This is an advanced light technology which is anchored into a chakra, usually the solar plexus chakra. Access the most powerful transformational meditation library on the planet and accelerate your ascension journey. We are pleased to connect with all of you. Mirror of the Goddess Isis Transmission: Glimpsing the Multidimensional Potential of your Being. This divine healing method created by Gene Ang, Ph.D. is inspired by higher beings from the star system Arcturus. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you." TOMORROW - Feb. 28th - Living a Life of Abundance as a Spiritually Awake Human - Satsang & Guided Meditation - Register Here. When information does not align with someones belief system their fear of change or of being wrong often brings about conflict and angry discussion among friends, family, groups, co-workers, etc. And there are many of you who are spiritually awake; there are more than there ever has been there on Earth. Great results have been achieved. Is your network connection unstable or browser outdated? We had a very special event in Stonehenge on Ascension Day, May 13th.I have never experienced such a huge group of energies with us, it seemed that all star systems, ascended masters, angels and archangels, even cosmic beings were with us from the entire Galaxy and beyond. Arcturians are experts at clearing such energetic interference. I found the tools to heal myself, I gave myself permission, I nurtured myself along the way, I treated myself with kindness and respect. The Arcturians have been asking me for some time to use social media to increase our numbers. The Arcturians are the most helpful in clearing lower densities and also in helping us to activate and shift our vibration from dense 3D into higher states of light and love. 3 ebook, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Volume 2, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension Vol. We then carried on to other power spots, to clear, awaken and bring through the Christ consciousness flowing through the lines. Meditate upon the numbers 9 and 5 with the forms of the pentagram and pentacle. The Acturians are positive oriented Alien Race thatve come down on Earth to help humanity from present disorder. The Arcturians are the guardians of the Stargate and work under the direction of Archangel Metatron. Please look them up, they are very powerful and transforming. The Arcturians have been asking me for some time to use social media to increase our numbers. Learn more about Anchor Arcturians Meditation to activate galactic DNAGet comfortable.record the phrase in your MIND \"I'M ACTIVATING MY GALACTIC DNA\"repeat it several times begin to feel the frequency as it runs through your veins and feel a blue liquid running throughout your body and healing every part of your body, organs, cells, spirit, soul etc.Every time you listen to this frequency, you already feel from a beginning Arcturians are contained in your dimensions, in your body as a subtle energy.relax, breathe Arcturians are healing you.much love and cosmic force for all the humans of this planetARCTURIANS !! This golden cylinder can be called for directly from Lord Arcturus and acts like a huge magnet drawing out impurities. Arcturians are higher-dimensional beings of pure light and of a very high vibration, who helped seed the human race, and their love is infinite and so healing. It was so sweet to see as I was guiding this meditation that the Arcturians are . 2 ebook, Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings Book, Making Contact with Extra-Terrestrials A Master Course, How to Attract Your Soulmate and/or Twin Flame A Master Course, Raise Your Vibration & Ascend to the 5th Dimension, Creating Your Reality & Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams Master Course, Accessing the Healer Within for Healing Yourself & Others A Master Course, Creating Abundance, Manifesting Wealth & Allowing Money In A Master Course, Connecting to Your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, E.T.s & Other Beings of Light & Love Master Course, Perfect Health, Infinite Vitality & Ideal Body Weight A Master Course, Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts & Starting a Spiritual Business A Master Course, Free Guided Meditation Archangel Michael, All the Guided Meditations from the Beings & Collectives Daniel Channels, Follow Daniel on Social Media & Subscribe to His Youtube Channel, The March 2023 Energies The 9D Arcturian Council, Five Simple Steps to Raise Your Vibration The 9D Arcturian Council, How to Become a Spiritual Master The 9D Arcturian Council, This is How You Shift Your Consciousness The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council. Personal ascension may manifest as an energetic event or you may simply begin to realize that your life has become differentthere is more harmony , abundance, peace without effort, and real love in your life. Arcturians are higher-dimensional beings of pure light and of a very high vibration, who helped seed the human race, and their love is infinite and so . I was depressed, I was in so much pain and I was hurting deeply. Dark, low resonating energy cannot enter into, align with, or affect high resonating Light energy which is why you need not concern yourself with or fear the demons and evil that some individuals and groups tell you to fear and protect yourself against. They have been with us for so long, as they have birthed us and have been watching us from afar. They also offer detox from toxicities/densities and upgrades and galactic activation codes. I never understood the pain of the world but I certainly grew up feeling it. The journey of the evolution of the soul which humanity is engaged in is, of course, the opening of the heart. As we work to integrate our 5D self and light of soul into our Being, our high heart begins to open and activate. Human beings who in reality are creative Divine Beings are hypnotized by and thus live lives that reflect separation and two powers. Our zoom schedule is on YouTube if you would like to join us live in our personal and planetary work when you will be receiving some of the highest frequencies available from the Arcturians & Co. To join one of the events or to book a personal healing session get in touch with Carol Nayach. I am here for you no matter what, in person or in the virtual realm! Their knowledge and of chakra and DNA regeneration are the most highly advanced in the galaxy, and one of the most advanced in the entire universe. Gather the energy of Gevurah into your aura (cosmic egg), Let the sword appear in front of aura on command, Rising and Connecting with the 12 Etheric Crystals, Visualize the place where the crystal sits, Send calmness and tranquility to that area, Send more thoughts of calming into the etheric crystal, Increase intensity of thought and arcane power, Accepting the golden Ball of Light into the Ring of Ascension, Visualize a Golden Ball of Energy entering the planet, Set its path coming from the Great Central Sun, Words contain vibrational energy to address your cellular structure, Sing Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh Adonai Tzevaot., Say The ascension genes are now open within me., Sing It is good to be together. These methods involve cosmic codes of consciousness, which work together with Star Magic, that act as keys the unlock portals to all 13 Chakras and all of the 7 subtle bodies. This special chamber contains advanced light technology that builds up your energy bodies and hence your light quotient. Our thanks to him for the enormous volume of material he has channelled and published from the Arcturians. Also avoid, like the plague, any foods that are over-cooked, over-processed, mouldy and genetically engineered food. Please use your own discernment when reading the content shared on this website. Our weekly guided meditation and transmissions (online only) Every Wednesday - 7:15pm - 8:30pm UK Time - Arcturian Light Transmissions. Each time you receive a healing the Arcturians will continue to work on your problem areas and ensure all subtle energy bodies are maintained and remain energised. A grid of Christed light is gradually building through Gaias heart chakra as the power spots are cleared and awakened. Please email me for details. In this meditation the Arcturians create three Protective Blue Healing Spheres. We know how easy it is for an attachment to be made there on Earth. But if you're looking to make a podcast of your own, that's something we can help you with. We would love to hear from you. Journey to Healing: Linda Johns is hosting a class, Arcturian Healing Method Level 1, taught by Gene Ang, PHD. We are the Arcturian Group. We call you to take part in the Collective Meditation. A major emotional purge can result. Even death is simply a concept, the process of moving from one form and place to another. This journey that you are on is about raising your level of consciousness, and you will continue to be given opportunities to do that all day, every day, but you will be more supported in this upcoming month from your friends here in the higher realms who are always seeking to help you in myriad ways. They are there to be experienced, to be enjoyed, and for you to release resistance to those that you dont find so enjoyable. Thanks so much! The first level is a number of transmissions, meditations, and knowledge meant to increase participants healing abilities through building one's energetic structure. 1 ebook, Ascension: The Shift to the 5th Dimension Paperback & ebook Editions, Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings Vol. My spiritual journey over the last few years has been the most rewarding period of my life and I feel such love and appreciation for the Arcturians, guides and teachers who have supported me, loved me, guided me and accelerated my growth and evolution. Meditate in silence and feel as if you can float. These seals are designed for you, the adult self as well as your inner , This meditation has introduced a large amount of new and mys, Lining up plans in Provo? Tone the color you associate with the scene you saw. Ultimately we achieve the enlightened state of Christ consciousness embodiment where we are free to leave the cycle of Earth incarnations and ascend. Who Owns the World Health Organization and Their Plan to Vaccinate and Digitally Track Every Human Being on the Planet? I saw things differently and my surroundings never made sense to me. Dear Mary, the fact you think the global elites have never done anything to you in this life is the most naive ignorant thing Ive heard all day lol. Whether you're a local, new in town, or just passing through, you'll be sure to find something on Eventbrite that piques your interest. Say I will be able to bring my third dimensional body with me at the time of ascension. Alternatively, you can ask for the energies of this technology to be sent to your body on Earth. And as we said earlier, even being a leader in that movement can become an attachment if you think that it has to be you. As energy remains stagnate for long periods of time it can begin to cause illness and pain. I incorporate healing modalities such as: spiritual guidance/counseling, Reiki, channeling, activations, sound healing, PEMF therapy, infrared sauna blanket, crystal therapy, essential oils, smudging, angel cards, breath work, kundalini yoga and more!, Ive supported clients through stress reduction, physical injury, mental illness, accident recovery, pre/post-surgery, cancer, fertily, grief, galactic activations, energetic cord cutting, sexual trauma, familial trauma, divorce, job loss, spiritual awakening and much more! Their energy transmissions are very powerful. Arcturians are experts in assisting with human soul ascension. The fear it brought to others because of the general ignorance and superstitions of the times (Middle ages) gave birth to the belief that psychic gifts, healing abilities, etc. Every being on their ascension travels to the ArcturianStargate. Receiving healing from the Arcturians also brings a much vaster perspective on life, the universe and everything and brings increased spiritual awareness in the direction of transcendence. Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud. Sign up for the newsletter using the link below to get current updates, free mp3s, and articles on healing and consciousness development. Be mindful and eliminate addictions to arguing, greediness, controlling of others, and overcome laziness too. CLICK HERE TO JOIN LIVE. Email: nayachcarol@gmail.comFacebook: Carol Nayach Arcturian Light arcturian_light_londonZoom Meeting ID: 9829596972, Carol Nayach Website created by Web Joy. Feel free as a Light to choose any of the Arcturian Variations. Be smart and wise as a person living on earth, but never forget who you really are. 4 ebook, Hardcover Editions of My Books All 6 of Them, Daniels Paperback Books & ebooks from Higher Dimensional Beings, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension Vol. This actually equates to a degree of healing of all living beings. Any condition related to the immune system like infections and auto-immune conditions. Thank you for considering me to be part of your journey! I know it can be scary and I know how hard it can be sometimes but you dont need to do it alone. In this meditation, we receive crystalline starlight to activate our hearts and our lightbodies, in a form of psychic surgery as energetic blocks are removed from our bodies. No elite has ever done anything to me but the Karen next door. It is Divinely guided through the form of the Arcturians. If you appreciate what we do, please support us. Then draw a cube. I incorporate healing modalities such as: spiritual guidance/counseling, Reiki, channeling, activations, sound healing, PEMF therapy, infrared sauna blanket, crystal therapy, essential oils, smudging, angel cards, breath work, kundalini yoga and more! I find myself living what I now like to call my best life! Lets dive deep into meditation and spirituality. Get 10% off your first purchase when you sign up for our newsletter! Do meditation practices upon minerals and crystals. Their healing works in all dimensions of space and time so that a healing in the now will ripple out to all of your lifetimes across all dimensions. We are a highly evolved civilisation and have assisted many planets in their ascension. Ultraviolet Angelic Fire-Solar Angelic Fire Transmission: Clearing and Healing the Pain Body. A session begins with me getting to know you, understanding why youre here, what your needs are. Copyright 2021 Presence Healing Inc - All Rights Reserved. Arcturian Angel Healing By Ro, an attuned Reiki Master and Channel located in Los Angeles, Ca. I share how to use sacred geometry in our meditations to empower the development of our energy field as well as practical exercises using . Once the room is completely filled, sit in silence. Other addictions must be avoided or limited including sugar, alcohol, smoking, and limit intake of all drugs. They have been asking me for some time to do this and it was the lockdown that forced me to get it together. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. ---- This is a matrix of light that is anchored into you by the Arcturians to pull out all negative ego programming from your conscious and subconscious minds, and from your etheric energy fields. Arcturian healing. You need to enable JavaScript to use SoundCloud. You could have an attachment to something that is very well meaning, like wanting to heal as many people as you possibly can, whether that be physically or emotionally, and it can still be an attachment. Request this healing technology while in the Light Synthesis Chamber. NOTE: Our work is connected to the work of David Miller with the Arcturians. Important work is being done on the Joseph of Arimathea line which is now connected to Glastonbury. Practice simple meditationMoon Breath, while saying mentally the word Aum (Moon breath is through the left nostril only). If instead, you were holding that space for everyone who needs to be healed to receive that healing that they need, then you would not be attached to being the healer in that scenario. Take Merkabah back to your physical body. Call on Lord Arcturus and request for a tailored stream of light to be sent to a specific place in your physical body or for your entire physical body if you prefer. Thank you <3 Thank You. The degree of focus required is normally gained through many years of meditating, learning and remembering how to do so. It is good to be sitting with others in the Ring of Ascension. Before falling asleep each night call on Lord Arcturus and the Arcturian collective and ask for any specific healing you require foryour body. In 2017, at the age of 30. Cease your struggles and rest in what is. NEW Arcturian Healing Chamber Guided Meditation Video w/Music | Binkh & JelelleAwen,, A Message To Gatekeepers: Unification/Forgiveness/Reconciliation/Light Codes And Yeshua/Magdalene/Christ Consciousness Available Right Now To Tap Into AndDownload, Sacred Feminine Upgrades For 2023(Video), Healing Inner Punishment Through Currency andLove, Sacred Feminine 2023 Upgrades Womens Group Call on 1/22 w/Jelelle Awen and KashaRokshana. Please note in person sessions are limited to Tuesdays & Thursdays, with limited availability on Saturdays. Nothing is impossible, the word itself says Im possible. It rotates clockwise like a fan moving in ever wider concentric circles until all you energy winds and associated energetic system are healed. Please download one of our supported browsers. Her greatest teachers these days are her two bright-eyed, energetic children in Portland, Maine. These seals. The Arcturian healing chambers are available any time that you need the energetic/sound/light support for emotional, spiritual, chakral, mental, and physical healing. Higher Density Living All Rights Reserved. Music by Chris Kemp White ( Those of you who do send your wonderful comments, would you consider putting them up on Facebook please? So I realised I would be working with the Arcturians. Cease struggling to become what you already are. The world has been ruled by illusion for too long. I am at peace. We invite you to come to our Arcturian Crystal Temple in the etheric realm which we have created for you to receive our energy transmissions of love and light and meet many of the ascended masters. During our guided channelled meditations together we will be receiving energies from the ninth dimension and above, from the Arcturians and combined energies of all those in the Higher Realms of Light who will be focusing their energies upon us. You will feel a pressure from the inward vortex of energy. All the practices and efforts you have made in other lifetimes and this one were moving you to where you could finally let go, rest back, and know; That which I have been seeking, I already am. . Welcome! Over eons of time world consciousness has become one in which generation after generation continues to believe in and promote the idea that pain, suffering, lack, war, disease, limitation, death, and separation between God, people, and all life forms is Gods creation. Feel the final burst of Omega ight go into your 3rd eye. It is then that I am able to identify how I can be of service to you and further tailor your journey, put a plan together and help guide you along the way. Control ones emotions, give no way to anger. Learn to Meditate upon the symbols of the rhomboid and the vesica. I am here for you no matter what, in person or in the virtual realm! So by healing yourself you are healing everyone and everything in this universe and all others. We have quite a lovely transmission for you all today. The Arcturians have created for us all the spiritual technology we need for the ascension. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Spiritual evolution is simply the process of remembering who you are. What could it be made from if IT is all that exists? For the latest writings, videos, and information about SoulFullHeart community events and group calls, visit Saturday 25th February, 2023 2pm 6pm Arcturian Light Transmissions Our sessions of Meditations, Teachings and Q&As (Online only), Sunday 26th February, 2023 4pm to 6pm Arcturian Light TransmissionsOur Sunday work focuses on our service to Gaia(Online only). We are coming through to tell you about the energies for March of 2023. If at any time Client needs medical, legal, financial, and/or psychological treatment, it is Clients responsibility to seek it out. Avicenna, the most influential of Islamic philosophers, produced The Healing as his magnum opus on his religious and political philosophy.

Devin Wilson Jimi, Articles A