130+ Romance Writing Prompts For Adults. Now, pick up the pen or open your blank document and start writing that happily ever after. What is the last compliment you gave to your partner? They wake up the next morning to a winter wonderland. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'writingbeginner_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',102,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-writingbeginner_com-medrectangle-4-0');I wanted to make this the best possible resource for you, so I divided up the fanfiction prompts into 13 separate categories: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'writingbeginner_com-square-1','ezslot_31',611,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-writingbeginner_com-square-1-0');I hope you enjoy them! Check out Reedsys weeklyshort story contest, for the chance of winning $250, plus potential publication in our literary magazine, Prompted! She stared down at the two pink lines, her mouth agape. A warlock takes an apprentice who lied about their magical abilities. Your favorite characters wake up in heaven together. Do you think a womans primary role is that of a caregiver? Does your significant other have any toxic traits? He wants to make some new friends, so he starts organizing events for the people around him. They are on his trail but havent caught him yet. The woman becomes interested in one of the new men. They have a difficult time finding their way back to each other. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.". WebThere are plenty of other romance plot generators and plot twist generators to provide more bursts of inspiration. Seventh Sanctums Plot Twist Generator. Have you heard about the couples journal? His girlfriend is very excited about meeting his family for the first time, but shes worried they wont like her. He asks her to marry him even though theyve only been dating for three months. When was the last time you and your partner had to make a difficult decision? No one knows how long this case will last. Table of Contents Romance Writing Can Be for Everyone The first time a couple share a kiss is at their wedding. This journal will help in sharing daily events that you otherwise would have missed. With access to these relationship journal ideas, you dont need to waste your time thinking about what to write each day. Playing matchmaker with fictional characters is a blast. Krystal N. Craiker is the Writing Pirate, an indie romance author and blog manager at ProWritingAid. Write about two people reconnecting after a rough patch in their relationship. The queen shows up after vanishing for 5 years. There are also hundreds of romance tropes. He is a suspect. Romance stories with elements of fantasy or science fiction. One is given an ultimatum by their family: be disowned or break up. She sends him a special message. Maybe your hero uncovers their own sexuality as they fall in love with their best friend, or perhaps they have always known, but haven't quite managed to find joy with the right partner until now. A granddaughter finally holds her grandfathers wrinkled hands. This subgenre is what it says on the tin dreamy romance, that also makes you laugh. Two single parents are at the skating rink each hosting their child's birthday. Why do you look forward to coming home to your partner? A young girl wakes up to find all of her stuffed animals surrounding her bed in a semi-circle. Where did you go? Our list of romance story prompts for all ages will help you create larger-than-life characters and exciting plots that arent just your average love story. One lover overhears the other say something cruel out of context and leaves them. Or, at least have a little love triangle going on. Could you listen to your partners needs better? Never shift or remove focus from your main theme and storyline. A little girl tries to convince her parents that she can take care of her baby brother for an afternoon while they run errands. Writing Prompts Romance. A character wishes for snow. Dont forget to read all the way to the end of this article. Sreeranjani Pattabiraman, Senior Technical Writer. It is a simple way to improve communication in a relationship. One falls on the ice, and the other helps them up. Or maybe you are more of a discovery writer or "pantser" and prefer a story starter to a plot idea. She was sent back in time to stop a catastrophe. Your protagonist is now stuck with this being as their sidekick until they are able to save their life. Or do you want to note down the feelings, thoughts, and emotions you experience in the time together? Someone brings a hotdog cart into work with them on Take Your Dog To Work day. Their hands brush when they both pick up something and sparks fly. It might sometimes feel like all the romance-novel ideas have already been done. How does your partner prefer to take it? They fall asleep together after watching their favorite movie for the millionth time. They spiral into the tragic existence of frantically searching for their partner in the real world during every waking moment. What did you do? Eventually, they realize that the love of their life has been there all along. Creepy Story Writing Prompts. What is one thing your partner might not know about you? How do you feel about cooking for your partner? When was the last time you said I love you to your partner? These plot starters are at the center of many successful romance novels: Sometimes a romance is driven purely by chance or circumstance. Step 2: Choose some of these writing prompts for couples based on how you feel about your relationship at the time. A couple wakes up to find out that they are now world-famous for an accidental video uploaded to the internet. Use journaling to get this vital task done. Give each other a sneak-peek into the past. The couples first kiss is ruined by an earthquake. At times, reading your partners perspective can be a revelation. Bestselling Author Joanna Penn Compares, How to Write a Book: The Best Creative Writing Courses Online, Self-Publishing 101: A Step-by-Step Guide to Sharing Your Idea With the World, ProWritingAid Presents: Crime Writer's Week, Free Giveaway: The Ultimate Crime Writer's Toolkit, The 25 Best Fantasy Books & Novels of All Time: Our Top Picks, Omnipotent Characters: Why Marvel Sidelined Thor, Vision, and Captain Marvel, Six Tried and Tested Methods for Writing a Novel, How to Outline Your Novel With Scrivener's Outliner and Corkboard, Fantasy Writers' Week Premium Hub: Presented by ProWritingAid. Is there anything you would change about your wedding day? When you were younger, what qualities were on your list for your perfect partner? Two children are home alone on Christmas Eve because their parents went out to get milk and cookies. There he was, chained to a tree, spouting nonsense, and directly in the way of my bulldozer. A doctor with a terrible bedside manner is in danger of losing their job from patient complaints. Your favorite Disney character is on a blind date with your favorite superhero. After a few years of not speaking, the protagonist bumps into their childhood friend. Have you ever kept a secret from your partner? Keep reading for 81 romance-writing prompts. Having easy-to-use relationship journal prompts ready at hand can make the task of journaling simpler and easier. the world's largest writing contest. YA. It turns out to be completely normal where her grandmother lives. He has already been ruled out. Before you start journaling, you need to figure out what you want to accomplish with the journal. We have journal prompts about anger, arguments, and differences. He also sees his dream girl in the picture. The protagonist finds out they have a half-sibling from their fathers extramarital affair years ago. What have you learned about your partner in the past year? Suddenly both of them stop talking. They now live on opposite sides of the country, but they cannot deny their chemistry. What is your happiest memory of your relationship? A soldier returns from war to find his sweetheart has moved on, and he tries to win her back. Legal InformationAs a reader-supported site, we sometimes earn commissions when referring to stores. An older sister tries to convince her younger sister to play outside. 164 stories, Romance 2. When your protagonist grows up and begins dating, she discovers a terrifying fact about herself. These journal prompts for couples are a fantastic way of looking back on your life together so far, planning your future, and helping your relationship go from strength to strength. : Choose some of these writing prompts for couples based on how you feel about your relationship at the time. How is your partner different from other people youve been romantically attached to in the past? Two gentlemen find themselves in an awkward situation when they realize they are both on a date with the same woman. Romance fans have their favorite tropes and tropes that they hate. On the other hand, if your love tank is full, write about how your partner has shown you love lately. Download it now for FREE. If so, write about it. Copyright 2023 Squibler, All Rights Reserved. Write about a character who must confess their true feelings by midnight, or risk losing it all. Oh. Mid-argument over which Pokmon character is better, a husband and wife find a funny way to compromise. 100 Cute Date Ideas to Really Up the Romance Couples can step out of the box with these easy, fun and affordable options. Please see my, Copyright 2023 Writing Beginner | Writing Beginner |. Two strangers get married in Vegas and barely remember the night. Two platonic college friends marry to avoid one of them being deported. While romance can pop up in almost any book of any kind, there still is an entire genre dedicated to straight romance. We also have prompts that look back on some key memories together to fill you with warm, fuzzy feelings. Write a romance either between the species or between a supernatural and a human. Here are a few popular romance writing prompts that never seem to get old. They keep their wealth and true identity hidden. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Write a story that involves love at first sight. What is the last compliment you received from your partner? One of the best ways to keep a healthy and thriving relationship with your partner is constantly evaluating it, to see whats going well and whether there are areas to improve. An alien baby crash-lands on Earth and is kept by an average family until it is older. LGBTQ. Choose an era to set your story in, and really embrace it. A family hosts an ugly Christmas tree decorating contest. No one has ever gotten close to him because no one is ever as perfect as the artwork. A Viking warrior is set to marry a chief, but then they meet the grumpy blacksmith. A secret relationship in a fandom pairing is public in an alternate universe. WebCute Love Stories. Two coworkers at a bookstore always tell each other their latest string of bad dates. Her significant other is in their office, playing a friendly prank. Two characters share their love for Christmas in a sweet, innocent way. 5. If you need some fresh ideas for your next love story, check out these romance writing prompts. Weave dialogue, action, and description together (too much of any one element can get boring). Write a romance where your character falls in love with the last person they expected to. When you are happy and content in a relationship, you rarely take it all in and realize how blessed you are. She accidentally left her wallet at home when she went to school that day, but luckily someone turned it in. I have done indepth planning for characters i have designed characters and time in very detail. How does your significant other support your dreams? A baby crawls down a magical rabbit hole and goes through various adventures. A couple has a food fight in a fancy restaurant. Two strangers in a nursing home become fast friends. A good love story needs to have a memorable meet cute, a buildup of romantic tension, and a happily-ever-after ending. What is one thing youd like to do together that you havent yet? The sculptures. How could you show love to your partner better? Write a love poem about your significant other. On the other hand, if your love tank is full, write about how your partner has shown you love lately. They help each other hide from police and they pool their knowledge of life on the streets. What do you remember about your engagement? Everyone talks on the phone together while getting ready for a night on the town. Check out her website or follow her on Instagram: @krystalncraikerauthor. How do you feel about sharing your personal space with your partner? Can you see any of these as your next story idea? A couple holds hands for the first time. She has to have surgery and asks her boyfriend to take her on a cute date before she goes under. Shes been dating her boyfriend for two years but has never been on a vacation with himuntil now. These are divided by sub-genre. Disclaimer: This website may contain affiliate links. 71 stories, Romance Did your partner help you to feel safe and loved? How do you think someone else would describe your relationship? Top 140 Reddit Writing Prompts. Two characters fall in love after meeting at the mall on Christmas Eve to return/exchange terrible gifts. What compromises have you made for being together? A guy finds an old picture of his friends at their prom. Tris and Four go to the park and swing on the swings together. They are assigned a project together even though they hate each other. Respond with your short story and you could win $250! More often than not these are forbidden and/or dangerous romances but the characters go after it anyway. 7. 258 stories, Romance Instead of writing in the typical dear diary style, you can address each other. It turns out though that these baked goods are often schemingly created just to get attention from their crush at work. They share a dance at a masquerade and don't know each other's true identity. Webcute couple prompt/scenario generator! You can easily take a familiar concept and change it up to create something new. Use the journal to know your partners reaction to something new you want to try. A couple wakes up next to each other and discover that theyve gotten married the night before. Readers want likeable, interesting love interests that they can root for. A family drives to their hometown and reminisces about the good times they had together. Two siblings take care of the family pet fish while their parents are away for the weekend. Your novel takes place in a post-apocalyptic world and your characters are just trying to survive. It is a joint activity to share their feelings for each other, their experiences together, and capture the story of the relationship. Hes always wanted to be a writer but he doesnt know where to start. "I think I've fallen in love with my self-professed mortal enemy.". Who gave speeches on your wedding day? Have you ever planned a surprise for your partner? Oops, now he loves her. Clint Barton wakes up next to Natasha Romanov after they spend the night together. What made you realize this is more than a casual relationship? What does your partner do that irritates you? This might be something like love conquers all, the transformative power of love, or acceptance and belonging. Write about somebody looking for love on a reality TV show. Do you like to pay on a date, or do you like it when your partner pays for you both? Have you ever told a lie to your partner? No love story will ever be exactly like the one you write. 2. Communication is key when it comes to relationships, and these journal prompts for couples will help you to write about all of the different aspects of your relationship so that you can identify any issues that are creeping up, as well as practice gratitude for your partner and all of the great things they bring into your life.. Over 1 million authors trust the professionals on Reedsy, come meet them. If your significant other could be anything, what would they choose? He proposes to her by hiding the ring in her food. They end up under the mistletoe at a holiday party. Two people work together to feed a stray dog. WebAlmost spilling a drink because you met their eyes and got distracted thinking how cute they are. She wakes up, walks downstairs, and finds a magical mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows waiting for her on the dining room table. He attends his first adult party after graduating college. There's a reason we keep seeing certain stories brought to life over and over again. Are you inspired by your parents relationship?. What is the best compliment your partner has ever paid you? Do you find it challenging to have difficult conversations with your partner? Harry Potter and Hermione Granger go on a first date. Since you want to write fluff, keep the stories light and cheerful (Read my full step-by-step tutorial on how to write fluffy stories). A love story consists of some basic elements: a meet cute, encounters to build romantic tension, getting together or nearly getting together, torn apart by some circumstance, and a reunion and happily ever after. Write a story about a road trip between two old friends that turns into something more. Through a couples journal, the couple can explore the life they built up together. Is there anything that youre holding onto that your partner did to upset you in the past? Peeta Mellark takes Katniss Everdeen out for breakfast at Granny Ashpets house. Suddenly, the terrible people and events from their dreams start appearing in real life. They are often not for the faint of heart, and what better way to bring to people together than to throw them into an adventure together? 157 stories. When the clock strikes midnight, you start to. WebRomance. Someone knocks over a bike rack outside the library. A mother watches her daughters ballet recital, tearfully thinking of how different it would be if not for medical interventions. I'm grateful for I remember when Once, when I was I've sometimes thought that It seems as if When I was a child 1. The new cook is heir to a family fortune but wants to take their own path. 3. They bow to her as queen. Two children find an abandoned baby on their doorstep and take it into their home until they can find its parents. Write down 3 strengths of your relationship. Write about someone asking out an old crush, only to realize their crush doesnt remember theyve ever met before. Write down 3 goals for your relationship in the future. A high schooler is very excited to start college and make new friends, but the only person who will give him the time of day is his TA. Write about it here. When did you feel vulnerable in your relationship? Here are a few types of romance stories you might consider writing: Keen to get started? You are a regular at the coffee shop and the cute barista keeps mispelling your name. The girl has secretly liked her crush for years but shes afraid to tell him how she feels. You are on cloud nine and drifting through the time together. Read more. She wakes up and finds that her significant other has made breakfast in bed. Use some of these simple plot ideas to bring your lovers together. A superhero knocks on her door on a Sunday morning. What was the last thing your partner said or did to make you feel special? Will they end up together forever, or will the difficult times theyre living through keep them apart? I met my soul mate while covered in blood. Transport your readers to a different place and you will have them hooked the whole time. There's something for everyone. 37.7K Followers. WebA married couple is having a fight about the wifes infidelity. WebCute Fluff Prompts. Here are some ideas for the heroes and heroines of your next love story. Is your partner introverted or extroverted? 19 stories. Share your desires, goals, and inspirations. Use the journal to know your partners reaction to something new you want to try. Use the Mad Libs format to find out more about your partner. Give each other a sneak-peek into the past. Download your FREE writing prompts for couples worksheet. Have you ever had a dream about your partner? So, whether you are looking to write the worlds next big love story or you just want to spice up your supernatural thriller, here are some great romance writing prompts to get you started. When do you feel most loved by me? The portraits. Tea or coffee? A couple moves into an apartment together and realizes they have very different styles of decorating. Our site contains affiliate links to products. As you progress, you will find your own way and settle down into what is comfortable for both of you. How did it go? How did you plan/feel about your proposal? Now that you have some ideas for the base concept of your novel, here are some specific plot ideas to get your creative juices flowing. A meet-cute ends in a terrible date, or a disastrous meeting ends in a great one. Relationship Goals Text;) (@imagine_016) on TikTok | 1.6M Likes. They havent seen each other in over twenty years, but one reaches out to the other to fulfill their pact. A dad teaches his daughter how to cut down a Christmas tree. Possible plot twist: her single mother placed the curse on her because she was afraid of being alone and didnt want her daughter to leave her. While writing prompts are a great tactic to spark your creative sessions, a writer generally needs a couple more tools in their toolbelt when it comes to developing a rock-solid writing routine. To that end, here are a few more additional tips for incorporating your craft into your everyday life. NNWT. They go out for ice cream and tell each other stories from their childhood. , plus potential publication in our literary magazine. Here are some romance writing prompts to get your epic tale of crazy love started. The warlock and apprentice fall in love. Two friends meet up for their monthly brunch, but they dont recognize each other at first because of the disguises theyre both wearing. WebThese journal prompts for couples are a fantastic way of looking back on your life together so far, planning your future, and helping your relationship go from strength to strength. "Is it your first time flying?" During high school, she was bullied by someone because she had no friendsbut now shes found her niche and is much happier. For Christmas in a terrible bedside manner is in danger of losing their job from complaints... Task of journaling simpler and easier you dont need to waste your time thinking about to. Plot starters are at the time cute date ideas to bring your lovers together has never been a... Affordable options younger sister to play outside years of not speaking, protagonist... They share a kiss is at their prom brother for an afternoon while they run errands and human... And your characters are just trying to survive reader-supported site, we sometimes earn commissions referring. 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