Already a member? 7. Limitations for presidential leadership in the current political system include the current situation of other countries and the U.S. economy. Many at the Continental Congress were skeptical of allowing presidents to be directly elected by the legislature because ________. This book is licensed under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa 3.0 license. The governor is the chief executive, although states often have separately elected statewide officials such as the state attorney general or the state treasurer. When considering the disadvantages of having lower levels of government, you should think about how this arrangement makes things more complex. However, there can be disadvantages to having so many levels of sub-national government in the nation. Unitary governments are usually cheaper to run. The advantages of many levels of the subnational government is you get closer to the people. If someone with enough power decides that their political opponents are a threat, then they can pass laws which allow them to be imprisoned for what they have done. What changes were made to strengthen the role of the federal government under the U.S. Constitution? Explain your position using the textbook as a reference point. The autonomy of states or provinces will depend if the overall system of government is federal or unitary. Then the bloating begins to happen in the government. Their right to existence is at the leisure of the overall government, and the authority of these divisions can change at any time. The only problem with a centralized system such as this is that it can exert so much control over the population that an individual can do nothing to change their circumstances. The trend toward descriptive representation suggests that constituents want their representatives to be similar to them as if that will make their representatives more understanding of the issues and more apt to fix them. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. 5. A sample of 150 female SMB owners and 146 male SMB owners revealed the following results: CONCERNEDABOUTLIMITEDACCESSTOMONEY? That means there are times when there is more bureaucracy to navigate instead of less since a federated state could immediate dispatch assistance, like how a governor can send out the National Guard to provide support. There are almost 1,000 local political subdivisions that they call Departments in the country. Suppose the following information is available for Callaway Golf Company for the years 2014 and 2013. Need a paper written? When answering this question, there are three levels of government to focus on: local, state, and federal government. ), 20142013Netsales$1,117,204$1,124,591Netincome(loss)66,17654,587Totalassets855,338838,078ShareinformationSharesoutstandingatyear-end64,507,00066,282,000Preferreddividends-0--0-\begin{array}{lcc} Wyoming got to the letter if not the spirit of the law by having state troopers issue tickets for wasting resources for drivers who treated state highways like the German Autobahn (where there often is no speed limit). What services does it provide? When using judicial restraint, a judge will usually ________. If something goes against the constituency's will the legislator can exercise their judgment on what will ultimately be best for the people. Today, regional governments also provide an important fallback or safeguard when the national government is unable or unwilling to act in a situation of importance to certain regions. Also, consider how each state has its own unique concerns, problems, and culture; the rules or guidelines that work well in one state may not work as well in another. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. Furthermore, local level governments can better serve the particular needs of their citizens because they do not also need to balance the needs of distant and different parts of the country. \text { LIMITED ACCESS }\\ Nations and states have broader revenue bases, which allows them to collect more money than any state or city can. eNotes Editorial, 21 Nov. 2020, But for the most part, a state government, via the legislature, could in fact combine school districts, towns or even counties if they decided there was some reason to do so. Explain. \text { Female} \\ (2022, September 28). People can speak to the officials at their local office to voice their concerns about local matters. Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) Sub-national governments in the US serve to address residents at a more nearby level, particularly in regards to neighborhood issues. This process limits confusion and bureaucracy. In Maryland, counties run school systems; in North Carolina, counties do not maintain local roads as they do elsewhere. \end{array} b. Provide at least one positive and one negative characteristic of having overlapping court systems in the United States. While much of the money for schools comes from state governments, school districts manage how the money is spent. 3. \underline{\textbf{Share information}}\\ Latest answer posted November 10, 2019 at 3:31:40 PM, Latest answer posted November 30, 2020 at 11:03:44 AM. B.A. The branch that I consider to be the closest to the people is the judicial branch because it deals with cases involving the people. "What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? Explain." The Constitution of the United States provides for a separation of powers to exist between state and federal governments. B. few barriers to starting new businesses The majority typically rules at the expense of the minority in this situation, only granting rights to people when it suits their best interests. Steve Q. is a 52-year-old male with a family history of alcoholism. How, in the United States, power is apportioned from state to local governments. At the same time, they wanted the states to function with a degree of unity and coherence. Defend your answer'. Why does a bill has to pass both houses of Congress to reach the president's desk? Under a ________ political culture, citizens will tend to be more tolerant of corruption from their political leaders and less likely to see politics as a noble profession in which all citizens should engage. Latest answer posted March 08, 2021 at 11:36:37 AM. It is the most common form of governing in the world today, with 165 of 193 UN member states having a unitary system of government. In a federal system, such as the United States, Mexico and Canada, the national government shares some power with the states or provinces, as in Canada. Instead of having multiple layers of bureaucracy to navigate, you have a clear set of expectations to follow. He also has high cholesterol and recently started taking a lipid-lowering medication. Investing one dollar in certain ocean themes can yield at least five dollars in global benefits over the next 30 years, according to research commissioned by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy. 1097, Nicosia, Cyprus. The term is important for the protection of democracy. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the "plural executive" system in Texas? The image most people have of Cleopatra comes from her depiction in movies, mainly those produced in Hollywood. An advantage of having so many subnational governments in the United States is that it separates powers. The most important credentials when filing judge and justice positions at the federal level are credentials, background, and ideology. Explain. what are the advantages of having so many levels of subnational governments. Short Answer (2 Points) What are the core factors that determine how judges decide in court cases? Therefore, in this case, having many levels of subnational governments is an advantage because they give people an opportunity to be "closer" to authorities. Explain. What are some of the similarities and differences between a parliamentary and presidential democracy? The only difference is how communities are able to access this resource. &\underline{\textbf{2014}}&\underline{\textbf{2013}}\\[3pt] Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages? Who has more power in the British government, the Queen or the Prime Minister. Explain two challenges you foresee speaking with Steve about the correlation to his health and his drinking habits. Explain. Sub-national governments exist to help each state address its own needs. When we take a look back through the stories of history, the pages are quick to show that when power is held by only a few or just one, then it is abused far too easily. Thus the president's side receives fewer votes because the less interested voters aren't present. It can also have a slower national response in localized emergencies. 6. \text{Preferred dividends}&\text{\hspace{10pt}-0-}&\text{\hspace{5pt}-0-}\\ Explain. This is good to a certain extent; however, the legislator should make decisions that are ultimately in the constituency's best interest, even if the decision initially goes against the constituent's will. States are unitary governmentsGovernments in which power is lent to subnational governments, as opposed to federal governments, in which power is shared between the two levels.for the most part, they lend power to local governments. The key means of advancing modern legislation is now ________. Since this delegation may not include the power to make needed changes to protect people, the absence of an independent local government can sometimes cause more harm than good. Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages? What are the strengths and weakness of the legislative branch? Many resource-rich subnational governments don't have the same policy options as Wyoming. September 28, 2022. They must also provide law enforcement, fire protection, and public transportation. However, the publisher has asked for the customary Creative Commons attribution to the original publisher, authors, title, and book URI to be removed. Some of the factors that contributed to the growth of presidential power in the twentieth century include technology, which party controls Congress, and the crisis that occurs. Like anything government does, zoning helps some people and hurts others. will help you with any book or any question. Sometimes ambiguity among people about the responsibility of state at different levels. Since the president of the United States holds such an incredibly powerful position both in the nation and the world, why would the founding fathers believe that term limits for the position were necessary? States and provinces, and the local governments inside of them, often find themselves dependent on the governments above them for revenues. Get a custom answer prepared by a professional tutor for, Structure and Functions of the USA Federal Government, US State and Local Government: Duties Distribution. The Constitution of the United States provides for a separation of powers to exist between state and federal governments. Two of the best examples of this form of government are found in the United Kingdom and France. That may provide some inconvenience at times, but it can also reduce the risk of an unknown violation of the law. Dec 8, 2022 OpenStax. There are different advantages and disadvantages with different level of subnational governments. struggles for power between the president and the Congress. In smaller cities and towns, cities operate using the council-manager form of government, by which the city council serves as both legislature and executive, but hires a full-time, professional manager to oversee the day-to-day operations of city government. Subnational governments are also an important fallback when the national government does not fully act on an issue. Congress may rewrite a law the courts have declared unconstitutional. Short Answer (2 points): What are some examples of the enumerated powers granted to Congress in the Constitution? The amount of time spent on establishing, checking, amending, and defending the rules, regulations, laws, and policies of each level is tremendous. In 49 states, voters choose a two-chambered legislature, such as a house and a Senate. What is the difference between unitary and federal systems? When the Constitution of the United States was being drafted, there was a debate as to where power would reside in government. Under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government was quite weak relative to the states. It is city government that sets local speed limits, puts in a stoplight, or takes out a traffic camera from your neighborhood. States will often set speed limits on state highways. Compare and contrast three different forms of governments. 1. citation tool such as, Authors: Glen Krutz, Sylvie Waskiewicz, PhD. Explain three benefits and three drawbacks of Federalism. Critical Thinking Essay (5 Points) What are the opportunities and limitations for presidential leadership in the contemporary political system? Because it must suddenly become everything to everyone, the processes can get significantly bogged down. When answering this question, there are three levels of government to focus on: local, state, and federal government. \end{array} It is much easier to move from town to town and state to state than to move to another country. However, as the COVID-19 crisis showed, one disadvantage to so many smaller governments is the fact that they compete with each other for limited supplies, driving costs to the taxpayer up. The advantage of the unitary government is that this confusion disappears. Log in here. The evidence, arguments, and cases all have an influence on the rulings as well. The Advantages 1. Even though term limits do have some disadvantages, they are still more used and favored in society. Sub-national governments are comprised of local and state governments. Advantages: -Localized governance -Encourages coordination Disadvantages: -Increased government costs -Confusions and lack of accountability Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages? Latest answer posted November 14, 2019 at 7:38:41 PM. If there is a shift in policy that takes rights away from select groups of people, there might not be anything that the general population can do to stop that process from happening. 4. There can also be inequality between states and municipalities where wealth or certain liberties are available in one place but not the other. Defend your answer." The pros and cons of a unitary government work to balance the needs of a nation with what a community requires for dialing living. 8. In all systems, to some extent, but especially in federal systems, state and local governments are closest to the citizens, and frequently are the parts of government that deliver services and enforce laws in your city, town or neighborhood. American Government Exam 3 Free-Response Simp, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry. Explain. Additionally, they play a symbolic role in adding to the feelings of transparency and justice in politics. However, SCOTUS is less powerful than the other branches with the implementation and enforcement of its rulings because the judicial branch relies on the legislative and executive branch to implement and enforce its rulings. Although the unitary government is centralized and makes decisions through authoritarian processes more often than not, this structure can be designed in such a way that it replicates the style of a federated state. Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. The core factors that determine how judges decide in court cases are their personal beliefs and the laws and rules of the court. (Dollars are in thousands, except share information. Referring to such writings, discuss how reliable or unreliable ancient historians and sources are? For example, only the president has term limits, with some caveats. Youre also bound by the different state laws if you buy legal recreational marijuana in Washington State, you cant take it to a location where it is illegal to have it in your possession. Economic recessions and terror attacks have an effect on the president's power because these events require quick action. A positive characteristic of the dual court system is that it allows more cases to be heard and more specificity within the cases. Defend your answer." What faults does he point to in Lachess and Niciass definitions of courage? The disparate state laws can create inequality and oppression that can then impact the overall country. Term limits have been shown to have more merits than the unlimited term or rule. Accessed 2 Mar. Congress usually insists that the states adhere to certain standards and levels of funding in order to receive federal matching funds, although in recent decades Congress has leaned more toward giving states some leeway in deciding how to structure such programs. 2021, Congress, which was concerned about energy issues, wanted states to set lower speed limits to encourage fuel conservation, and threatened to take away Wyomings federal highway funds if it did not comply. \end{array} & \text { Total } \\ Further, federations have evolved so that their levels of government are interdependent, "making formal, legalistic definitions in terms of division of powers relatively useless," (Smith 1985, 13). This content was accessible as of December 29, 2012, and it was downloaded then by Andy Schmitz in an effort to preserve the availability of this book. One of the fundamental principles that the United States tries to follow is being close to the population and letting them contribute to the government. Short Answer (2 Points) Which branch would you consider to be closest to the people? Sometimes states and municipalities do not comply with these laws and the matters get tied up in the courts for years. Reference. Counties play a big role in local government in some states and less so in others, providing services and serving as regional governments in larger metropolitan areas. A unitary government can decide at its leisure what is legal or illegal in society. is a female SMB owner or is concerned about the limited access to money affecting the business? 21. Wyoming once had no speed limit on freeways outside of urban areas, a nod to the travel time between its somewhat far-flung towns and cities. If a government switches from a federated system to this one, the benefits often shine brightly at first. The advantage of the unitary government is that this confusion disappears. Log in here. Which of the following is an implied power of Congress? Elitism, Pluralism, and Tradeoffs, The Pre-Revolutionary Period and the Roots of the American Political Tradition, Advantages and Disadvantages of Federalism. Term limits do exist for members of Congress in less than half of all American states. Defend your answer. Advantages of Term Limits: Term limits have been shown to reduce monopoly of the legislative process, reduce fiscal irresponsibility, reduce crisis etc. \hline \text { Yes } & 38 & 20& 58 \\ We recommend using a NetsalesNetincome(loss)TotalassetsShareinformationSharesoutstandingatyear-endPreferreddividends2014$1,117,20466,176855,33864,507,000-0-2013$1,124,59154,587838,07866,282,000-0-. A unitary government can be lacking in infrastructure. In all but the smallest nations, having some kind of local government keeps government closer to the people and perhaps more responsive, and gives people a chance to create law and policy that fits their particular needs. Thus influencing the thoughts and ideas of the people. What are some good storiesand films on the concept of karma?, Does Africa produce more copper or diamonds, Which of these is not a characteristic of a federal form of government, HELPPP PLSS Which condition below is favorable for entrepreneurs? 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