It sounds like you already have a plan for if this situation occurs again, which is great! I couldn't finish the list by Friday, but I came early Monday to finish it. And continue submitting applications for other jobs, even after youve reached the interview stage for your dream position. We got an extension on the bid and were able to secure the project. This question might also be phrased as 'Describe a time when you failed a task.' No matter how it is phrased, you can easily respond to it by preparing responses beforehand and utilizing the STAR method. Building a noteworthy resume has never been easier or faster. Copy and paste a job description from any listing and get a job-specific resume match score. "TMO scripting, unable to meet first 2 deadlines on taking over, but had progressed to show thus far and indicated trajectory towards completion and was honest about challenges with the customer.". At the end of the day though, they always inquire about the same thing, so lets have a look at 7 sample answers to this tricky scenario-based question. Once I realized this mistake, I quickly told the customer and my supervisors that the return time would be longer than expected. "Well, my current project deadline has long since passed and we still have no idea when everything will be finished. "I was helping with a government bid, procuring pharmaceuticals, getting them in our warehouse in time for this potential client. Yet the original time estimate was based on someone already working within the department. We did not meet our deadline; however, we were only one week out, which wasn't as bad as I initially anticipated. Instead, they want to find out more about your organizational skills, and most importantly, determine whether you take responsibility for your mistakes and learn from them. She told me that they typically would not do this, but understood the circumstances and were willing to flex to make it happen. I continued to follow up and stay a few hours more and scheduled appointments for patients to come in to help meet this deadline.". Despite working long hours to complete it, I realized that it wasn't the quality work I wanted to submit. This is a tough interview question because it forces the candidate to talk about a failure. The due date fell over my vacation time, and the covering staff forgot to do it. Sometimes I would be pressed to have prescriptions ready for patients by the time they asked for them but was unable to due to time constraints. What I actually did was to set up a document for myself where I write about all the systems which were connected, all the dependencies we have with other projects, contact details for point of contact persons. Tell me about a time when you wish youd handled the situation differently with a colleague. Simply fixing a problem one time doesn't ensure it is a one-time problem that won't be repeated. STAR is explained as follows: When applying the STAR method to behavioral interview questions, lay out the situation surrounding the issue or the task you were given. The goal with this question should be to bring the story to life, highlighting the specific communication skills and work ethic you deployed during this situation. I could meet the timeline, provided I received additional resources such as overtime hours and additional staff. When we filled all the prescriptions, we then completed all the transfers and were able to start working on the tasks I had de-prioritized. We all know it happens, but its how you deal with it that matters and thats what I want evidence of as an interviewer. "In my recent internship, I delivered my primary project ahead of schedule and was then given a secondary project to deliver by the end of my internship. I'm glad your manuscript ended up getting published! I have also seen even more tricky formulations of the question, such as If you werent able to complete a task in the time you agreed with your client, how would you handle it?, or What do you do if you think you might miss a deadline?. For instance, a good answer for our last example could be, In my current role as an HR assistant at company X, I got the task to create a shortlist of video interviewing tools. Taking this extra time and effort can help raise you above the competition. The report and data reconciliation is usually done after business hours to close the system for users and have it ready for them the following day. We never experienced a delay after that. * Special Tip: This isnt the only difficult question you will face while interviewing for any decent job. I told my supervisor that I did my best, stayed late, made clear priorities, and gave it . "I have had trouble meeting my deadlines. (Task) As the Learning Leader, it was up to me to take the initiative on the project. Behavioral questions such as Tell me about a time when you missed a deadline for a project/assignment are designed to help an interviewer get to know you, but they also present a unique opportunity for you to put yourself ahead of the pack of candidates. ", Written by Rachelle Enns on December 14th, 2021, "Last time I missed a deadline because I underestimated the staff that I needed to schedule for that project. What happens when you realize you will be unable to deliver by the set deadline? When you realized that this wasnt an option, you informed your manager about the situation. These types of situations happen in business all of the time - plans and commitments are made, based on the best intentions and current circumstances. The interviewer will be impressed by your determination to move a project forward despite busy schedules. I just finished training within two weeks but realized that I was not able to complete the work in preparing the court files before the deadline. Most importantly, in your answer, you explain the lessons that you learned from this situation. In the comfort of my office I had to sit and think for a few minutes about a missed deadline. "When I was working as lead coordinator, I had a site initiation visit (SIV) for an upcoming clinical trial. I then spoke with my team and we agreed that we would move our schedules around to work overtime on its completion. Realizing any stress responses I exhibit will affect the technicians. You had one week to prepare a list of suitable video interviewing solutions but realized that you might need to consider some additional data privacy aspects the day before the deadline. "I can recall a time that I need to publish the approved results by the deadline as per the academic statute. During the SIV, I explained this to my CRA (a representative of Pharma) and promised to complete all my training before the end of the day. Personal Commitment: Exceeds Expectations Phrases Surrounds oneself with like-minded people in order to get the confidence and motivation one needs to stay dedicated Focus your answer on your actions and not on how it may have been someone elses fault. Describe to the interviewer how you react when you miss a target like a project deadline or a sales target. At MyPerfectResume, we are passionate about two things: sharing our knowledge about the workforce and providing exceptional tools to help jobseekers get ahead. And you can use all of these answers to nicely point out how much the job you try to get with them matters to you. Behavioral Interview Question: Describe a Time You Missed a Deadline. "(Situation) A couple of months back, I missed a project deadline for an important client of our group. We didn't go past our window.". Thank you for checking it out! Well even send you to the web page where you can apply! After this exercise, I felt very organized and structured, knowing if this situation happened again; I would be prepared. The first is to define how you want to prioritize your time when professional and personal commitments collide. You will always be engaged with challenging goals which have to be completed within a deadline. But do not blame others for it, even if they are to blame. "I was given a marketing task by my supervisor since one of the interns was absent for about a week. I also work with the IT administrators to create a contingency plan for the different scenarios that can cause any delay. The primary focus should be on your actions and the results. It feels uncomfortable to share a story about a time your performance was less than impressive. How to prepare for a job interview in English. This example is a solid one. See Answer Question: Describe a time when you missed a deadline or personal commitment. Task: I missed the deadline because I underestimated the need for research staff for the project. I apologized, explained what happened and asked for an extension, which he granted. is to help make the world a better and more productive place for all by helping college Contact us here. When the next technician arrived which was two hours after we started, we explained the situation and the plan, and we rearranged tasks accordingly. ", Our Professional Interview CoachMarcie Wilmot Reviewed the Above Answer. Written by Rachelle Enns on December 14th, 2021 How to Answer Perhaps you merely underestimated the depth of the project, or maybe you faced a distraction at work. Due to the pandemic, your employer needed to switch quickly from onsite to remote candidate interviews. You provided an excellent solution, and your willingness to meet your boss' needs by taking your work home shows a great deal of dedication. I came into work early on Monday to finish. It was behind schedule, but we still completed the project. This example highlights your critical thinking skills and patient-first mentality. It was nearing 2 p.m. when we had just finished two of the three radios. [ You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. Cover also why it was important to keep the timeline and why you were behind schedule. Similar interview questions: A commitment at work is a promise to do something or act in a certain way. She gave me an extra day and sample write-ups to help me. It's good that you recognized the situation ahead of time, and then approached your manager and the attorney with solutions. Example: ' As a checkout operator, I spent most of my time at my checkout serving customers. describe a time when you missed a personal commitment. How did that make you feel? The interviewer will be happy to hear that you were so proactive! I learned that I need to be honest with myself about the workload I can handle each day. Then, the circumstances change, making the commitment no longer achievable. "In my current role, as an IT Management Consultant, there was a time when I needed to handle all phases by myself and test certain scenarios within a deadline. Check sample answer no. Due to the pandemic, we had to quickly switch from on-side to remote candidate interviews. I also crafted a new pre-sale initiative for the reps to push. Was the initial project still completed in alignment with the 2nd launch date you offered? Great answer and great job bringing it all together. My stance was that, by identifying our objective and refusing to settle for less, we would keep the best interest of our department and students in mind. When I got to within two weeks of completing my internship and returning to college, I knew that I was not going to be able to complete the secondary project by the end of my internship. Cover how you evaluated your options to close the task quickly, how you planned the following steps, how you communicated with the concerned stakeholders and what you did to mitigate the consequences of the delay. At the time, I thought it would be best to continue to complete some of the higher priority projects I was working at the time. Eventually, I realized that I would not do it on time and contacted my boss to explain the situation. This is an excellent example with a great solution and positive outcome. They learn this information by asking behavioral interview questions. Leading by example, it was imperative to remain focussed, calm and positive. (Action) I immediately went to upper management with a plan. What did you learn from this failure? Once I recognized this, I was honest with my boss about the revised timeline needed to complete the task. I was embarrassed for not meeting her expectations but learned to communicate early and ask for assistance when needed.". Yet, how did you personally cope with the failure, beyond your logistical solution. First, I did some research to evaluate if I could present the shortlist despite the open legal questions. As a new pharmacist, I was instantly overwhelmed. ", "Right now, I am an IT management consultant and my current project is to be a test coordinator for implementation of SAP during different phases. Do not forget to read my notes at the end of this article, for additional hints and explanations. I took full accountability for the inconvenience and provided a new timeline that I could meet. Then, we start with fresh eyes and tackle the project once again until we finish it. STAR is explained as follows: ST - situation or task A - action R - result When applying the STAR method to behavioral interview questions, lay out the situation surrounding the issue or the task you were given. Although my direct line manager approved me working on this request, it put me off my delivery timeline for my primary project. My boss just gave it to me and I said I would try, but I knew it couldnt be completed in that amount of time. The creative result was not satisfying and in order to enhance the work, I would be unable to meet the project deadline promised to the client. Why Do Interviewers Ask This Question? I delegated tasks based on individual talents for quality and speed, delegated those tasks first while I then took care of the rest. This method actually seemed to increase productivity as well due to the clear accountability.. (Task) I was the only person on our team available and equipped to perform this with a fast turnaround. How you get (and stay) organized. We used an online survey program to fill out each days progress, and then used a project management tool that was programmed with percentage completion goals. Step 2: Describe the situation and your task. Covid times. My patient was 2 hours late getting upstairs because I had another high acuity patient I was taking care of. I apologized for the inconvenience, and I amended the action the best of my ability by offering to stay overtime to finish the work and to ask for an extension.". To date, we have automated that reporting with a minimal hands-on approach on my side. In order to make sure that never happened again, I began assigning dedicated account managers to each project, rather than have one large project pool. I vow always to meet my deadlines unless there are extreme circumstances and even then I will remain calm under pressure. Despite working overtime, I missed the deadline by three days. Since then Ive implemented checkpoints to make sure no such details are missed in the future, and dont over promise and under deliver again. Really it is a question of when, vs. if, a commitment will be missed. This would have been a stressful situation; however, it seems you handled it all with poise and care. Read on for tips and examples that will help you deliver a stellar answer and land the job. STAR is an acronym for Situation, Task, Action, Result. The days have passed when interviewers are only interested in your concrete skills and information such as where you went to college. I believed I could handle this task in addition to the workload I already had. ", "(Situation) Last year, our faculty needed to refresh the math curriculum for our grade 4/5 class. We do not claim our questions will be asked in any interview you may have. In the end, I, unfortunately, did not make to test all the scenarios to the deadline. (Result) In the end, although I sacrificed my time to meet the goal, we did fail as a team. Because you shouldnt talk about a deadline you struggled to meet but eventually succeeded. Action: As the deadline was approaching, I knew that I would not able to make it. We were in the process of finalizing the deal. Honestly! ", "When I started with my current job, I was assigned to run a month-end report that is time-sensitive. ", "(Situation) Recently, I needed to write up a new client's projected account volume for the following fiscal year. In the previous example, you might, for instance, have done some of your own research to understand whether or not you can present your shortlist of software vendors, despite the open legal questions. Now everyone is mad that the project is running over time and over budget, which is why I want to leave, so here I am, interviewing with you", Job Search Luckily, she was behind too, but the being upfront about it softened the blow.". Read our Terms of Use for more information. All interview questions are created by and are not official interview questions for any organization listed on We aim to empower job seekers and employees through the promotion of their best interests, advice and encouragement. (Result) By communicating early, admitting my error in judgment, and asking for help, the worst thing that happened was a bit of initial disappointment. CollegeGrad is the #1 entry level job site for college students and recent grads. The best approach to answering this question: I met with my mentor and we worked out a situation which allowed me to continue to work on the project part-time after the official end of the internship. It was a huge undertaking, and as I was so eager to please that I underestimated the amount of time it would take to redo the system. I explained that we were dealing with an unusual situation, we will have to rearrange the usual priorities and tasks for the morning shift, and adjust the workflow until we clear up the mess. Good answer! I was busy with my regular tasks and training a new team member. Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card " Describe a time when you missed an appointment ". I learned from this experience how important it is to analyze potential dependencies with other people early, which has helped me avoid ending up in similar situations again.. My manager was glad. Although we take full accountability for missing the deadline, we work hard to regain the relationship with the clients.". This example shows your willingness to work hard, even when deadlines may be unreasonable. Well, it is challenging to decipher which events people tend to forget. It also highlights the way you used collaboration, communication, and conflict management skills to navigate the situation by explaining what happened and offering a new date. In these cases, we work with what they give us and work as much as we can. Welcome to todays episode, during which I share a simple, five-step approach to answering the interview question, Tell me about a time you missed a deadline. Interviewers usually dont ask this question to find a weak spot they can hold against you. In the end, I was able to solve the firefighting issue and deliver on my primary project, but it ended up being over a week late due to the diversion. "I once missed a project deadline due to an underestimation of staff required to complete the work. It was a team project, and my team members were all extremely busy, so we had a very hard time scheduling time to meet. I took four actions to handle the situation. To be successful in this type of interview, you should practice until you are sure of yourself. I took full accountability for the inconvenience and provided a new timeline that I could meet. 7 Common Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers. 6. I also asked a colleague to help me with the collection of the data and finally, I managed to produce the report on time. (Result) I met the second deadline that I promised the client, and they were impressed with my transparent and honest attitude throughout the process. ", "At one of my previous jobs, I had to upgrade some radios on a cell tower. Its really about showing you have good emotional intelligence. Try offering up a fuller response while following the STAR framework (Situation, Task, Action, Result). (Action) When I realized that the deadline was fast approaching, I called the client and apologized. We do not learn much, and certainly do not grow as human beings, when everything goes according to the plan, when we go from one success to another. Not everyone agreed with me; however, I kept my end of the bargain and worked double-time to complete my tasks. I think your answer was acceptable. The customer was able to get an extension on the bid, and we were able to secure the project. Part of being a leader is recognizing your faults, and coming up with solutions that help you avoid those problems in the future. You can make some notes to help you if. Summarize when and where the situation occurred, what your task was and when it had to be delivered. Describe the last time that you undertook a project that demanded a lot of initiative. "Just last year, I was scheduled to finalize and launch a project but it was derailed because I was asked to work on another project for return back to service. I approached my supervisor who delegated another academic staff to work on finalizing the course results for me. Nice answer! How you manage your stress. I also asked the technician about which tasks he is usually best at, and I delegated those tasks to him first while I took care of the rest. When in stressful situations, I spring into action and become proactive versus reactive. He said yes, and the tower got turned on. 1. Ask The Interviewer: Work From Home Edition, Cover Letters are Hard to Write, But This is Why They Matter. Dont get stuck writing about your work experience. ", "(Situation) When working in the shoe department at Company ABC, we noticed a severe issue in inventory tracking after the busy holiday season. You can enhance your answer by mentioning if you communicated with anyone such as a supervisor or client in advance to notify them you would miss the deadline. You don't want to give off the impression that if they hired you, you'd likely make the same mistakes. Try discussing how you would react if you were unable to meet a project deadline, regardless of scope changes, for instance. How did that make you feel? Admit that you missed a deadline, and explain why. "My District Manager asked me to complete Medication Therapy Management for all our stores, within the week. The client was understanding, and we reworked the concepts. If you are searching for a job, good luck on the hunt! Ensure the hiring managers that you did your best, stayed overtime, set your priorities clear, and did everything you could. You will miss it simply because everyone else (except of a complete workaholic or a genius) would miss it as well. This is an informative example and showcases the fact that you are fast to act and detail-oriented. (Task) As the Inventory Manager, it was up to me to reorganize the inventory room, which was 4000 sq feet in total. (Task) I missed this deadline because I underestimated the need for support staff on the project. Every year the expectations get only higher. Also, this gives you time to choose between several personal experiences, making sure you use the one that best exemplifies your best traits. The STAR method is ideal for answering these behavioral interview questions. 5. Interviewing for a new role within your company. Why the interviewer is asking this question: Give me an example of a time when you failed to meet a deadline, "In my current role, I have both a direct line manager and a dotted line manager. Each episode is only five minutes long. Step 2: Describe the situation and your task. Stand out with MyPerfectResumes eye-catching resume templates! My reaction was that I started to reflect for myself why I did not meet the deadline, what could I do better, what did I learn from this and what is the best possible action to do further. Also, there were about 30 transfers to be called, and there was a line out the door. 6. Simply be honest and explain the situation. "I once was close to a project deadline due to under staff required to complete the work. How To Develop A Creative Approach to Problem Solving. Our vision When the employer asks about a time you failed or made a mistake, show them you take responsibility for mistakes instead of putting the blame on others. Every commitment you make strengthens your character and helps you grow as an individual. I met the second deadline that I promised and the CRA was impressed with my transparent and honest attitude throughout the process.". An example of how to best answer this question for experienced candidates: I always vow to be on time.". I jumped in to handle this project, however I had underestimated the depth of the project, and this was reflected in my internal brief. When I reported to the pharmacy, it was a disaster, to say the least. The key with this type of question is to bring up a "failure" briefly and then to spend most of your time talking about what you've learned from it and how you've improved rather than dwelling on the failure itself. Although I had a great amount of lead time, some of the vendors failed to complete their tasks on time, and I knew that we were unable to meet the deadline for the system launch. I take full accountability for missing any deadline, regardless of the reason, to ensure that our client relationships remain healthy. You do a great job of identifying the situation and how you contributed to a positive outcome. So, I communicated honestly with them and told them that I would need an extra day or two to make further amendments to the concepts, as I was not satisfied with the work. Although my direct line manager approved me working on this request, it put me off my delivery timeline for my primary project. Nobody is perfect! I really enjoyed talking to customers, so I made sure to greet every person with a smile and make small talk while I scanned their items so they all felt special. Your answer also showcases your strong communication skills. The result was that I missed the deadline by two days, but I also saved my manager some time by preparing the scoring model, and we could keep the overall time plan. What can we expect from you in your first three months. Maybe it turned out that he was planning to create a scoring model to rank the different products based on your list, so you spent the weekend learning about software evaluation best practices and prepared a first draft scoring model, including all options. Commitment Question 4: "What did you like about your last job?". Behavioral Interview Question: Describe a Time You Missed a Deadline In any stressful workplace there are sometimes issues that can come up that may cause you to miss a deadline. education, training and experience. 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