For Japanese videos, CLICK HERE. I really appreciate that. You do not have to be enrolled in a formal self-reliance course through your ward or stake to benefit from these new materials. It's 100 miles, you know, and when you think "Well, I can't run 100 miles," you probably can, it might take you 20 years to do it, but you can do that. It's not unlimited. 2023 The Regents of the University of California, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center, Mental Health Topics and Online Resources, Clinical Fellowships and Training Programs, Research Fellowships and Training Programs, About UCSF Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Clinical and Educational Services Behavioral Health Grand Rounds, Samuel Barondes Lectureship in Biological Psychiatry, Evelyn Lee Visiting Scholar Lectureship in Cultural Competence and Diversity, Peter F. Ostwald, MD, and Lise Dechamps Ostward Lecture Series, Robert S. Wallerstein Visiting Lectureship in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Emotion Regulation and Grounding in the Midst of COVID-19, Feeling Extreme Emotions? And it's amazing, like those little wins, how much they can help build confidence. I know the Lord knew we needed the blessings found in the self-reliance groups at such a time as this.. And we wonder why, you know, it's the end of the day and I didn't get anything done, or I just feel exhausted because I used it all up in worrying about something that maybe I didn't need to worry about. Required fields are marked *. You are about to access Constant Contacts ( Why is it so Hard to Quit? The Church's " Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience " program is now available in English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. Sure. Great first name, by the way. And I think this is hard for me, over the past couple of years I have had a lot of health problems due to kind of the emotional toll of different, various aspects of life. Well, David, I wish that we had talked a while ago, that would have been helpful to me, but hopefully this will be helpful to somebody. Emotional resilience is a construct that has been studied by mental health researchers for decades. I want to become the best I can be. What Shall a Man Give in Exchange for His Soul. And so that is the . We say, "Well, because of my situation"if it's a mental health issue"My anxiety, my depression," whatever it is, "These are all the things I can't do." Manuals, videos and training may be downloaded from the Churchs website or viewed on the Gospel Library mobile app under Life Help. Your email address will not be published. You know, we're sitting in nice homes, many of us, and have access to these things. But we need to . And what happens sometimes is when we start to get stressed, then we say, "Oh, no, I'm stressed, I shouldn't be stressed." After selecting a language, translated captions will automatically be applied to the video. And we sometimes wonder if we'll ever feel normal again. And then Heavenly Father will say, "Okay, you bet. And he's like, "But then, it doesn't matter what it is, if you give it a little bit more time you end up loving it." And I love what you said, I think it was earlier when you talked about, you know, being appropriately humble, but also feeling like you belong. Lets build those skills that we need. And I think that's why He just says, "Trust me." Latter-day Saint congregations are organizing virtual and in-person meetings based on local conditions and direction, allowing group members to connect in meaningful ways even if they are physically separated. Required fields are marked *. And there's going to be a line from every one of our trials to every one of these Christlike characteristics. And then we act. Manuals are also available at Church distribution centers. And so I just kept thinking, "Okay, this is going to change," or "This change isn't going to last long," you know. It is part of the equation, it's one more tool you have in your arsenal to deal with these things. And I've had that experience on occasion. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. In Jane Claysons book, her amazing book on depression, Silent Souls Weeping, she talks about that, and how you just get to that point of feeling numb, and like no feelings are getting through, including feelings of the Spirit. Now, does that erase depression or anxiety? One of the things I tell people about stress and anxiety is that we just need to recognize that it's going to be part of our experience. Some of the videos for these 10 languages are accessible online. I mean, we are human beings living ahaving a spiritual experience here. And I completely agree that that's how Heavenly Father hopes that we will feel and that's what He wants for us. The Church has released a new manual, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience. I really, really appreciated it myself. You are about to access Constant Contacts ( And thenand when we lack confidence in ourselves, of course that's a killer from the beginning. Everything is spiritual, Morgan. Perfectionism: Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Download a photo or video by clicking or tapping on it. So I wanted to start out, because in the book, you talk aboutyou open the book by talking about your personal response to COVID and the pandemic, and you write this which I thought would kind of set the stage for this conversation overallyou said, "Why do I tell you this experience? And I think everybody listening probably falls under one of two campseither you know someone who feels like they are past help, or the person themselves feels like their past help as far as spirituality goes. And this is the idea ofthat you can do something that is effective, but if you don't do it long enough, then it has less effect. The point is, if I engage in a healthy diet for a year and exercise regularly for a year, I'm probablyI'm very likely to see you know, positive changes in my health. Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles recently sat down with Ekberg to discuss her experience with the new emotional resilience course. . Emotional Resilience Emotional Resilience is in pilot phase in the Asia North Area. Some rights reserved. . And that's eventually what they ended up describing as these kind of spiritual influences. It's no longer clearing your field and building a log cabin. I'm convinced that when we get to visit with our Heavenly Father, when all this is done, He's going to show us all the difficulties that we hadI picture on this, like this big whiteboard, and on the left hand side are all the challenges that we faced. He wrote a talk went up there, gave it fine. The videos, which are available for free on YouTube, feature strategies and techniques shared by mental health experts at UCSF, as well as some of our colleagues from around the nation. Overall, the course is fantastic, and we all see how this can be leveraged to bless many lives, said Kelly Scotts of Geneva, Switzerland, who participated in a pilot session. . Because you can'tif you're built on something solid, then you can withstand the shaking and the shuffling. Your email address will not be published. And so you have a different place you belong up here on the counter, instead of in the garbage can. But I wonderedwhat is it, David, that keeps us from embracing change? Accepting and living these principles will help you receive the strength promised by the Lord. I know, several 1000 things that won't work.". And here we are still curving. Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience teaches gospel principles to strengthen you spiritually, while also developing healthy coping skills to meet lifes challenges and opportunities, said Bishop Grald Causs of the Presiding Bishopric. That means to me that being all in means giving it everything. There's just this kind of strange phenomenon that seems to account for, you know, again, when you're talking about these foundational building blocks of emotional resilience, they said, "There's just this one right here that we know is there. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. The new content, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience, is part of Churchs Self-Reliance Services training materials for Latter-day Saints and friends of the faith. Satan would love to have us believe that we cannot change. And we're just having a hard time describing it.". Usually, such feelings of helplessness come from repeated attempts to change while experiencing only limited progress. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Cover of the manual Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience., Credit: Screenshot from You talk about how there was a study where these two researchers that researched resiliency, Connor and Davidson, they actually acknowledge the influence of spirituality on this emotional resilience and listed spiritual influences as the last of their main resilience factors. And he gets asked to speak in Church when he's like 12 or 13, right, his first talk, and he probably had a panic attack, he's freaking out the night before. The Church Office Building of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is pictured in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020. need to develop that confidence in ourselves. And that's where you start. I don't want to take that away from you. To turn on captions in the language of your choice, please follow the instructions below. Right. And I could say, "Well, clearly diet and exercise don't work because it's been a whole five minutes and five push ups later and I'm still the same." He's like, "Every time that you have some big change in your life, the first little bit, you hate it." I don't know if I want to do that. Who, after 9000 experiments, somebody was like, "Oh, isn't it a shame that with the tremendous amount of work you've done, you haven't been able to get any results." If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. 2 Timothy 1:7. And then once you learn that, he throws a slider or something like that, right? Were so grateful that an Apostle would address [mental and emotional health], and the fact that the Church has continued to see that as a need and come out with a course like this to help address those needs I think it just makes a great point that the Lord is mindful of us and that Hes putting forth the resources to bless His people, President Valencia said. And the more diligent, the more, you know, patient and understanding and tolerant I become in this life, all that that'll be to my advantage in the world to come. It's fine. What is Addiction? Recent major natural disasters coupled with the onset of the pandemic has really affected a number of individuals of all ages in my region, added Harding. Designed for anyone and everyone, the manual and course are not meant to be a replacement for therapy, he emphasized, but rather an introductory resource for developing skills, building hope and experiencing healthy relationships. Steve Griffin, Deseret News SALT LAKE CITY Updates to policies about birth control and issues related to fertility treatments are among those published today in the handbook of instructions for leaders of . Is the rod and the resilience that comes from holding fast beyond your grasp? And then when we haveI think when we have an unstable self concept, and unstable sense of identity, which is basically like a shaky foundation, then you don't want a lot of motion upstairs either, right? And I have every confidence that He's going to say, "That was fantastic. This is a dangerous deception. Because so often, we have the opposite experience. ", And I think that everybody listening probably is like, "I know exactly what you're talking about." . It's where we're destined to go again. We need to have something that gives us traction and helps us move forward. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online, 16ae3c5ec227b62926e57481021412b44e0d0f2e.jpeg, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience, 10f68afa729f7813745c54ed52b75f3395476da0.jpeg, dac7a40799d317ad82cc0d7e028b782d51fc5b4e.jpeg, 5b0218ee95f77b0ac812b8dce82cadcef542908a.jpeg, d7906dd5d56bdab0803d2e09c42c486d0b73401f.jpeg, de3cbb0f08ea8c5bd140eb7ed324f3ed2e35ccf2.jpeg, 2224d64673851197a3022808c67fdd3428eead2a.png, organizing virtual and in-person meetings. The emotional resilience materials are currently available in English and many additional languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, French and Russian. A recent study conducted across 87 countries by researchers from Harvard, Stanford and other universities found that using a simple method to help people think differently about their situations improved their emotional response. Show Notes:2:18- Pressed To Our Limits5:44- Attacks on Identity8:28- Observers or Actors?11:51- Roadblocks to Personal Competence14:46- Tenacity and Endurance19:16- Accepting Stress24:06- Tolerating Negative Affect26:47- Anxiety and Panic Attacks33:52- Embracing Change39:05- Spiritualitys Impact on Resilience43:08- Beyond Help With Spirituality?49:22- What Does It Mean To Be All In? So I love reframing that as you haven't done anything wrong, Heavenly Father's trying to bless you. Well, and Iyou're absolutely right, Morgan, I think this is something that's probably touched all of us at one point. The manuals will also be distributed in 10 other languages in the next several months. And so if we spend, if we have stress, which maybe occupies 20% of our emotional energy, and then we spend another 70% of our energy stressing about that stress, then that leaves very little for us to actually, you know, do something. Instructions for translating these videos into other languages. Subscribe for free and get daily or weekly updates straight to your inbox, The three things you need to know everyday, Highlights from the last week to keep you informed. So I think our society has just changed to the point where Heavenly Father, in order to continue to bless us with challenges has had to shift those challenges anymore. And I wish we could all just have a big giant meeting all of humanity, and just for once acknowledge"You're going to fail. And yet here in the Doctrine and Covenants, it talks about the complete opposite of that experience, that our confidence is strong in the presence of God that we walk in there. But everyone in the world is dealing with the same thing at the same time and that usually doesn't happen. You are a child of Heavenly Father, which automatically infers potential and potential assistance and all those sorts of things. Chapter 1: Building Emotional Resilience. No, we can always change direction. And thank you so much for spending your time with us. The linked site has its own terms of use, privacy policies, and security practices that differ from those on our website. Which gets back to issues of self confidence. It was around this time two years ago that we first began to hear the word "Coronavirus" or "COVID." And so I think that's why Satan is really trying to get us to doubt who we are and what we're about. And then I wonder then if we'll find, "Oh, hey, I have more energy to deal with this than I thought I did. I know the Lord knew we needed the blessings found in the self-reliance groups at such a time as this. Lori Harding, Welfare and Self-Reliance Services Manager. So we have to believe that we can do something about our situation. Five different members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles made visits to members of the Church around the world and shared inspiring and hopeful messages. Church responds to members' mental health challenges with new self-reliance materials. Meeting virtually presents special challenges to maintaining full engagement, connection, and belonging. Well, I think your friends situation, you asked is that normal? Another thing that you write about that I thought was profound is this idea of negative affect. So some of the listeners will remember Happy Days, back in the 70s, I think. This global contagion has created a veritable barometer to measure emotional strength in both myself and everyone I know. The central part of all of this is the Savior and turning to our Savior throughout the whole course, Hagey said. That's the whole point of the Savior's Atonement, right? Try a Survival TIPP, Reduce Depression by Doing Things You Love, Managing Health Anxiety in Times of Stress, Deep Breathing: A Fundamental Part of Stress Reduction, Be Your Own Best Friend: Self-Compassion for Stress Reduction, Health Care Workers: How to Prioritize Your Own Well-Being, "My Patients Are All Stressed! In many cases, it is seen as too ethereal and personal to be examined with scientific rigor. And then when you try that, and that doesn't work out, then you're stuck. Sometimes we don't feel like we can. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A family smiles for a portrait in Ghana. Emotional Resilience. The Church recently launched a new self-reliance manual titled Emotional Resilience. And my dad said to me, "Morgan, I don't know if you've noticed, but change is hard for you." Thanks to Derek Campbell for his help with this episode. I love the way you put that because that same friend, we were talking and she said, "I feel like when these things happen, immediately my response is, what have I done wrong?". And of course, Satan's going to capitalize on that and say, "Well, yeah, see, because you're not doing what you're supposed to. I love that you have all these things. English videos are posted here. And that is what we're going to talk about together today. And that's another deception of Satan as well that all or nothing thinking. . Okay, David, I have one last question for you before we get to our all in question. And what if we develop machinery that was protected from the elements? W e've had plenty of time to sort this out, each of us. In addition to developing healthy thinking patterns, the Emotional Resilience manual includes resources for managing stress and anxiety, understanding sadness and depression, overcoming anger, managing addictive behaviors and building healthy relationships. So it's not a question of . The new content, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience, is part of Churchs Self-Reliance Services training materials for Latter-day Saints and friends of the faith. . Ten more languages have been added to the newest self-reliance course offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It's not a backstop, in case we sin, he says, "You're going to sin. And that goes backSatan not only attacks our identity, he attacks our sense of purpose as well. Elder and Sister Gong will be attending the brand-new event which will be full of motivation, entertainment, live music, food, and more. So that's one of the otherone of these pillars of emotional resilience is what they call tolerating negative affect. We need to have a burden. Some Latter-day Saint congregations have started organizing virtual and in-person group meetings, based on local conditions and directions, to go through the Emotional Resilience manual together with a facilitator. But I wondered, what difference would you say spirituality can make in somebody's emotional resilience? Sundaythis last SundayI was in Young Women's, a meeting with our young woman's class. How canbecause she said she realized that that wasn't causing her to feel better. I love that you have Amazon Prime. Press the gear symbol and a small menu box will appear. Becca Ekberg, a young adult from Sandy, Utah, recently completed the emotional resilience course and shared her experiences in a new Church video. It's this idea of who we are, and once you know who you are, then you can know kind of where to go from there. Lesson 1. Ten chapters cover topics such as building emotional resilience, developing healthy thinking patterns, managing stress and anxiety, understanding sadness and depression, and overcoming anger. It is very important to remember that some trials persist despite our best efforts. Anyone who's had a panic attack knows that it's a terrible, it's a terribly frightening experience. And in Helaman chapter five, where Helaman encourages the sons to build theirto found themselves on the rock of Jesus Christ. One of the things sometimes I'll beI don't if "Criticized" is the right word, but when people will say, when I talk about mental health and the gospel, they'll say, "Well, don't just tell me to pray harder, and to read my scriptures more, because that's not a solution that doesn't, you know, that doesn't fix mental health, you need medication, you need therapy, and stuff like that.". You can read more from David on, and in his new book Enduring the Refiners Fire: Emotional Resilience for Latter-day Trials, which you can find on now. And they're just beyond hope, and all of those things are just completely satanic, it's his deception, that somehow we've gotten beyond the Savior's grasp, and we aren't. . 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