Today we see federalism in almost everything around us. An offer in compromise may be able to help you avoid a serious legal complication. The author may or may not have a financial interest in any company or advertiser referenced. Are you looking for the disadvantages of federalism? This means autonomous states or regions come together . In a federal government, administrative powers are divided between the center and the units. And Disadvantages Of Federalism system of government that will be the best for kalakuta is federalism because federal constitutions bring government closer to the people as decision making is decentralized, the personal vote is stronger, and politicians are more beholden to local interests. Federalism can also fail to hold either national or state governments accountable because the lines are blurred. Bi-cameral Central Legislature: In Nigerias federal structure, the central legislature is divided into two houses or Chambers collectively called the National Assembly. The study will be significant because it will bring to fore-font the problems of federalism in Nigeria. In a federal arrangement, the department in the central government may be duplicate in the states, thus making the system of government expensive. In Nigeria today, the existence of states and federal laws has led to many conflicts and generates negative forces. Different systems of Government have been experimented with at different times in the Countrys history such as in 1966 when Aguiyi Ironsi introduced a Unitary system of government for the Country, in a space of six months, the government system was changed back to Federalism. Federalism offers the following advantages: Federalism allows diversity. It is difficult to enforce law on criminals because of federalism. 3. The essential features of federalism include a written constitution, the supremacy of the constitution, division of powers between the federal and state government, the existence of a court to interpret the constitution, the rigidity of constitution and the existence of a financial relationship between the federal, the state and the local government. Click here What Are The Disadvantages Of Removing Wisdom Teeth? What Are The Disadvantages Of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy? Federalism's Disadvantages Critics argue that federalism falls short in two ways: Prevents the creation of a national policy: The United States does not have a single policy on issues; instead, it has fifty-one policies, which often leads to confusion. Removal of indigene and non-indigene dichotomy: In 2012, Governor Aliyu Babangida of Niger state called for the removal of indigene and non-indigene dichotomy from the constitution in order to foster unity and national integration. In this instance a state like Lagos state with over twelve million PEOPLE (NBS, 2016)will receive more revenue from the federal government than state a state like Bayelsa with two million (NBS, 2016) people. Promotion of national integration and stability: The federal government should ensure that theres cohesion among the people; which will in turn foster stability and unity among her citizens. If a police officer pulls you over and determines you are driving under the influence, they will (most likely) arrest you and take you to the county jail. The Disadvantages of Federalism Conflict of Authority The biggest problem that arises when your government has the power of two institutions is the power struggle. The issue of secession is a major factor disrupting the federalism in Nigeria, and it also have a way of affecting the growth and development of the country. An 1862 diagram of the federal government and American Union. Federalism promotes political participation. National integration would eliminate the issue of secession, ethnic rivalry, and the fear of domination by minorities. Industries are much more concentrated in Lagos, Kaduna and Kano while a majority of the states have no economic establishment to survive. Here are some real disadvantages of living in Costa Rica. Several positive and negative attributes of federalism have manifested themselves in the U.S. political system. Well, geothermal energy is Are you planning to move to Costa Rica? Each brings benefits to Australia. After you get out of jail, one of the first things you should do is request a DMV hearing. 3 Possibly Life-Saving Things Youll Learn in Motorcycle Safety School, Choosing a Pet Supplies Store Online: Qualities That You Should Look For, What You Need to Know about Dog Coats and Sweaters, Are Your Pets Stressed? The paint protection film can make a huge difference but simultaneously you cant deny the disadvantages of paint protection film. Do you know the disadvantages of hydropower? A country with a federal system of government must possess a written constitution, which must spell out the nature of federalism. He is also a Developer with knowledge in HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and React Native. Website Designed & Managed by SETFRON LTD. As Washington charts the United States' post-pandemic recovery, federalism remains a decisive comparative advantage one that should play a central role in efforts to renew its soft power and . It is thus divided into an introduction, advantages, disadvantages and finally, a reference list. Eliminate the problem of uneven distribution of government allocations: Federalism will address the problem of uneven distribution of budgetary allocation by the federal government by ensuring that allocation of revenues to different regions are not politicized. In Nigeria, We see different set of people from different geo-political regions agitating for power which sometimes lead to disagreements and ethnic conflicts among the parties involved. The same is true of taxes, health care programs, and welfare programs, which promote regional inequality between different states. Knowing what you can or cannot do can be a confusing process, especially when there are conflicting statements offered by the different parties. His passion for writing cannot be quantified. Unicameralism where we have only one house of the legislature is used at the state level. The research shall be significant in the following ways: The study will investigate into the problems of federalism in Nigeria. 2. In 1951, Governor McPherson constitution improved on that of Richards by creating House of Representatives with power to make laws for the country, and he also created regional houses of assembly to make laws for the regions. It can also be used as a way to pass ridiculous laws as a way to make a political statement, discourage tourism, or some other specific result. In any case the constitution of the federal government supersedes that of the state where there is a conflict between the two. Power sharing formula: Power sharing has been one of the major issue militating against federalism in Nigeria. This was meant to re-establish proper rule and national governance. One of the common disadvantages of federalism in Nigeria is, federalism proved inefficient. Waiting for your court date could take weeks or even months, so for most people, posting bail is a better option. Thankfully, while these scams do happen, there are thousands of legitimate immigration attorneys near you who can offer qualified service and help you complete your immigration case whatever it may be. Problems of federalism in Nigeria and possible solutions. What Do I Need to File a Truck Accident Injury Claim? Getting back to the basics, what is an offer in compromise? they will tell you some negatives about federalism. Federalism is nothing but a system of government in which the same territory is controlled by two levels of government. These circumstances are: The approval rate for an Offer in Compromise is extremely low. In Nigeria today, the existence of states and federal laws has led to many conflicts and generates negative forces. The following were the major reasons for the introduction of federalism in Nigeria: (vi) bringing government nearer to the people. It should act as the guardian and guardian of the constitution. Challenges of federal system of government. The passing of Sharia law by some northern states has made many southern businessmen and women to vacate the states. The last thing you want is to end up the victim of an immigration scam where you spend thousands of dollars on an attorney who promises to give you a green card and social security number, but then disappears and leaves you with nothing. This can easily be done by taking off some of the 68 items in the exclusive list and giving them to state governments. It is also for the United States, in the country some people must follow four different sets of laws. This will allow you to continue work, school, or looking after your kids while you wait for your court date. Now, this simply verifies whether they are a legally practicing attorney, but it doesnt verify whether they are the right fit for you. Proponents of their case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. It has been argued that the division of the country into autonomous regions or states under a federal constitution encourages dual citizenship, double civil allegiance and divided loyalties. If you plan to continue going to work or school, you will need to find other transportation options. The following are the disadvantages of federalism. 3. If you dont request one of these hearings, your license will be automatically suspended. Secondly, make sure that your immigration attorney is registered in the state where you live, or if you are a foreigner overseas, just make sure that they are registered in the state where they practice. You should never try to represent yourself during a DUI case. For example, when typhoon Katrina hit Greater New Orleans, USA, in 2005, there was delay in the . He constantly seeks knowledge and understanding because he believes there's no limitations to the mind 'except the once we acknowledge'. 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A good example of a leader and a patriotic Nigerian was former president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan who conceded defeat by congratulating the president elect Mohammadu Buhari via a phone call after election results were announced. At the very least, though, youll need someone to pick you up from the jail and give you a ride home. This more or less restricts the rate at which the Federal government takes action for the overall interest of the nation. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Naira still remains in a free fall. It can lead to secession. THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF FEDERALISM Federalism is a form of government that allows for more than one central entity to have power. There are those who purchase goods in neighbouring state to escape sales tax in a particular state. This can be inefficient and costly for taxpayers. What are pros of federalism? It was Frederick Lugard who amalgamated Nigeria but cannot be said to have been the one who introduced federalism in Nigeria as he is only credited with only having created the Country by bringing together two separate protectorates. A police officer pulled you over, gave you a breath test, and before you even realized what was happening, hauled you off to jail. In essence, an offer in compromise allows you to repay tax debts that you owe the IRS for less than the full amount in the event of financial hardship, a federal miscalculation, or complete inability to pay. Governor Bourdillion suggested the replacement of the provinces by regions which Arthur Richard later introduced in 1946. Those federal states governmental . You can find an online attorney registration from the American Bar Association and look for the attorney you are considering. Hiring an attorney who is not legitimate who then submits false applications on your behalf can make matters much worse for you. Answer (1 of 2): I am assuming "fiscal federalism" means a concentration of taxes on the central government be it a Monarchy or a Federative Republic. Federal character ordinarily protects the minorities but, its inappropriate application in Nigeria has lead to inequality, tribal dominance, lack of transparency and corruption. Many more arguments against federal system abound. In a federation, the federal and state governments are independent and sovereign in their jurisdiction. Fiscal federalism deals with the division of governmental functions and financial relations among levels of government. Principle of Need: This principle states that a part of the Country that has a particular financial need due to something like a conflict or health crisis may receive more government revenue in comparison to other states to take care of that need. It is also one fraught with uncertainty and potential fear, especially where deportation is concerned or where green cards can mean the difference between being with your family and not. So, when you pay someone to file your immigration applications for you, its important to make sure that you are working with someone legitimate. Legislative list: federalism in Nigeria makes use of what is known as a legislative list. Adopting a system of Government that suits all ethnic groups in Nigeria has been a source of Concern for every Government whether military or Civilian. Please disable Ad-Blocker, Problems and prospects of Federalism in Nigeria. Because in this artilce we have given you more than 5 advantages and disadvantages of the federal constitution in detail. Federalism in Australia is based upon a mixture of competition and cooperation. 1930 to 1960: Cooperative Federalism. Many women only make 80% for doing the same job as men do when they look at their salary. The term was introduced by the German-born American economist Richard Musgrave in 1959. Any action taken as a result of information, analysis, or advertisement on this site is ultimately the responsibility of the reader. You might be shocked after hearing the term hydropowers disadvantages. Therefore, the form of our federal government has numerous advantages, such as protecting us from oppression, dispersing power, increasing the effectiveness of citizens, and protecting slavery and secession from disadvantages, increasing inequality between states, stopping national policies, and how they treat their citizens. Can you look at the sun with an auto-darkening welding helmet? Theoretical federalism seems to be one of the best systems of government that is associated with democracy and that is why it is practiced in most countries of the world. There are many different countries that use a federal system of government. Advantages and Disadvantages of Federalism. Hope this article was helpful? What Are The Disadvantages Of Hydropower? It has been said that the constitution of a federal government must be rigid. Citizens often ignore state and local governments, even though they have the power to influence peoples lives. A good attorney will automatically send you copies of any documents that you sign with their firm. If not, youll need to form a strong defense to prove your innocence. In cases such as where the local governments deal with the local problems directly, federalism comes to play. 2023. . You can check their website for public information on immigration issues as well as immigration lawyers who are members. From 1966 to date, Nigeria has kept faith with the federal system with only modifications to the system, however, despite these modifications, there are still constant complaints about the system from Nigerians seeking for it to be further modified. Revenue allocation refers to the sharing formula of the countrys financial resources among the different tiers of government in the country, with the main objective of enhancing economic growth and development, reducing inter-governmental tensions and promoting national unity. Multiplicity of government and government departments. In Nigeria, the greatest source of revenue is crude oil, though Agriculture and mineral yield reasonable amount of the nations income. Federal System is a Source of Weakness for the State. It is possible that communities can set their own laws under a federalism structure, and it becomes possible for some population groups to place the wants of the majority over the need of the entire community. Here we publish several helpful articles in various categories, such as how-to articles, where to find things, resources, business, interviews and reviews. In the course of revenue allocation, the principle of even development should be given greater preference over other principles. One of the potential disadvantages among the list four disadvantages of federalism for democracy is that federalism can create uncertainty. However, its not easy to get approved for one, so you may need to have a backup plan at the ready just in case. The process of having this two Chambers of law makers operating simultaneously is known Bi-cameralism. The priorities of the majority receive more attention with Federalism. Federalism is a form of government that allows more than one central entity to take power. Disadvantages Of Federalism Federalism has multiple advantages but on the counter side, it also has a few disadvantages. The full explanation of Nigeria's federalism. It is, unfortunately, too common that attorneys or those posing as attorneys, will take advantage of people who are desperate for a green card or work visa, and vulnerable to scams. Federalism in Nigeria can be traced to Sir Frederick Lord Lugard, when the Northern and Southern protectorates were amalgamated in 1914. Nwanoye James is the Content Editor and Curator for Opinion Nigeria. The Supreme Court of the United States underscored the point when it said that "the people of the United States are an integral, not a composite mass, and their unity and identity, in this . Arthur Frederick Richards was the British colonial administrator of Nigeria from 1943 to 1948 who promulgated the 1946 Richards Constitution. What is federalism? Amongst these three systems, Federalism has been the most trusted in Nigeria, from the time of its introduction to-date, it has been adjusted various times to cater for emerging demands with little or no success. Another disadvantage of federalism is that it can lead to duplication of services and waste of resources. 2. Revenue Allocation Formula: This refers to the accepted strategy for the sharing of government funds in the country between the tiers of government in the Countrys federal system. Above all else, make sure you at least have transportation to your court dates. What are the advantages over the disadvantages? The other important advantage is that federalism allows the political, social and economic problems peculiar to the states to be resolved with the fact that state governmentofficials live in the vicinity and that they are in mostcases fromthe same community, they are in a better position to understand problems and needs rather than a minister . Fairness among ethnic groups: Government should apply less stringent measures among ethnic groups and embrace fairness in order to eliminate the issue of favoritism in Nigeria. However, in a federal system of government there could be two constitutions operating in the country; that is, the Federal constitution and the constitution of states. A legislative list is a kind of document that stipulates what areas of governance the tiers of government can act on. In fear of creating a government resembling that of Great Britain, the colonists wanted to stay away from a unitary system of government, which is . During the military rule, from 1966 until 1999, Nigeria's economy was ruined, Nigerian civil service which was the best in Africa was destroyed. Copyright 2023 Opinion Nigeria. This was however as a result of the constitutional conference that took place in London in 1953. Depending on the type of debts you owe the IRS, they can garnish your wages to collect the amount thats owed to them. However, its a good idea to be involved in this process. An attorney will walk you through your case and make sure you get the most favorable results. But what happens if you financially cannot pay the amount that the federal government insists that you owe? Chief among them are economic disparities across states, race-to-the-bottom dynamics (i.e., states compete to attract business by lowering taxes and regulations), and the difficulty of taking action on issues of national importance. Government at different periods had set up commissions to advise on the acceptable revenue sharing formula, especially as it affects the three (3) tiers of government. 5. In running the size of the United States with such a diverse population, it is very easy to do if local officials are given power. The major reason for ethnic rivalry in Nigeria is lack of cohesion and the inability of the parties involved to concede the defeat in order to promote national peace and unity. What Are The Disadvantages Of Knee Replacement Surgery? The benefits of federalism are that it can encourage political participation, give states an incentive to engage in policy innovation, and accommodate diverse viewpoints across the country. Although different types of federalism have been noted throughout the centuries, most experts agree that these are the forms of federalism the United States has followed from the 1790s to today: 1970 - 1930: Dual Federalism. ? Your email address will not be published. The interesting fact about federalism is, in this structure two or more two governments share authority over the same geographical area. Why pick a cheap all-inclusive vacation package? How to Choose the Right Parking or Driveway Light? For example, if the crude oil gotten from Akwa Ibom State is sold by the federal government, the federal government may agree to give 13% of whatever is realised from the said sale to Akwa Ibom State government while other states will get far less. Everything has its disadvantages onDisadvantagessyou will get to know more. A key feature of the Richards Constitution was the division of the Country into three parts known as the Northern, Eastern and Western regions, to share power with the Central government based in Lagos at the time. It was Richard that brought the idea of the introduction of a federal structure which he was unable to accomplish. Ultimately, I think our system is even better than the parliamentary and cabinet systems found in the UK, as well as the confederation system found in Canada, and the system before our current system. Although the Federalist Party was strong in New England and the Northeast, it was left without a strong leader after the death of Alexander Hamilton and retirement of John Adams. Federalism provides ways by which these . Youre in the right place! Examples of things on this list are: defence, foreign affairs, immigration, printing of currencies, the police etc. During this hearing, the DMV will determine whether or not theyll allow you to keep your license. By giving autonomy to the three regions, Sir Oliver Lyttleton officially introduced federalism in Nigeria. 4. Here are some disadvantages of federalism they will tell you some negatives about federalism. If you want to stay out of jail and get your license back as soon as possible, making your court dates should be your top priority. The disadvantages are that it can set off a race to the bottom among states, cause cross-state economic and social disparities, and obstruct federal efforts to address national problems. Any company or advertiser referenced for you federation, the greatest source of revenue crude... Thats owed to them from the American Bar Association and look for the.! Work, school, or looking after your kids while you wait for your date! A form of government that allows more than one central entity to take power Curator for Opinion Nigeria entity take. Kano while a majority of the nation can also fail to hold either national state! 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