The Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou (Recognition of Customary Marine Title) Order 2020 can be found on the website. Te Hahi Mihinare soon became a part of the Ngati Porou establishment. Update on Ngati Hine Settlement 3. The structure of the file represents descent-group relationships. Ng hap o Ngti Porou have contributed extensive research and collection of historical evidence which, along with the Crowns historical research and public consultation, assisted the Crown in being satisfied the legal tests for customary marine title were met in these areas.. Can't find something? We are trying to trace back to the marae for our great great tipuna Jane Matekino (Hogan Reedy). Te Whakamahi i te Rrangi Ingoa Iwi Hap Rapu hei kimi i ng kupu arowhnui m ng iwi me ng hap i Aotearoa. This medical disparity was also partly due to our relative poverty in this country. Ngati Pahauwera Brief of Evidence in relation to rivers 12 October 2007 [PDF, 224 KB]. Maori housing for example was deliberately placed among new Pakeha houses in a system called pepper-potting in an attempt to encourage us to be more like them. Te Wera Haurakis forces would then move on to sack additional p in the area of Waiapu River and Whareponga Bay. The order has the full list of the customary marine title areas. The gods had aspects over various domains, for example Tangaroa was Atua for the sea, and so any activity connected with the sea was also connected to Tangaroa. This agreement is not the result of an application under te Takutai Moana Act, but is published here for convenience. Applications for customary marine title under the Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou Act (or under te Takutai Moana Act) are determined by the High Court or the responsible minister depending on who the application was made to. Mr Dewes passed away yesterday at his sister Mereheni's home in Te Araroa on. list of ngati porou hapuis empire token a good investment (ASFV) 400 list of ngati porou hapujames k polk accomplishments Hinekura (Kaikoura) Ngai Kahukura (Tuahiwi) Ngai Tamakaitaki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) The area where the Minister is satisfied that Customary Marine Title exists is a thin stretch of the common marine and coastal area, approximately 16km long, in rural Hawke's Bay. o Ngti Porou ("the hap") and the Crown in relation to ng rohe moana o ng hap o Ngti Porou ("the rohe moana"). In her day job Trish is a Social worker in Schools kaimahi for Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou. Ngti Porou leader and politician Apirana Ngata is one of New Zealands best-known figures. Ng hap o Ngti Porou has progressed their application to the finalisation stage. culture, our identity, our marae. [11] This peace was to have important religious consequences, as a number of Ngti Porou rangatira freed by Ngpuhi in later negotiations would go on to spread the Christianity they had adopted from European missionaries during the course of their captivity. It carried a large crew of men, women and children as well as a dog named Whakao, belonging to Pawa. Share your news with the Iwi here. As with the Mormon faith his followers encountered great resistance in Ngati Porou, but can often be seen sharing ministry on the Coast. MAHAKI, Porourangi Whare Ngai Tamakaitaki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tamauoraki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Taoka (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tawaitoraki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tawakiteraki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Teatawiua (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tekahukura (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Terakiamoa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Terakitauneke (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Terangihokaia (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tereke (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tihapuiti (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tueanuku (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tuna (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Turakipawa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai-te-rua-wai (pp. Te Hahi Mihinare (the Maori Anglican Church) was intimately connected to the introduction of this new faith, and the first Minister was Rota Waitoa from Ngati Raukawa. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. By the 1920s the Maori population was well on the way to recovery, and in Ngati Porou innovations included the construction of Te Puia Springs hospital in 1907, and in 1929 a 6 bed hospital was opened at Te Araroa. However we still came under pressure, and ended up losing half our land by the end of the century. Although there were many factors involved one feature was the influence of both the Pai Marire and Mihinare factions in the conflict. But the pepeha is also becoming an essential part of the work life of Pkeh and Tauiwi. Nga mihinui. As well as whakapapa, these manuscripts also include traditional histories of Ngati Porou ancestors and hapu. Over the next 2 days approximately 2,000 households from Potaka in the north, Wairoa in the south and Matawai to the west will receive a hygiene pack courtesy of the Horouta Whanau Ora Collective (HWC). We see the then Education Minister and National MP Hekia Parata. We have had lots of prolific authors wanting to share their views in order to bring together the iwi. Pepeha Waka: Uruao Tipuna: Te Rnanga o nuku This is all part of the Ngati Porou spiritual life, which remains crucial to our well-being and our whanau. It is estimated that today as many as one in five Maori live in Australia, meaning there may be around 15000 Ngati Porou living in Australia today. The main movement of our people began at the end of World War Two. Population: Census 2013: 21,060 (does not include any of 18,285 "Ngti Kahungunu region unspecified") Rohe (Tribal Area) Hap and Marae Representative Organisations Edging onto Rangitukia beach, the ngutu awa (river mouth) has been a kapata kai for the people of Rangitukia and Tikapa since time immemorial, a live fish market providing fresh eel, kanae (mullet), tuarenga (whitebait) and of course Ngati Porou salmon - Kahawai. The Ngati Poneke ropu was established in the 1930s, led by Kingi Tahiwi of Ngati Raukawa and Ngati Whakaue to cater for the cultural needs of Maori living in Wellington. These range from touch rugby, kiorahi and basketball through to chess, euchre, and trivial pursuits for those who want to test their hinengaro instead of their tinana. The trust administers Treaty of Waitangi settlements under the Ngati Porou Claims Settlement Act, represents the iwi under the Mori Fisheries Act, and is the official iwi authority for resource consent consultation under the Resource Management Act. It is the first time this has occurred under te Takutai Moana Act. 71,052 people, or 10.6 percent of the total population of Mori descent, affiliated with Ngti Porou. The idea behind the policy was laid out in the Hunn Report of 1960 and called integration that over time we would become more like Pakeha, and less like ourselves. The station is recognised as being highly innovative, including live streaming key events from hui-a-iwi through to rugby matches. The list uses ng and not k and any use of the list should consider the dialectal variations of words. [4][5], During the 1860s, the Pai Mrire religious movement spread through the North Island, and eventually came into conflict with the New Zealand Government. . 71,052 people Google is your friend. Encouraged by Ta Apirana, Emere Kaa for example left Rangitukia and graduated as a nurse from Dunedin Hospital in 1925. We also undertook land consolidation that made the land economically viable but for less whanau. The descendants of Porourangi and Toi formed groups that spread across the East Cape through conquest and through strategic marriage alliances.[4][5]. A deed to amend the deed of agreement was signed on 9 August 2017 by the Ministers for Mori Development and Treaty of Waitangi Negotiation. Whats the latest news with you? from traditional lands, marae, hapu, iwi and the support of other whnau members. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. In 1984 Te Whanau O Waipareira Trust was established to meet the needs of whanau in West Auckland and is today led by John Tamihere. Although they faced great resistance from some Ngati Porou leaders, they became part of the fabric and have whare karakia up and down the Coast today. Juanah, Kia Ora Juanah I would like to thank ng hap o Ngti Porou for their commitment through this long journey since reaching agreement with the Crown to recognise their customary rights and interests in the marine and coastal area in 2008, Andrew Little said. I am trying to trace my Grand fathers whanau his name was Toru Reihana i heard he was the third born in his family an he left Ngati Porou and traveled to Ngapuhi and married twice his first wife was Mina Hone Hare and his second wife was Iritana Hone Hare and my Dad Kapania Toru Reihana was the second eldest in his family i was only about 11 or 12 when my grand father Toru past away and is buryed in Omanaia Northland would appreciate any information on his Ngati Porou connections.My email is kia ora taatou I am just wondering if there is any information on the history of iwi maunga hapu waka etc. throughout the whole of ngati porou for example: how many haapu there maunga awa marae all this info would be very much appreciated, kia ora raa. , . Since then the station has gone from strength to strength, becoming a key part of Ngati Porou whanaungatanga not just on the coast but broadcasting through the internet to Nati all over the world. . When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Update on our Porowini & Marae Projects Facilitated by: Mike Butler (Heamana o Otiria Marae) For more info pls email +2 Before any agreement is finalised the proposed recognition agreement must be ratified by Ngti Phauwera. Learn more about the history of Ngati Porou rugby Ngati Porou vs Petrobras - Asserting our kaitiekitanga. If you know the name of your iwi or hap, you can start by contacting your iwi rnanga/the mandated iwi organisation and asking for information on those that share your family name. Thus the collective Ngati Porou identity could come from a variety of sources. The hapu and iwi coming together was an important part of maintaining a collective identity. We could also move for reasons of war, or for trade, or for health. Te Taha Wairua the spiritual side of our being has always been crucial to Ngati Porou life. [4][5], Although Ngti Porou claim the Nukutaimemeha as their foundation canoe, many Ngti Porou ancestors arrived on different canoes, including Horouta, Tkitimu and Tereanini. It was established in the early 1980s and became a charitable entity in November 1990. Ngati Pahauwera Letter of Determination 23 August 2016 [PDF, 866 KB]. First-born females also had high status. [18] The common law trust is overseen by a board, with two representatives from each of the seven ancestral zones. Customary marine title is not fee simple ownership, but an expression of customary rights and interests in part of the common marine and coastal area. In 2014 Ngati Porou ki Poneke hosted a very well-received Ngata Lecture series at Te Papa museum. 1 108 10.2% . Ta Tamati and Lady Tilly Reedy continue to guide the Maori tennis movement today. Ngati Porou in the cities were able to financially support marae and other projects, and many worked hard at maintaining their ahi ka. We had ten times the tuberculosis rates of Pakeha and six times the influenza rates. [7] He was a direct descendant of Toi-kai-rkau, Mui (accredited in oral tradition with raising the North Island from the sea), and Paikea the whale rider. There are many notable people who are affiliated to Ngti Porou. hapu smaller family grouping. There are also copies of Maori Land Court minutes relating to hearings about Ngati Porou lands, possibly recorded by Paratene Ngata in his role as assessor to the Court. copyright 2016 eaglevet all rights reserved. Information below relating to Marae who affiliate to Ngpuhi, including associated hap and contact details, are provided below. Within Ngi Tahu there are now five primary hap being Kti Kur, Ngti Irakehu, Kti Huirapa, Ngi Thuriri and Ngi Te Ruahikihiki. This website is the latest way we have of promoting and maintaining whanaungatanga amongst our iwi. She is also known as Hamo, Hemo, and Hemoterangi. This information has been published to assist with understanding of how the Act is being applied. Where was the Dayton peace agreement signed? Ngti Porou chiefs were also signatories to the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. [9] Heavy defeats came at the hands of a raiding party led by the Ngpuhi rangatira Pmare I and Te Wera Hauraki, who through force and guile sacked the p of Okauwharetoa and Te Whetumatarau near Te Araroa. On 6 February 1840, the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi was signed at Waitangi in the Bay of Islands by Captain William Hobson, several English residents, and between 43 and 46 Mori rangatira. In the area of Waiapu River and Whareponga Bay established in the early 1980s and became part! Ngati Pahauwera Brief of Evidence in relation to rivers 12 October 2007 [ PDF, 224 KB.... Identity could come from a variety of sources uses ng and not k and any use the... Maori tennis movement today named Whakao, belonging to Pawa use cookies on our to. 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