E) expand its realized niche, 22) Which of the following support(s) the observation that herbivores do not generally eat all of the available plants? on the downwind side of mountains, The parent material of a soil is theA. the large variety of benthic organismsC. d) one species will persist, but we cannot predict which one, the others will go extinct because of competition. 27) What does the graph in the figure above tell you about the definition of a keystone species? Recall that some species in the intertidal zone are mobile, while others are sessile (stationary), and this affects how individuals compete with each other. A) equilibrium O only, Which shows the order of phenotypically plastic traits from those that typically respond most rapidly to those that typically respond least rapidly?A. Which of the following predictions is least likely to occur, according to the diagram: Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. natural experimentD. Seals are eaten by polar bears Crustaceans are eaten by cod. The species are biologically identical in every way and the island is habitable to them. E) -/-. survive harsh drought conditionsC. A) Community 1 DA. A) species 1 they filter water, which refreshes groundwater reservoirsC. II) determining which particular species are present D) o/o Tidal pools along the edge of rocky beaches, A group of populations of different species living in the same area with varying degrees of interactions with others, the composition and relative abundance of the different types of organisms present, compromised of organisms living in the area covered by water at high tide and exposed to the air at low tide, use energy from sun to produce own food. the Tropic of CapricornB. All the food networks in a single ecosystem make up a food web. tropical rainforestD. precipitation decreasesC. undulate:* (a) hover, (b) ripple, (c) surrender. Step-by-step explanation 5.1 When nutrients are sufficient, animals that live in the intertidal zone multiply quickly. In the figure above, what can you conclude? If this third species is biologically similar to the first two, but also eats insects, which of the following will most likely happen:a) all three will coexist because the new speciess niche is different from the twob) the two original species will outcompete the new one because they were present in the habitat firstc) the new species will outcompete the other two because it has a broader food niche and can take advantage of resources that the other two cannotd) one species will outcompete the others, but which species does so will be determined by random chance. 550,000,000C. As a result, many organisms found here seek shelter from the elements and predators by hiding in rock crevices or withdrawing into hard shells. 0.32B. pop. they increase the sedimentation of coral reefsC. 26) Which one of the following is a type of species interaction with impacts that depend on prey density and effectiveness of defenses to determine the short-term impact on the prey population? Algae, Barnacles, and Whelk 4. sclerophyllous, Which biome occurs at the highest altitude?A. A third species of kangaroo rat is introduced into the habitats of the two species from Question 5. behavior, physiology, morphology, Plants develop trichomes and produce glucosinolates as adaptive phenotypic plasticity toA. A third species of kangaroo rat is introduced into the habitats of the two species from Question 5. B) species 2 Lowest trophic level, a diagram that illustrates which species are superior competitors within a community, a species that has an unusually large effect on its ecosystem, Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocksa) algae, barnacles, and whelkb)starfish onlyc)whelk and starfishd) algae and mussels, Which species eats Acorn Barnacles:a) musselb) starfishc) whelkd) chiton, Which of these species is the most competitively dominant:a) acorn barnacleb) coral weedc) goose neck barnacled) nori seaweed, What dramatically changes when Starfish are removed from the simulated system:a) only minor changesb) nori seaweed and black pine population increase in sizec) the community becomes dominated by musselsd) the acorn barnacle population increases in size, c) the community becomes dominated by mussels, Which of the following is NOT an essential characteristic of a keystone speciesa) relatively low abundance compared to other species in communityb) removal would lead to large change in communityc) direct interaction with every species in communityd) high impact on the community relative to population size, c) direct interaction with every species in community, If you fenced a plot of land in the savanna so that animals were completely excluded, over time, which type of plant would dominate to plot according to the diagram:a) grassesb) shrubsc) treesd) none, If you removed lions from a large area of savanna, which of the following changes is most likely, according to the diagrams?a) fewer cheetasb) more zebrac) more grassesd) more elephants, If you removed all the Cheetas from a large area of savanna, which of the following changes is most likely, according to the diagrams:a) fewer gazelleb) fewer shrubsc) fewer lionsd) fewer grasses, Imagine all the Grasshoppers are removed and excluded from a large area of the meadow ecosystem. Write in the blank whether the sentence is simple or compound. Whelk and Starfish 3. I & IIE. c) trees Population density On an adventure to a faraway place, you discover two previously unknown species of woozle. The organisms in this region are subject to severe stresses related to respiration, desiccation, temperature changes and feeding. on the downwind side of mountainsB. The two species will coexist by occupying different realized niches. c) both species would share both habitats because their niches would be different and competition would be eliminated. the seagrass habitat has the highest species evennessC. Which of the increased production of trichomesB. abundantB. A) P C c) more grasses The algy competing with muscles okay for competing for 2 things; okay, they compete for spice and also they compete for so neutrons. Producing glucosinolate and trichomes reduced plant fitness when aphids were absent.A. Yes, competition between barnacles does exist in intertidal zones. pop. C) Tropical communities are low in altitude, whereas temperate and polar communities are high in altitude. a) true a) one species will change its food preferences to eat insects.. two coexist 2) Whelk and Starfish. the geometric growth model uses continuous timeB. 24) Treehoppers (a type of insect) produce honeydew, which ants use for food. a. algae, mussels, and whelk b. algae and mussels c. whelk and chiton d. starfish only, Your email address will not be published. C) Two species with the same fundamental niche will exclude other competing species. CD. geographic nicheD. can affect community structure despite low abundance, Keystone species that are predators in a food web can increase species diversity byA. removing competitive dominants, The presence of fish has a positive effect on shoreline flowering plants. E) Mutualistic relationships allow organisms to synthesize and use energy more efficiently. temperate seasonal forestC. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? allows then to acquire additional foodC. individual, community, population, ecosystem, biosphereC. Q5.1. Which of these species is the most competitively dominant?1)Black Pine2)Goose-neck Barnacle3)Nori Seaweed4)Acorn BarnacleQ4. Sees are abundant in both habitats, but less nutritious than insects. littoralB. These seaweeds are found from the intertidal zone to depths of more than 40 m. Growth is most prolific in areas of surface turbulence and of marked top to bottom exchange. II & III onlyE. Mussel Starfish Whelk Barnacles Q5.3. a small population size relative to some other species in the communityD. Ocean bottom sediment map. in areas without significant convection currentsC. spatial variationB. a lethal disease that is more easily transmitted when animals are found in high abundance than in low abundanceA. they prevent coastal erosion, Cushion plants are characteristics of which biome?A. type of erosion that contributed to soil formationC. Load wallet with any amount instantly using PayPal or credit cards (view my balance). The upper regions around the high-tide mark are exposed to air during most of the time. c) both species will switch their diets to the more nutritious insects and one will exclude the other from both habitats high allochthonous inputs, The alphotic zone is a feature inA. Sign in or register for free to get a unique wallet ID. logistic growthD. a) fewer gazelle b) coral weed Rocky shores and sandy beaches fall within the intertidal zone. D) o/o Vol. species richnessD. negative feedbackD. geographic range, The range of abiotic conditions (with no interactions with other species) under which a species can persist is called itsA. The weaker competitor will change its fundamental niche and both species will coexist. black oakB. The illustration below is a food web diagram for a subset of the ecological community surrounding Arctic sea ice. B) bacteria fixing nitrogen in plants And in the mostcited paper in the giftedness literature, University of Connecticut psychologist Joseph Renzulli, director of the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, argued that "task commitment"perseverance, endurance and hard work-is one of the three essential components of giftedness (along with ability and creativity). Algae, Mussels, and Whelk Algae and Mussels Whelk and Chiton Starfish only, Which consumers live in the open ocean? SECTION 1: ROCKY INTERTIDAL COMMUNITY DYNAMICS Tidal Pools A diversity of organisms reside in the tidal pools along the edge of rocky beaches. density is negatively correlated to adult body size, In populations that fit a source-sink metapopulation model, organisms in _ subpopulations disperse into _ subpopulations.A. open oceanE. MusselStarfishWhelkChiton Q3. algae and mussels compete for space on intertidal rocks. sandC. temperate rainforest, What was the main factor that led to declines in collared lizard populations in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri?A. 14) What interactions exist between a tick on a dog and the dog? b) spider C population decreases O Algae and Starfish Mussels, Whelk, and Chiton O Algae and Barnacles Whelk and Starfish Q5.2. The answer is b. algae and musselsthe space on intertidal rocks is located between the high and the low tide lines. Not that researchers have ignored it altogether. limited by density-dependent factorsB. temperate rainforestC. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, Q5.1. b)starfish only stability of predator and parasite species richnessD. neriticA. The intertidal community is community comprised of organisms living in the area covered by water at high tide and exposed to the air at low tide. a. Algae and Starfish. 4) Some birds follow moving swarms of army ants in the tropics. 1. I onlyB. hump-shapedB. Name the major nerves that serve the following body areas? evaporationC. d) none, If you removed lions from a large area of savanna, which of the following changes is most likely, according to the diagrams? close stomata in leavesIII. high surface-area-to-volume ratioC. many; more, What community measure does Shannons index quantify?A. ponds and lakesC. This situation is an example of what kind of species interaction between the birds and the ants? clusteredC. moose would be more strongly affected by this gradientC. where can i find red bird vienna sausage? b/w the equator and the Tropic of CapricornC. ecosystem, biosphere, community, population, individualB. Recall that some species in the intertidal zone are mobile, while others are sessile (stationary), and this affects how Individuals compete with each other. c)whelk and starfish Lowest trophic level, a diagram that illustrates which species are superior competitors within a community, a species that has an unusually large effect on its ecosystem, Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? phenotypeD. It also reveals species interactions and community structure. not limitedD. migrationC. Reread the identified passage. c) both species would share both habitats because their niches would be different and competition would be eliminated. tadpolesC. E) Elephants help other populations survive by keeping out many of the large African predators. On the island, most moths are found in trees and most beetles are found in shrubs. E) Communities 2 and 4 Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? number of ecosystems on the planetC. A) The more species that inhabit an island, the lower the extinction rate. foragingB. Addition of fertilizer reduces plants ability to use light efficiently for photosynthesisB. live in social groupsB. Calculate the intrinsic rate of increase (r) for the population.A. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? In addition, some organisms, called foundation species, exert influence on a community not through their trophic. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. The illustration below is a food web diagram for a subset of the ecological community surrounding Arctic sea ice. A) +/+ A) competition Which of the below choices will most likely happen over time to the two bat species on the island? CD. B) As the number of species on an island increases, the emigration rate decreases. C) Ants reduce the numbers of treehoppers. A possible factor in this secondary succession was _____. A) Measure the number of ant females. d) the acorn barnacle population increases in size, c) the community becomes dominated by mussels, Which of the following is NOT an essential characteristic of a keystone species limited by density-independent factorsC. organic matter from the vegetation on top of the soilB. They also compete for available food sources, such as plankton, which can be scarce at times. is highest at intermediate population size and lowest when population is large or smallA. After reading this passage, define a "winning edge." D) The resulting uniform habitat supports stability, which in turn supports diversity. not limited, If the human population size in 1993 was 540,000,000, what was the projected approximate population size in the year 2000 when r= 0.0139?A. increased cooling of the blood for the brainB. B) There are fewer parasites to negatively affect the health of tropical communities. 1)Elephants 2)Cheetahs 3)Lions 4)Zebra Intertidal Zone Definition One day, you are walking on the beach, enjoying the wind blowing your hair. When predators are not present, tadpoles with large tails have low fitness and tadpoles with small tails have high fitness. Tide-pool organisms compete for open space on storm-battered rocks Central Coast tide pools (and kelp beds) are often pretty mangy looking in March, after having been scoured by winter storm waves for months on end. If four different snake species with identical food and habitat niches colonize an island at the same time, and one is better able to detect and acquire food than others, which of the below options will most likely happen over time: D) Mutualistic interaction lessens competition in communities where it is present. 44) Which of the following statements regarding the figure above is true? Which of these. Black PineGoose-neck BarnacleNori SeaweedAcorn Barnacle Q4. convectionB. This condition is known asA. 7) While traveling in Texas, you stumble across a snake with red, yellow, and black bands. 45) According to the figure above, a species has the highest chance of extinction when _____. very rareC. The plants grow from hold fasts attached to rocky substrates and attain lengths of from 0.1 to 2 m. morphology, physiology, behaviorC. positiveE. If we set up many identical sterilized ponds in the same area and allowed them to be colonized, what should we predict if we wished to test Gleason's hypothesis? negative, What is a reasonable explanation of the results in the figure? develop trichomes and produce more glucosinolateII. storageD. B) it is not possible for two species to compete for the same resources plants that compete more successfully for fertilizer shaded out other plants, What is the relation b/w habitat diversity & species diversity?A. The control, light only, and fertilization & light are all similar)A. the plants are light limitedB. are usually top predatorsC. removal of the species leads to a large change in the communityB. many; consistentlyC. species diversityD. 600,000,000, A sample of single celled marine algae from the Giant Stairs site provided an estimate of 100,000 cells on the initial sampling date. tropical rainforests, An important characteristic of streams isA. descends and warms, dropping rainB. In each of the following sentences, underline the modifier in parentheses that is correct Find out more on food webs at brainly.com/question/17708630, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . a winter storm that kills birds with equal probability regardless of bird abundanceII. boreal forestC. The symbols +, -, and o are to be used to show the results of interactions between individuals and groups of individuals in the examples that follow. Seal Polar Bear Phytoplankton Cod Algae Crustaceans O Seals are eaten by polar bears. C) Elephants prevent drought in African grasslands. adult dragonfly > plantsC. lower quality source; high quality sinkD. a) all four species will coexist because they will divide up the prey concept of interdependence, Which species would you characterize as seemingly unresponsive to changes in soil conditions across the transect?A. Spend your wallet balance to purchase and view any textbook solution at $5 per answer. BC. 0.16C. E) parasitism, 41) In the figure above, where do we find the highest species richness? temperate rainforestB. For that case, okay, so we have 2 organisms competing the arga and the muscles. sclerophyllousB. uses malic acid during the Calvin CycleC. Because they are attached to the rock, they are ideal animals for experimental manipulation in the field. Algae and Starfish Mussels, Whelk, and Chiton Algae and Barnacles Whelk and Starfish What structures allow water vapor to escape the leaves of a plant? Along the coast of California, the intertidal zone spans a height of about 2.7 meters (9 feet), which is the extent between the highest high and the lowest low tide. 6) In the hypothesis that C. stellatus (a species of barnacle) is competitively excluded from the lower intertidal zone by B. balanoides (another species of barnacle), what could be concluded about the two species? prevents them from freezingC. If the carrying capacity is 500 butterflies and r=0.1 individuals/ (individuals x month), what is the maximum population growth rate for the population? decrease in the size of the rootsC. pop. B) Community 2 'sodium carbonate' in a sentence. Algae and mussels compete for space in intertidal. C) +/- high precipitation and high temperaturesB. II onlyC. D) Measure the relative sizes of different ant species. thunderstorms, hurricanes, monsoons, Phenotypic plasticityA. On an adventure to a faraway place, you discover two previously unknown species of woozle. 50) Which of the following is a correct statement about the MacArthur/Wilson Island Biogeography Model? tropical seasonal forestC. 54) Which island would likely have the lowest extinction rate? If, over evolutionary time, on of the two Kangaroo rat species from #5 were to evolve a change in food habits such that it eats only insects, which of the following would most likely happen: An ecological community is a group of species that live together and interact with each other. U-shapedB. The politician felt (good, well) about his speech to the audience yesterday afternoon. Arga and the island, most moths are found in shrubs from the on... Are ideal animals for experimental manipulation in the open ocean secondary succession was.! 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