alternanthera toxic to cats

Be aware that caffeine is present in many energy drinks and colas. | Family: Bromiliaceae, Bold Sword Fern () | Scientific Names: Nephrolepis biserrata | Family: Dryopteridaceae, Boston Fern () | Scientific Names: Nephrolepis exalta bostoniensis | Family: Dryopteridaceae, Bottle Palm (Elephant-foot Tree, Pony Tail Plant) | Scientific Names: Beaucarnea recurvata | Family: Agavaceae, Bottle Palm 2 (Elephant-foot Tree, Pony Tail Plant) | Scientific Names: Nolina tuberculata | Family: Agavaceae, Bottlebrush (Weeping Bottlebrush, Prickly Bottlebrush, Crimson Bottlebrush) | Scientific Names: Callistemon species | Family: Myrtaceae, Brazilian Orchid () | Scientific Names: Sophronitis | Family: Orchidaceae, Brides Bonnet (Queencup) | Scientific Names: Clintonia uniflora | Family: Liliaceae, Bristly Greenbrier (Hagbrier, Hellfetter) | Scientific Names: Smilax hispida | Family: Liliaceae, Brodiaea Pulchella (Wild Hyacinth, Blue-dicks) | Scientific Names: Dichelostemma pulchellum | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Broom Hickory (Big Shellbark Hickory, Shellbark Hickory) | Scientific Names: Carya laciniosa | Family: Juglandaceae, Bullbrier (Catbrier, Horsebrier, Common Greenbrier) | Scientific Names: Smilax rotundifolia | Family: Liliaceae, Bur Gourd (Goareberry Gourd, Gooseberry Gourd, West Indian Gherkin) | Scientific Names: Cucumis anguria | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Burros Tail (Horses Tail, Donkeys Tail, Lambs Tail) | Scientific Names: Sedum morganianum | Family: Crassulaceae, Buttercup Squash () | Scientific Names: Cucurbita maxima cv buttercup | Family: Cucurbitaceae. Wild Lantana (Sand Verbena, Prairie Snowball) | Scientific Names: Abronia fragrans | Family: Wild Sasparilla (Sawbrier) | Scientific Names: Smilax glauca | Family: Liliaceae, Wild Strawberry (Strawberry) | Scientific Names: Fragaria | Family: Rosaceae, Willow Herb (Blooming Sally, Fire Weed) | Scientific Names: Epilobium angustifolium | Family: Onagraceae, Windmill Palm (Chusan Palm) | Scientific Names: Trachycarpus fortunei | Family: Arecaceae, Winter Cattleya (Christmas Orchid) | Scientific Names: Cattleya trianaei | Family: Orchidaceae, Withered Snapdragon () | Scientific Names: Anthirrhinum multiflorum | Family: Schrophulariaceae, Woolflower () | Scientific Names: Celosia cristata | Family: Amaranthaceae, Yellow Bloodleaf (Chicken Gizzard, Bloodleaf, Josephs Coat) | Scientific Names: Iresine herbstii | Family: Amaranthaceae, Yellow Palm (Golden Butterfly Palm, Cane Palm, Golden Feather Palm, Yellow Palm) | Scientific Names: Dypsis lutescens | Family: Palmae, Yellow-Flowered Gourd () | Scientific Names: Cucurbita species | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Yerba Linda () | Scientific Names: Peperomia rotundifolia | Family: Piperaceae, Zebra Haworthia () | Scientific Names: Haworthia fasciata | Family: Liliaceae, Zinnia () | Scientific Names: Zinnia species | Family: Asteraceae, Zucchini Squash () | Scientific Names: Cucurbia pepo cv zucchini | Family: Cucurbitaceae. Its important to keep these out of your home, or in an area that your cat cannot access. Unbaked bread dough can expand in the stomach. Here are a few no-gos from the ASPCA's list of human foods that cats should avoid: Alcohol. A gastrointestinal obstruction is the bigger risk for dogs and cats that eat these fruit pits. 6. The side effects of your cat having a nibble on one of the toxic plants listed above is up for debate. 3. | Family: Grapefruit () | Scientific Names: Citrus paradisii | Family: Rutaceae, Grass Palm (Giant Dracaena, Palm Lily) | Scientific Names: Cordyline australis | Family: Agavaceae, Greater Ammi (Bishops Weed, False Queen Annes Lace) | Scientific Names: Ammi majus | Family: Apiaceae, Green Gold Naphthysis (Nephthytis, Arrow-Head Vine) | Scientific Names: Syngonium podophyllum | Family: Araceae, Ground Apple (Chamomile, Garden Chamomile, Roman Chamomile) | Scientific Names: Anthemis nobilis | Family: Asteraceae, Groundsel (Ragwort, Senecio) | Scientific Names: Senecio species | Family: Compositae, Hahns Self Branching English Ivy (Branching Ivy, Glacier Ivy, Needlepoint Ivy, Sweetheart Ivy, California Ivy, English Ivy) | Scientific Names: Hedera helix | Family: Araliaceae, Hashish (Marijuana, Indian Hemp) | Scientific Names: Cannabis sativa | Family: Cannabaceae, Hawaiian Ti (Snake Plant, Giant Dracaena) | Scientific Names: Giant Dracaena | Family: Agavaceae, Heartleaf Philodendron (Horsehead Philodendron, Cordatum, Fiddle-Leaf, Panda Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Red Emerald, Red Princess, Saddle Leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae, Heavenly Bamboo (Sacred Bamboo, Nandina) | Scientific Names: Nandina domestica | Family: Berberidaceae, Hellebore (Christmas Rose, Lenten Rose, Easter Rose) | Scientific Names: Helleborus niger | Family: Ranunculaceae, Hercules Club (Angelica Tree, Devils Walking Stick, Prickly Ash, Prickly Elder) | Scientific Names: Aralia spinosa | Family: Araliaceae, Hibiscus (Rose of Sharon, Rose of China) | Scientific Names: Hibiscus syriacus | Family: Malvaceae, Hills of Snow (Hydrangea, Hortensia, Seven Bark) | Scientific Names: Hydrangea arborescens | Family: Hydrangeaceae, Holly (English Holly, European Holly, Oregon Holly, Inkberry, Winterberry, American Holly) | Scientific Names: Ilex opaca | Family: Aquifoliaceae, Horse Chestnut (Buckeye) | Scientific Names: Aesculus glabra | Family: Hippocastanaceae, Horsehead Philodendron (Fiddle-Leaf, Cordatum, Heartleaf Philodendron, Panda Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Red Emerald, Red Princess, Saddle Leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae, Horseweed (Showy Daisy, Fleabane, Seaside Daisy) | Scientific Names: Erigeron speciosus | Family: Asteraceae, Hortensia (Hydrangea, Hills of Snow, Seven Bark) | Scientific Names: Hydrangea arborescens | Family: Hydrangeaceae, Hosta (Plantain Lily, Funkia) | Scientific Names: Hosta plataginea | Family: Liliaceae, House Pine (Australian Pine, Norfolk Pine, Norfolk Island Pine) | Scientific Names: Araucaria heterophylla | Family: Auraucariaceae, Hurricane Plant (Cutleaf Philodendron, Swiss Cheese Plant, Ceriman, Mexican Breadfruit) | Scientific Names: Monstera deliciosa | Family: Araceae, Hyacinth () | Scientific Names: Hyacinthus orientalis | Family: Liliaceae, Hydrangea (Hortensia, Hills of Snow, Seven Bark) | Scientific Names: Hydrangea arborescens | Family: Hydrangeaceae, Impala Lily (Desert Rose, Mock Azalea, Sabi Star, Desert Azalea, Kudu Lily) | Scientific Names: Adenium obesum | Family: Apocynaceae, Indian Apple (Mayapple, Indian Apple Root, Umbrella Leaf, Wild Lemon, Hog Apple, Ducks Foot, Raccoonberry, American Mandrake) | Scientific Names: Podophyllum peltatum | Family: Berberidaceae, Indian Borage (Bread and Butter Plant, Spanish Thyme, Coleus, Maratha, Militini, East Indian Thyme) | Scientific Names: Coleus ampoinicus | Family: Labiatae, Indian Hemp (Dogbane Hemp, Bitter Root) | Scientific Names: Apocynum androsaemifolium | Family: Apocynaceae, Indian Hemp (Marijuana, Hashish) | Scientific Names: Cannabis sativa | Family: Cannabaceae, Indian Pink (Lobelia, Cardinal Flower) | Scientific Names: Lobelia cardinalis | Family: Campanulaceae, Indian Rubber Plant (Fig, Weeping Fig) | Scientific Names: Ficus benjamina | Family: Moraceae, Inkberry (English Holly, European Holly, Oregon Holly, American Holly, Winterberry) | Scientific Names: Ilex opaca | Family: Aquifoliaceae, Iris (Flag, Snake Lily, Water Flag) | Scientific Names: Iris species | Family: Iridaceae, Ivy Arum (Pothos, Golden Pothos, Taro Vine, Devils Ivy) | Scientific Names: Epipremnum aureum | Family: Araceae, Jack-in-the-pulpit (Three-leaved indian turnip, Devils dear, Wake robin, Starch wort, Wild turnip, Dragon root, Bog onion, Pepper turnip, Brown dragon, Memory root) | Scientific Names: Arisaema triphyllum | Family: Araceae, Jade Plant (Baby Jade, Dwarf rubber plant, Jade tree, Chinese rubber plant, Japanese rubber plant) | Scientific Names: Crassula argentea | Family: Crassulaceae, Japanese Show Lily () | Scientific Names: Lilium speciosum | Family: Liliaceae, Japanese Yew (English Yew, Western Yew, Pacific Yew, Anglo-Japanese Yew) | Scientific Names: Taxus sp. . Raw nuts contain compounds that make them harder to digest than roasted/cooked nuts which can increase the likelihood of stomach upset. Corn Plant - Dracaena fragrans. Good Luck Plant (Shamrock Plant, Sorrel) | Scientific Names: Oxalis spp. | Family: Brassicaceae, American Rubber Plant (Pepper Face, Baby Rubber Plant) | Scientific Names: Peperomia obtusifolia | Family: Pipericeae, Amur Maple (Maple, Amur) | Scientific Names: Acer ginnala | Family: Aceraceae, Anthericum Comosum (Ribbon Plant, Spider Plant, Spider Ivy) | Scientific Names: Chlorophytum comosum | Family: Liliaceae, Antirrhinum Multiflorum (Withered Snapdragon) | Scientific Names: Antirrhinum multiflorum | Family: Scrophulariaceae, Antirrhinum Multiflorum (Withered Snapdragon) | Scientific Names: Antirrhinum glandulosum | Family: Scrophulariaceae. Light Requirement While it is best to grow these plants under bright direct sunlight, they can also be grown in partial shade. When this vitamin is missing, it can cause neurological problems in your cat. If you're in doubt about whether or not a particular flower is OK for your pet to eat, the safest choice is to avoid feeding it to your bunny. The leaves are considered to be highly toxic to humans and should not be consumed under any circumstances. All the pets highlighted in "Toxin Tails" have been successfully treated for the poisoning and fully recovered. | Family: Compositae, Naked Lady () | Scientific Names: Amaryllis belladonna L. | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Nandina (Sacred Bamboo, Heavenly Bamboo) | Scientific Names: Nandina domestica | Family: Berberidaceae, Narcissus (Daffodil, Jonquil, Paper White) | Scientific Names: Narcissus spp | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Needlepoint Ivy (Branching Ivy, Glacier Ivy, English Ivy, Sweetheart Ivy, California Ivy) | Scientific Names: Hedera helix | Family: Araliaceae, Nephthytis (Arrow-Head Vine, Green Gold Naphthysis, African Evergreen, Trileaf Wonder) | Scientific Names: Syngonium podophyllum | Family: Araceae, Nicotiana (Tree Tobacco, Tobacco, Mustard Tree) | Scientific Names: Nicotiana glauca | Family: Solanaceae, Nightshade (Deadly Nightshade, Black Nightshade) | Scientific Names: Solanum spp | Family: Solanaceae, Norfolk Island Pine (Norfolk Pine, House Pine, Australian Pine) | Scientific Names: Araucaria heterophylla | Family: Araucariaceae, Octopus Tree (Schefflera, Umbrella Tree, Australian Ivy Palm, Starleaf) | Scientific Names: Schefflera or Brassia actinoplylla | Family: Araliaceae, Oilcloth Flower (Flamingo Plant, Flamingo Lily, Tail Flower, Pigtail Plant, Flamingo Flower, Painters Pallet) | Scientific Names: Anthurium scherzeranum | Family: Araceae, Oleander (Rose-Bay) | Scientific Names: Nerium oleander | Family: Apocynaceae, Onion () | Scientific Names: Allium cepa | Family: Liliaceae, Orange () | Scientific Names: Citrus sinensis | Family: Rutaceae, Orange Day Lily () | Scientific Names: Hemerocallis graminea | Family: Liliaceae, Oregon Holly (English Holly, European Holly, Inkberry, American Holly, Winterberry) | Scientific Names: Ilex opaca | Family: Aquifoliaceae, Ornamental Pepper (Natal Cherry, Winter Cherry, Jerusalem Cherry) | Scientific Names: Solanum pseudocapsicum | Family: Solanaceae, Pacific Yew (English Yew, Western Yew, Japanese Yew, Anglo-Japanese Yew) | Scientific Names: Taxus brevifolia | Family: Taxaceae, Painters Pallette (Flamingo Plant, Flamingo Lily, Tail Flower, Oilcloth Flower, Pigtail Plant, Flamingo Flower) | Scientific Names: Anthurium scherzeranum | Family: Araceae, Palm Lily (Giant Dracaena, Grass palm) | Scientific Names: Cordyline australis | Family: Agavaceae, Panda Plant (Horsehead Philodendron, Cordatum, Heartleaf Philodendron, Panda Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Red Emerald, Red Princess, Saddle Leaf , Fiddle-leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae, Paper White (Daffodil, Jonquil, Narcissus) | Scientific Names: Narcissus spp | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Paraguayan Jasmine (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Lady-of-the-Night, Morning-Noon-and-Night, Kiss-Me-Quick , Fransiscan Rain Tree) | Scientific Names: Brunfelsia species | Family: Solanaceae, Peace Lily (Mauna Loa Peace Lily) | Scientific Names: Spathiphyllum | Family: Araceae, Peach (Plum, Apricot, Cherry) | Scientific Names: Prunus species | Family: Rosaceae, Peacock Flower (Barbados Pride, Dwarf Poinciana) | Scientific Names: Caesalpinia pulcherrima | Family: Fabaceae, Pencil Cactus (Crown of Thorns) | Scientific Names: Euphorbia milii | Family: Euphorbiaceae, Peony () | Scientific Names: Paeonis officinalis | Family: Paeniaceae, Perennial Pea (Sweet Pea, Everlasting Pea) | Scientific Names: Lathyrus latifolius | Family: Fabaceae, Periwinkle (Running Myrtle. It can also destroy a vitamin that's essential to cats: thiamine. Cissus Kangaroo Vines - Cissus spp. Dill Botanical Name: Anethum graveolens This feathery culinary herb is safe for dogs. Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) plant is poisonous to cats. The leaves are considered to be highly toxic to humans and should not be consumed under any circumstances. This Ozbreed variety prefers warm and humid conditions. It can cause gastrointestinal upset in cats or even poisoning because of the bacteria that raw fish carries. Toad Spotted Cactus () | Scientific Names: Stapelia variegata | Family: Torch Lily (red hot poker, poker plant) | Scientific Names: Kniphofia | Family: Asphodelaceae, Tous-les-mois (Achira, Canna, Arrowroot) | Scientific Names: Canna edulis | Family: Cannaceae, Trailing Peperomia () | Scientific Names: Peperomia prostata | Family: Piperaceae, Tree Cactus () | Scientific Names: Opuntia species | Family: Cactaceae, Tree Gloxinia () | Scientific Names: Kohleria lindeniana | Family: Gesneriaciae, Tropical Moss (Cushion Moss, Irish Moss, Krauss Spikemoss, Spreading Club Moss, Trailing Irish Moss) | Scientific Names: Selaginella kraussiana | Family: Selaginellaceae, True Cantaloupe (cantaloupe) | Scientific Names: Cucumis melo | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Tu Fu-Ling (Cat Brier, China Root, Ti-hu-ling, Shiny Leaf Smilax) | Scientific Names: Smilax glabra | Family: Liliaceae. Prairie Snowball (sand verbena, wild lantana) | Scientific Names: Abronia fragrans | Family: Prayer Plant (Maranta) | Scientific Names: Calathea insignis | Family: Marantaceae, Prickly Bottlebrush (Bottlebrush, Weeping Bottlebrush, Crimson Bottlebrush) | Scientific Names: Callistemon species | Family: Myrtaceae, Prostrate Coleus () | Scientific Names: Plectranthus oetendahlii | Family: Lamiaceae, Pupleosier Willow () | Scientific Names: Salix purpurea | Family: Saliaceae, Purple Baby Tears (fairy elephants feet) | Scientific Names: Frithia pulchra | Family: Aizoaceae, Purple Passion Vine (Velvet Plant, Royal Velvet Plant, Purple Velvet Plant) | Scientific Names: Gynura aurantica | Family: Asteraceae, Purple Velvet Plant (Velvet Plant, Royal Velvet Plant, Purple Passion Vine) | Scientific Names: Gynura aurantica | Family: Asteraceae, Purple Waffle Plant (waffle plant) | Scientific Names: Hemigraphis exotica | Family: Acanthaceae, Queencup (Brides Bonnet) | Scientific Names: Clintonia uniflora | Family: Liliaceae, Queens Spiderwort () | Scientific Names: Dichorisandra reginae | Family: Commelinaceae, Queensland Arrowroot (Achira, Canna, Arrowroot) | Scientific Names: Canna edulis | Family: Cannaceae, Rabbits Foot Fern (Hare Fern, Squirrel Foot Fern, Deer Foot Fern, Ball Fern) | Scientific Names: Davallia spp. It can also destroy a vitamin that & # x27 ; s list of human foods that cats avoid! 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