/ook3 Unit 11- *ork$ook3 Unit Some people call this new 21st century problem Wii-it-is. a$ot getting ahead in their career! revised edition even more effective. Which have the same name in your language? #earn how to !e reference materia# for each nit2, - (e& #angage high#ighted at the !tart of. !ociated with it, 'tdent! What time it now? / 4 a time? The Editorial Team at Infolearners.com is dedicated to providing the best information on learning. a$ot norm! 2 Who eLse was in the story? gi%ing a ta#k a$ot how 03 What are marbles usually made of? For all of you who want to get the PDF Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Upper Intermediate Students' Book and DVD Pack eBook in PDF, Ebook, ePub, Kindle and Mobi. (every morning) She sings in English. aql (aq) ^eruolour -or I s aqs Pue req '(3rP) lou) ()jle/!\) (ueddeq)-, . #i%e!- Reading a "iB a$ot how we re!pond to pro$#em!-, II% Language re)'ectin,- 'tdent! Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Upper Intermediate Workbook with Key Jane Comyns Carr 2013 Cutting Edge 3rd edition edition builds on the task-based learning approach that has made Cutting Edge so popular. a$ot their parent! to music I even 9 to the when I 10 the piano gym! IN THIS UNIT. The winner is the player who reaches the hole with the lowest number of throws. Yes, I do I study English! a$ot the choice! 15=- *ork$ook3 Unit >- Teacher! 'tdent! Why? Read the article and answer the questions. and !hort an!wer! Id like to visit India and Australia. Identif& p#ace! rlaq-L s068L aqt ul alprs eBrel e uo srPl Bu lnPord zuag rupdurol rer ueLlraD rou)- (ur3aq)-r -z'slolrP4 Jo surrol lsed L u! advanced, Use a VPN (there are also free vpns like https://www.vpngate.net/en/ ), use remote torrent like: https://bitport.io/ (free: 1GB/day), use a torrent browser plug-in : explanation here, use BitTorrent Web https://www.bittorrent.com/products/win/bittorrent-web-free/, (broken links will be fixed in 2 days emails will not be answered), Free fiction and academic books library Genesis, Our Mirrors: info@vsip.info 5 makes pop records. Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Pre-Intermediate Workbook no key z Anthony Cosgrove - jedna z nejlepch knih v etin. This enables them to improve their learning outcomes and have a sense of achievement. P E z LrrPal o, oH L u sProM.ql LZll sP'l Pa!4s ^Dfrs PP .. .r 1Eq,11\ t u.rj a:aa, 60!a 8004 | aqeL o)tunf e aqz6l Isl/ll ql9l uo rsais^l lunoh Jo dol arll ol qrlrp ol ueuoa lsru artl seM oqM alilaL!of qlL^\ sLroltssnD aql aLts rJll:1cLr raq :;rr,l -:Llr I ar:q/\\ / aqs /:lo l,iofl z p -:rl! a$ot $&ing thing!- To di!c!! Tell me about your (family/hobbies). and !ight!- Take ad%antage of new techno#ogie! cutting edge elementary (SB, SB audio, WB, WB audio, TRB, TRB resource disk, class-video, wordlist). And I 12 a lot of live music in my free time. 7 10/08/2012 16:45 Leisure and sport 01 Grammar focus 1 3 1.3 Listen and check your answers. Which are your favourites? getting a o$-, To di!c!! Cutting Edge Pre-intermediate 3rd Edition Wordlist Cutting Edge Third edition builds on the distinctive task-based approach that has made this course so popular! 05 What kind of game is Snakes and Ladders? 1 WII SPORTS Nintendos Wii Sports is the best-selling computer game of all time. de!cription!- To #i!ten to With fresh, new, integrated dvd material and digital components, learners can be confi dent of improving their language skills through acarefully balanced range of activities. 2 1.5 Listen and practise saying the complete questions. 'ingapore3, Teaching programme CUTTING EDGE - INTERMEDIATE 54, - To ta#k a$ot e%er&da& o$ect!- To ta#k a$ot thing! The task-based approach benefits learners by focusing them directly on the skills area they need to practice. Cutting Edge Intermediate 3rd Edition Tests Full PDF - edocs.utsa 10 earns about $10 million a year. - Tip! Read the article and answer the questions. and check You can play tennis, baseball or golf, go bowling or do boxing. in comparati%e phra!e!- To know !entence !tre!! '{1 or u.rslt z z 65 'sro/r^suP |z q9 q oor 6002 961 sOZ6 L 5Z6L 966t 5002 L96l ^tJe.3q1 'xoq sql u!01pp ro raqunu e qllr uolteurorul oqt l{)leur pue uleBP 3lrltie oql peau 'sallauoll) 09 moqP JO a)uelslP -6V uelN uro! 2 What time does the train leave? The Common Error Report enables you to see the most common errors and which students are making them. Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Pre Intermediate Are you scared of anything? Remem$er3 page 18+-, *ork$ook3 Unit 11- Teacher! Look at the games in the photos and discuss the questions. B 1 How often do you have English lessons? Techno ogy sraned to develop laster a.d fasier in theseond halfoilhe 20th cnlury ColourTV came io lhe USA in the 1950s, io Japan in 1960andlo Europeand in rhe late 1960s dd eany 1970s. '/3 pp,88->5 A## the acti%itie! moreinformation on#ine a$ot him, Teaching programme CUTTING EDGE - INTERMEDIATE +8, - To ta#k a$ot the p#an! 8. number games (e.g. Shes my best friend. in the nit !e #angage a! Download - To di!c!! Which activities do you do every day? Ive got lots of favourite actors: Aamir Khan, Madhuri Dixit, Nicole Kidman and Johnny Depp. 07 How do you do a Sudoku puzzle? c Because its fun and its good exercise. You are goingto watch a video aboutstickbalt, a poputar sport in New York City. a$ot ftre prediction! Why do you think shes famous? the& #ook for in a Nguyn c Huy. About seven oclock. Th loi sch cutting edge intermediate 3rd edition pdf c nhiu nh gi, nhn xt khch quan m bn c th quan tm v khuyn nn tham kho trc khi mua . l:Lr: io,{ ! ball hit team 5 racket throw kick games console winner score equipment player champion Work in pairs and discuss. 8 CUTTING EDGE_PRE_INT_UNIT01_5.indd 8-9 9 10/08/2012 16:45 Leisure and sport 01 Grammar focus 1 3 1.3 Listen and check your answers. 01. Where and when were you born? 'seePl r no^ sjPdrlot Pue sJled u!4o/\ 'lrods u Ued a)et ol aldoed 3uro,{ red plnoqs suaLuure^o3 )urq] roJ ',{auour t lo o$eM e ere stua^a Bultods oBrel $ 'suollel9r leuolleuralul rot poo8 are suods lpqolB)u l| $ '^lueqr ot,{auour rl.ql Jo uarrad OZ e^rB IP plnoqs q)nu.r oot ta8 uauroM pue ^eqt ururslrods ^auour '^o)ro! #i!ten to a gho!t !tor& and #earn a$ot the athor #earning, The& dea# a$ot different c#tra# and arti!tic e 'tdent! . Regular past participles Intonation in making and responding to suggestions Present a new product Preparation: Reading and listening Task: Speaking Language live Speaking: Making and responding to suggestions Writing: A customer review Study & Practice 1, page 160 Study & Practice 2, page 160 Remember these words, page 161 Present perfect continuous with how long, for and since Present perfect continuous and Present perfect simple Personal characteristics Getting a job Reading: Finding Mr Right Contracted forms (Present perfect continuous) Choose an ambassador Preparation: Reading Task: Speaking World culture Video and research: The search for cool Study & Practice 1, page 162 Study & Practice 2, page 162 Remember these words, page 163 Past perfect Narrative tenses review Money Verbs and phrases about money Reading: Money movies Numbers Intonations in requests Tell a story from pictures Preparation: Reading Task: Speaking Language live Speaking: Dealing with money Writing: An essay expressing your opinion Study & Practice 1, page 164 Study & Practice 2, page 164 Remember these words, page 165 PLACES TO LIVE page 70 09 OLD AND NEW TAKE CARE page 88 11 THE BEST THINGS 12 BRAND NEW page 106 13 THE RIGHT PERSON page 114 14 MONEY page 124 Study, Practice, Remember page 138, Audio scripts page 166, Irregular verb list page 175 CUTTING EDGE_PRE_INT_Content, 04.indd 4-5 sachtienganhhanoi.com page 96 21/09/2012 09:34 01 LEISURE AND SPORT Speaking and vocabulary Leisure activities 1a Work in pairs and discuss. 11 I get up at six oclock in the week. My birthday is in August. Because I always go to the gym before breakfast. how the& !pend their time- To keep a con%er!ation going- To Motivate your students with the newself-study CD-ROMs which provide additional grammar and vocabulary practice, plus Real life video sequences a$ot e, - To ta#k a$ot $&ing thing!- To di!c!! ( ) . When do have lunch? Yeah, reviewing a ebook cutting edge 3rd edition pre intermediate could build up your near friends listings. Based on feedback from teachers around the world, the new editions have been thoroughly updated with new texts and tasks, additional practice material and a whole range of other exciting features. Whats your favourite possession? Read Cutting Edge Intermediate 3Rd Edition Now! !een- To read a fi#m "iB, 'ocioc#tra# A!pect!- To di!c!! I dont do much sport, but I have a lot of different hobbies! 3 Where do you play football? of ora# andwritten commnication, 8n0'edge andcnnectin 0iththe 0r'd anden(irnment2C93. what is the cotrect word order in thistype of question? fi#m @ record them!e#%e! in "e!tion!- U!ing intonation two peop#e de!cri$ing their p$ringing, -To #i!ten to three peop#e de!cri$ing a per!ona# memor&. l': How olten do you watch television? peop#e, - To #i!ten to in!trction!- To #i!ten to fi%e re!pondent! c Asking about the future What are (your ambitions for the future)? 11-1+- Teacher! What is your (favourite possession / favourite weather)? When and where doyou LrsLratly watch it? Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate (3rd ed.) - LangPath Which of these do you usually prefer? (every day) He misses breakfast. Where in the sentences do the phrases go? 12 How long does an average game of Monopoly last? She works for a TV news company. /ook2 'td&3 .ractice 6 how to e, - )i!tening to three peop#e de!cri$ing a $ig deci!ion in their Where in the sentences do the phrases go? (never) She skates for several hours. Which sport: 1 is good for playing with friends? Mra' and ci(ic educatinTo re!pect peop#eTo ta#k a$ot other di!c!! Why do you get up so early? Take turns to ask and answer the questions using the phrases in the box. - To di!c!! !eparated at $irth- To Stlckba[[in the Bronx has a rich history. games of chance (e.g. of twin!- To think a$ot My journey to school takes about half an hour. Publisher: Pearson Longman John Farnworth, from Lancashire in the north of England, was the worlds first Freestyle champion: in 2011 he ran the London Marathon (42 km) in 12 hours 15 minutes, keeping a ball in the air all the way! 'tdent! Listen and practise the stressed words. of e='/3 p,>+ :Ta!k; '/3 p,>7'/3 p,>4 :'hare&or ta!k;'/3 p,>5 career, cro! But I also spend time in London and New York, and lots of other places. The& !peak a$ot a fi#m or T0 programme that the& #o%e or 'rxar ql ut suro] rspd 3 lre8au.rou oar pu|tuaq] q 'p3qrrea "raq]Jni 9s,rno^ aredurof, Pue slled ul)i,rol^ q 3laoao Fof{ u! -To #i!ten to fi%e e%er&da& con%er!ation! oMl lnoqe sleql nurueajp al|l r aq+ qroa a,iofo iQ lep p. rorede si eulaq.n 'I ourzue PuV 'peou sn jo Fou lqr d. s ,o srnoq ]qbF roqs puE's6!ql ro !a es aq1 ueql ssol q.nu Eoeq uo ^ e^r uec oqa uosoo e-,radaF lorls,P s,oqs sn*eq aul srql te dn q6 .qS qs 1.e1 lq6 Lpru ro]lE pq ol saob are oqa tdo.d u - u}iq paq ur SIEM e^Pnsn '!t paa! d In the local park. 14 Jan 2005. 7 weighs 100 kg. What time do you get up at the weekend? Item Weight : 1.06 pounds Words. of ora# andwritten commnication. :15?trnol ! New Cutting Edge Intermediate Student Book.pdf - Google Docs Which activities in the box can you see in the photos? Unit 1, Study & Practice 1, page 138 How often do the World Dominoes Championships take place? o r s.)u.lu.s asaqllnd et Ioot iq qF^ . :)angage. More details. !trange coincidence!- To di!c!! 3a 2 USEFUL LANGUAGE I like rain. Eng#i!h. Im scared of water and I cant swim very well! Its also a good social activity and many people organise gaming parties with their friends. _ ,d""lse 3J ltP, La oord oc ,d..lse llel ot no^ sdlaq leq^ . Teaching programme CUTTING EDGE - INTERMEDIATE 1>. information to comp#ete part of their proce!! pdf Soup io. Eng#i!h #angage a! On other out with friends we usually nights, I 5 6 to the cinema. 5a Work in pairs. p#an! (five or six times a day) He swims for five or six hours. 2 I am late for school/work. Listen again and tickthe phrasesyou hear in the Useful language box. a$ot modern manner! contino! Notice the words which are stressed (these are in bold). Revision of questions 1 Work in pairs. a$ot different gadget!- To read an artic#e '. Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate 3rd Edition Student Book - Part1 PDF - Scribd do you hit the ball when you play Wii-tennis? Re!orce Di!c2 Te!t Adio, III% Scicu'tura' a,.ect,- 'tdent! Take turns to ask and answer the questions in exercises 2 and 3. These days the answer is Yes you can. Ive also got an older sister, Sharon. b The Emperor League helped to bring different / The Brorx communities together. - To ta#k a$ot important peop#e in their #i%e!- To !peak a$ot How Disc Golf courses are there in the world? 7 a period of time? page! 1.5. 6 can you play in many different countries? Some people describe it as a mixture of breakdancing and football. Nearly three oclock. Tick the things you remember. The task-based approach benefits learners by focusing them directly on the skills area they need to practice. 'tdent! Cutting Edge 3rd Edition | General English | Catalogue - Pearson Cutting Edge Third edition has a multilayered, topic-based syllabus which includes thorough and comprehensive work on grammar . !ociated with it. l$9 eqr aau uruoa qrlqM l, *l 'i: jsnouret 3qs sE^ {Lll ]s eo lnoqe Pesd Vocabulary \\J,urijs {:n,l:lilrit:ril::rt f r:rerlil \*W^wwM qils Describe a first or last tinne Read about emoticons and answer the questions. 2 What time does the train leave? I dont 3 any sport. How many questions does Marek ask? qla^ aq1 ltrorro, aql q1/!\ tpe.rlxa aql elelouol e L 1)lrfvud ',, erabutary Read the sentences (T) or false (F). It is a highly researched book that contains the most current information on Cutting Edge Intermediate 3Rd Edition . Read the games quiz and try to answer as many questions as you can in five minutes. 145, Teaching programme CUTTING EDGE - INTERMEDIATE 1=. - To di!c!! #earn and think a$ot2 night #ife3 !ocia# Listen and practise the stressed words. Look at the games in the photos and discuss the questions. Merely said, the cutting edge intermediate third edition pdf is universally compatible subsequent to any devices to read. 13 10/08/2012 16:45 Find out first View la Work in pairs and discuss. and feed$ack for reference materia#! What do you do in your free time? 1=- D0D3 Unit 1=, Teaching programme CUTTING EDGE - INTERMEDIATE 87. /ook2 Commnication acti%itie!3 Year: 2,014 Edition: 3rd Revised edition Pages In File: 177 Language: English Topic: 316 Identifier: 1447944046,9781447944041 Org File Size: 35,328,488 Extension: pdf Tags: Cutting Edge / New Cutting Edge recommending a p#ace for, tra%e##ing- To write a !hort de!cription of a town or cit&- The Pearson English Portal connects teachers, learners and world-class resources, enabling you to work together, anytime and anywhere. ta#king a$ot their an!wer! When I 8 its always a music channel. cutting-edge-third-edition-intermediate-workbook 2/10 Downloaded from cobi.cob.utsa.edu on November 3, 2022 by guest components, learners can be confident of improving their language skills through a carefully balanced range of activities. I also want to open a school for poor children in India. to different p#ace! May 2nd, 2018 - Cutting Edge 3rd edition Pre Intermediate TB Free download as PDF File pdf or read online for free Teacher s Book Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Intermediate Wordlist A Z Cutting With fresh, new, integrated dvd material and digital components, learners can be confi dent of improving their language skills through acarefully balanced range of activities. 3 Which days do you have lessons? 08 What colour are the pieces on a backgammon board normally? Is she an actress? re"ired Language live/ World cult, CUTTING EDGE 3RD EDITION Cutting Edge Third Edition Elementary Cutting Edge Third Edition Elementary Student Book/DVD Pa, http://www.4shared.com/dir/341193/fc80a288/sharing.html acti%itie!3 Unit 1+- Teacher! English com Cutting Edge Workbook Audio. I 4 to evening classes twice a week; its a course on Computer Skills. Listening: An unusual job should and shouldnt can, cant and have to Decide on the best job Preparation: Listening Task: Speaking World culture Video and research: Amazing trains Study & Practice 1, page 142 Study & Practice 2, page 142 Remember these words, page 143 Present simple and Present continuous Present continuous for future arrangements Verb phrases for special days Descriptive adjectives Reading: Special days around the world Reading: Do something funny for money Listening: New Year celebrations Stress on months and dates Intonation on phrases for special days Describe your special days Preparation: Listening Task: Speaking Language live Speaking: Phrases for special days Writing: An invitation Study & Practice 1, page 144 Study & Practice 2, page 144 Remember these words, page 145 Comparative and superlative adjectives Questions with How, What and What like? Word order in questions 2 3 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. of ora# andwritten commnication, I dont have any acting training so I did a three-month acting course to prepare for the film. 2 can you play in a park? /ook2 'td&3 .ractice 6 Remem$er3 page b Twice a week. 6 3a 1.2 Listen to a radio news report about the results of the survey. Cutting Edge 3ed Intermediate SB. !per#ati%e! Work in pairs. 3 He does at least five hours of training every day. I cook different kinds of food, especially Italian. CUTTING EDGE 3RD EDITION UPPER INTERMEDIATE STUDENT'S EBOOK WITH ONLINE PRACTICE AND DIGITAL RESOURCES.Cutting EdgeStorey's Guide to Raising Chickens, 3rd EditionCutting Edge Elementary Share your film/recording with other students. Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Intermediate Students' Book with DVD and Myenglishlab Pack Jayne Wildman 2014-03-20 Engaging texts, new video content and a comprehensive digital package are just some of Match questions 14 with answers ad in parts A, B and C below. uonad.Ser.^e n6.r srdde aqs a,]r 'qonoua IUsr rsnl lq6Lu e snoq ino] oaqr AuoroJ oldeLs'sn ]o Fou ro1 -sredaaF loqs lnoqe^uo sdao op or u rPql a^arLaq atdo.d ^uet! t ,c ,, 5L 5L LNldtr Lr.BUrr lcts. pa!t perfect, To di!c!! in the nit !e #angage a! 6 the way you do something? Cutting Edge Third Edition Intermediate Workbook (PDF) - engineering2.utsa 1 I go out with my friends. Students' Book and Audio CD 3 has 4 million followers on Twitter. Grammar focus The& find information on#ine a$ot po! (never) He goes to fast food restaurants. for a T0 !how. Present tense after if, when and other time words 10 Past continuous used to Accidents and injuries Feeling ill Reading: Dirt is good for you used to and didnt use to Intonation in questions at the doctors Choose the funniest story Preparation: Reading Task: Speaking Language live Speaking: Talking about health Writing: Time words in a narrative Study & Practice 1, page 156 Study & Practice 2, page 156 Remember these words, page 157 like and would like Conditional sentences with would Adjectives with dependent prepositions Survival items Reading: The best things in life! of ora# and 'how intere!t and crio!it& in You will find it contains the same high standards as previous editions, and we hope you will be pleased with its contents. Afier the huqe changes i. television broadcasting in the20rh cent!ry who krows what the nexi 80 yea6 wilbring? My mother, Sylvia, is a head teacher at a high school and my father, Frederick, is a bank manager. 5 is likely to result in injuries? Engage your students with New Cutting Edge Digital exciting new software for the interactive whiteboard. cutting edge intermediate 3rd edition pdf - stuarybooks.com 3 Which days do you have lessons? How do you drink coffee? 8 the number of times you do something? / 4 a time? Because I always go to the gym before breakfast. 60-SECOND b Listen again and make a note of Lauras answers. Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Pre Intermediate Teacher s. Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Pre Intermediate Workbook. 3 start / the game / does / When ? 7 ii yo! Look at the question words in bold in exercise 2. I love the monsoon season in India when it rains a lot! NewFork3 China3 United Ara$ Emirate!, Teaching programme CUTTING EDGE - INTERMEDIATE 8>, II% Language re)'ectin,- 'tdent! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); InfoLearners.com is dedicated to providing trusted educational content for students and anyone who wish to study or learn something new. $etweencontrie! ActiveTeach with interactive whiteboard tools, DVD, audio, transcripts, dictionary and additional resources aid heads up learning, new Study, Practice, Remember section at the back of the book provides integrated language summaries and practice exercises, Student DVD with audio and video plus transcripts allow learners to review the lessons and catch up if they miss a class, new feedback functionality and exercises in MyEnglishLab give students greater control of their learning, double-page lesson spreads with clear aims and objectives linked to CEFR and the Global Scale of English Can Do statements helps you plan lessons more effectively, make full use of the course package with clearer sign posting and cross-referencing to other components, detailed, user-friendly contents maps help you plan lessons quickly, Language sections provide students with a bank of phrases to help them express themselves fluently, Guided speaking tasks help students to build their confidence, World Culture lessons with video clips are self-contained sections that encourage students to discuss global issues They provide guidance on research on the internet, Language Live lessons include real-life communicative activities with the help of video and audio clips, Can Do statements for each level are calibrated to the CEFR, Study, Practice, Remember sections provide light-hearted practice for functional language and writing, Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation practice, Multimedia content such as video, audio and voice recorder. Co-authors:Araminta Crace, Jonathan Bygrave. 38 percent of young people watch live music, but only 5 Only percent say it is their favourite evening hours a week, but only percent can play a musical instrument. a mean! I The first people to ptay stickballwere immigrants the Latln community played stickbatL ptayed wlth oLd broorn handles and a balt -. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title. the& #ook for in a Have you read [book title] yet? '/3 pp,+8-45 A## the acti%itie! #earn and think a$ot2 !tati!tic!3 you speak French? Cutting Edge Intermediate Students' Book With Dvd And Myenglishlab Pack June 2009. Im a student at Manchester the University, so I 1 internet a lot for my studies and my friends a lot of and I 2 computer games. you watch TV a lot? I travel by air a lot for work, and also with my friends, so Ive got a lot of them now! Tick the questions you hear in the Useful language box. Notice the words which are stressed (these are in bold). a Two. 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