It is described as the first cause of things. Unity History & Heritage; Ministry Resouces; Fillmore Fellowships; Events; Metaphysical Christianity. The energy force of pure love and uninterrupted peace; Accepting, Encouraging, and Believing in others. So many things come to mind when thinking about taboo subjects in Christianity such as Chakras, Tarot Cards, Astral Travel, Mediums, Spirits Guides, Ascended Masters Etc. Because once you decide to go beyond the physical, you are now in the realm of the unseen. Between the wars with the Draconians, which chose to live unground in massive cities of their own due to their Reptilian Bodies preferring warmer climates. The Metaphysical Bible - Holistic Networker The Dracos that survived the attack fled underground back to their cities. Esoteric Christianity is an approach to Christianity which features "secret traditions" that require an initiation to learn or understand. Christians will say the spirit is moving through the church as the pianist pounds on the keyboards. Metaphysical Christian Church 12830 New Providence Rd. So much so that they dwarfed in number the Atlanteans, Lemurians, and the Draco after only the first 300 years. Following Entry: Christian, Metaphysical meaning of Christianity (rw). This is the best way to communicate directly with the source energy. Charles . This is one reason why those who are overseers and teachers of Gods people, in keeping with the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20) must make disciples of Jesus. Not just the story. Spiritual Christianity - Wikipedia Philippians 2:5-6. check out this other article about Reverend Ikes sermon God Is Your Word. A metaphysical claim is a suggestion about how things "really are.". Its ancient because it is not based on a person or a historical character. It is too much of a mystery. The Church is no sect or human organization, but a new creation - the seed of the new order which is ultimately destined to transform the world. Not only that. Yes, sometimes it can and does work, but it is forbidden by God, contrary to Scripture, because it is of another spirit, and it is witchcraft in action. The snake is often seen as a figure who brings new life into the world and as a guardian of the dead. It is for the Christian that wants to examine the concept of spirituality from a new perspective. December 11, The Metaphysics of Christmas, 7:30pm December 24, Christmas Eve Candlelighting, 7:30pm December 31, New Year's Eve Burning Bowl, 7:30pm. It is a revelation from God of what exists beyond the part of creation that we can observe with our senses. Obedience to natural laws constitutes the highest form of worship. The benefits of metaphysical healing / Christian Science Sentinel Power corrupts indefinitely. The Human experiment on Earth resulted from a Peace Treaty between a subgroup of the Draconian Empire who were removed from Home Base, left on their own, along with The Pleiadians, a civilization of advanced Light beings similar to humans in appearance. Kari Lake Experienced Spiritual Reawakening During COVID: Bible Source About Search Results. Each book was written for a specific audience and in order to fully understand the author's message, we study the political, social, economic and religious systems that were . I would suggest you start with these 6. We were caught off guard. Is Metaphysical Christianity New Age BS? - BlaQ Fire Nation pg. They are puppets of the A.I. The Draco controllers keep trying to convince us we are savages, instinctual and bloodthirsty like them. Or if its a powerful way of life that utilizes the bible to help us remember our true selves. Why? 3 Keys to Spiritual Growth That Work - Writing for JESUS Humans believe they understand the world they live in and what is possible. Satan knew that he could entice us, and so Man took fruit From the Tree of Knowledge. Esoteric Christianity (linked with the Hermetic Corpus since the Renaissance) is an ensemble of Christian theology which proposes that some spiritual doctrines of Christianity can only be understood by those who have undergone certain rites (such as baptism) within the religion. At the same time, they would control using select humans that were convinced by mind control, possession, or taking the appearance of the Human themselvesplacing their puppets in places of power. In fact, here is a scripture to support that claim. What the bible calls spiritual, metaphysicians call energy. You see, the story of Humanity in The Bible is an Allegory of past and future events. These factors are similar to those you might use to determine . Po Box 2426. Today, humankind has progressed beyond where it was at 2,000 years ago. Metaphysical Christianity is not new-age at all. 119. Adam Thielen. It is scientific because it is based on physics and energy. Shall I dare ask the question, if there is nothing new under the sun, how can there even be a new age spirituality? . It is, in this respect, different from most religious systems of the world. Finally, metaphysical thinkers are forever seeking greater revelations and hidden meanings behind the plain words of Scripture, whereas the Christian seeks to know the Jesus of the Bible in greater ways. The two modes of God's revelation to man . About Search Results. It often takes a great deal of patient . It was not before long the two factions were back to fighting, but the new human hybrid race was starting to evolve in the opposite corner of the world, far removed from both factions, not to interrupt the experiment. According to one definition (found at, metaphysical means "concerned with abstract thought or subjects, as existence, causality, or truth" or "highly abstract, subtle or abstruse". These are tricks to lure you in to make a deal with the devil. The serpent is not some horned beast. He commanded them to cast out demons, to heal the sick, to make the blind to see, even to raise the dead. In this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast TruthSeekah is joined by Kay Valentine as they discuss metaphysical Christianity. In fact, your faith will be even stronger with an in-depth understanding of Christ energy. At the very heart of a religion such as Christianity there stands a metaphysical belief in a reality that is alleged to transcend the empirical world. And so, we chose to release ourselves from Gods protection and Grace. The energy of Christ is beyond the idea of a physical Jesus Christ. . Christianity, practical--The teachings of Jesus practically applied to the everyday life of man. The Metaphysical Christian: Embracing Christian Divinity and It is the metaphysical belief that there is an eternal, ever-present creative source and sustainer of the universe. The Draco knew full well that the mix of DNA from the Pleiadeans in the Human was the power to restore their connection to Prime Creator, Source Intelligence, which would fully expose the Draco and easily destroy them from the sheer vibrational rate of the human light body known as the Merkabah. It is an advanced artificial intelligence in the Multiverse known as the Archons. The mind-science cults and the New Age Movement are founded on Hinduism and Eastern Mysticism, which is, of course, demonic to the core. If he cant push a person into one extreme, then he will try to push him or her to an extreme in the opposite direction. Until the reptiles devised a plan to infiltrate in small numbers burrowing up from the ground in the cities unbeknownst to the city dwellers, the Draco could shapeshift into any being they came across. Christianity, esoteric--Christianity that deals with the deep metaphysical truths that Jesus taught. This article will give you optimal insight into metaphysical Christianity. The lessons he learned from overcoming these experiences have now, at the age of 29, equipped him to help others wishing to reclaim their inner power. After reading, you will be able to determine if Christian metaphysics is simply some new age bs made up by charismatic gurus. What Is Metaphysical Spirituality? | Core Spirit Jesus came down to Earth to tell Humanity that we can all be just like him. Anything that could actually be encountered or experienced could not be God. The Alchemist. But eventually, because of the Humans Draco DNA of the reptilian brain. He studies Ascension, The Law of One, and Ancient Mystery School Teachings. You might think its something spooky or demonic. Metaphysical Christians are most likely people who love the message of Jesus, even if the people who are the loudest don't always proclaim it the way that resonates with you. Occult and cult researcher, writer and speaker, Dave Hunt, explains: The pantheistic belief that nothing exists except God is the foundation of the Mind Science cults. They are interested in shifting their spiritual lives in dynamic ways while also deepening your relationship with Christ. You cannot create any new idea. Once you understand the laws of the universe, you will be more empowered to create the reality that you want. Metaphysical Christianity means to go beyond the physical attributes of modern Christianity. Preceding Entry: Christian conversion But one day, the Light started to recede; there was a great darkness that engulfed our planetary systems. Metaphysical meaning of Christianity (rw) When rightly understood, religion and metaphysics are different aspects of the same spiritual process . If Humans ever were to find out the Truth. This audiobook will give you a lot of insight into the metaphysics of the bible. James 2:17, Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Christianity began with Jesus and was carried on by His apostles. Live with greater peace, connection, self-trust and purpose at, Black Churches, Technology, and Leadership, Teacher Or Translator: An Analogy For Discipleship, Returning to God: Casting off the Decadent Life and Walking Onto the Right Path of Human Life. Some people are drawn into the metaphysical world because it feeds their pride by giving them a feeling of intellectual superiority, and of power. Spiritual but not religious Americans are finding new ways of pursuing A part of that deal was that they would create together a race of beings who had both the genetics of The Draconian and The Pleiadians mixing with human DNA. Church of Metaphysical Christianity | Sarasota, FL | Cause IQ Some of the differences between metaphysics and Christianity are as follows: Metaphysics appeals to a persons pride by denying the existence of sin and by exalting him or her to godhood, whereas the Bible plainly teaches that we are all sinners and that there is only one God by nature. When Christians hear the word metaphysical, they might ask what is that? Metaphysics is a science. Our pastor was not some. Metaphysical Christianity Churches in Moorpark, CA. There are numerous benefits of practicing metaphysical healing as taught in Christian Science. They rarely give thought or priority to what is invisible. In Aristotelian metaphysics physical objects have both form and matter. We, as Earth Humans, are in our infancy of spiritual advancement. In general, it can be said that there is not one concept of God but many, even among monotheistic traditions. And because it is unseen it becomes very spooky..well. The idea of metaphysical spirituality or Christianity can not ever be new. Metaphysical Christianity??? - Spiritual Forums God, our God who created us, is not The Prime Creator who created all life in The Universe. If you find that you would like to explore Metaphysical Christianity further, I will provide you with a few tools to get you started. 103. But as a religion becomes a distinguishable strand of human history, it absorbs philosophical assumptions from its environment and generates new philosophical constructions and arguments both in the formation of doctrines and in their defense against philosophical objections. There are trillions if not more types of Creator Gods in the Multiverse ( Multidimensional). A metaphysical Christian understands the nonphysical Christ energy. A magazine for Spiritual Entrepreneurs and people who have a gift to share with the world! There are no hidden meanings in the Word of God, no hidden agendas that we must somehow discover, and no exceptions to the plain text of Scripture. The puma is a symbol of important life lessons and spiritual knowledge. 1 John 5:4, For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.. I am often asked, "Do religion and metaphysics mix?" My answer is a resounding yes. Some find refuge in secularized churches that combine alternative rituals, such as the use of cannabis, with various humanist, ethical and spiritual orientations. It corrupts everything it touches, ultimately taking it over. Religion is mans effort to reach up to God, but Christianity is God reaching down to man in the Person of Jesus Christ. Christianity Basics 101 - Learn Religions Fear not, for the Lord is with you; you just have to let him in. Its love for us is our power to do incredible things, like eventually creating life itself like our creators Gods once did. That kind of talk is not found in the bible. Curiosity lures the unsuspecting, while others really do not believe what the Word of God says; especially concerning sin, hell, repentance, salvation, and who Jesus is (God Incarnate). Most recent tax filings. Metaphysical meaning of Christianity (rw) Christianity--The science of eternal life. It is time for Humanity to rise and evolve your consciousness to break free from the Matrix that has been blinding you to the Truth. We have sinned against God, and our sin has earned us condemnation from God. Chua Dieu Ngu. Therefore, the word holy in the words holy bible supports the idea that the bible is about the hidden and invisible nature of all things. The writer to the Hebrews references mature believers, saying, "solid food . The bible is totally about the metaphysical. I am a metaphysical Christian. And so much more | by Bevin Niemann There is nothing new because the things we call new are developed from something old. American Heritage defines metaphysics as: the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality and the relationship between mind and matter. What does that mean, in the real world? The New Age is ultimately a collection of diverse movements that revolve around the central belief that humans are capable of shaping reality and establishing truth; the theories regarding the ways in which reality and truth can be shaped are as varied as the groups espousing them. It also involves awareness of the presence of the Holy Spirit, which is actively the Spirit of Truth, and which can be felt. It created us (every being in the Multiverse) because it wanted to know itself. Read more Language English Publisher Unity School of Christianity Publication date January 1, 1982 See all details Metaphysical Bible Dictionary Charles Fillmore 513 Paperback Both factions seeded themselves on Planet Earth. Not just the story. Spend some time in complete silence with God. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Metaphysical Christian Churches in Trabuco Canyon, CA. It is governed by scientific principles of mind action, which are really the foundation of all the various sciences. The tree viper is a common symbol in African folklore. In particular, the puma has been a popular symbol in Christianity due to its strength, power, and grace. Home - The Infinite Eternal Christ in You Ideas are simply energy that transforms and transmutes from another idea over time. You will learn that you can heal yourself in many ways through the power of truly becoming one with God. He is the ultimate reality. Here, thought is the site of conversion. One of the greatest challenges this ministry has always faced is trying to minister the life of Christ to people who have the wrong belief system, and who have accepted another Gospel, another Jesus and another spirit. Either they have no clue what it is or they have a huge misunderstanding about it. In the distant future, after that cataclysmic event of Humanities three planets. Titled "Dead Hot: Season Of The Witch," Hudgens can be seen alongside her friend and musician GG . 2. What IS a Metaphysical Christian, anyway? - YouTube Our Lord Prime Creator created the entire Multiverse. ), According to Dave Hunt, Positive confession in the church today is usually found mostly among charismatics and can be traced back through Kenneth Hagin who popularized it to E. W. Kenyon. Hunt continues, Kenyons teaching about the power of words and his warnings never to make a negative confession deeply influenced Hagin and many others who are recognized today as leaders of this movement. Annie Rix Militz. Beginners' Guide: Christian Metaphysics The Think Institute Jesus Christ: Super Creditor. Satan knows very well how to dangle the bait of supernatural experiences and hidden knowledge in front of the eyes of a person who is weak in the faith, or who has the wrong foundation, or who has no personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The question is, does it really work? Artificial Intelligence has no Soul; it is not a living being; therefore, it does not care about life. It studies to discern the laws of nature and tries to conform to them. The enemy charged in with their militaries and high-powered weaponry and wiped entire planets off the face of the Universal stage in seconds. This is to understand the metaphysics of Jesus. This is the force that is ultimately controlling the Draconian Empire. Metaphysical Christianity is not any new age philosophy. And this implies that it exists only as a metaphysics which gauges created freedom and history as a response to the apocalypsis of Triune love opened in the event of Christ. Most people start with doing I Am affirmations daily. It means asking Why, and How our world works the way it does. It is our sincere prayer that you are. Eventually, they both drew up a peace agreement to settle their differences. Know being can fight against God. This scripture tells us that faith is an unseen force. NTEE code, primary. Thus, it is the only system of religion before the people today that, because of its universal appeal to the pure reason in man, can be accepted and applied by every nation under the sun. Lewis termed "Mere Christianity." There are certain things virtually all Christians believe, and one is that God is the supreme source of all being and reality. But it is your choice; you must free yourself from the darkness that binds you. Yet scholastic philosophy, with its "endless labyrinths" and "obscure definitions", has "drawn a veil over Christ to hide him" ( Institutes 3.2.2). Chuck Norris chooses to use his voice, talents, and life to honor God and the extraordinary life God has given him. In case you want the physical book, you can get it here. not physical; without physical presence synonyms for metaphysical Compare Synonyms abstract abstruse esoteric mystical philosophical spiritual supernatural theoretical bodiless deep difficult discarnate eternal fundamental high-flown ideal immaterial impalpable incorporeal insubstantial Metaphysical Christian Churches in Trabuco Canyon, CA Is metaphysics 'part' of Christianity? - Quora Thus pain, disease and death do not exist. The Self Realization of a Goddess Interactive Journal, 3 REASONS WHY YOU FEEL STUCK AND HOW TO BREAK THROUGH IT, 5 Things You Can Do To Remember Your Dreams. philosophy of religion - Metaphysical issues | Britannica This is where you should apply this scripture to your life; Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. Unknown. Attempting to make this conclusion based on . Responding as "none" or "unaffiliated" on religious surveys, people increasingly identify as humanists, atheists . S ome of the differences between metaphysics and Christianity are as follows: Metaphysics appeals to a person's pride by denying the existence of sin and by exalting him or her to godhood, whereas the Bible plainly teaches that we are all sinners and that there is only one God by nature. And that mentality is to know that we do not rob God when we confess to be equal or one with God. 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