Steffy tells Liam that she tried to beg for his forgiveness throughout her pregnancy, and tried to keep Bill away from him. Wyatt is tired of the fighting and wants them to bury the hatchet. Aly ended the meeting with irrelevantly bashing Steffy for killing Darla. But Thomas demands Ivy to delete the video. Steffy makes clear that her vows to Wyatt were real and the love they share is real. Steffy informs Liam that Ivy is blackmailing Steffy and Thomas to become the new Face of Forrester with a video that makes it look like Steffy murdered Aly. Although she had been nominated before, Wood won her first Daytime Emmy Award in 2019 for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series. One day Steffy witnessed Liam proposing to Hope during a fashion show, but encouraged by her mother Taylor Hayes who said that "engaged isn't married" she continued to pursue Liam also when he was already engaged. During a conversation with Liam, Steffy remembered Kelly and said she wanted to go home to her. Steffy admit she's still in love with him! Wyatt persuades Bill and Steffy to market Steffy's face on social media for Spencer Publications, which Steffy agrees to. Steffy is heartbroken and leaves without telling Liam about their baby that's growing inside of her. Deacon returns to the cabin and frees Quinn from the closet and they leave together. Steffy says that she and him share something that he doesn't share with Hope, but she will give him some time with Hope because he needs to sort it out and get it out of his system. Quinn arrives on the jet and convinces Steffy to break up Hope and Liam. She wants him to lean on her. While talking to Bill, Wyatt takes his shirt off to take a shirtless selfie for Steffy because she asked Caroline to be her maid of honor before Wyatt asked Bill to be his best man. Meanwhile, Thomas and Rick are both upset that Eric didn't choose either of them, however Thomas gets jealous of Steffy being handed the position over him. The same time Hope finds out that also Bill manipulated her life in Italy and that almost everyone, but her knew, but they didn't say it to her because Liam and Steffy already re-connected and the situation was complicated. And while the actress is off on maternity leave, and Steffy is off in an attempt to mend her broken heart, its only a matter of time before Finn wakes up, given that Li saw his eyes begin to twitch. Fans have watched Wood, and Steffy, grow on the show for the past 12 years and hope she will continue her role on the program. Liam told Bill that Ivy's on the plan and Bill got enraged that Liam tell another Forrester. The reduced nostril size is accompanied by a narrower nose bridge. Steffy is shocked that Dr. Buckingham is the one who kidnapped Phoebe and sold her a baby. The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers - Wyatt Spencer Explodes Liam informs Steffy on who knew about this including Thomas. Hope reveals to Steffy that Taylor told her colleague that she was looking for a child for her daughter to raise. Steffy is shocked but Thomas claims to really like Ivy. Its just painful knowing that hes gone. Steffy cries. Steffy insisted if she comes back, she comes back to it all. Wyatt tells Quinn he is going to propose to Ivy which she isn't thrilled about. Steffy and Thomas started telling Ridge to leave Brooke again and started to promote their mother to him. Hope tells Liam that Beth is gone and that she is trying to move on. Steffy didn't want him to explain anything at first but after he did she had mixed feelings. After asking him about it and him denying that there was anything wrong, she follows him and ends up seeing him in an alley, in an intense conversation with none other, than Sheila. You must have somehow gotten your hands on more meds. Brooke diffused Steffy's bomb by telling Ridge about Oliver herself. After Ivy left Liam's beach house, he called Steffy to meet him there. Wyatt sets up a picnic for the two of them and they laugh and eat food. Quinn states the obvious choice would be Steffy because she's hot and has experience. Steffy is not happy that Wyatt is taking her side and states she thought they were friends which Wyatt states he thought that too. It was my last chance to be part of a family; to be accepted, and now Im sorry for you too, Steffy, and Hayes. She chokes up over the little boy growing up without a father. In the hall, Brooke wonders if they should go in, but Hope cautions that they dont want to overwhelm her. Marcus returned and wanted to marry Steffy who, by that time, was more interested in Rick. She calls Steffy's phone with Liam's and plays the message. Aly is watching with her car parked behind her. Quinn again tries to convince Steffy that she should go back and reunite with Liam as well as deliver the news that she is able to conceive again. Steffy was disappointed when Bill married Katie and outraged when he made her CEO of Forrester. Steffy objected when Liam took part in a sit-in with the Spectras to keep Bill from destroying Spectra Fashions, but risked her own life searching through the rubble when Bill unknowingly blew up the building with Liam and Sally inside; Steffy even pulled Sally from the wreckage first. Hope reminded Steffy that she has no room to judge after her own past mistakes, but Steffy changed the topic back to Brooke and accused her of decades of similar behavior. Steffy said she remembers her home and her family with Liam and Kelly. Steffy grabbed the tire iron from Aly. 2023 SheMedia, LLC. When Donna Logan took over at Forrester, Steffy dug up dirt and found out that Donna was Marcus' birth mother. Steffy explains to Ivy that she is using blackmail which is illegal. Steffy earned a promotion to Head of Public Relations. He sees a man in the dark and hits him over the head with a shovel. Almost drowned after slipping in bathtub and hitting her head (2011). Taking refuge at the Forrester guest house, Steffy let Bill in and ended up making love to him. Steffy is devastated, but wants to marry Liam as soon as possible and is saddened when Liam tells her that he is in no position to get married at that time because he still doesn't know what Hope's pregnancy will mean for them. Steffy lies in the beach and puts tanning lotion on. While Steffy thinks of ways to keep Liam and Hope in the dark that they are spending time in the same place Liam daydreams about Hope and occasionally wonders why his wife is always roaming around the resort instead of spending more time with him. Quinn convinces Wyatt to be at Steffy's to support her. And now hes gone. She sobs and looks at Liam. Steffy stayed behind in Australia after the family went home and honeymooned with Liam. Steffy and Ridge were initially concerned but Wyatt backed her up and Thomas spoke up and agreed that Ivy would be better because people are still talking about the incident with Aly. Steffy invited Finn's adoptive mother Li Finnegan over but she didn't want to hear about organizing a memorial service for Finn and didn't tell Steffy where Finn's ashes are. After the members left, Ivy confronts Steffy about what really happened that night. When Hope left Steffy's hospital room, Steffy told them that she loved them as Hope watched them from behind the door. Finn tells Steffy and Ridge that Thomas needs an emergency surgery. Taylor Hayes (Krista Allen) makes a bold move to resolve the feud between Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) and Steffy Forrester Finnegan (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood). Which lead to her being depressed and blaming herself. Eric, Liam, Steffy, and Wyatt all aboard the Spencer jet. Finn arrived at the facility and reunited with his in laws, his son and step daughter. Also Liam gives Steffy annulment papers, but tells her that he will always be there for his son/daughter, and cannot wait to meet their child. Liam was happy to see Steffy and she was also pleased. One day Steffy discovers that she is pregnant. Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Steffy Forrester Loses Finn John Finnegan's fate is finally revealed on B&B. Hope agrees that Liam is right and she swears that she will never take another pill again. Steffy tells Liam that she knows that Hope is on his mind, but it's her job to take her out of it and they kiss. In shock, Steffy threw the tire iron away. One day Steffy decides to go on a bike ride and Bill Spencer Jr. accidentally hits her with his car. Steffy staggers into the Forrester Mansion very devastated. Bill was thrilled Liam wanted to use Steffy and Liam stated she's in L.A. because he followed her online post. Liam didn't believe her and he found the pill bottle and he took Kelly from Steffy's home saying he didn't believe that Kelly is safe there. Steffy took him to a bungalow on Brooke's property where she had spent time with Ridge as a child to talk. But Ivy asks if he ever thinks about what could've happened and Liam says he does. Steffy stated she is not afraid to state that she loves him and will always love him with Ivy overhearing. Liam arrives there and tells a devastated Steffy that Thomas kissed a mannequin and not Hope. Hope saw Liam, but Liam didn't see her. To use natural methods of rejuvenation You can also combine both methods. Thomas confronts Ivy and tells her to stay away from Steffy and that it's not her fault. She looks gorgeous: Compare that to a recent appearance in Feb 2016. Steffy at first refuses to believe it, and vows to not have Hope take her away from her. Bill apologies to Steffy, and gives her his 12.5% shares to Forester as a sign of good faith. The surgery is a big success. Steffy enjoys seeing her parents interacting and one day she noticed that they were holding each other which sparked a hope that her parents might reunite. Regardless of whether she underwent plastic surgery, Jacqueline MacInnes Wood has blossomed into a more beautiful actress whichever angle you look. Liam makes it clear that if there is any future for them he needs time. Amazing work. To have a beautiful appearance you can act in two directions: 1. Wyatt is there for Steffy and tries to support her feelings about her grandfather's relationship to Quinn. When Bill leaves, Ridge visits him too and reminds him that he needs to make a decision. Wood says her signature beauty look consists of full brows, liner, dewy skin, and peach- or rose-colored lips. She is known for sharing makeup tips on her Instagram page. Steffy announces to Liam that she's done, and that he can be with Hope. Hope admits that this time Steffy is a victim too, but she wasn't always innocent. Morgan isn't able to kill her ex boyfriend so she and Tim flee the scene. Stephanie informs Taylor that Liam called Steffy. Fell down after slamming the door and went into labor (June 2018). Quinn enters Steffy's office at Forrester while Wyatt and Steffy are called for a meeting. Steffy and Taylor meets the mother Flo Fulton, and her daughter. During that time Steffy tells her brother that she thinks that she and Liam are in a place that Hope just can't touch and she's not intimidated by her rival. Liam continues to assure Steffy she has nothing to feel guilty about and that it's not her fault. Source: @soaps.sheknows Jacqueline MacInnes Wood Husband She invites Liam over and tells him about it. Sheila, being scared that Steffy will remember, she tried to mess with her medical equipment when Taylor walked into the room and made Sheila's attempt to murder Steffy, impossible. While Steffy is daydreaming about her, Liam, and their child, Liam hears Steffy's phone go off in her purse. Back in LA Steffy and Thomas announced that their parents are back together in front of Donna, Eric, Katie, Carter and Paris. Phoebe's rage lead to an angry confrontation in Rick's car. The next day Bill and Steffy talks and Bill assures her that Liam won't walk out on her or their child. Stephanie hears the scream and she's super happy for Steffy and asks her to text her with news. Steffy realizes Aly was the one who popped her tire. Quinn barges in and stops the proposal. In the guest house Sheila Carter appears. In 2002, Taylor was "killed" in an altercation with Sheila Carter. Liam boards the plane and sits with her to make sure she's okay. Brooke told Liam that Hope went to his house and wanted to give herself to him, but saw him and Steffy kissing and she didn't break up with him for no reason. Steffy says that she was raised to be kind and take the high road while the Logans manipulate to get what they want. Steffy is determined to rush things between her rival and her brother so she starts buying drinks for them and asks the hotel staff to deliver the drinks to Hope and Thomas. Ridge said he has to check his schedule and Steffy asks if he doesn't know if he can make it was because of Brooke. Thomas informs Liam and Hope that Steffy got hurt. What a shame knowing your former struggle. Liam went to confront his wife and found out that she didn't kiss Steffy's brother. Ridge adds they wont forget that someone is responsible theyll find them and put them away. Steffy was shocked to see that Thomas had invited Sally as his date; Steffy's argument with Sally during her beach reception ended with Sally falling into the water. Steffy enters the room thankful she's okay but Ivy warns her to stay away. Steffy was torn because to her it felt like leaving Finn, but eventually she decided to take Kelly and Hayes to France. Tormented with guilt Sheila tried to take her own life by jumping of the roof, but Taylor stopped her. Taylor and Ridge are grieving.One day Steffy manages to call her father when Morgan is not at home. However Steffy is unaware that Thomas spiked Liam's drink so that he can willing have sex with her. Steffy is very thankful to Ivy for dropping the restraining order and wants them to move on and become friends. Eric and Quinn successfully get married with Perez Hilton as their officiate. All Rights Reserved. Steffy tells Hope to not try because she had her chance and that she won't accept Hope interfering in her relationship with Liam. Liam says maybe it's for the best and Stephanie reads Liam's words as he is making a decision that he is going back to Steffy. But yet both Liam and Steffy kept the secret and told no one about it. Steffy confronts Hope, and warns her that Liam will come back to her because she has not betrayed him again. Steffy saw that her parents talk and she informed Thomas. When Douglas was visiting Steffy's house again he said that Santa was Hope's father Deacon Sharpe. Hope tells her that the colleague was the doctor who kidnapped Phoebe. Steffy is scared and yells at her. Brava. Steffy licked her lips, saying they belonged together and pressed her large lips against him in a hungry kiss. A post shared by J A C Q U E L I N E W O O D (@jacquelinemwood_1), This is only the second photo weve seen of Wood with her newly expanded brood. Steffy is angry with Thomas and he informed her about the blackmail and the video. Wyatt also does not believe her and tells Steffy that Liam deserves better than what she gave him, and exits. Steffy takes these news lightly and is very impressed with Finn's adoptive parents Li and Jack Finnegan. Liam had a minute with Ivy and broke up with her at Aly's funeral which greatly upset her while Wyatt had a second with Steffy to guess that Liam's dropping the bomb on Ivy right now. Steffy and Thomas walked in on Ridge and Taylor kissing. Liam admits to Ivy he wants an annulment. Liam tells Hope she is so beautiful. Wyatt takes a tarp off of a motorcycle he bought for Steffy. Steffy created a ski line and attended Aspen's Fashion Week, which also brought Liam out to cover the event. More: Krista Allen, aka Taylor, defends Brooke? Taylor and Steffy have a tearful reunion. Ridge and Taylor make love and Ridge assures Taylor that he loves her, but soon the couple starts to have problems because Ridge misses Brooke. At the after party, Ivy goes up to Aly's room to find her and is shocked to find the collage on Steffy and Maya pictures crossed out and scribbled on. Steffy was pleasantly surprised when Katie joined Forrester in PR and suggested they mount a swimsuit fashion show at the Spencer Summit in Monte Carlo. Steffy is heartbroken that her brother has been hallucinating and she asked Liam if he stays with Hope. Actress: Final Destination 5. Liam and Steffy continued to talk and laugh. Liam revealed that he is not her husband and that she has a child with Finn, her husband. Forrester Creations was at war with Rick as CEO after Caroline and Ridge's affair. When Liam came to the cliff house, after Kelly went to bed, Steffy begged him to not leave her alone for the night because it's her first night without Finn and she doesn't want to be alone. She looked at Finn's photos and cried. Hope and Liam are crushed when they realize that they can't be together when the doctor says that Steffy has a blood cloth and she might die if she has too much stress. Finn will not be forgotten, Taylor vows. Aly warned Steffy to leave Ivy and Liam's relationship alone. Steffy proposes Ivy to be the lead model for the lingerie line. Aly keeps hearing Darla's voice and has flashbacks of the accident. Thomas reunites with Steffy to comfort her. Actor Jacqueline MacInnes Wood has portrayed Steffy Forrester onThe Bold and the Beautifulsince 2008. Wyatt tells Quinn to take a plane ticket back to LA and leave them alone. Liam begins being very torn. Liam asked Steffy if her and Ridge are still talking and she didn't reply but stated she talked to Hope. Steffy was annoyed upon hearing that Ridge didn't believe her mother right away and she was worried that Brooke will find excuses. She attended classes at. Ridge announced to everybody the new line "California Freedom" which uses a lot of the morals and dignity of Hope For The Future but encourages women to be free with lines including lingerie and swimwear. Bill Spencer Jr. called Steffy and said that he wants to sell his house in Aspen and told her that she is free to travel there and check it out. Steffy backed away when Liam saw her through the window and he brought her in to talk. Steffy follows right after them, but unfortunately she has an accident on her way to catch her husband. Steffy encourages Wyatt to delete the video but just as he's about the press the button, Ivy enters the beach house, angry at the situation. Liam was bothered by this and asked who and Steffy stated he works at Forrester and has his last name. Steffy decided to confront Sheila at her hotel room but she didn't find out anything, but soon Steffy learned that Sheila changed the champagne labels when she overheard Thomas talking to her about it on the phone. Steffy shocked the wedding guests by riding up the aisle on a motorcycle, wearing a black dress/suit ensemble that she had gotten Eric to design. Eric and Quinn plan to get married at the Forrester Mansion in front of their friends and family. Wyatt leaves, angry and Ivy goes after Steffy. Steffy video chats also with Taylor and explains to her that she doesn't tell Liam about her pregnancy because she wants him to choose her over Hope and not because she's pregnant. Liam tries to wake Ivy up and admits that Ivy is becoming colder and darker and the Ivy he knew wouldn't resort to blackmail. Maya genuinely apologized for the past. Bill proposes to Steffy and promises to give her and Kelly the best lives. (2022). Taylor says it's on the porch, but when Hope tries to leave and take the ball Steffy and Taylor invite her for desert and inform her that Ridge is coming as well. He explained that Thomas framed Brooke by using a voice changing app. Steffy made an instant enemy in fledgling designer Sally Spectra, the namesake grandniece of infamous knockoff queen Sally Spectra. Brooke hears the door and when she looks at the entrance, she sees Steffy. She is best known for starring as Olivia Castle in the horror film Final Destination 5 (2011) and as Steffy Forrester in CBS soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful (2008-present), the latter earning her four Daytime Emmy Award . Is real his 12.5 % shares to his and eric 's advantage and he 'll help Ivy over. With a shovel ticket back to LA and leave them alone Jennifer Lopez ca n't see it that! Them from behind the door spiked Liam 's beach house, he called Steffy to get to... Aboard the Spencer jet Ridge and Taylor meets the mother Flo Fulton, and warns her the! Informs Liam and Steffy kept the secret and told no one about it Transformation right before Your Eyes Life.! 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