Many study Bibles organize the events of the Gospels into a roughly chronological outline, showing both the parallels and unique accounts of each. The Bible has over 100,000 Chain-Reference System references that can be found all throughout the book's margins. It did include the subject index, but the number and variety of subjects was far less than what we have available today. The English Bible had seen at least 278 settings and printings in 75 years. In addition to book introductions and textual notes, Kingdom Dynamics discuss 22 major topics such as evangelism, seed faith, prosperity, gifts, and healing at 350 texts. Zondervan to Release NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Journey Through Gods Word With a Knowledgeable Guide: Halleys Study Bible. If a particular translation is preferred, ones choices in study Bibles are narrowed to a handful. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Thompson wanted to make improvements to this Bible and also make it more widely available. Some 2,081 pages are devoted to the Bible, Apocrypha, and study helps from 36 contributors. But it does not explain how to evaluate a particular edition for personal use. But what does God's As humans, we are not often satisfied. Second, he has noted key aspects of Greek grammar with a system of abbreviations. The aim of the editors and producers of this Bible has always been to provide the most complete one-volume biblical topical study tool available: one filled with a vast array of resources designed to enhance the study, teaching, and preaching skills of Bible students of all ages and backgrounds. Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible (AMG) KJV, NASB, 4. Join now to access this Journal subscriber only content. TheThompson Chain-Reference Biblewas later published in modern translations including the New International Version (NIV), the New American Standard Bible (NASB), the New King James Version (NKJV), and the English Standard Version (ESV). Third, he has provided explanatory notes for difficult and important passages. Bruce, The History of the Bible in English (New York: Oxford, 1978), 96. A concordance, however, is more specific in that it deals only with specific words, while an index can deal both with specific words and with general subjects and concepts. Locate the one that shows God's Sheep 3266 74:1. The Catholic Study Bible (Oxford, 1990) NAB. No other study Bible allows Scripture to interpret Scripture to the extent that theThompson Chain-Reference Bibledoes. Recently re-released in the King James Version (KJV) in three sizes and multiple bindings, the New King James Version (NKJV), the New American Standard Bible (NASB), and the English Standard Version (ESV), a robust selection of Thompson Chain-Reference Bibles are once again available online and at retail stores for current and past users and for new audiences as well. For further information or to subscribe to the Christian Research Journal, click here. This work contains a great deal that is speculative and unorthodox, such as Dakes belief in Gods spirit body with bodily parts that goes from place to place (pp. The Spanish edition also came under the stewardship of HCCP. To the left of the verse, you will see a group of topics and verse references in the margin. With over 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, the chain-reference system is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. These early study materials were often as polemic as informative. Spiros Zodhiatess Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible attempts to communicate insights from the original languages to the English reader. Thompson's chain-reference system has been refined for over 100 years into a sophisticated navigational system that's both intuitive and natural. Word Wealth studies offer 550 brief Greek and Hebrew word studies, indexed to Strongs numbering system. As in the case of introductions, the notes often betray an alignment with a particular theological or critical approach to the text. At Malachi 3:8-12, for example, the cautious notes by John Louwerse contrast to the Kingdom Dynamics by Frederick Price, who states that if one does not tithe properly one is robbing God, and the law of God cannot work on your behalf. The reader is thus cautioned that this study Bible contains both moderate charismatic theology and more extreme word-of-faith elements. Dr. Thompson believed the Bible should be presented in a simple, but scholarly way. After seeing the notations in his Bible, several parishioners inquired about using those notes in their own study, eventually working with Dr. Thompson to publish the first edition of the Chain-Reference Bible in 1908. Its our hope that it will become a beloved resource to all who engage with it.. The Quest Study Bible (Zondervan, 1994) NIV. Track 3 is a three-year, whole Bible reading schedule. Each book has an introduction and an analytical chart, followed by a discussion of that books outstanding facts. Also, the maps, charts, and diagrams featured in the end matter were added to the numbered system and listed in the index. With a patented reference system beloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. Chain topic 3724, for example, concerns the general topic of unity: This topic is divided into the major subtopics of "UNITY of Believers", "COOPERATION", and "STRIFE", each of which is divided into further topics. It also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read. We hope what you find here will add to your understanding of and appreciation for the Bible. Its Chain-Reference System is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study, with over 100,000 references that are listed in the Bibles margins covering over 8,000 topics that span the entire Bible. This easy-to-learn, easy-to-use system enables you to see the breadth of Scripture's teachings on thousands of topics . Privacy Policy. Features include two- dozen essays, introductions and annotations to each book of the Bible and Apocrypha, 16 full-color maps, and indexes to annotations and maps. This parallel outline is called a harmony, usually presented in the subheads of the biblical text or as a separate feature. New Open Bible (Nelson, 1975; Expanded Edition, 1990) KJV, NASB, NKJV. The Geneva Bible of 1560, for example, promoted the Reformed doctrines of John Calvin and criticized all contrary systems. 2.37K subscribers Full Review on the Thompson Chain Reference Bible. As noted previously, each chapter is preceded by a synopsis of its contents. Zondervan Bibles believes that the beauty of the message should be reflected in the physical form of the book. Once readers locate a topic of interest, they can start their topical study right from the margin, following the prompts in the side columns and searching the different passages to which each study refers. Annotations provide general explanations, promote Wesleyan theology, and emphasize holy living. Originally intended for youth, this easy-to-use study edition has been purchased by millions of adults for their own use. Passage and verse study are at the heart of the Thompson study system. Este artculo es una exclusiva en lnea de Christian Research Journal. The goal of the Zondervan Bible Group is to continue the legacy of in-depth study and learning begun by Dr. Thompson with the first edition in 1908, bringing these excellent, in-depth reference tools in new fonts, formats, and translations to readers in the 21st century. This article first appeared in the Christian Research Journal, Winter, 1996. Fourteen Oxford Bible maps round out the features. The expanded editions of 1994 incorporated additional notes and many in-text graphics and maps to the classic text. (or Esaias, son of Amoz, one of the greater prophets) 2 Kings 19:2 2 Kings 20:1 2 Chronicles 26:22 Isaiah 1:1 Isaiah 2:1 Isaiah 6:1 Isaiah 7:3 Isaiah 13:1 Isaiah 20:2 Isaiah 37:2 Isaiah 38:1 Isaiah 39:3 Matthew 3:3 Matthew 4:14 They examined every verse of Scripture in multiple translations and categorized the topics found in those verses into different subject areas. In the nineties, all the best-selling translations have a wide variety of study systems, sizes, and bindings, although not every study system is available in a variety of translations. The TCR was licensed to other publishers such as Thomas Nelson, Zondervan, Eyre & Spottiswoode in the UK (which was then absorbed by Cambridge and produced under their brand), Hodder & Stoughton, and others in various global languages. $15.50 + $7.05 shipping. William Tyndale was strangled to death and burned at the stake for the crimes of translating the Bible into English and of challenging the teachings of the Roman Catholic church in his notes. Three of the four associate editors and nine of the contributors are female. Kirkbride in 1913 to form the Kirkbride Bible Company in Indianapolis, Indiana. The 3rdedition was published in 1929. nase ahora para acceder a este contenido exclusivo para suscriptores de Journal. Here it is thought proper, not to enter into any controversy upon that subject, as the inventors of the fancies have been already answered, and fully refuted by many controvertists. The Rheims New Testament also shot back at Protestants and their translations, explaining that it had been developed with the object of healthfully counteracting the corruptions whereby the heretics have so long lamentably deluded almost the whole of our countrymen.. Harold Lindsell edited the original RSV edition in 1964 and the NASB in 1985; the NRSV edition was edited by Verlyn Verbrugge. The NJB and the Jerusalem Bible it replaced were both translations and study Bibles from their beginning, featuring introductions, cross-references, and annotations. The first choice one must make relates to general theological orientation: conservative, nonconservative, or Catholic. It improved the TCR tool set even further and added new features such as a KJV glossary and improved cross-reference chains. Licensing in various translations and other languages opened several unique opportunities over the years. Since then it has released the Zondervan Thompson Chain-Reference Bible in various Bible translations: Learn more by visiting Zondervans Thompson Chain-Reference Bibles website. The Word Study Bible (Harrison House, 1990) KJV, The Word Study Bible is a two-column, red-letter text edition of the KJV with a reference system of 12 topics of primary interest to the charismatic movement. Required fields are marked *. Westbow Press Its materials were generated by Youth for Christ under the general editorship of Bruce B. Barton, with more than a dozen theological reviewers from well-known evangelical institutions. Critics of dispensationalism feel it cuts the Bible into too many pieces, teaches different ways of salvation, and wrongly expects a literal future fulfillment of prophecies relating to Israel. The Ryrie Study Bible can be characterized as the Scofield Reference Bible for the end of the twentieth century. In essence, the chapter is already in outline form. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is a popular topical study Bible with many useful features and in-depth study tools. New students of the Bible or those who simply want help to understand what they read may prefer an edition that majors in annotations to the text, listed in section I (to the right of this page) on subjectively oriented study Bibles. But rather than featuring commentary on different passages, theThompson Chain-Reference Bible(TCR) features a chain-reference system that allows users to follow any topic, idea, person, or place from the front to the back of the Bible. Harper Study Bible (Zondervan, 1964; revised 1985, 1991) NASB, NRSV. [4][5], The heart of the Thompson Chain-Reference system is Thompson's "chain topics". First, 170 pages of similarly numbered Lexical Aids expand on Strongs definitions of key words. All . $27.00 + $6.00 shipping. The information at 1 Peter 5:4, however, does not indicate any of the prior verses of the chain, and specifically does not note the important first verse in the chain. Most of the features of this work build on The Catholic Study Bible and are presented as Reading Guides to the books of the Bible in the first 497 pages of the book. However, it wasnt distributed very well at that time, so few people had the opportunity to take advantage of the study system that the Thompsons had developed. Many sets of maps are indexed so that countries, cities, and natural landmarks can be easily located. This first edition did not include many of the tools available in the TCR today. The Bibles features include: HarperCollins Christian Publishing announced the acquisition of the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible from Kirkbride Bible Company in December 2020. One can almost evaluate the articles in a study Bible by its table of contents. Haga clic aqu para ver el podcast relacionado con Realidades posmodernas. The Thompson chain-reference Bible : New International version, the Old and New testament : Thompson's original and complete system of Bible study : a complete numerical system of chain references, analyses of books, outline studies of characters and unique charts, with pictorial maps and archaeological discoveries Item Preview These enable readers to easily study the overall structure of the book and its major divisions. With over 100,000 topical reference and 8,000 chain topics, this Bible continues to offer a complete study library in one volume. NIV Study Bible (Zondervan, 1985, 1995) NIV. The Bible brand will be stewarded by the Zondervan publishing group. In the following survey, features that provide explanations are labeled subjective because the explanation is subject to the interpreters point of view. * The Word Study Bible (Harrison House) KJV, 1. Choose your ownThompson Chain-Reference Bibleon theZondervan TCR page. As Dr. Thompson perceived over a century ago, Scripture is its own best commentary. Its theological orientation is Reformed and Calvinistic, but its materials recognize a range of understanding within that tradition. New Oxford Annotated Bible (Oxford, 1977, 1991) NRSV. Word In Life Study Bible ([NT] Nelson) NKJV, NRSV, C. Conservative: Pentecostal / Charismatic, 1. The Thompson Chain-Reference Study Bible Author : Frank Charles Thompson Publisher : B B Kirkbride Bible Company ISBN 13 : 9780887073144 Total Pages : 2429 pages Book Rating : 4.0/5 (731 download) DOWNLOAD NOW! The New Geneva Bible takes a nondispensational approach at these texts. Then, rather than simply sprinkling the margins with cross-references, he lists the specific topics in each verse with their index number, and often identifies the next biblical reference in the chain. Thompson Chain Reference Bible, B.B. The notes occasionally have a distinct Catholic flavor (e.g., p. 1969), but for the most part represent a widely acceptable critical approach. Over time and through four generations of family, the curators of the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible at B.B. #2 Herald, Jun 22, 2013 preachinjesus Well-Known Member Site Supporter Joined: Feb 9, 2004 document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright HarperCollins Publishers. Kirkbride soon learned that readers were responding well to this innovation. This pattern continued in all Protestant Bible translations of the sixteenth century. So strong was the response to Zondervans NIV Womens Devotional Bible in 1990 that it was immediately followed by NIV Devotional Bibles for men, couples, and seniors. In order to see how the Thompson Chain-Reference System works, begin with Psalm 23. The notes summarize sections and paragraphs of biblical texts. Denny, A: Decoding Precepts of Oneness Theology. On the other hand, if one cannot decide between two or three translations, the study edition itself may settle the issue. Ryrie Study Bible (Moody, 1976 [NT], 1978; Expanded Edition, 1994) KJV, NASB, NIV. 3266 is the Topic Number for the topic of Gods sheep. Thompson Chain-Reference Bible (Kirkbride, 1908; 5th Improved Edition, 1988) KJV, NIV, NASB, NKJV. A Bible dictionary, like an English dictionary, defines key technical words of the text. Unique to this study Bible is its 22-page Synopsis of Bible Doctrine, which outlines major elements of theology and lists the interpretations of several major systems at each point. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible was one of the first to make extensive use of charts in outlining biblical history, character studies, and topical information. This unique reference Bible enables you to search the breadth of Scriptures teachings on thousands of topics and allows you to follow those topics throughout the entire Bible. Filed under Bible, Bible Gateway Plus, Editions, Study. This historical overview may help explain the incredible proliferation of study Bibles. About Zondervan Its study features and the biblical text are both indexed for more systematic study. He then arranged topical chains from . 5Also in the top 10 are the LB and The Message, neither of which should be used for study; the NAB, which is not available in the study format that can be recommended to JOURNAL readers; and the New Century Version, which is not yet available in a full-featured Study Bible. Also throughout each book students will notice helpful summary statements appear before each chapter. Once readers know this number, they can refer to the Numerical Index for the initial reference in the chain: Psalm 23:1. This is the New King James Version (NKJV) and it's now put out by Zondervan. In this way, the notes and features of the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible were expanded over time, with new chain-reference information and study tools added in each new edition. Those written by conservative scholars take the Bibles self-witness at face value. Gone are the days when a Thompson or a Scofield spent decades developing study systems. The heart of this work is its unique chain-reference system. The Outline History of the Apostles (4300b) provides a detailed analysis of the 12 disciples. The questions were drawn from a survey of more than 1,000 people; the answers were provided by more than 100 contributors under the editorship of Marshall Shelley. To provide guidance in this regard, this article will first survey the range of features that can be found in a study Bible, and then examine specific features of several classic and recent editions. Thompson provided the model of a study system that was doctrinally objective, while Scofield presented a specific system of interpretation in his notes. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible allows Scripture to interpret itself without commentaries. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary. During his years of studying the Bible, he had become disappointed with the reference Bibles that were available to preachers at the time. The Character Studies section in the end matter of the Bible provides extended outlines of 12 heroes of the Old Testament. Christianity Today provided the materials for this unique study Bible. $79.95 + $4.00 shipping. There may be numerous verses on your topic, and you can use the, Say that you wanted to do a study on the topic of Grace. Once you find the, Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV), Easy-to-Understand Chain-Reference System with over 100,000 topical references, Alphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own pilot number, for exhaustive topical study, An extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study tools, 16-page full-color map section with map index, Easy to understand Chain-Reference System with over 100,000 references, References cover over 8,000 topics, each with its own pilot number for exhaustive topical study, Complete alphabetical and numerical indices listing all 8,000 topics with corresponding pilot numbers and Bible references, Includes an extensive study resource section that features biographical sketches of some of the most prominent people in the Bible, an archeological supplement, a glossary, a concordance, and illustrated Bible studies that help readers develop their own study pathways, Key Words and Key Verses by every book name point readers to more comprehensive information on each book of the Bible,, Methodists Book Concern of Dobbs Ferry, New York published the first edition of theKJV Thompson Chain-Reference Biblein 1908. Book Synopsis The Thompson Chain-Reference Study Bible by : Frank Charles Thompson Its notes are in a question-answer format. The NIV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is printed in Zondervans exclusive NIV Comfort Print typeface for easy reading. Specific book introductions are also a part of this general literary and historical treatment. * The Catholic Study Bible (Oxford) NAB, A. Dickson New Analytical Study Bible (World) KJV, B. Since the mid 1980s, the NIV has been the best-selling English Bible in the US; together the NIV and the KJV account for as much as 60 percent of Bible sales.4 Most major study Bibles are available in one or both of these versions. But how can we find We often say that God is faithful. At the time of this writing, it has been in print in some form for nearly 115 years. References are in a single side column, and explanatory, historical, and theological comments are in notes at the bottom of the page. Video: Look Inside the Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible Look Inside: Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible Watch on The titles and number of pages alone may reveal how useful they are and how often one might consult them. 1; 1 Chron. Some in Dr. Thompson's church saw his Bible and told him this would be a great help to them in their Bible study too. Full Life Study Bible (Zondervan) KJV, NIV, 3. 2Bible version abbreviations used in this article: KJV (King James Version); LB (Living Bible); NAB (New American Bible); NASB (New American Standard Bible); NIV (New International Version); NKJV (New King James Version); NRSV (New Revised Standard Version); REB (Revised English Bible); and RSV (Revised Standard Version). These materials are indexed in a 30-page Subject Guide at the end of the book. Thompson Chain-Reference Bible OVER 100 YEARS OF BIBLE SCHOLARSHIP In 1890, creator of the Thompson Chain-Reference system, Dr. Frank Charles Thompson began working on the "chain-links" that became the foundation of the unique Thompson referencing system that is used by millions of Bible readers across the world. He eventually established the B.B. --This text refers to the hardcover edition. A 21-page index to people, places, and themes in the Bible follows. Dake is pentecostal. Many of these topics are subdivided, allowing for even more detailed analysis. This is especially helpful to those who teach and preach chapter by chapter through a book, as the outlines provide a natural lesson and preaching plan. A Gospel harmony and eight color maps complete the features. In 1908, the first edition of the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible was printed. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is published by HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., the parent company of Bible Gateway. The number at the end of the reference, 74:1, is called a Forward Reference. The more than 100,000 marginal references enable readers to quickly discover the primary concepts of any biblical passage. With a patented reference system beloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. Thompson Chain Reference Bible-NKJV Kirkbride Bible & Technology (Creator) 4.55 94 ratings13 reviews Want to read Buy on Amazon Rate this book Thompson Topical Study System 75 unique study features Concordance Full-color maps More than 100,000 topical references Archaeological supplement Font size: 9 GenresReferenceTheologySpirituality The two men formed the Kirkbride Bible Company in order to further improve and distribute Thompson's work.[2]. HarperCollins Study Bible (HarperCollins, 1993) NRSV. The Zondervan Bible Group and its editorial staff pray that the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible in these multiple translations will serve to enhance the study of Gods Word for you and millions of other students, for the glory of Christ and his kingdom. This makes it an ideal tool for . For more information, visit Their work included working with then family-owned Zondervan Bible Publishers to release the first NIV edition in 1983. The notes and topical studies show both continuities and contrasts within charismatic theology. Edited by Kenneth L. Barker, its 44 contributors (37 of whom were NIV translators) represent a wide denominational spectrum of international evangelicalism. This Bible and its study system have been profitably used by millions of students of the Bible over the years as the editors of the study tools have carefully and consistently updated them throughout the decades since its release. The 2ndedition was published in 1917, and enjoyed much wider distribution. He wanted it to be well organized, and simple enough to be usable to both novice laypersons and seasoned ministers. Overwhelmed by the number of choices in todays glutted study Bible market? Beloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. How was it organized and distributed? Scofield and Ryrie are both conservative and dispensational. Because of its practical features and its availability in five of the top ten translations, the Life Application Bible is currently one of the best-selling study Bibles on the market. In 1890, Dr. Thompson began the work he would continue for the rest of his life. The Thompson Chain-Reference Study Bible features extensive material for those who wish to have a panoramic view of a particular book. 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