No law was found in Indiana that requires persons opening the door of a motor vehicle to do so in a reasonably safe manner that does not interfere with the movement of traffic. North Dakota does not require that bicyclists use any lane or path other than a normal vehicular traffic lane. When operating a bicycle upon a 1-way highway or street that has 2 or more marked traffic lanes, in which case the individual may ride as near the left-hand curb or edge of that roadway as practicable. Pennsylvania currently has the following law aimed at distracted driving, subject to limited exceptions: Pennsylvania requires that a bicyclist, traveling at a speed less than the speed of traffic, must ride in the right-hand lane available for traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except: Pennsylvania allows bicycles to operate on sidewalks subject to the following rules: Pennsylvania does not require that bicyclists use any lane or path other than a normal vehicular traffic lane. Ohio requires that the operator of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle shall pass to the left at a safe distance and specifies that when a motor vehicle overtakes and passes a bicycle, 3 feet or greater is considered a safe passing distance. Stat. Stat. Utah requires that a person operating a bicycle, at a speed less than the speed of traffic, must ride as near as practicable to the right-hand edge of the roadway except when: Utah allows bicycles to operate on sidewalks subject to the following rules: Source: Utah Code Ann. 21-1205.1. In Washington bicycles are vehicles according to the statute that defines vehicles and a person riding a bicycle has all of the rights and duties of a driver of a vehicle under Chapter 46.61 of the Revised Code of Washington, except for special regulations specific to bicycles and those provisions that by their nature can have no application. Laws 257.79; 257.657. 28.35.161; HB 255 (2012), Alaska requires that bicyclists ride as far to the right as practicable. It is legal for all persons of any age to operate a bicycle without wearing a helmet unless otherwise provided by a municipal regulation. Connecticut defines a vulnerable user as: Connecticut provides protection to vulnerable users by providing that any person operating a motor vehicle on a public way who fails to exercise reasonable care and causes the serious physical injury or death of a vulnerable user of a public way, provided such vulnerable user has shown reasonable care in such users use of the public way, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars. read a text message or an electronic mail message; while operating a moving motor vehicle unless the device is used in conjunction with hands free or voice operated technology, or unless the device is used to call 911 to report a bona fide emergency. 13 02.065, Alaska has no helmet law. Oklahoma currently has the following laws aimed at distracted driving, subject to limited exceptions: Source: Okla. Stat. Source:Alaska Stat. The person is passing another vehicle moving in the same direction; The person is preparing to turn left at an intersection or onto a private road or driveway; There exists a condition on or of the roadway that prevents the person from safely riding next to the right curb or edge of the roadway; or. Source: Tex. Mississippi has no helmet law. Oregon does not specifically provide for local authorities to regulate the operation of bicycles or require registration of bicycles, although such authorities may regulate the operation of bicycles through the exercise of their other legal powers. There are currently no national standards for laws protecting vulnerable road users, but the League of American Bicyclists has drafted a Model Vulnerable Road User statute,which you can findhere. Persons less than eighteen years of age from using a wireless telephone while operating a motor vehicle. In addition, no person shall leave open any door of a motor vehicle located on a highway for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers. Arizona does not require that bicyclists use any lane or path other than a normal vehicular traffic lane. Connecticut provides that each town, city and borough shall have authority to make any ordinance not inconsistent with state laws respecting governing and controlling the use of bicycles within such town, city or borough. A person operating a bicycle approaching a steady red light shall: Make a complete stop before entering the intersection, and yield the right-of-way to all oncoming traffic that constitutes an immediate hazard during the time that he or she is moving across or within the intersection. South Dakota does not offer Share the Road license plates at this time. Required by law with age restrictions Some states only require a helmet to be used up to a certain age. The governing body of any county, city, or town may by ordinance prohibit the riding of bicycles on designated sidewalks or crosswalks. Motor vehicles may not block the bicycle lane to oncoming bicycle traffic and shall yield to a bicyclist in the bicycle lane before entering or crossing the lane; and. Stat. Source: Utah Code Ann. The following information highlights 13 areas of law that may minimize that risk and have the potential to reduce conflicts between bikes and cars (and other traffic). Rhode Island does not offer Share the Road license plates at this time. Stat. For more information on such plates please visit: Louisiana has a law that makes it a crime to operate a motor vehicle, aircraft, watercraft, vessel, or other means of conveyance while intoxicated. The proceeds of Share the Road license plates benefit Bike Walk Montana. Stat. A convicted person for the charge can be fined no more than $2,000 and additionally may be ordered to participate in a motor vehicle safety course, and perform up to 150 hours of community service. Refining more recent e-bike laws that could benefit from further clarification and detail. Oklahoma requires that when overtaking and passing a bicycle proceeding in the same direction, a person driving a motor vehicle shall: 1) exercise due care; 2)If there is more than one lane for traffic proceeding in the same direction, move the vehicle to the lane to the immediate left if the lane is available and moving into the lane is reasonably safe; and 3)If there is only one lane for traffic proceeding in the same direction, the driver shall not overtake or pass a bicycle at a distance of less than three (3) feet. Sign up to receive our e-news in your inbox. In Utah bicycles are vehicles according to the statute that defines vehicles and a person riding a bicycle has all of the rights and duties of a driver of a vehicle Chapter 6a of Title 41 the Utah Code, except for special regulations specific to bicycles and those provisions that by their nature can have no application. ), available here Maryland's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to all vehicles and therefore applies to bicyclists. Maine requires that an operator of a motor vehicle that is passing a bicycle proceeding in the same direction shall exercise due care by leaving a distance between the motor vehicle and the bicycle of not less than 3 feet while the motor vehicle is passing the bicycle. Proceeds support education and other projects through grants administered by the Nevada Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board. 27-51-1504; 27-51-1603; 27-51-1604. Louisiana does not define who is a "vulnerable road user," but protects bicyclists by providing that: Louisiana currently has the following laws aimed at distracted driving, subject to limited exceptions: Source: La. 55-8-136(b); 55-8-199; 55-50-311; 55-9-105.,,, Once the person has yielded, he may proceed through the steady red light with caution; However, a person making a right-hand turn must only slow to a reasonable speed and yield the right-of-way if required before cautiously making such a turn; and. Rhode Island requires that no person open the door of a motor vehicle on the roadways, streets, or highways of this state, available to moving traffic, unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so, and can be done without interfering with the movement of other traffic, including pedestrians and bicycles on sidewalks, shoulders, or bicycle lanes. New Hampshire does not require that bicyclists use any lane or path other than a normal vehicular traffic lane. Delaware requires that a bicyclist, traveling at a speed less than the speed of traffic, must ride as close as practicable to the right-hand edge of the roadway except under any of the following circumstances: Delaware allows bicycles to operate on sidewalks subject to the following rules: Sources: Del. New Mexico does not have any vulnerable road user laws at this time. While Kentucky also lacks a definition for e-bikes, the Department of Transportation passed an administrative regulation in 2015 that brought e-bikes within the scope of the states bicycle regulations. Oregon's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to all vehicles and therefore applies to bicyclists. Stat. The laws regulating the operation of bicycles in the state of South Dakota are generally found in Title 32 of the South Dakota Codified Laws (S.D. Rhode Island provides that its state traffic laws shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities, with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power, from regulating the operation of bicycles and requiring the registration and licensing of bicycles, including the requirement of a registration fee. When riding on a sidewalk a person has all the rights and all the duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances. The overtaking of a bicycle by a motor vehicle, or vice versa, is governed by general traffic laws and, in most circumstances, such overtaking must be done to the left at a safe distance. No person shall drive a motor vehicle with an image display device intended to be visible to the driver in a normal driving position when the vehicle is in motion and when restrained by the vehicle seat belts adjusted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. There is an opportunity to update North Dakota's electric bicycle law, consistent with state laws recently passed in 28 states, including neighboring South Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Indiana has no helmet law. Delaware provides that the driver of a motor vehicle, when approaching a bicyclist traveling in the same direction, shall ensure the safety and protection of the bicyclist by: Delaware requires that any person under the age of 18 riding a bicycle, as an operator or passenger, must wear a protective bicycle helmet. A bicyclist may, after slowing to a reasonable speed and yielding the right-of-way if required, cautiously make a turn or proceed through the intersection without stopping. Capital Region Planning Commission Compilation of laws: New Orleans Bicycle Club Compilation of laws: Baton Rouge Advocates for Safe Streets Compilation of laws: A person who has not attained 18 years of age may not operate a motor vehicle while using a mobile telephone or handheld electronic device. 29-A 2116; 2118; 2119. Utah's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to all vehicles and therefore may apply to bicyclists. In addition, no person shall leave a door open on the side of a motor vehicle available to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers. Montana's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to vehicles, and specifically excludes bicycles from the definition of vehicle, and therefore does not directly apply to bicyclists. Doesn't exceed 50 cc. Maine requires that any person under the age of 16 riding a bicycle, as an operator or passenger, must wear a protective bicycle helmet. However, the Michigan Drivers Manual, What Every Driver Must Know, advises that opening a vehicle door in the path of a bicyclist is dangerous and illegal: Nevertheless bicycles should not be operated while intoxicated. Massachusetts does not define who is a "vulnerable road user," but has several rules aimed at protecting bicyclists specifically. A bicyclist may move left under any of the following conditions: New Jersey does not have a statute that specifically authorizes or prohibits the operation of a bicycle upon a sidewalk. 1 In Missouri bicycles are not vehicles according to the statute that defines vehicles, but a person riding a bicycle has all of the rights and duties of the driver of a vehicle in Chapter 304 of the Missouri Revised Statutes, except for certain enumerated regulations and as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application. North Dakota does not offer Share the Road license plates at this time. In Montana bicycles are vehicles according to the statute that defines vehicles and a person riding a bicycle has all of the rights and duties of the driver of a vehicle in Chapters 7, 8, and 9 of the Montana Code, except for certain enumerated regulations and as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application. Compilation of Bicycle laws by Bicycle Texas: Compilation of Bicycle laws by Bicycle Austin: Compilation of Bicycle laws by Houston Bicycle Club: A person operating a motor vehicle is guilty of careless driving if the person: commits a moving traffic violation, that is not a speed limit violation, while being distracted by one or more activities taking place within the vehicle that are not related to the operation of a motor vehicle, including: using a wireless telephone or other electronic device unless the person is using hands-free talking and listening features while operating the motor vehicle; attending to personal hygiene or grooming. North Carolina requires that a bicyclist, traveling at a speed less than the speed of traffic, must drive in the righthand lane then available for thru traffic, or as close as practicable to the righthand curb or edge of the highway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn. California specifically provides that statewide laws do not prohibit local authorities, by ordinance, from regulating the registration of bicycles and the parking and operation of bicycles on pedestrian or bicycle facilities, provided that such regulation is not in conflict with the provisions of the California Vehicle Code. Cultural norms, law enforcement of speed limits, physical infrastructure and other factors all likely play a role in bicycling speeds and other bicycling operation decisions made by conventional traditional bikes and e-bikes and it is clear further research is needed. Tennessee requires that the operator of a motor vehicle, when overtaking and passing a bicycle proceeding in the same direction on the roadway, shall leave a safe distance between the motor vehicle and the bicycle of not less than three feet and shall maintain the clearance until safely past the overtaken bicycle. Virginia requires that any person operating a bicycle, at a speed less than the speed of traffic, must ride as close as safely practicable to the right curb or edge of the roadway, except under any of the following circumstances: Virginia allows bicycles to operate on sidewalks subject to the following rules: Virginia does not require that bicyclists use any lane or path other than a normal vehicular traffic lane. Code tit. State law on motorized Bicycles Requirements When using a motorized bicycle, you need to follow all of the state's traffic laws and regulations. Easily browse the critical components of this report. Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Share the Road pamphlet: It shall be unlawful to harass, taunt, or maliciously throw objects at or in the direction of any person riding a bicycle; and. According to U.S. Department of Transportation survey data, half of all trips in the U.S. are three miles or less in length, a distance widely regarded as bikeable for most adults and even more feasible for electric bicycle riders. ), available here: North Dakota requires that no person open the door of a motor vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so and can be done without interfering with the movement of other traffic. Compilation of Bicycle laws by Palmetto Cycling Coalition: Compilation of Bicycle laws by South Carolina Department of Transportation: Compilation of Bicycle laws by When preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or roadway; or. Private donations to the fund may be made through the Commissioner of Transportation. A motorized bike is a bicycle that has a motor attached that powers the wheels, either independently or to assist while the rider is pedalling. There are no other state laws related to the operation of bicycles on sidewalks. North Dakota requires that a bicyclist ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction. Source: Mo. E-bikes resemble traditional bicycles in both appearance and operation and do not function similarly to mopeds, scooters and other motorized vehicles. When reasonably necessary to avoid conditions that make it unsafe to continue along the right curb or edge, including those caused by substandard width lanes; When avoiding riding in a lane that must turn or diverge to the right; and. Source: Del. In New York City, the taxicab passengers' bill of rights includes the right that a driver does not use a cell phone (hand-held or hands free) while driving. Code tit. Compilation of Bicycle laws by Utah Department of Health: Compilation of Bicycle laws by Utah Bicycling Coalition: Utah Department of Transportation Bicycle & Pedestrian Guide: Salt Lake City Police Department Bicycling resources: A motorist to exercise due care in passing a vulnerable user, which includes increasing clearance, to pass the vulnerable user safely; A motorist to not, in a careless or imprudent manner, approach, pass, or maintain speed unnecessarily close to a vulnerable user; and. For example, Idahos law specifically states mopeds and motorcycles are not e-bikes and explicitly exempts e-bike operators from licensure, registration and titling requirements. Montana does not provide any modifications to the requirement to come to a complete stop when directed to stop by traffic control devices and does not authorize bicyclists to disobey traffic lights that fail to detect bicyclists. Stat. In addition, no person may leave a door of a vehicle open on the side of a parked vehicle so as to obstruct the movement of vehicular traffic. A person shall not knowingly project any object or substance at or against a person riding a bicycle on a highway. Georgia's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to all vehicles and therefore applies to bicyclists. The District of Columbia allows bicycles to operate on sidewalks subject to the following rules: Source: D.C. Mun. It does not provide a maximum speed when the bicycle is being propelled by a combination of human and motor power, which is how e-bikes are predominantly ridden. Codified Laws), available here: 2. Arizona requires that no person open a door on a motor vehicle unless it is reasonably safe to do so and can be done without interfering with the movement of other traffic. Minnesota requires that no person open any door on a motor vehicle unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so and can be done without interfering with the movement of other traffic. Engaging in any other activity which causes distractions; No person shall use a mobile telephone or other electronic device while operating a moving motor vehicle in the District of Columbia unless the telephone or device is equipped with a hands-free accessory; A person shall not use a mobile telephone or other electronic device, including those with hands-free accessories, while operating a moving school bus that is carrying passengers; A person who holds a learner's permit shall be prohibited from using any mobile telephone or other electronic device, including those with hands-free accessories. North Dakota allows people biking to treat a stop sign as a yield sign if the stop sign is on a roadway with two or fewer lanes. Ann. Kansas's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to vehicles and therefore does not directly apply to bicyclists. New York's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to motor vehicles and therefore does not directly apply to bicyclists. To operate a motorized bike/moped, you must: Stat. Ch.90, 13B; Mass. The laws regulating the operation of bicycles in the state of New York are generally found in Title 7, Article 34 of the Vehicle & Traffic Consolidated Laws of New York (N.Y. Veh. Stat. Idaho does not define who is a "vulnerable road user," but requires that every driver of a vehicle exercise due care to avoid colliding with any pedestrian or any person propelling a human-powered vehicle and give an audible signal when necessary. In Arizona, bicycles are not defined as vehicles. If you are interested in Share the Road license plates the following websites may be helpful: West Virginia does not have any vulnerable road user laws at this time. You can't drive faster than 25 miles per hour. California, Georgia, Louisiana, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia require the operator and all passengers of class three electric bicycles, regardless of age, to wear protective headgear. Texas does not provide any modifications to the requirement to come to a complete stop when directed to stop by traffic control devices and does not authorize bicyclists to disobey traffic lights that fail to detect bicyclists. Source: 24 13-103, granting powers to the City of South Burlington. Bicycles are required to ride in the bicycle lane except when necessary to pass another person riding a bicycle or to avoid an obstruction in the bicycle lane. Wyoming does not offer Share the Road license plates at this time. A court may also impose: 1) License suspension; and 2) An order of restitution. Code Ann., Transp. Compilation of laws by Oklahoma Bicycle Society: In a lane that is separate from and adjacent to a designated bicycle lane; At a speed not greater than 35 miles per hour; or. Death is a fine of $1,000 and one year license suspension. 2. Arizona's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to vehicles and therefore does not directly apply to bicyclists. When reasonably necessary to leave the bicycle lane to avoid debris or other hazardous conditions. ), available here Source: Va. Code Ann. 169.475; 171.055; 169.443. Stat. 56-5-3445; 56-5-3230. Nevertheless bicycles should not be operated while intoxicated. Unsafe conditions include any lane that is too narrow for a bicycle and a vehicle to travel safely side by side within the lane. There are currently no national standards for laws protecting vulnerable road users, but the League of American Bicyclists has drafted a Model Vulnerable Road User statute,which you can findhere. ), available here: Provide for the public sale or donation to a charitable organization of any bicycle that has been in the possession of the police or sheriff's department, unclaimed, for more than thirty days; Require every resident owner of a bicycle to obtain a license therefore and a license plate, tag, to be substantially attached to the bicycle; Prescribe the license fee, the license application forms and the license form; and. Sources: Conn. Gen. Stat. does not require that bicyclists use any lane or path other than a normal vehicular traffic lane. Rev. Oklahoma, in conjunction with the Oklahoma Bicycling Coalition, offers Share the Road license plates. If you are interested in bicycling education videos, check out our Smart Cycling videos. Veh. In Alabama, an electric bicycle is considered a "motor-driven cycle." Under the law, electric bicycles are not required to follow the same rules of the road as traditional bicycles. Ann. Stat. No violation shall be entered on a driver's motor vehicle record. Hawaii does not offer Share the Road license plates at this time. Source: Minn. Stat. When the driver is passing a person operating a bicycle on the person's right side and the person operating the bicycle is turning left. tit. If there is only one lane for traffic proceeding in the same direction, pass to the left of the bicycle at a safe distance, which must be not less than 3 feet between any portion of the vehicle and the bicycle, and shall not move again to the right side of the highway until the vehicle is safely clear of the overtaken bicycle. When riding upon a one-way street or highway with two or more marked lanes of travel, in which case a bicyclist may ride as close as is safe to the left-hand curb or edge of the street or highway. Code Ann. Source: Haw. ), available here 13 02.495(d). Don't go straight in a lane marked "right-turn only." NCSL works in cooperation with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to bring you up to date, real-time information about traffic safety bills that have been introduced in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Cent. Connecticut requires that any person fifteen years of age or under riding a bicycle, as an operator or passenger, must wear a protective bicycle helmet. Unlike some other states, the law does not specifically say that a light that fails to detect a cyclist is defective, but the Pennsylvania Bicycle Drivers Manual is produced by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and so should be regarded as an official interpretation of Pennsylvania law. However, North Carolina's traffic law requires that the driver of any vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass at least two feet to the left thereof, and shall not again drive to the right side of the highway until safely clear of such overtaken vehicle. Code 9-30-5-1; 9-30-5-2; 9-13-2-196(f). There are currently no national standards for laws protecting vulnerable road users, but the League of American Bicyclists has drafted a Model Vulnerable Road User statute, which you can find here.Source: N/A, Alabama has passed a law prohibiting writing, sending, or reading text messages on an electronic device while operating a motor vehicle. A helmet unless otherwise provided by a municipal regulation codified laws ), Alaska requires that bicyclists ride as to. Code 9-30-5-1 ; 9-30-5-2 ; 9-13-2-196 ( f ) ; 9-30-5-2 ; 9-13-2-196 ( f ) here., available here http: // Coalition, offers Share the Road license plates at this time to operate motorized! Pedestrian Advisory Board oklahoma Bicycling Coalition, offers Share the Road license at... Through grants motorized bicycle laws by state by the Nevada bicycle and a vehicle to travel safely by... 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