We offer a teacher hiring and career support platform. This type of session precision requires a highly choreographed approach with the speaker and slides working as one, but if done correctly, it can deliver an impactful message and major takeaways inside a 7-minute time commitment. Dance Party. Micro teaching is a proven method so you can micro teach to the best of your abilities and ultimately drive better learning results. If you follow a blended learning model, your micro lesson plan can easily fit into your existing structure. Tips and Tricks for Spaced Learning, by Paul A. Kirschner & Mirjam Neelen- very useful tips on how to design effective learning experiences using the principle of spaced learning; Learn how to Study Using Retrieval Practice, by The Learning Scientists- an article that provides students with some great ideas on how to use retrieval practice in their studying; Incorporating Principles in Cognitive Psychology to Improve Student Learning- some more ideas on how to use cognitive psychology principles in learning design; Transforming the Learning Journey with Retrieval and Spaced Practice- a students view on using retrieval and spaced practice; How to Teach a Good First Day of Class. Its also a good idea to use bubbles or simple diagrams when explaining problems and issues. Within the award-winning EdApp platform, each micro lesson lives within a course that is built around a microlearning lesson plan. 01 of 10 2-Minute Mixer You may have heard of eight-minute dating, where 100 people meet for an evening full of eight-minute dates. This idea, known formally as the 5 Minute Bedside Moment, is essentially a short vignette - a kind of building block that breaks teaching into short, digestible units. It tries to tag the opponent while balancing the eraser before time is up (1 2 minutes). If you can nail any of these presentation topics in your interview, youll be starting next Monday! The partner tries to guess the number in as few turns as possible, while It writes down each guess to help both of them remember what has been guessed. Trying to do too much in too little time is one common mistake. Especially for this type of presentation, knowing what to leave out is as much of a skill as knowing what to put in, so try and follow the sample below for a perfectly structured presentation. Kids take out their whiteboards or some scratch paper and then I give them a topic (e.g. I can incorporate some of these ideas into my presentation, but Id rather not just copy them completely! For example, if we're studying the ocean, A = Anenome, B = Beluga Whale, C = current. Some ideas you could consider is asking them (in groups) to come up with exam questions (that, together with your questions, will give you a good pool to design the actual test) or leave, on purpose, small parts of your syllabus blank, asking them, for instance, to come up with a few extra 3 readings for a specific session. This learning content guides learners through a multi-part course to share amongst colleagues, friends, and family, for effective mainstreaming of the SDGs. Work within time constraints. Micro lessons are bite-sized modules that focus only on key elements or messages of a learning topic. More on microlessonseTrainingGamification apps for businessAppropriate length of a microlesson. Some starting points that I would recommend are: -Pick a topic such as food, travel, hobbies, future goals and dreams, and look for some short conversational activities online that focus on your topic. Before we continue, let me remind you that we previously wrote about the benefits of hybrid learning. You can ask them to write down the most relevant thing they learned that day or the thing they still struggle to understand (in this case the exercise is called muddiest point); the benefits are two-ways: they get to reflect on their learning instead of just running out of the class and moving on to the next distraction and you get to see whether they are on track to reach the learning goals; Metacognitive five: beside the content of your course (but still very relevant to learning), it is useful to have students also reflect on their learning habits. You dont have to be relatable when you can be fascinating! The mix between traditional and digital learning must be integrated with intention. Send a clear message. Step 1. So, whats the best way to approach an amazing micro lesson plan? Presentation Magazine 2023 - ( Presentation Helper up to 2009), 10 minute presentation for a job interview. The objectives are further broken into 2-3 minute sessions. I simply tally the score on the smartboard or whiteboard and the winners are the first out to recesswoo hoo! Spend the first couple of minutes reconnecting with your client and have them get present to the session. If you've been asked to teach a poem, you may plan to focus on certain elements in particular: diction, imagery or sound effects. This article covers some topics for ten minute presentations, whether they are technical ideas or creative ideas. These 10 minute teaching session ideas can also be referred to as gold teaching strategies every teacher should know. whether you can bring it in within the allocated 5 minutes rather than running out of time (too much content) or finishing too early (too little content). You'll never fit an entire first aid course into a 15 minute session. I have to do a 10-minute-business-related-presentation, but I do not have any idea about what to do. Then Jan-Jaap asked the speaker the three questions with the highest number of votes. Specify one objective for the lesson or presentation. Learning must take place in a physical location.3. By the same token, micro teaching delivers micro lesson(s) in small bursts to maximize absorption and mitigate any unnecessary content to provide the best learning results possible. Describe your background and your ties to the neighborhood. Given the amount of content being learned, a micro lesson should take less than 15 minutes to complete. Okay Ive gotta tell you right up front that this game has no educational value, zero, zip, nada Its just plain fun and one that I did when I was in school. Use humor sparingly. do something practical - like wiring a plug, icing a cake, simple origami ( even paper plane making) etc - practical demonstrations are much more effective than just standing talking as this switches the group off - do something simple and then encourage the group to join in and have a go too - make it fun. You can then correlate what they write with their exam results and make a point in a subsequent class, if you wish, or keep it for your own reference; Close the loop: now its time to go back to activity 1 from the first 5 minutes of class; facilitate a short discussion on how their answers may have changed while integrating the new knowledge. Incorporate elements of social learning to boost company culture and deepen your employees understanding. I thought that you might think along the theme that you chose to perhaps talk about something like Tourettes and how that impacts teaching /education. Quick and fun fitness activities can help children stay focused, be engaged in their learning, develop cooperation skills with their peers and maintain a positive attitude. How to prepare yourself for a micro teaching session | EFL Magazine Resources eBooks Jobs EFL Directory Archive EFL Business More Stories In Defence of Rhetoric in the EFL Classroom Rhetoric is a fringe subject in ELT. You could also share a statistic about the subject. That is, the ability to select, structure, and deliver complicated content so that students can learn it. Always try to add graphics where applicable, as they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Review the lessons most significant points briefly. Gamification and real prizing entice learners to collect more stars, as they complete your microlessons. Learning must take place in a physical location.2. These activities dont take more than 5 to 10 minutes to implement, work in classroom, online and hybrid environments and require minimal (if at all) prior preparation. Do not deviate from the pathway. Involve them in the presentation by asking them questions. The requirements are the following: 1. how you act in front of an audience - are you confident and relaxed, or worried and stumbling over your words? Im big on activities that push kids to think and this is a really fun logic game that theyll enjoy. This is very humorous and popular. For 10 minutes, what can you really do? See more ideas about mini lessons, lesson, writing mini lessons. 3 Effective interactive teaching strategies to encourage speech in your classroom First, I want to put some activities in the spotlight. They were the guys behind the Explained series on Netflix, and theyve also got their own YouTube channel full of topics. The danger of cyberbullying. This can assist your pupils to understand how the principles theyre learning can be applied. Students also convert minutes to hours and hours to days. I know that they probably want to see how I deliver and communicate while teaching but I want it to be something fun and engaging! This will enable you to decide which subject would be most beneficial to your audience. You can create your own lesson plan layout or pick a predesigned lesson plan template. Bring along a lot of the feedback etc. Always keep things simple, never present a heap of words that would take people ages to read. Based on your preferences, you can easily reward your learners through stars, which can then be turned into real rewards like a Starbucks or Amazon gift card, for example. transitions easily between classroom activities without distraction. With the rise of new technologies like learning management systems, knowledge bases, and authoring tools, it has become easier for learning and development professionals to incorporate different micro teaching examples into their learning materials. Ideas: include some sort of differentiation directions to include multi-levels of learners, also a Think-Pair-Share or Think Write Pair Share activity. Always be yourself and not something you think the interviewer wants you to be- if you're. The material should be directly related to the lessons goal. This is evident from its sparse inclusion in pedagogical ELT books. If you feel comfortable within 10 minutes, chances are that youll be alright in the future, too. conducts themselves with maturity. 6. Be confident! This book shows principals and staff developers how to improve teaching school-wide through high-impact inservices lasting only ten minutesincorporated easily into weekly staff meetings. EdApp boasts an expansive library of over 50 templates to help you create interactive questions or games to help engage your learners and reinforce your concepts. By giving them an overview of the topic, youre also making them think about the context (for more on why this is important, see this article on chunking strategy) and what they know about the subject already. This 10-minute mini-mastery lesson will have your students comprehending, practicing, identifying, and mastering figurative language (Poetry Edition) in a short amount of time. Gain access to a library of FREE resources for upper elementary grades! To create an effective training session plan, take the following steps: Step 1: Define your objectives. It is pretty startling that many kids can't even find the country they live in on a world map. We always suggest collecting Exit Tickets and being ready to speak to the results.About SelectedSelected helps teachers find jobs at schools they love. 8. Zoom) Options. So lets get started! Players: 6-20. As you might imagine, the hardest part of a 10-minute presentation is actually sticking to 10 minutes. Explore the diagram below for a deeper look into EdApps many built-in features and elements found within a powerful Authoring Tool, all of which are designed to help you create the best micro lesson plan for your learners. Ten minutes is super short, but try to involve something interactive for the kids. Your positive attitude is contagious! Micro lesson is a necessity because it helps training managersprevent cognitive overload in which the brain is forced to digest abundant information all at once, negatively affecting knowledge retention among learners. Check out our presentation tips to keep your presentation fun and watertight. This gives learners a key concept to focus on and master, rather than being confused or overwhelmed with too much information. can interact with and assess individuals as might in small group reading sessions . Hide Filters Showing 77 sessions Themes Attacking Coaching Defending Goalkeeping Futsal Player Skills Communication Covering Finishing Intercepting Marking Moving with the ball Passing Pressing Receiving Tackling Turning Coach Skills Session design Game principles Skills and tactics Format 1-4 Per Side 5-8 Per Side 9-11 Per Side Player Age 5-11 So let's take a look below at the types of classroom activities you can use . What is the Difference Between B.Ed. Something Ive made work very well in the past, is a life-sized board game. In doing so, they'll release tension and stress, increase concentration, and relax. This can also serve as a reflection point and can be an oral variation of the Minute paper. We find using four slides is an optimal number for directed-focus lessons. I think theyre a great combination with the website called GoNoodle, which has lots of free songs and dances. Learning Styles: All Students Are Created Equally (and Differently) (Teach.com) How to Engage the 7 Types of Learners in Your Classroom (Literacy Planet) 3. Minute paper: this is a very short reflection piece that students can write on a small piece of paper/a post it/ online on Padlet or similar, anonymously or not; the idea is to leave about 3-5 minutes at the end of each class for students to write down briefly the answer to one or two questions. If it is for an academic presentation, you could try basing it on a TV show such as The Apprentice. Text is fine but, again, we recommend keeping it minimal to avoid turning off your learner. People often have an idea of what they want to teach, then they try to fit the whole thing into 15 minutes. : your aim here is to capture their attention and prepare them for learning; so what better way than posing a few questions related to the days topic, either orally, on chat or on the whiteboard/ screen? This one is all about super interesting scientific phenomena that a lot of people dont know about. It should put you in a good light. Don't be overambitious. #14 Hair Styling Learn in 15 minutes or even less how to style your hair in a number of ways, whether it is a fishtail plait, a simple bun, a chignon or a bouffant and look stunning on your next outing. You can make use of it when you design your course by planning several assignments spread out throughout the course, instead of one or two exams; also, make sure each assignment has a cumulative feature- giving students the opportunity to retrieve older knowledge and link it to the new one; : giving students control over a part of your course, no matter how small, is not an easy task; but studies show they are likely to be much more motivated and engaged if they can contribute to the way the course is run. pre-teaching of ideas to unlock comprehension . If so the best topic would be something like My most successful project or something similar. An entire presentation? Use 4-5 slides maximum and try to keep content to a minimum. There are lots of short videos that are great, but this will take a bit of preplanning on your part to find them and to pre-screen them before you show your kids. Youll find these suggestions useful and really unique ways to wow your audience. While giving an informative presentation is easy, the information only counts as 1/3 of the grade! Our learning experts recommend breaking your plan down into clear steps to ensure that youre creating the best learning experience for your teams. Collaborative learning Use discussion boards and forums to facilitate collaboration among learners and help them actively engage with the topic. + Lesson Plan 1 Lesson Planet: Curated OER Veterans' Voyages Be generous though dont give out one star after theyve sat through 20 slides! * Please note: If your school has strong email filters, you may wish to use your personal email to ensure access. Watch veteran educator, Liz Willingham, execute a sample 10-minute Demo Lesson during a teacher interview.View the entire course at: https://www.getselected.com/courses/exemplar-demo-lesson-and-sample-lesson-plansKey Points* This video clip was the sixth take for Liz. Spaced repetition Reintroduce topics at increasing intervals until learners have retained the knowledge in their long-term memory. This 10-minute presentation example format contains a fairly conservative 5 slides, based on the famous 10-20-30 rule of presentations. This will help participants concentrate. Weve all experienced forms of micro teaching (and microlearning) at some point in our lives. It provides a rapid and direct approach to delivering lessons. remains focused on the activity at hand. 100% FREE for teachers: https://www.getselected.com Through micro lessons, information can be effectively embedded into the long-term memory of learners while also empowering them to have control over their learning process. There is increasing appearance of Tourettes in the news, They talk to one person for eight minutes and then move on to the next. As the name suggests, a macro lesson plan is also more suited to teach larger concepts which often consist of more complex and detailed subject matter. A full 2 seconds before the other teams! Teaching them to do something is great. A short intro sets the context of what to expect over the next 10 minutes. To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. Show your enthusiasm. Design appropriate learning activities aligned with the outcomes. This is one of the reasons why microlearning is so successful by focusing on fewer topics and embedding the learned topics intolong-term memory. If using handouts, try not to contain too much information as this will distract your learners from the main micro teach session. You can ask them to write down the most relevant thing they learned that day or the thing they still struggle to understand (in this case the exercise is called muddiest point); the benefits are two-ways: they get to reflect on their learning instead of just running out of the class and moving on to the next distraction and you get to see whether they are on track to reach the learning goals; : beside the content of your course (but still very relevant to learning), it is useful to have students also reflect on their. A shower? Learning must take place in a physical location.2. Because he teaches teachers how to teach with technology, Pat is fondly called "teacher of teachers" wink. For example, a circle can become the eye of a dog or a basketball or even the porthole on a submarine. If possible, use visuals such as posters, images, or projections. For example, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) has created a collection of brilliant lessons, including Meet the Sustainable Development Goals. With 20 years of teaching in the classroom and a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction, my passion is to support teachers and their students by offering helpful teaching tips and quality resources. Any of the 50 unique ones above would be a great way to kick off a 10-minute presentation (or even a 5-minute presentation). Nevertheless, designed strategically, they will quickly bring visible benefits to your overall teaching and to the learning experience you provide to students. You could talk about how the USA handles tourettes for example there are centres for people with this condition and they boost confidence and exposure to the issues faced. Maybe the business career of Donald Trump or Alan Sugar. This need only take one to two minutes. When preparing for your Early Years interview, it is important to think about the children and how they learn best. Example 1: Time Management. Simply put, micro teaching involves scaling back the lesson material so that any given team member can absorb whats being taught in small bursts. Learning must take place in a physical location.2. After a few minutes, I fielded some ideas for whole class discussion, choosing individuals to give ideas. Lesson should have clear beginning, middle, and end 4. EdApps cloud-based Translation Tool enables you to translate your courseware into over 100 languages with a few clicks and in record time. Whats more, these courses are interactive and fun, which means learners actually enjoy completing the learning content. : it may sound like common sense, but we are often so caught up in our thoughts and plans for the class, or making sure technology works, that its easy to forget the obvious- interacting with students even before the class starts (small talk, showing interest in their other courses or activities) can contribute greatly to a positive classroom atmosphere and has spillover effects on the quality of in-class engagement; in online synchronous meetings you can easily do it in chat; : it is a great way to keep students focused throughout the class and to make the way you organise the session visible to them; refer back to it as you move on, this will make it easier for students to relate to the framework you are using and start making their own connections; online this can be a recurring slide you show throughout the session; : as students come into the classroom- physical or virtual-, this will facilitate informal discussions which you can then continue in the first minutes of class; use something that creates wonder, something surprising or intriguing that will help students focus on the topic of the day by activating their prior knowledge. Learning must take place in a physical location.2. Improving and innovating teaching can take quite a lot of time and sustained effort. Video is proven to be one of the best forms of knowledge transfer. They include both print and digital formats, to give you greater flexibility! Here is a sample of my 10 minute mini lesson for tomorrow: Inspiration for #EventProfs: Before we continue, let me remind you that we previously wrote about the benefits of hybrid learning. If youre unfamiliar with microlearning, its the breakdown of information into topical, biteteach-sized chunks, not only making it easier for the learner to absorb the content but also resulting in better learning. Gamification Add game elements like drag and drop and fill in the blanks that your learners can complete in just a few minutes. This collection contains: Anger Management, Fight Over Fuchsia, Lies, Sandy is an Eggplant, Shannon is a Pretty Girl, See the Light, and Slow Songs Make Me Puke. . Vox is an American online magazine with a real knack for making insightful video essays on interesting topics you may never have thought about. EdApps built-in features like, Reinforce concepts through face-to-face sessions. A 10-minute presentation is all you need as a college student to show your knowledge and forward-thinking values. Check out the ideal presentation structure below and over fifty 10-minute presentation topics, you can use for your big (actually, pretty small) speech. This can make your kids more comfortable utilizing these technologies in the future. Members should be still for five minutes after being physically active. Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behavior or unique IDs on this site. During practice, have one of your participants keep an eye on the clock and hold up a sign every 2 minutes to remind you of the passing time (for example, 2 minutes have passed, 4 minutes have passed). Some ideas you could consider is asking them (in groups) to come up with exam questions (that, together with your questions, will give you a good pool to design the actual test) or leave, on purpose, small parts of your syllabus blank, asking them, for instance, to come up with a few extra 3 readings for a specific session. Together with time spent talking with teachers and staff at the school the most common Early Years interview structure is a 30 minute reading activity with a small group of children. We know that human memory can only hold up to five new pieces of information before it gets lost or overwritten. For a quick ten-minute lesson, ask the children to see the basics on a map, such as naming the oceans, countries, directions of north, south, east, and west, and things of that nature. Another idea is to do a squiggle or shape art. Get to grips with poses such as the downward facing dog, the lotus and the cobra. But you can take an element of it and teach that in 15 minutes. Entice or hook your audience with captivating techniques like facts and statistics. Adaptability: can cope with unexpected, can accept change. 90 Topic Ideas for a 10-Minute Presentation SEO March 1, 2021 Leave a Comment Most of us have to go through the fear of public speaking. Explore our free, ready to deploy course library, Helping you put training into the worlds hands, Our vision for a free online training platform, Make learning feel like a game not work. Combine elements to make new ideas, objectives, or procedures E.g., Given a sample list of foods, the patient will devise a menu to include foods from the four food groups in the recommended amounts for daily intake. To learn more about making the best micro lesson plan for your teams, watch the video (below). Ed.? . People love stuffs they can relate to their own experiences. The telegraph the 19th Century Internet This makes training not only more understandable but also more engaging and less time-consuming. I really love Brainpop, which has a huge selection of videos with multiple-choice review questions afterward (heres where we play another game with these). A real-world example can be found in the realm of retail trainees: asking which statements about a product represent correct or incorrect things to say to customers by swiping left for incorrect answers and swiping right for correct answers gamifies interactive learning, thereby improving retention. Games also have been in use as a playful way to imbibe knowledge. Sign up for free and take what you want from the template library! So lets check out few 10-minute presentation topics! Advice Guide, Encouraging Metacognition: Helping Students Learn How to Learn, Using Student-Generated Questions to Promote Deeper Thinking. If one touches the eraser during the game or it falls off, the game is over and the other side gets the point. Your 10 minute teaching session ideas will continue to improve with each presentation. Ideas that have been used in the past include a news broadcast (acted in room), radio broadcast, skits, food from decade, etc. This will cover any ELL students or integrated Sped students. Minute paper: this is a very short reflection piece that students can write on a small piece of paper/a post it/ online on Padlet or similar, anonymously or not; the idea is to leave about 3-5 minutes at the end of each class for students to write down briefly the answer to one or two questions . However, if they get it wrong, its very important to quickly correct any misconception and explain what the right answer is: any delay will increase the likelihood of retaining the wrong information. pixabay.com. According to a recent study, 94% of L&D professionals say that they prefer microlearning to traditional eLearning courses because their learners prefer it (Boyette). Then I ask the kids questions about whatever topic were working on. Common health disorders you might have. 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