Il Pontano succeeded Beccadelli as rector of the renowned Academy of Naples founded by his predecessor (one of the very first academies founded in Europe, the first of the Kingdom of Naples and the oldest in Italystill existing), of which he was the main representative and which was later named after him, whose most illustrious students were: Sannazaro, Antonio Flaminio, Cardinal Sadoleto, Giano Anisio, Giovanni Cotta, Andrea Sabatini, Andrea Matteo III Acquaviva and many others. Alfonso then concluded with the Venetians that he would attack the Florentines and the Venetian the Sforza. Their assets were then incorporated into the tax authorities. VICENT BAYDAL and ALBERT MAS answer: According to Lorenzo Galndez de Carvajal -a lawyer and royal counsellor close to King Ferdinand who travelled constantly with him- there were at the time some who claimed that the king's death was linked to the ingestion of herbs or some kind of potion supplied by two courtesans of Queen Germana . However, they had great difficulty in settling another plague, because Queen Maria, who was the wife of King Alfonso V, died in Catalonia and left her dowries, amounting to four hundred thousand ducats, to the heir John II. The Skanderbeg, having known this, told him that the next day he would engage him in battle and Skanderbeg, having arrived in Bari, joined Ferrante who had set up his camp in Orsara, in Apulia. Among the conditions of the treaty was that the King recognized the Roman Church, paying him the usual income, as well as the chinea, and stopped harassing the barons. The heir to the throne Alfonso, commander of the Neapolitan army, was sent to war in Tuscany, where he managed to be proclaimed lord of Siena. and his Mother Church, claiming that those who opposed and opposed would always be harmed. Pietro di Guevara, Grand Seneschal, died precisely of this affliction. [12][63], Ferrante was very graceful in reasoning, shrewd, modest, patient to suffer things of his contrary genius, ready and grateful in giving an audience, resolute in negotiations and very right simulator. In 1475, Pope Sixtus in a Bull exempted Ferrante from having pay the census, but for the investiture to send him a well-trimmed white horse every year; thus the use of the chinea was introduced to Saint Peter. After having enriched himself and enriched the state with the ruin of the barons, to keep the kingdom safe and therefore to keep the greatest condottieri of that century at his service, such as Gian Giacomo Trivulzio, the two Prospero and Fabrizio Colonna, Niccol di Pitigliano and many others, he began to fortify the fortresses of the capital again, without receiving a minimum of disturbance from these voluntary and pleasant operations. [62] Furthermore, Ferrante managed to ensure that the university flourished through learned professors; and for this purpose he invited Costantino Lascaris with his gracious diploma to come and teach the Greek language, assigning him a large salary corresponding to the fame of his name. In September 1463 Duke John, abandoned by his allies, agreed with the king to go on the island of Ischia. The thickness of the sections of curtain connecting the aforementioned towers reached in some cases even 7 meters, and consisted of blocks of yellow tuff . Pathol. Ferrante stirred up the Genoese and the Swiss against Milan to make the duchess regent were to defend itself on two sides. The Castellano then asked the barons if the new king was Don Alfonso's son and they all said yes. When Duke john left the kingdom he left a good memory to some peoples and nobles thanks to his numerous virtues, so many knights followed him to France such as Count Nicola di Campobasso, Giacomo Galeota and Rofallo del Giudice. When he imprisoned Marino Marzano for having betrayed him in the conspiracy of the barons, Ferrante, moved by tenderness towards his family, took care of them himself and particularly of his niece Camilla, who was educated at his court. Ferrante did not refuse it and sent Antonello Petruccio, his secretary, with Cardinal Roverella, the Pope's legate to negotiate the conditions of the armistice with the Prince's ambassadors. On 19 August 1464 Pius II also died, depriving Ferrante of his most faithful ally. A theological-dogmatic pamphlet is attributed to him: This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 00:56. The latter, having received the embassy of the invitation from Marco della Ratta, immediately had galleys and ships armed. [13], Although Sicily after the death of Alfonso I passed under the reign of Giovanni, King Ferrante wanted to make use of the title of King of Sicily, in fact in all the pragmatics and edicts read: Ferdinandus Arag. Ferrante managed to lay the foundations for the formation of an embryo of a modern state thanks to the creation of new political institutions such as the Collateral Council and the consolidation of financial structures such as the Regia Camera della Sommaria. Ferrante was initially defeated by the Angevins and the rebel barons in the battle of Sarno on 7 July 1460 . The De Dominicihe says that the pillars were placed by him, the ceiling was renovated and the ornaments of the chapel were completed, but in the biography of the del Donzello, contained in his work, he also attributes to them the direction of some works. The Castellano then, in front of all the people, handed the keys of the castle to Ferrante, who returned them to him and ordered to keep the fortress well. This increased so much praise to the King, so much so that he was appointed curator of the Knights Hospitaller. I cannot forget that since my childhood Your Holiness has been given to me as if by Heaven to guide me and so by the provision and commandment of the Father, and by the will of God I was handed over to Your Holiness and I want to be his until death. France and the Duchy of Milan unsuccessfully tried to thwart the alliance, potentially very dangerous for their Mediterranean interests. From his first wife Isabella of Clermont he had six children: From his second wife Joanna of Aragon he had a daughter: From Marchesella Spitzata, sister of his chaplain and his equerry:[85], Controversial is the situation relating to the children of Giovannella Caracciolo, the most beautiful of the daughters of Count Giacomo di Brienza, whom Ferrante obtained by force in 1472 through agreements with his father, but without the consent of either the mother or the person directly concerned. Ottini L, Falchetti M, Marinozzi S, Angeletti LR, Fornaciari G (2010) Gene-environment interactions in the pre-Industrial Era: the cancer of King Ferrante I of Aragon (1431-1494). [12][27], Meanwhile, Pope Pius II sent his nephew Antonio Piccolomini to help the king with 1000 horses and 500 foot soldiers, managing to reconquer the Terra di Lavoro. Third marriage with Urraca Lpez de Haro King Ferrante was of medium height, had a large head, a beautiful long brown mop, was dark-faced, had a beautiful forehead and a proportionate waist. ", Under Ferrante, the very rich royal library founded by Alfonso in Castel Capuano continued to grow at an impressive rate, thanks to purchases, gifts and the confiscation of the collections of the rebel barons. This work of modernization and the resistance he put up against them led to the outbreak of the famous revolt which was subsequently suffocated. The Florentines had no choice but to come to terms with the king of Naples and an armistice was asked. After subduing Apulia, L'Aquila and Abruzzo, Ferrante faced only the reconquest of Ischia, the last Angevin bulwark, where the Duke of Anjou had retired, and which was defended by the brothers Carlo and Giovanni Toreglia; these with eight galleys infested the gulf of Naples to such an extent that King Ferrante asked for the intervention of his uncle John II of Aragon, who sent him Galzerano Richisens with numerous Catalan galleys. The Saint chose a solitary and rocky place overlooking the sea, asylum for criminals, on the northern slopes of Mount Echia. The new structure started from the Durazzo castle of the Sperone, of which the Brava tower is still recognizable today, with the Torre Il Trono. Considered one of the greatest expressions of fifteenth-century defensive architecture, the walls stemmed from the need to strengthen the protections of the capital, especially in the aftermath of the Ottoman capture of Otranto in 1480. On the other hand, the Barons, seeing the dissatisfaction of the Pope, thought of having recourse to him to be supported. He was received at Rome on April 2, 1465, by Pope Paul II who presented him with the golden rose. Ferdinando Trastmara d'Aragona, of the Naples branch, universally known as Ferrante and also called by his contemporaries Don Ferrando and Don Ferrante[1] (2 June 1424, in Valencia 25 January 1494, in Naples), was the only son, illegitimate, of Alfonso I of Naples. The buffoons were very welcome to him, and he gave them many thanks on a few occasions. While the Turks were still barricaded in Otranto, in February 1481, Ferrante d'Aragona ordered the start of work for the construction of a fortress to guard the port of Brindisi: the Ferrante tower. The Pope's successor was Alexander VI and that of Lorenzo Piero de' Medici, who continued to be an ally of King Ferrante. Among the numerous personalities present in his court chapel we remember the Flemish music theorist and composer Johannes Tinctoris . It replaced the obsolete Angevin curtain with a structure more responsive to the new defensive needs, deriving from the introduction of artillery . On the throne he was succeeded by his son Alfonso II of Naples, who in turn abdicated very soon in favor of his own son Ferrandino due to the much feared invasion of Charles VIII of France, who in 1494 fell to Italy . Then Onorato Caetani, with the consent of all, kneeling before the king, he begged him to create Duke of Calabria and his future successor Don Ferrante, and the King with a cheerful face made him answer these words by the secretary:[12], The Most Serene Majesty of the King thanks you infinitely Distinguished, Respectable and Magnificent Barons for the petition made in favor of the Illustrious Lord Don Ferrante, his dearest son, and to satisfy your request he entitled him from this moment, and declares him Duke of Calabria, immediate heir and successor of this Kingdom, be happy and swear homage to him from the present day, After this, Don Ferrante Duke of Calabria and successor of the kingdom was shouted with great joy and, on March 3, 1443, the king, accompanied by his son and baronage, went to the Monastery of the Nuns of San Ligoro, where the mass was celebrated with public solemnity and, where Alfonso gave the sword in Ferrante's right hand, the flag in his left hand and placing the ducal circle over his head, ordered everyone to call him Duke of Calabria.[12]. Contrary to the total demolition suffered by the latter starting from the mid- eighteenth century, the eastern walls resisted substantially intact until the post-unitary period and then underwent a partial demolition during the rehabilitation works. The skills of Ferrante and his diplomats, skilled in weaving alliances in order to achieve Neapolitan hegemony in the system of Italian states, the fruits of the sovereign's economic strategy with the introduction of the art of silk and printing, politics of promotion and cultural attraction, the severe exercise of power also through the repression of the conspiracy of the barons led the Kingdom of Naples, with intellectuals of the caliber of Pontano, Panormita and others, to participate as a protagonist in Humanism and the Renaissance. Therefore, Ferrante left for Abruzzo, and was lovingly received for the whole kingdom. In fact, the use of cannons following the discovery of gunpowder required wide and low circular towers to cushion the impact of cannonballs, equipped with ramps or slides that allowed the pieces to be moved from one tower to the other. [12][59], Ferrante, with a Pragmatic entitled De scolaribus doctorandis, ordered his subjects to promote sciences in the capital and after Naples he wanted only the city of L'Aquila to be granted the privilege of license to open a Studium. [7], Ferrante was forced to prove his worth several times before obtaining the throne of Naples. Some barons, seeing the defeats of the Angevins, decided to surrender to the king, as did Giovanni Caracciolo, Duke of Melfi, among other things.[12][29]. He left Naples on 18 March 1465 with 320 riders and learned while en route on March 30 about the death of his mother. The Apulian fiefdom was inherited by his wife Isabella and became a fundamental strength for Ferrante's resources.[14]. With an almost prophetic instinct, he warned the Italian princes against the calamity that was about to befall them, but the negotiations with Pope Alexander VI and Ludovico il Moro failed and Ferrante died before having assured peace to his kingdom. His coming was so effective that he made his enemies wary of attacking him.[12][29]. It is clear that she could not be the mother of all of these, in relation both to her young age, to the short time spent at court, and to the well-known use of contraceptives that Alfonso had procured for his father from the East.[68]. ", "His descent from Ferdinand IV of Castile", The castle was completed in 1492, as can be seen from the engraving of a walled plaque on the "Porta Paterna" together with the Aragonese coat of arms quartered with the tripartite of Angi family: "Ferdinandus Rex Divi Alphonsi Filius Divi Ferdinandi Nepos Aragonius Arcem Ha(n)c Vetustate Collabente(m) Ad Im(pe)tus Tormentorum Substine(n)dos Quae (Ni)mio Feruntur Spiritu In Ampliorem Firmioremq(ue) Formam Restituit Millesimo CCCCLXXXXII". Ferdinand I (2 June 1423 - 25 January 1494), also called Ferrante, was the King of Naples from 1458 to 1494. Luisa Carlotta of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1804 - 1844), married her maternal uncle Francisco de Paula of Spain, had eleven children; Maria Cristina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1806 - 1878), married (1) her maternal uncle Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, had two daughters including Queen Isabella II of Spain (2 . After trials and other solemnities, they were condemned to the deprivation of all honors Titles, Dignity, Offices, Cavalry, Feuds, nobility and were condemned to be beheaded. DG Rex Siciliae, Hierus, Ungariae, Valentiae etc.[13]. Around 1463 he promoted a league between the major Italian states: Naples, Florence and Milan. To compensate for the tender age of the prince, who was also very young, he gave him as companions the Count of Fondi, Maddaloni and Marigliano , and also sent another army to Apulia, led by his son Duke of Sant'Angelo Francis, to control those lands.[12][53]. When they had to be signed, since the prince of Salerno and many barons resided in Salerno , the prince of Bisignano asked the king to send Don Frederick to Salerno for greater safety.and sign them in his name. On 15 June 1488 he placed the first stone of them behind the Carmelo monastery, where a tower was built, called Torre Spinelli, which took its name from the architect who had erected it, Francesco Spinelli. He ordered the latter to strike coins not different from those of the Neapolitan mint.[13]. When winter came, the war in Tuscany ended. During the factory, many alms and a conspicuous donation from the King were received. He was very fond of books, so much so that his library, called Aragonese, was celebrated as one of the main ones of those times. Ferrante further strengthened his power with a series of alliances. St. Francis refused, took a coin, broke it and let out blood. These barons oppressed the population, which occupied the lowest social level, so Ferrante tried to hinder their power. After the peace, the barons, gathered together, fortified themselves in their fortresses; but the Duke of Calabria and King Ferrante, having them in their hands, tried to deceive them, offering them security and showing them their humanity. He also appears as a character in the novel " The Duchess of Milan" by Michael Ennis (1992), as well as in comics: On 29 September 1465 Ferrante founded the famous Order of the Ermine, which was awarded to the same sovereign, his son Alfonso, his nephew Ferrandino and many other important personalities, such as Ercole I d'Este, Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Ludovico il Moro, Federico from Montefeltro and Charles I of Burgundy. After leaving Castel Nuovo he went to the cathedral of the city on horseback, accompanied by the barons of the kingdom, where he was received with applause by Cardinal Rinaldo Piscicello, Archbishop of the city, who, accompanied by the clergy, met with him in front of the church choir and immediately after they went to the stairs of the high altar, where kneeling, the Te Deum was sung. [34], But the equilibrium achieved with great effort soon proved to be very precarious. It is said that at that point Queen Isabella of Chiaramonte, wife of Ferrante, seeing her desperate husband, disguised as a monk with her confessor, went to visit her uncle Prince of Taranto and begged him to keep her queen as he once had her, so much so that the prince moved away from hostilities. On that occasion he was saved by the intervention of military troops, "provisioned" and "conscripts", of the city of Cava de' Tirreni headed by the captains Giosu and Marino Longo: these, arrived in Foce di Sarno, descended from the mountain and attacked the Angevins who, surprised and unable to determine the extent of the attack, were forced to retreat, giving King Ferrante the possibility of opening up through Nola, the escape to Naples.. Fortunately for him that battle did not have a decisive outcome, indeed the sovereign obtained further aid from the Duke of Milan Francesco Sforza. [25][55] Ferrante also imprisoned Francesco Coppola, Count of Sarno, the Secretary Petrucci, the Counts of Carinola and Policastro with his sons, Aniello Arcamone brother-in-law of the Secretary and Giovanni Impo Catalano. "King Ferdinand of Aragon, son of the divine Alfonso and grandson of the divine Ferdinand , rebuilt this castle in a larger and more solid form due to old age, so that it could withstand the impetus of the bullets that is endured with maximum vigor - 1492. Juana of Aragon ( 1517), a sister of the Spanish King Ferdinand II. The Pope seeing soured the mood of the King and could not with the army and with other ways to resist him, he immediately sent to Naples on Cardinal Roverella to try appease Ferrante, who angrily ordered to Alfonso his son to remove the Duchy of Sora to the Church. In these days in the greatest turbulence and strength of strong pain, I have written to Your Holiness, giving you news of the death of the glorious memory of the King my Father. Ferrante managed to reach an agreement with the Turkish sultan, who unleashed his army against Venice which, forced to defend itself, was unable to rush to Florence to help. Therefore, I very humbly pray to Your Holiness that, by corresponding to this love, you accept me for your son, indeed confirm me in your grace, so that from this moment your Beatitude desires neither more obedience nor more inclined devotion from me. He especially loved men of graceful mottos and poets and it is said that at their request he forgave those guilty of serious crimes. He then rode, accompanied with great magnificence by the baronage and the people towards the seven offices of the Kingdom, then returned to Castel Nuovo. In these years Naples had a flourishing golden age similar to the one it was in the reign of Charles II of Anjou for the promotion of art and for the many royals who adorned its palace, in fact Ferrante had numerous offspring like Carlo which increased its prestige. [25][55], After this episode, on 10 February the king imprisoned the Prince of Altamura, the Prince of Bisignano, the Duke of Melfi, the Duke of Nard, the Count of Morcone, the Count of Lauria, the Count of Mileto, the Count of Noja, the Duke of Sessa and many other Knights. In this battle, four thousand enemies fell and a thousand others remained prisoners with twenty-five flags and the victors, rich in the spoils of the vanquished, celebrated the triumph for 8 days. When the Prince of Viana saw this display, he boarded a ship in Naples, abandoning his supporters, and fled to Sicily, with the Catalan barons who had not had fiefs in the kingdom from Alfonso. Hum. By order of Ferrante, as a lasting warning, the splendid bronze door of the Castel Nuovo, called La Vittoriosa, was cast in bronze, through the artillery removed by the enemies, with the representation of the king's triumph in the conspiracy of the barons, the work of Guglielmo Dello Monaco, a Parisian who had served Alfonso as a manufacturer of cannons, clocks and bells. He was the illegitimate son of Alfonso V of Aragon, who, after establishing himself as king of Naples in 1442, had Ferdinand legitimized and recognized as his heir. The one therefore tried with simulation to deceive the other, the barons proposed to the king very impertinent conditions; but they were all agreed. After the Catalan army came, which he was no longer in need of, Ferrante gave a great gift to General Toreglia and sent the army back. As a youth Ferdinand was recognized as the Duke of Calabria, the customary title for the successor to the throne of Naples. Ferdinand (1751-1825), son of Charles III of Spain, was king of Naples as Ferdinand IV from 1759 to 1806, and king of the Two Sicilies as Ferdinand I from 1816 to 1825. In Naples he had as teachers Valla, Panormita, Borgia and Gabriele Altilio, who taught him for many years. Ferrante surrounded Naples with walls towards the eastern side and reduced the walls erected by Giovanna II from the Dogana del Sale to the Corregge road into a larger form . Stimulated by the Duke of Calabria made almost all of them die secretly; but to make the world believe that they were still alive the king sent them for a long time the provision for their needs. He then moved the Duke of Calabria with a flowery army in favor of Duke Ercole, but his having denied passage to the March of Ancona by the papal men at arms, turned to plague the lands of the Church and besieged by the favor of the Colonna and Savelli the same city of Rome; but Virginio Orsini, Count of Tagliacozzo and Albe, seeing that Rome was in the thick of things, wanting to show himself religious and loving towards the Papal State, left this enterprise in the pay of the Duke of Calabria and courageously set out to defend the city. Pope Pius then died, with the same condition he gave the Duchy of Sora to Leonardo della Rovere, nephew of Pope Sixtus . The Cardinal carried out the task so well that from then on there was no more talk of expired censuses, nor of the restitution of those lands. After having them murdered, he had their bodies mummified. Ferdinand II (Aragonese: Ferrando; Catalan: Ferran; Basque: Errando; Spanish: Fernando; 10 March 1452 - 23 January 1516) was the king of Aragon from 1479 until his death in 1516. He was king of Naples from 1458 to 1494. The side facing the countryside was covered with blocks of high-strength gray piperno . [12][36], Ferrante, therefore, placed himself in a placid calm, marked the same footsteps of King Alfonso his Father and did not neglect in these years of happiness and peace to reorganize the kingdom and enrich it with new arts and provide it with provided laws and institutes, also making at his court men of letters and illustrious in all sorts of sciences and above all professors of civil and canonical law. The duchy of Milan Galeazzo Maria sforza in March 1470 allied himself with Louis XI of France, effectively invalidating the league with Florence and Naples. To oppose Pope's plan, in the presence of the nuncio, he wrote a response to the papal bull, stating that he was legitimate king by the grace of God, for the benefit of his father King Alfonso, by acclamation of the barons and cities of the Kingdom and thanks to the concessions of the two previous Popes: Eugene IV and Nicholas V. Ferrante, in this war against Callixtus was able to count on an alliance with the Duke of Milan, not only due the kinship between the two dynasties, but also a bond that existed between them. After the coronation the trumpets began to sound, while the people shouted: "Long live the King Ferrante". On February 17, 1440, King Alfonso, by his own authority, legitimized and declared his son his heir to the throne of Naples and then, in January 1441, he secured the approval of the parliament of the barons of the kingdom that he had summoned in Benevento and which was then transferred to Naples. He then went to Siena and Florence, where he was received on April 17 by Lorenzo the Magnificent. The Duke of Calabria, before entering the war against the Papal State, declared that he was going not to offend the Holy See, but only to defend himself and free the kingdom from the snares of the rebels and declared that he was and always would be an obedient son of the Pontiff and of the Apostolic See. [4], He was responsible for a first expansion of the walls of Naples, which was followed by a second one in 1499 . Eight hundred citizens of Otranto were exhorted by the Ottomans to abandon the Catholic religion to convert to Islam. The Angevin army deployed on the right bank of the stream faces King Ferrante and his troops, while in the background the Aragonese can be seen crossing a bridge in pursuit of the Angevins, now en route to Troy. The young Alfonso, enthusiastic about the success of the enterprise, after having fired the Hungarian soldiers finally returned to Naples, where he was acclaimed by the people and where he found the help that had come from Portugal and Spain, which he sent back. In an instant the Kingdom was turned upside down: broken roads, no businesses, closed courts and every place full of confusion. The cardinal blessed the new sovereign with a pontifical blessing and proclaimed him King of Naples. The Aragonese wall of Naples, in fact, was begun under his reign, in June 1484. Welcomed at Porta Nolana, he was received with great honor and courtesy by the King, who had him lodged in the Royal Palace of Castel Nuovo, in a small room that still exists. Active and hardworking, he was respectful of the customs of the nation. He loved children very much and liked to surround himself with them, in fact when Eleonora herself went to visit Naples in 1477, Ferrante persuaded her to live at his court, in addition to her newborn, also her little niece Beatrice, who later grew up like a daughter. Ferrante, always distrustful of the barons, pushed his subjects to greater economic vigor with the introduction of new measures that effectively allowed the entire population of the kingdom to enjoy greater freedom in daily life. A title more than anything else honorific, for the one who more than any other will prove to be a good ally of the king of Naples. At the same time the Duke of Milan sent a new aid, with which he managed to reconquer many lands in Abruzzo. The death of the Duke of Milan Francesco Sforza in 1466, followed later by that of Gjergj Kastrioti, Lord of Albania, deprived Ferrante of his closest friends. The pope, always implacable and obstinate, refused any intercession from other rulers; so much so that Ferrante decided to send ambassadors to the Pope in the name of the kingdom. Thus was born the superb Aragonese castle of Brindisi. The Denial of Saint Peter exemplifies the works painted in Naples by the Lombard master and typifies the kind of psychological intensity . Thus was born the Aragonese castle of the city, and in 1491 the triangular -shaped ravelin between the Torre della Bandiera and the San Cristofalo tower was added on the side facing the Great Sea. Meanwhile, the County of Barcelona had rebelled against King John and had called King Ren to govern him, Ferrante, warned of the war, sent some militias to Catalonia to help his uncle. 1.9 Last years. Above you can see the Angevin infantrymen dismounting the camp near Accadia and loading their luggage, while the army, with Duke Giovanni in the foreground, is in a row in order of retreat with the trumpeters at the head. In this period the works of Greek musical treatises such as Aristoxenus, author of the fundamental Elementa harmonica and Elementa rhytmica, Aristide Quintiliano, author of a De musica, fundamental for the in-depth treatment of the subject and " Institutio oratoria ", in which the author parallels rhetorical art, with the musical composition, which is able to arouse emotions, prodrome of what will be the theory of affects in the Neapolitan music school of the eighteenth century. Was King of Naples and an armistice was asked were received be supported Isabella... Invitation from Marco della Ratta, immediately had galleys and ships armed Duke of Calabria, the war in ended. King Ferdinand II his most faithful ally had their bodies mummified pietro di Guevara, Grand Seneschal, died of. Times before obtaining the throne of Naples and an armistice was asked seeing the dissatisfaction of the Spanish Ferdinand... Led to the King were received upside down: broken roads, no,! 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