The omes that dont want to understand and the ones that do not seek God face and study the write word of God. "The blood is human blood, of group AB, male, and was found to be identical in the two samples tested, the blood from the tears from the Icon of the Virgin and the blood that appeared of the Face of Jesus are the same," the team reported, adding that "the configuration of the genetic features found in the Y chromosome does not correspond to any of the configurations present in the world wide . 2. If he called them gods, unto where the word of God came and the scripture cannot be broken. Which side will win: cancer or no cancer. Nothing but the blood The nature of Jesus' crucifixion as declared in the Bible is one filled immense with torture, humiliation, and pain. James, Being made in the image of God doesnt imply we are God. even in this present time. He was the lamb of God, the son of Man, the unblemished sacrifice, the Son of God and He was the Last Adam. All of these attributes could only be possible through the conception of the Holy Spirit. Each chromosome is made of protein and a single molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). (ESV). Gay Marriage all prophesy .. it will be like the days of NOAR in the bible ,,,people dont belive in god and that is why they all drowned except Noar and his family,,,days of Noar when people denied Godpeople are made by god and god is always there as jesus said when you know the truth, the truth will make you free amen ,, god blesss us all good people,,. Robins grow up to be robins and humans grow up to be humans. up to now some guys have never realized that they were brain washed with such myth! Thank you very much, Otto. Agree!! Thus either Jesus had to be a human or God. Think about it: all humanity came from Adam, including Eve. The promise of life after death is also a very well executed scheme that has all the elements of a big scam promising to enjoy something after you were dead and people fall for it. A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis from a blood sample widely believed to have belonged to Jesus, concluding that Jesus' biological father was 'non-human'. Divine Power.. I would like to inject one small point to what you said which is important. I gave him the answer above and he told me that was the best answer he had heard yet , Friend I would like to tell you that JESUS will not come back more .but CHRIST the SON of the MOST HIGH G-D have already came Dont you know? this very thoroughly. God bless you!Love,Melanie. When you look at the verse in the Greek, which God had me do. Man becomes a sinner through his own sins (Deut 24:16, Ezekiel 18:20) and therefore receives spiritual separation from Adonai. Or afriad of the truth? Faith is precious and can only be used when we dont see. Now is the time to use our faith and build treasures in heaven, treasures we can all share and enjoy. Torah teaches that obey or disobeying commandments results in blessings or cursings (Deut 30). Right now our bodies are polluted with sin, the sins of our ancestors including Adam. Into the Glorious Kingdom of God, and be at one with Him. HE LOVES EVERYBODY. fertilization. God is God, not someone you can put limitations on he created the dog , the cat , the elephant but he did not have the traits of those animals .. Our minds are too feeble to try to explain God or limit his powers ! Mr. Lang, Let It Be. the hatikvah the hope lyrics texts music and videos of the national israeli anthem shabbath shalom! We look forward to a friendly discussion. God is so powerful and sinless. Please go to and click on Jesus gender and original sin. C. Get a human ampersand that human can mess up the universe. Therefore, He also had two copies of all genes and two copies of DNA. ( 1 Tim. Seek and you will find ask and it will be given unto you Jesus the Son of God loves you thankyou for listening Jesus bless you and that you will see the truth. Dear friends and children, know that we are in Him and He is in us; and that we are truly part of the body of Christ. He is in us, in our DNA. you are really in deep confusion mr Tobing, 2 samuel 17:12-14 is not specifically pertaining to christ, but to Solomon only. The Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. GOD is everywhere. jesus is very great person in the world.the bible was living the human value. But going in Faith (Maybe better to say in Trust?) Science can explain things today which people couldnt understand years ago why did Mmoses carry 10 heavy stone tablets with the 10 commandments on them, if gods so smart why didnt Moses have an ipad 2. Without the real God on you, you are nothing!!! Open your eyes and ears, people and you will know the truth. It is also interesting that Jesus, being the Son of God referred to himself as the son of man. For Him being the Son of God was not a big thing, but being the son of man was big. It will confirm the birth of Jesus had no male intervention. DNA may be thought provoking, but I have no reason to doubt that life evolved as it should have, according to the scriptures. A prophecy was given through Isaiah (7:14) that said, Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel. How stupid and arrogant can we be? We all know that DNA is merely some minute matter, but work only following the LIFE being present in creatures. But Ron Wyatt reported that every single scientist involved in the blood testing converted to Christianity afterwards! He was a Jew, as me and many others. But, in truth, it isnt that Jesus looked like Adam, but that Adam looked like Jesus. There is human biased speculation and then there is teaching from the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things. Some Bible verses say Jesus was a son of David and Joseph was from the lineage of David. We have to do what God tells us to do. 2:4 ) and get them all inside. Mat 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Too lengthy to comment here. Extending noninvasive prenatal screening to all 24 human chromosomes can detect genetic disorders that may explain miscarriage and abnormalities during pregnancy, according to a study by researchers at the National Institutes of . After resurrection we will have glorified bodies like the Lord, which has no similarity to our current bodies. Guide us on the straight path, What I know and CANNOT be disproved is that MAN is behind all efforts at scientific breakthroughs DELIBERATELY AND NOT BY CHANCE. Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Maaliki yaumid Deen You let the evil manifested you and you let the demons power control your body and soul even your brain! only the power of God can do thatits not possible for him Same with Them. Mat 22:38 This is the great and first commandment. Anything else wouldn't make sense when one considers that he was . hi again wang. Skeptics have scoffed at this idea since its inception, but scientific research appears to have silenced them. He returned the DNA to the original. This video is audio of a press conference with archaeologist Ron Wyatt. He stated that he was to be the God of those he created. The letters are left for the individual reader to get confirmation from the Holy Spirit. Your email address will not be published. We, at are geneticists; we think about DNA much of the day. The only way to tell if a book is the book of God is by the prophesy. Actually, I disagree and can prove my point. The teaching on this subject is wrong. In case the video did not work, the blood was not only still alive, but it contained 24 chromosomes! He found no fault with them and every time He read from them, He indirectly approved them. After the agony of his passion and death, in his risen state, all his wounds were healed but those on his hands, feet, and heart, so that his disciples would recognize him and believe ( John 20:20 ). the job that are already within is to find them, but man, people think theyre so smart posting comments against god . I will always like you to send me some historical things of the holy bible. So, the DNA is not flesh and blood technically? Since Matthew and Luke clearly record much common material, it is certain that neither one could unknowingly incorporate such a flagrant apparent mistake as the wrong genealogy in his record. TRINITY PROVED Are there for Im assuming Jesus being in Marys woumb The only DNA should be that of Mary? Jea 10:36 do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, You are blaspheming, because I said, I am the Son of God? first.trinityDNA..mutation..Brahma,siva,visnu .with.mutated.Adam..image!!!so..HinduprayedtoGod..image(Brahma,Siva,.visnu).idols..worship,thensecondtrinity..Father,Jesus,Ghost(holy)sochristianmake..theiridolJesus..onthe.cross.WillGod..make..another..trimorthy????YesDNA!!!!!Pseudo..Sciences!!! Jesus was justified in destroying the enemy because the enemy assaulted Jesus field. No JC wasnt 1/2 human. !AND HE DIED FOR MY SAKE ON CALAVARY,, AND RESURECTED ON THIRD DAY TO BE MY LIFE AND RIGHTEUSNESS, AMEN. the Only ONE GOD. Yshua bin Yosef could not possibly be the Son of Man, neither could he possibly be Adam because the name Adar was changed to Adam from the beginning and is in Hebrew the Son of Mans name. This is a very interesting question, thank you for it and your interest in the thing of God. So, what we call salvation or redemption is when we choose to return to the body of Christ. Everything is very open with a precise description of the For one person to meet every single prophecy, from generation after generation of prophets priests and kings the odds I saw once were 7,000,000,000 to 1. Thanks for opening my Eyes to the right and not the wrong! If you look at Jeremiah 3:8, you will see that God did not divorce Mary (Judah), but He did divorce Israel. Sequencing all 24 human chromosomes uncovers rare disorders. Mat 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Words of Jesus). You will know someone very well if stay close to him. I do think that God did take half of Marys DNA. Is it true that Jesus is a son of David? (Mt. But, if we are right, and your way is wrong, you stand to lose an eternity of heaven, for an eternity of hell. Psalms 103.8 By using of this software we compute, calculate, compare, analyse, demand identifies and resolve issues. Now God himself came and shown the DIVINE NATURE OF ALMIGHTY THEREFORE SCIENCE HAS DEFINED DNA TO SHOW HUMAN GENOME WHICH IS STILL 98% IS UNKNOWN ONLY 1.5% IS RECORDED .THEREFORE THE REAL TRUTH IS REVEALED IN CHRIST WHICH IS 100% MANIFESTED IN CHRIST DIVINE NATURE OF ALMIGHTY. If we put these two scriptures together, I think we can be reasonably sure that Jesus had exactly the same DNA as Adam. What did Eve have? He was clear enough to show there difference. The virgin birth is a hoax. searching for truth is like finding real gold unless subjected not in itself but outside by acids or we cannot say bible or koran words is true by subjecting one verse to another, we must test outside. Mary lent her womb and not her DNA. Is it possible we get a new body in heaven for eternal life? Therefore the work of YESHUA not only allowed him to be always spiritually connected to His Father but overcome the death curse. Also, because the idea that the blood of Jesus could be found, or that it could have been preserved for nearly two thousand years is absolutely absurd. (1 kings 11:9-13). I pray the same blessing for you. All of this information has been suppressed by governments and even religious leaders around the world. Godcreated.EvefromAdam..DNAEve..isnotGod. Dear Raffi, Dr. Henry Morris explains how we know this genealogy is Marys: Joseph was clearly the son of Jacob (Matthew 1:16, so this verse [Luke 3:23says son of Heli] should be understood to mean son-in-law of Heli. Thus, the genealogy of Christ in Luke is actually the genealogy of Mary, while Matthew gives that of Joseph. Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism: Which is the true religion and why? jesus' blood found and tested. god forgive me I want to know the truth that God has one dna or two like adam y and X . Photomicrograph of the Shroud of Turin showing a Scorch. * It has a relevance to Catholic teaching of bread and wine being transformed into the body and blood of Christ, during the Mass (transubstantiation) and to the proof of the Real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist in the Communion host (an essential Catholic belief). But through true faith in Jesus the divine nature in Jesus is grafted into our human spirit (which gives us a natural desire to keep his commandments), and at the end of the age we will be raised to eternal immortal life. Eventually you will choose a course that you will follow, to stay on a wide path that leads to your destruction, or a narrower path that leads to salvation. I am sorry for you, Awais. i assume like this>>>> good/seth or Cain the evil one, are we created? Some of the early karyological terms . I suspect that Jesus did not have the sin nature since the first Adam did not have the sin nature. Aameen. 35If he called them gods to whom the word of God cameand the Scripture cannot be broken. Kellee, to Gods word in 2 Samuel 7:12-14 (NIV) Godcreated..Jesus..inMaryifJesus..DNAis..notMaryJesusisSecond..Adamcreated..inGod..image(Not..Mary..Image).JesusnotGod, God is a figment of human creation, people think Jesus will return, really!!! Jesus is truly pure god and pure man u can see they only found 23 DNA cant u see it. It is highly possible that angry Elisabeth reported Zachariah to someone who eventually stoned Zachariah between the temples, as the bible describes. There are 23 chromosomes from the mother and a "Y" chromosome from a father. -based on DNA. When they found out he was a blood marrow recipient, they were all surprised. If DNA test were done on Jesus, I am sure that the DNA of Mary and Joseph would have been found in him. I feel its much more simplistic than people are making this out. The END. The word science means knowledge; therefore, the Bible is the primary book of science. And all this DNA stories is true because the DNA of Christ is in us when we repent and believe in Jesus then we do have the DNA of the Lord in us and the children of satan has his DNA in them. There are two things that we recommend: (1) know the difference between the soul and the spirit (small s) and (2) understand who we were created to be. Very helpful for our today understanding, is yr. expression: through effective communication and data network solution from centre headquarters. fore not all humanity is the Member of the Body. If not why not? And also for the children of God thank you for listening and Jesus bless you to find the hole thruth, please read these and we pray your eyes will be opened also just myth. No, Jesus was the son of God. 1 Corinthians 15:45 Thus it is written, The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. All Prohecies (Zechariah 9:9 )pertaining to christ are fulfilled and victorious.Give me a verse in the bible that there are prophecies petaining christ that is not victorious?Jesus Christ is the only one can do the job to be victor and that is to cleanse our sins , if you will just believe the power thereof, if you have faith to that, he can cleanse you, it will happen to you, but there are just processes to make, you must know the process. Or two like Adam y and X DIED for my yoke is easy and... Know the truth will know someone very well if stay close to him of our ancestors including.... That every single scientist involved in the world.the bible was living the human.! We can be reasonably sure that the DNA of Mary a living being ; the last Adam became living! Way to tell if a book is the time to use our faith build! Who eventually stoned Zachariah between the temples, as the son of God can thatits! Dont want to understand and the ones that do not seek God and! 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