The RFC Gateway does not perform any additional security checks. The order of the remaining entries is of no importance. Hint: For AS ABAP the built-in ACL file editor of transaction SMGW (Goto Expert Functions External Security Maintain ACL Files) performs a syntax check. TP is a mandatory field in the secinfo and reginfo files. It is important to mention that the Simulation Mode applies to the registration action only. How can I quickly migrate SAP custom code to S/4HANA? This would cause "odd behaviors" with regards to the particular RFC destination. Depending on the settings of the reginfo ACL a malicious user could also misuse this permissions to start a program which registers itself on the local RFC Gateway, e.g.,: Even if we learned starting a program using the RFC Gateway is an interactive task and the call will timeout if the program itself is not RFC enabled, for eample: the program still will be started and will be running on the OS level after this error was shown, and furthermore it could successfully register itself at the local RFC Gateway: There are also other scenarios imaginable in which no previous access along with critical permission in SAP would be necessary to execute commands via the RFC Gateway. While it is common and recommended by many resources to define this rule in a custom reginfo ACL as the last rule, from a security perspective it is not an optimal approach. The gateway replaces this internally with the list of all application servers in the SAP system. Part 4: prxyinfo ACL in detail. Secinfo/Reginfo are maintined correctly You need to check Reg-info and Sec-info settings. No error is returned, but the number of cancelled programs is zero. Maybe some security concerns regarding the one or the other scenario raised already in you head. Darber hinaus stellt die dauerhafte manuelle Freischaltung einzelner Verbindungen einen stndigen Arbeitsaufwand dar. Falls es in der Queue fehlt, kann diese nicht definiert werden. The default configuration of an ASCS has no Gateway. The SAP note1689663has the information about this topic. How to guard your SAP Gateway against unauthorized calls, Study shows SAP systems especially prone to insider attacks, Visit our Pathlock Germany website, Visit our Pathlock Blog:, SAST SOLUTIONS: Now member of Pathlock Group. The RFC destination would look like: The secinfo files from the application instances are not relevant. The Stand-alone RFC Gateway: As a dedicated RFC Gateway serving for various RFC clients or as an additional component which may be used to extend a SAP NW AS ABAP or AS Java system. This is defined in, how many Registered Server Programs with the same name can be registered. Wir untersttzen Sie gerne bei Ihrer Entscheidungen. It also enables communication between work or server processes of SAP NetWeaver AS and external programs. . As a result many SAP systems lack for example of proper defined ACLs to prevent malicious use. Its location is defined by parameter 'gw/reg_info'. This allows default values to be determined for the security control files of the SAP Gateway (Reginfo; Secinfo; Proxyinfo) based on statistical data in the Gateway log. Alerting is not available for unauthorized users. D prevents this program from being started. While it is common and recommended by many resources to define this rule in a custom secinfo ACL as the last rule, from a security perspective it is not an optimal approach. This is for example used by AS ABAP when starting external commands using transaction SM49/SM69. The secinfo file has rules related to the start of programs by the local SAP instance. As soon as a program has registered in the gateway, the attributes of the retrieved entry (specifically ACCESS) are passed on to the registered program. Here, activating Gateway logging and evaluating the log file over an appropriate period (e.g. Hierfr mssen vorerst alle Verbindungen erlaubt werden, indem die secinfo Datei den Inhalt USER=* HOST=* TP=* und die reginfo Datei den Inhalt TP=* enthalten. If we do not have any scenarios which relay on this use-case we are should disable this functionality to prevent from misuse by setting profile parameter gw/rem_start = DISABLED otherwise we should consider to enforce the usage of SSH by setting gw/rem_start = SSH_SHELL. It is common to define this rule also in a custom reginfo file as the last rule. Only the first matching rule is used (similarly to how a network firewall behaves). Part 8: OS command execution using sapxpg. Part 7: Secure communication Please note: SNC System ACL is not a feature of the RFC Gateway itself. secinfo: P TP=* USER=* USER-HOST=* HOST=*. It is common to define this rule also in a custom reginfo file as the last rule. Diese durchzuarbeiten und daraufhin Zugriffskontrolllisten zu erstellen, kann eine kaum zu bewltigende Aufgabe darstellen. Please make sure you have read at least part 1 of this series to be familiar with the basics of the RFC Gateway and the terms i use to describe things. All subsequent rules are not even checked. With this blogpost series i try to give a comprehensive explanation of the RFC Gateway Security: Part 1: General questions about the RFC Gateway and RFC Gateway security. To do this, in the gateway monitor (transaction SMGW) choose Goto Expert Functions External Security Reread . In these cases the program started by the RFC Gateway may also be the program which tries to register to the same RFC Gateway. This is a list of host names that must comply with the rules above. Part 5: Security considerations related to these ACLs. As we learned in part 3 SAP introduced the following internal rule in the in the secinfo ACL: This list is gathered from the Message Server every 5 minutes by the report RSMONGWY_SEND_NILIST. To do this, in the gateway monitor (transaction SMGW) choose Goto Expert Functions External Security Maintenance of ACL Files .. Giving more details is not possible, unfortunately, due to security reasons. In production systems, generic rules should not be permitted. This parameter will allow you to reproduce the RFC Gateway access and see the TP and HOST that the access is using hence create the rules in the reginfo or secinfo file; 5)The rules defined in the reginfo or secinfo file can be reviewed in colored syntactic correctness. If the Simulation Mode is active (parameter gw/sim_mode = 1), the last implicit rule will be changed to Allow all. The secinfo security file is used to prevent unauthorized launching of external programs. Part 3: secinfo ACL in detail. If USER-HOST is not specifed, the value * is accepted. 3. Support Packages fr eine ausgewhlte Komponente werden entsprechend ihrer Reihenfolge in die Queue gestellt. Mglichkeit 2: Logging-basiertes Vorgehen Eine Alternative zum restriktiven Verfahren ist das Logging-basierte Vorgehen. Unfortunately, in this directory are also the Kernel programs saphttp and sapftp which could be utilized to retrieve or exfiltrate data. All other programs starting with cpict4 are allowed to be started (on every host and by every user). This is because the rules used are from the Gateway process of the local instance. RFC had issue in getting registered on DI. CANNOT_DETERMINE_EPS_PARCEL: Die OCS-Datei ist in der EPS-Inbox nicht vorhanden; vermutlich wurde sie gelscht. Once you have completed the change, you can reload the files without having to restart the gateway. What is important here is that the check is made on the basis of hosts and not at user level. For a RFC Gateway of AS Java or a stand-alone RFC Gateway this can be determined with the command-line tool gwmon by running the command gwmon nr= pf= then going to the menu by typing m and displaying the client table by typing 3. If other SAP systems also need to communicate with it, using the ECC system, the rule need to be adjusted, adding the hostnames from the other systems to the ACCESS option. In other words, the SAP instance would run an operating system level command. There are two different syntax versions that you can use (not together). In SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP: Every Application Server has a built-in RFC Gateway. This could be defined in. There aretwo parameters that control the behavior of the RFC Gateway with regards to the security rules. Um diese Website nutzen zu knnen, aktivieren Sie bitte JavaScript. (possibly the guy who brought the change in parameter for reginfo and secinfo file). Please assist me how this change fixed it ? With the reginfo file TPs corresponds to the name of the program registered on the gateway. In the gateway monitor (SMGW) choose Goto Logged On Clients , use the cursor to select the registered program, and choose Goto Logged On Clients Delete Client . Privacy | Its location is defined by parameter gw/reg_info. Part 5: ACLs and the RFC Gateway security The RFC Gateway allows external RFC Server programs (also known as Registered Server or Registered Server Program) to register to itself and allows RFC clients to consume the functions offered by these programs. The secinfo file from the CI would look like the below: In case you dont want to use the keywords local and internal, youll have to manually specify the hostnames. This way, each instance will use the locally available tax system. P SOURCE=* DEST=*. Registering external programs by remote servers and accessing them from the local application server On SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP registering 'Registered Server Programs' by remote servers may be used to integrate 3rd party technologies. While typically remote servers start the to-be-registered program on the OS level by themselves, there may be cases where starting a program is used to register a Registered Server Program at the RFC Gateway. DIE SAP-BASIS ALS CHANCE BEGREIFEN NAHEZU JEDE INNOVATION IM UNTERNEHMEN HAT EINEN TECHNISCHEN FUSSABDRUCK IM BACKEND, DAS MEISTENS EIN SAP-SYSTEM ABBILDET. Accessing reginfo file from SMGW a pop is displayed thatreginfo at file system and SAP level is different. so for me it should only be a warning/info-message. 2. Whlen Sie nun die Anwendungen / Registerkarten aus, auf die die Gruppe Zugriff erhalten soll (mit STRG knnen Sie mehrere markieren) und whlen Sie den Button Gewhren. All other programs from host are not allowed to be registered. Even if the system is installed with an ASCS instance (ABAP Central Services comprising the message server and the standalone enqueue server), a Gateway can still be configured on the ASCS instance. Prior to the change in the reginfo and Secinfo the rfc was defined on THE dialogue instance and IT was running okay. secinfo und reginfo Generator anfordern Mglichkeit 1: Restriktives Vorgehen Fr den Fall des restriktiven Lsungsansatzes werden zunchst nur systeminterne Programme erlaubt. Please assist ASAP. HOST = servername, 10. You can also control access to the registered programs and cancel registered programs. This is defined in, which servers are allowed to cancel or de-register the Registered Server Program. P means that the program is permitted to be registered (the same as a line with the old syntax). Should a cyberattack occur, this will give the perpetrators direct access to your sensitive SAP systems. If the TP name itself contains spaces, you have to use commas instead. A custom allow rule has to be maintained on the proxying RFC Gateway only. Examples of valid addresses are: Number (NO=): Number between 0 and 65535. There may also be an ACL in place which controls access on application level. To mitigate this we should look if it is generated using a fixed prefix and use this as a pattern with an ending wildcard in order to reduce the effective values, e.g., TP=Trex__*, which would still be better than TP=*`. If you want to use this syntax, the whole file must be structured accordingly and the first line must contain the entry #VERSION=2 (written precisely in this format). This is defined in, which RFC clients are allowed to talk to the Registered Server Program. Would you like more information on our SAST SUITE or would you like to find out more about ALL ROUND protection of your SAP systems? As such, it is an attractive target for hacker attacks and should receive corresponding protections. Somit knnen keine externe Programme genutzt werden. TP=Foo NO=1, that is, only one program with the name foo is allowed to register, all further attempts to register a program with this name are rejected. In addition to proper network separation, access to all message server ports can be controlled on network level by the ACL file specified by profile parameter ms/acl_file or more specific to the internal port by the ACL file specified by profile parameter ms/acl_file_int. Durch einen Doppelklick auf eine Zeile erhalten Sie detaillierte Informationen ber die Task- Typen auf den einzelnen Rechnern. Die Datei kann vermutlich nicht zum Lesen geffnet werden, da sie zwischenzeitlich gelscht wurde, oder die Berechtigungen auf Betriebssystemebene unzureichend sind. The secinfo file has rules related to the start of programs by the local SAP instance. Part 4: prxyinfo ACL in detail. You can define the file path using profile parameters gw/sec_infoand gw/reg_info. To use all capabilities it is necessary to set the profile parameter gw/reg_no_conn_info = 255. Notice that the keyword "internal" is available at a Standalone RFC Gateway (like the RFC Gateway process that runs at an SCS or ASCS instance) only after a certain SAP kernel version. Another example: you have a non-SAP tax system that will register a program at the CI of an SAP ECC system. From my experience the RFC Gateway security is for many SAP Administrators still a not well understood topic. secinfo und reginfo Generator anfordern Mglichkeit 1: Restriktives Vorgehen Fr den Fall des restriktiven Lsungsansatzes werden zunchst nur systeminterne Programme erlaubt. In ABAP systems, every instance contains a Gateway that is launched and monitored by the ABAP Dispatcher. To display the security files, use the gateway monitor in AS ABAP (transaction SMGW). Only clients from domain * are allowed to communicate with this registered program (and the local application server too). In order to figure out the reason that the RFC Gateway is not allowing the registered program, following some basics steps that should be managed during the creation of the rules: 1)The rules in the files are read by the RFC Gateway from the TOP to the BOTTOM hence it is important to check the previous rules in order to check if the specific problem does not fit some previously rule. The keyword local will be substituted at evaluation time by a list of IP addresses belonging to the host of the RFC Gateway. Since programs are started by running the relevant executable there is no circumstance in which the TP Name is unknown. If you have a program registered twice, and you restart only one of the registrations, one of the registrations will continue to run with the old rule (the one that was not restarted after the changes), and another will be running with the current rule (the recently restarted registration). The location of this ACL can be defined by parameter gw/acl_info. On SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP registering Registered Server Programs byremote servers may be used to integrate 3rd party technologies. This publication got considerable public attention as 10KBLAZE. Das Protokoll knnen Sie im Workload-Monitor ber den Menpfad Kollektor und Performance-Datenbank > Systemlast-Kollektor > Protokoll einsehen. P USER=* USER-HOST=internal,local HOST=internal,local TP=*. Stattdessen bekommen Sie eine Fehlermeldung, in der Ihnen der Name des fehlenden FCS Support Package mitgeteilt wird. Aus diesem Grund knnen Sie als ein Benutzer der Gruppe auch keine Registerkarten sehen. That part is talking about securing the connection to the Message Server, which will prevent tampering with they keyword "internal", which can be used on the RFC Gateway security ACL files. So TP=/usr/sap///exe/* or even TP=/usr/sap//* might not be a comprehensive solution for high security systems, but in combination with deny-rules for specific programs in this directory, still better than the default rules. To avoid disruptions when applying the ACLs on production systems, the RFC Gateway has a Simulation Mode. For all Gateways, a sec_info-ACL, a prxy_info-ACL and a reg_info-ACL file must be available. However, this parameter enhances the security features, by enhancing how the gateway applies / interprets the rules. Ausfhrliche Erluterungen zur Funktionsweise und zur Einstellung des Kollektors finden Sie in der SAP-Onlinehilfe sowie in den SAP-Hinweisen, die in Anhang E zusammengestellt sind. We can identify these use cases by going to transaction SMGW -> Goto -> Logged on Clients and looking for lines with System Type = Registered Server and Gateway Host = (in some cases this may be any other IP address or hostname of any application server of the same system). Part 6: RFC Gateway Logging. Danach wird die Queue neu berechnet. This opensb the Gateway ACL Editor, where you can display the relevant files.. To enable system-internal communication, the files must contain the . However, you still receive the "Access to registered program denied" / "return code 748" error. Thus, part of your reginfo might not be active.The gateway is logging an error while performing name resolution.The operating system / DNS took 5 seconds to reply - 5006ms per the error message you posted; and the response was "host unknown".If the "HOST" argument on the reginfo rule from line 9 has only one host, then the whole rule is ignored as the Gateway could not determine the IP address of the server.Kind regards. Part 5: ACLs and the RFC Gateway security. The reginfo rule from the ECCs CI would be: The rule above allows any instance from the ECC system to communicate with the tax system. The syntax used in the reginfo, secinfo and prxyinfo changed over time. This procedure is recommended by SAP, and is described in Setting Up Security Settings for External Programs. The wildcard * should be strongly avoided. Here, the Gateway is used for RFC/JCo connections to other systems. Part 2: reginfo ACL in detail If this addition is missing, any number of servers with the same ID are allowed to log on. If you set it to zero (highlynotrecommended), the rules in the reginfo/secinfo/proxy info files will still be applied. The RFC Gateway can be seen as a communication middleware. Please note: In most cases the registered program name differs from the actual name of the executable program on OS level. In the slides of the talk SAP Gateway to Heaven for example a scenario is outlined in which a SAProuter installed on the same server as the RFC Gateway could be utilized to proxy a connection to local. Die zu der berechneten Queue gehrenden Support Packages sind grn unterlegt. Hint: Besides the syntax check, it also provides a feature supporting rule creation by predicting rules out of an automated gateway log analysis. When editing these ACLs we always have to think from the perspective of each RFC Gateway to which the ACLs are applied to. For example: the system has the CI (hostname sapci) and two application instances (hostnames appsrv1 and appsrv2). If there is a scenario where proxying is inevitable this should be covered then by a specific rule in the prxyinfo ACL of the proxying RFC Gateway, e.g.,: P SOURCE= DEST=internal,local. Es gibt verschiedene Grnde wie zB die Gesetzliche Anforderungen oder Vorbereitungsmanahmen fr eine S/HANA Conversion. Successful and rejected registrations, and calls from registered programs can be ascertained using Gateway Logging with indicator S. Any error lines are put in the trace file dev_rd, and are not read in. An example would be Trex__ registered at the RFC Gateway of the SAP NW AS ABAP from the server running SAP TREX and consumed by the same AS ABAP as an RFC client. In einer Dialogbox knnen Sie nun definieren, welche Aktionen aufgezeichnet werden sollen. To other systems Sie IM Workload-Monitor ber den Menpfad Kollektor und Performance-Datenbank > Systemlast-Kollektor Protokoll! Sap custom code to S/4HANA programs are started by running the relevant executable there no. Comply with the same name can be defined by parameter gw/reg_info, aktivieren Sie bitte JavaScript USER= * USER-HOST= HOST=... Which tries to register to the start of programs by the local instance Fall des Lsungsansatzes! Relevant executable there is no circumstance in which the TP name is unknown and programs! Be registered ( highlynotrecommended ), the SAP instance: p TP= * cpict4. Mglichkeit 1: Restriktives Vorgehen fr den Fall des restriktiven Lsungsansatzes werden zunchst nur systeminterne erlaubt. 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