The Wide mouth 1-gallon glass jar with lid is one of the most popular jars today because it's cheap and effective. Take what you pay a week for smoking (probably around $50). These are the same plants as in the previous photo, eleven days later (25Jan09). Is that safe to smoke? Question: Would you mind if I adapted your excellent work here for use in the UK? This will keep the leaves moist but reduce the chance of mold developing while theyre in storage. Generally, what works on tomatoes should work on tobacco. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on July 17, 2018: Try misting the dried leaves with a mixture of oil of cloves (from the chemist) and water. Answer: It should be okay in a large bucket. James' book The Heirloom Tobacco Garden and i've been excited to try his method using jars. You probably displaced 12 cabbages to grow enough tobacco to keep you in cancer sticks for a year. It seems dry but just doesnt want to stay lit when Ive rolled cigarettes. No oil heaters required! If parts of the leaf remain green, it has dried too fast. If you dry your tobacco in your home, be sure to mind the temperature and humidity to avoid drying the leaves too quickly. The site loading pace is amazing. Make sure kiln has good air circulation and that jars aren't touching walls to prevent condensation in jars. Gently shake the sieve. When ordering tobacco seeds online, be sure to check importing restrictions. 11 years ago Answer: I've never struck that problem, and it hasn't been mentioned before, so it's probably not an issue. A fine mist to dampen the leaves is all you need, they will soften almost immediately and you can then cut out the ribs. Fairly certain he's going to have a good read. You could also try spraying with a mister (one of those cheap mist sprayers that you can get from garden supply shops) Just remember that you want the leaves to dry, not go mouldy. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. Question: My tobacco keeps going brittle while its being hung, it looks ready colour wise and want to cut up and pack it but is far to brittle, how can I get to the right texture (not brittle)? Have fun, good luck, and thanks for dropping in. The bought stuff has additives to keep it going, such as saltpeter (potassium nitrate, the main ingredient of gunpowder). What is the next step after the fermentation is ready ? Tobacco starts from shockingly tiny seeds and grows a million fold into a 6-7 foot monster in just about 5 months. -Week 3 smells very strongly like raisins. I grow over 100 + plants - mainly in pots but some in the ground. on Step 6, Do you ferment all leaves that you want to use as in the cigar or just the outer leaf of the cigar. Yes I agree that there was too much moisture. I then start fermentation I do this in a burco boiler. Preparing the leaf is the same for both. You too can join the ranks of tobacco plant enthusiasts and with some luck and planning, your efforts may be rewarded with a homegrown cigar! To cure my tobacco i air dry it in my shed. Trying to perfect the cutting now but am very happy with my "own grown". Answer: That's a question that I haven't had before! I still have the 1 oz of Light Fire Cure in the press. In the next batch I think I will see if placing the leaves in a large plastic bag will work better. Wow what a hub I started growing this summer only 3 plants thoe they are 6feet I'd say they now have Pritty pink flowers I harvested around 50 or so leaves hung them on nylon 1 month ago they are turning nice and golden I have them in my garage where I go for a quite smoke and stear at them only but wondering what they are going to be like I'm glad I came across this hub it has put my mind at ease a little and also given me some great ideas, Because of the heart problems i'm moving to Central Hawkes Bay to be with family. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on June 16, 2016: Hi there gepeTooRs , nice to know that you approve, although I can't take any credit for the loading pace, that's all HubPages doing. Whoo-hoo! Answer: It's fine with light frosts. The best way to do this is pictured on step 1, hang leaves to dry and let nature take its course: Gather your harvested green leaves, use a zip tie at the stems and bundle into 1-4 leaf bunches, (be sure to allow air between the leaves, if the leaves stick together, they will mold). Very refreshing to be able to find the simple info you want without having read heaps of seriously boring rubbish at the same time!! Growing and harvesting is a perquisite to fermentation covered in other guides, available here . Wash off any dirt, though. Cover the soil with newspaper or a bit of cardboard to keep it damp. the pic was just of some plants that had mold growth on them. But really, there are no unpleasant smells to be vented. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on January 21, 2016: Hi Hops, beer and 'baccy go together mate, have a top New Year too. The host saw me wandering around puffing on my pipe and he kindly gave me a tobacco plant in a pot. Let the flowers bloom and die off. It looks and smells good but it will not stay burning. Thanks in advance. Answer: I grow the one that I originally bought from King's Seeds in Katikati NZ years ago. Fermentation also stabilizes the leaf so that it doesn't decompose further in storage. Curing is a 3 part process:1) Drying (color curing): to take out majority of the moisture. Hi how is everyone in this tuff times hope all is ok ive started growing tobacco plant and im wondering do i have to use a cooler fan if curing leaves in a attic, thanks good info no frills- i've got 40 seeds in seedling mix indoors 7 germinated so far. I'm attempting to grow 3 varieties of tobacco: a Tennessee dark air cure, a Samsun Turkish and Perique. This is just 3 hands of tobacco and it does have quite the aroma associated with it! I assume that you're in the northern hemisphere, which means that you are in late Autumn, so I suggest that you pick the leaves and hang them to dry. After drying my iwn tobacco I put a little bourbon on it in a deep pot and roasted in oven at 50 degrees with a lid on. A good recommended fill blend for a home grown cigar is 30% Havana leaf and 70% Virginia leaf with a Havana wrapper. Be sure the leaves are protected from direct sunlight, which may burn them. A factory barn with hundreds of thousands of hands fermenting, wellthat would be a whole different level of aroma.Q: Surf Monkey Coconut, your insurance agent called me looking for you. When the plant is mature, harvest the leaves as normal and check google on making cigars, - I haven't made them but I know that there are some good sites with common sense instructions around. I will be 76 next month and live in the UK. In any case I will be subscribing for your rss feed and I am hoping you write again very soon! I did miss a stage in my above aromatic observationsbetween the wet grass and raisin stage there was a strong cereal toasted corn flakes, which probably lasted for the entire 2nd week. Then proceed in one of the following ways: Further up the page, I suggested that you let one plant flower for seed. Frankly, if you're regularly ingesting nicotine, traces of ammonia, if they exist, should be the least of your concerns,- and homegrown tobacco is a lot less dangerous than the commercial stuff. Hopefully I get mature plants later. Find a shelter where youll have some control over the humidity by opening or closing doors, windows, or vents. For three months of winter, we have occasional light frosts, bitterly strong winds, and some hail. Question: I have been hanging first tobacco leaves for two weeks in the green house and they going brown already. Share it with us! There are several websites dealing with curing chambers and the standard home made type is made of foam wall insulation and an oil heater. Buuut, it is still good to note the same surgeon general warning that "smoking is bad for your health", etc.,,,,,,,, Treat it as you would tomatoes. The place else may just I get that type of info written in such a perfect way? Mine is 40ltr any old water boiler come tea earn will do. Have you ever tried soaking leaves to flavour them? From a broader perspective, there are a few variables that influence how tobacco ages. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on November 12, 2015: I love this website - its so usefull and helpfull. I can't be bothered, think up a few for yourself. -Air cured Tobacco leaves, Seeds with growing instructions are available here : Havana tobacco seeds are good for making cigars, particularity cigar wrappers because of the broad leaves, flavor and smooth appearances once cured. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Hi - What are your thoughts on smoking unfermented tobacco. Isn't it possible to sterilize the pile of tobacco and stop all the fermentation by having temperature too high? References. When the leaves are in the Eski fermenting do you turn them or move them around. Just to clarify Im not trying to cheat my way out of setting up a kiln. Turn the marijuana every few hours, so that all parts are exposed to the sun. Tobacco is an age old, yet amazing plant, which has become increasingly popular among hobbyist in recent times! Putting them in an oven at VERY low heat for an hour or so will also dry them ready to cut and smoke but I can't guarantee that they'll yellow as much as slow drying. If you live in a place that's warm enough to grow cabbage, tobacco will thrive. Whether its for smoking, for ceremonial use, or for an insect repellent solution, there are many reasons to dry, or air-cure, your own tobacco leaves. The seeds will pass through while most of the rubbish will stay behind. Tobacco isn't picky. When they're about four inches high, and after the last of the frost, plant them out. I suggest that you air-dry some leaves and then compare. He can smoke to his lung's are content. I then dip the jar, short of the lid, back into the boiling water using the tongs. They should still be pliable, not brittle. It depends on the tobacco, I guess. Does the Brod and Taylor bread proofing cabinet work good for cureing tobacco? Btw i subbed you on youtube, Reply That's late summer here in the Southern Hemisphere. tobacco enthusiast on September 15, 2014: Thanks to this hub I just pulled in my 4th batch of leaves and hung them to dry. and is it any good? , i bought 1 kg virginia tobacco leaves, its sun cured, but its really smells bad !! Tobacco seedlings ready for transplanting outside in the sun. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. WISH ME LUCK FOLKS THE GOVT DAMN SURE DOESN'T ASTHEY WATCH THERE TAX DOLLARS EVAPORATE. Answer: As people in the UK and the USA have been using my article for over ten years now I can see no reason to prevent you. It's a bit late now to plant outdoors, but you can probably start your seedlings in the hothouse, or better still in little pots on a warm windowsill (Like in the kitchen) . Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. The tobacco is best if the leaf stems are still slightly most when you remove from the stems. Plant them in reasonably rich, well-dug soil (with well-composted vegetable matter if you've got it). For those of you more comfortable with metrics, 1 ft = 30 cm. Is there anything I can do? Hello to all who read this and also to future me who is trying to figure out what I did that one time. Hang these sticks (or string the lines) somewhere dry, out of the way, and preferably warm. And the other thing is that I 'm in Canada. Will they taste better? -An extra week or two of fermentation beyond the 4th week wouldn't hurt. Information I will be collecting: Just what I was looking for answered a couple of questions I had never thought about, I will be starting them off over the next two months now it is Sunday 3rd of March 2019, (I am a slow starter). I also ground some into a powder snuff, I added a cotton ball dipped in scented oil for a week or so to add flavor and scent then removed the cotton ball later. What we are shooting for in this phase is 70% RH maximum. It has been most helpful. Answer: Until the leaves are dry and brown/yellow, after hanging, several weeks or in an oven at low heat an hour or so. Thank you for any other informative site. Answer: Most of my friends who grow tobacco just dry it before smoking it, so no, don't bother. You'll learn by experiment to get the tobacco the way that you like it. For tips on how to separate the tobacco from the stem when the leaves are dry, read on! Looking at this post reminds me of my previous roommate! I am currently smoking the 2018 crop which was over 5.5Kg. I've had some specific varieties that were not particularly good until 18 months, In theory, could I just chuck my jars in say the hot water cupboard? If you live elsewhere, check your local legislation to ensure that you're operating within the law. 50% of these commercial growers cure for between 7 and 14 days. The ageing and compression are important as fermentation by anaerobic bacteria eliminates the harsher burning elements. Maybe I'm ruining it. You will need to make a platform inside the boiler to keep the leaves out of the water. I personally didn't run into any problems, but this set up is risky and definitely not UL rated . A quick way to cure small quantities of marijuana is to loosely fill a plastic bag or glass jar, or place a layer between glass or plastic sheets, and expose the material to the sun. So how do you raise the delicate little darlings? Once the tobacco is dry to my liking or touch. Break the seedheads into it and rub the central core to get the seeds off. Yuk, you can buy them from, Please email us a complete pamphlet about the steps from planting to harvesting tobacco and how to dry and make cigarettes. Tobacco is an amazingly prolific plant. I'd also suggest that you let the plants flower and save the seed, you'll get enough to plant half of Kansas and be very popular with your smoking friends! Ricci Feat Waaka from Tauranga, New Zealand on June 07, 2014: Hi can you please give me some advice on how to grow tobacco under lights,such as how many plants to a 1000 watt or 600 grow light in what size room,am really keen to give it a go. Answer: The best time is November, give or take, but January's fine for a later crop. Question: Im having a hard time keeping my tobacco burning, could it just need more time? Some years ago I stumbled upon tobacco seeds (for the first time) in a Richters plant/seed catalogue out of Canada ( I live in the U.S). Question: I've grown plenty of tobacco except I've always just microwaved the leaves or in the oven to dry and smoked the plant still green. I fugured: "since im griwing broccoli and carrots I might as well griw sone 'backy too!" Free Shipping on orders over $95! Thoughts ? tobacco enthusiast on September 16, 2014: Luther 2 the b8g ribs can be Removed! Is that a constant 50c or would it be averaged over a 3day or so cycle? It's fine to jar bulk tobacco; it will resume fermentation. Using a solution of honey or something sweet may help also. Aging and curing tobacco helps the leaves get rid of their herby flavor and makes them taste more desirable. Question: How do you flavor tobacco with honey and alcohol? Question When the leaves are brown and the edges have curled slightly, the process is complete. Cold and frost will affect your crop yield. 4 years ago You do need LARGE pots, it grows a huge root ball. I am going to scour around and see if I can find some seeds. Mary Wickison from USA on March 23, 2014: After years of nagging (I mean politely requesting) my husband to stop, now I find your page. Answer: The leaves normally dry from the bottom of the plant up. Hi we live in sunny Bay of Plenty and want to give it a go. Mine are not as tall as yours - max about 4 foot. Answer: Give it a try, it certainly won't do any harm. This is a brilliant step-by-step on how to get to the end product I'm looking for so thanks so much mate! I'll certainly digg it and individually suggest to my friends. For the Jars, the pump alone is $65 for the jars. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on February 17, 2015: No I haven't tried that. Like some others I came upon your article whilst looking for info on curing tobacco. I turned out a first-class flake tobacco from some leaf that I'd left in a box in a corner of my garage for a year and forgotten about. I better still be alive for the first finished product lol. If this seems a. little tricky here, it is. Give them a dose of general garden fertiliser now and again. The best time of year to dry outdoors is during the harvest season, end of Summer, before the first frost, humidity is typically perfect in most areas of the USA. Curing can last anywhere from two weeks minimum, to up to six months for some strains. Question: How long would tobacco take to grow in a tropical climate like Australia? Im from west Wales in the UK. Thanks. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on October 21, 2015: Hi Guys (and Gals) sorry that I've been AWOL for a while. I did see a fermenter made of ply-wood, and i can tell ya, that one would most definitely off gas formaldehyde and other such chemicals found in the adhesives.Q: So you haven't noticed any sort of ammonia smell coming from the tobacco?A: I really haven't! To smoke it! I smoke about 50grm/week -say 1 3/4 oz/week. I used the barest pinch of seeds sprinkled into a six-pot seed tray and got over 100 plants! This article is not about health issues; it's about growing tobacco and curing it. Your stuff sounds pretty swish, have fun smoking it. Happy from Toronto, Canada on July 16, 2014: Great hub. and still have some tobacco from afew years ago. Cold and frost will affect your crop yield. 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