Fungi play a number of important ecological roles in forests and contribute to the health and stability of the forest ecosystems. Generally, forest ecosystems are those set in environmental land masses that is covered by a canopy of trees. By continuing well assume you board with our cookie policy. the regulation of water regimes by intercepting rainfall and regulating its flow through the hydrological system; the maintenance of soil quality and the provision of organic materials through leaf and branch fall; the limiting of erosion and protection of soil from the direct impact of rainfall; being key components of biodiversity both in themselves and as a habitat for other species. Ecosystem diversity:- Ecosystem diversity refers to the range of life forms in a given terrain or locale and the ecological processes that make them function. 4. Forests are the lungs of the planet that keep environment clean and fresh. Forests are important in maintaining the Climate 1.5 5. Forest has been the basis of existence of biotic components in the ecosystem. (Fritz J. Hni, 2007) Sustainable Agriculture is the production of food, fibre, plant and animal products using farming techniques that protect the environment, public health, human communities and animal welfare. Essay on Ecosystem: Top 7 Essays on Ecosystem | Geography Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and fix it into the roots. "Plant more and more trees, making the environment pure to breathe". The role played by forests in the biosphere cannot be underrated. Thus, indigenous belief systems have a major protective role in a cultures relationships with the natural world, and in natures relationship with a culture. The product functions of forests in India are lesser than the protective functions. Plants release oxygen during photosynthesis and consume carbon dioxide. We all live in a, A morning walk is a practice of maintaining good health by walking in the morning., Apple is a famous and beneficial fruit. When we do that, you can witness nature doing its magic. Many animals need forests to live and survive. 3) Competition inspires students to work hard. One such peoples movement was the Chipko Movement. Forests are called the green lung of the Earth because as we know plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen which helps in the process of photosynthesis and respiration of animals. The roots of the trees absorb the rainwater and hence the groundwater level increases. 2) It is a way to encourage them for doing best. Many of them constitute to provide medicinal value. The roots of the trees penetrate deep into the soil. The function of protected area. Forests are playing the role of natural purifiers, by absorbing the greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Discovering and understanding the association of biotic and abiotic components . The forest area which is important for timber production point of view, wildlife management may be less important. Thus the number of trees is being cut down on a daily basis. Ecosystem diversity is the array of biological community that interacts with one another and with their physical and chemical (nonliving) environments. they help clean H2O and dirt of pollutants. Importance of Forest Essay for Students in English [500+ Words] It provides us with our basic entities; therefore it is continuously paying to us instead of gaining anything from us. biotic and . They provide raw materials for lots of livelihood opportunities like silkworm rearing, toy making, leaf plate making, lac toy making, providing gums and resins of different types. Some of the points showing how forests are important to us in our life are enlisted below: Forest is the resource which is of very much importance to human beings. These forest products contribute to a diverse rural economy and security when times are difficult. Others note that, for millennia, humanity has had a social and cultural basis for protecting nature. To determine the effectiveness strategies have implemented by government to restore the mangrove ecosystem. Forest also absorbs the loud sound and noise from the vehicles nearby, thus reducing the noise pollution. This more general set of services highlights ideas of aesthetics and beauty as components of services of forests. The importance of forest and its protection is a popular topic that students have to prepare for their examinations. Thus we can understand services of forests within the Hindu cosmology to include religious values. Sustainable Forest Management Forests are a precious resource given to us by nature. Forests are the lungs of the planet that keep environment clean and fresh. Fohrer N., Moller D. and Steiner N 2002 An interdisciplinary modelling approach to evaluate the effects of land use change Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 27:655-662 There are many aspects which provide It supplies humans with goods and services vital for living (CBD 2010) which are the basic needs such as food, fresh water . . Knudston and Suzuki (1992) have explored the protective function of culture within a comparative perspective. Apart from these, Central Zoo Authority, NAtional Tiger Reserve are some of the statutory bodies which look after the forests and the wildlife present in them. Forest-dwelling organisms are mutually reliant on one another. Indian forests act, 1927 defines the parameters to mark any forest area as protected forest, reserved forest, rules to levy tax on forest produce etc., It also defines the punishments for the offences committed inside the forest area. We need to conserve and protect the forests in order to live in a healthy environment. Achieving SFM successfully will provide integrated benefits to all, ranging from safe-guarding local livelihoods to protecting the biodiversity and ecosystems provided by forests, reducing rural, In addition it is expected that there is need for greater communication between private landowners, conservation scientists, land managers, policy makers and local communities (Mller & Opgenoorth, 2014). As such, they help in the purification of the air that we breathe. In our planet, there are many forests that sustain life and nurtures it. In Addition protected areas provide immeasurable benefits by preserving and maintaining global ecosystem services that regulate the planet, and preserve natural resources for generations to come. Ecosystems prevent accretion of waste. We will occasionally send you account related emails. So many forests were recreated by enhancing just the top soil. Current Soil is being fertile only because of the existence of forests. Their use in fuel, timber and industrial raw material cannot be undermined. Moreover, they are helpful in removing the pollutants in the air, thus helping in the reduction of air pollution. Interjection - Types, Rules, Example Sentences and FAQs, Message Writing - Types, Rules, Fun Practice Questions, and FAQs, Adventure Sports Name - Learn with Examples for Kids, Sports Names - Learn with Examples for Kids, Spellings for Year 2 Kids - Learn with Examples for Kids. Importance of Forests Essay - VEDANTU Moreover, compared to small ecosystems like grasslands and wetlands, it is more stable and . 1.2.2 The functions of Protected Area Forest helps in purifying the air we breathe and the water we drink. Forests comprise of different varieties of organisms including birds insects and mammals. We need to protect them for the survival of every organism. 8. Characteristics of Forest Ecosystem 1. The Importance Of Ecosystem Diversity - 1050 Words - The ability to determine forest species composition is an important aspect in forest management. This is where they release water vapor to the atmosphere which helps to form clouds that bring rain. The determined value was then subtracted from the initial value of Keystone Light Box Quotes Essay aspirin added. Tropical forests store 40% of all terrestrial carbon, out of which 58% is stored in the vegetation itself. The importance of forest and trees to rainfall and water supply include: improvement . The reasons behind this evil are logging by small landholders to extend the agricultural land, to turn the forests into pasture grounds and allow animal farming, logging for timber and other benefits of wood, large scale extension activities for agricultural land, developmental activities like building dams and large scale projects. The Daintree rainforest is about 180 million years old is the oldest rainforest in the world. The Importance of Ecosystem Essay Example | GraduateWay Ltd.: All rights reserved, International Day For The Eradication Of Poverty Speech. It is very important to develop forests on our Earth in order to live in a healthy ecosystem. We will write a custom Essay on The Importance of Biodiversity in Ecosystem specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page 808 certified writers online Learn More The Urgent Need to Maintain Biodiversity Biodiversity is the description of the natural state of the planet. It provides space for living to many of the living organisms. Today with millions of organisms present on earth, the need for forests is really important. According to Sousson, Shrestha and Uprety (1995), these include (c.f., World Bank 1997): Clearly, forests form the basis of a variety of industries including timber, processed wood and paper, rubber, and fruits. It is therefore necessary to constantly monitor forest ecosystems in order to comprehend the various processes and factors that determine their ecology, function and patterns. This is a huge problem in today's world. The atmosphere is always cool inside the forest and receives a good amount of rainfall. They also provide other minor forest produce like timber, wood pulp, drugs, herbs and medicinal plants which forms the base for bigger economic activity. 1972 made lists of scheduled plants and animals and described the economic activity allowed with respect to each of them and the status of protection. Forests and forest land cover about 49% of the total land area of the Republic of Croatia. These species, along with the forests, cover a huge part in our ecosystem. Maybe each question relates to a specific week in the lecture course. Without forests, life on Earth is impossible. Forests create a healthy environment for many plants and animals and that keeps the food chain balanced. Forests: Short Essay on Importance of Forests - 3 Essays Trees in the forest carry out the divine process of converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. Forests affect the climate and are also a very important source of oxygen. Increased demands for wood and fossil fuel. Wood from forest trees provide us with lumber used for building houses and for making furniture and decorative items. Trees take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere through photosynthesis and release oxygen into the air. In life, it is critical to be able to access what factors allow for the success of a plant. It may be evergreen, deciduous, partly evergreen, dry, and tropical. The news of the new prime minister of Britain is not confined only to the, Health is wealth is a famous saying that depicts the importance of health over wealth., The rural areas of the country are considered as villages. importance of the ecosystem - 1362 Words | Studymode It also helps in reducing soil erosion and protects us from natural calamities like floods and landslides. Perspectives 5. The ecosystem is the outcome of two components viz. Essay On Forest Ecology - 906 Words | 123 Help Me Essay On Importance Of Forest In Ecosystem Pdf She is interested in blogs and articles writing very creatively and elaborating her ideas and views on different topics for her readers. The forest maintains climate and rainfall. Forests are nature's assets and it holds a huge amount of land on earth. Forest helps in controlling floods to a large extent. The only way to save Earth from these deadly crises is to plant more trees. Download PDF. Forests help in managing the climate over a region as it actively helps in processing of the water cycle. The forest ecosystem varies widely in different climatic zones. Essay on the Importance of Wildlife . The emphasis on planting more and more trees should be laid down. Forests provide us a breath of fresh air 1.2 2. Ecosystems are also always undergoing alterations to their biotic and abiotic components. It acts as a potent to the environment and the atmosphere as well. The trees help to keep the environment clean, which benefits the plants and animals that live in the forest. Understand the Concept of Language and Intelligence as Related to Human Beings Psychology, the . Hence, trees in the forest provide oxygen to the animals and animals provide carbon dioxide to the trees and plants. Natural forests which occur naturally help in reducing soil erosion, protect biodiversity, fight greenhouse gas emissions, and provide employment to many. Learning about forest from professional subjects matters if Vedantu can really help in understanding the concept clearly. Importance Of Forest Ecosystem Essay. Without trees, the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere will increase. Forests being a huge reserve of plants and trees, they play a significant role in balancing oxygen level in the atmosphere. 2001 ). Moreover, preventing deforestation is really important to conserve forest. Man has totally changed to a greedy one, without worrying about the future or nature. You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers. Without the existence of forests, earth's temperature will rise and living organisms will be no more. Book Review: Tales of a Shamans Apprentice Essay, What can you do in the Amazon rainforest Essay, Measures To Protect Forests From Global Deforestation Essay, An Analysis of the Impact of Decreasing Trees in the Amazon Rain Forest Essay, Water Balance Importance in the Body Essay, Soil pH and Organic Matter: Changing Soil pH Essay. 1. The atmosphere is always cool inside the forest and receives a good amount of rainfall. We obtain a variety of timber products from our forests. For more such essays and quality content download the Testbook App. middle of paper It is beneficial in every aspect of sustainable living and has provided various good and services which can be described as follows: Ecological services There are a number of components to the broad range of ecological services that forests provide. Forests cover almost 31% of the surface of the earth. 1. Role of Forest Conservation in an Ecosystem 6. Classification 4. Tree species information is also critical when determining biophysical properties of trees, such as stem volume and biomass. As we know that plants and trees get rid of excess water through the process of transpiration. An ecosystem is a community of living and non-living things that work together. Importance of Ecosystem: Types, Biotic & Abiotic factors - Collegedunia The tribals have become part and parcel of the forests. This review will be useful for research scientists and conservation practitioners as it will highlight the current paradigms of biodiversity conservation in relation to reducing habitat fragmentation through the use of ecological, These protected areas represent almost every ecological, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem and are considerably important for their ecological and socio-economic services. 3. This is one of the main pollutants of air pollution. The importance of tropical rainforest: Regulating climate features: Rainforest will absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, oxygen on Earth by 40% of the total, are transmitted through the tropical rainforest in the Amazon area. 9) Competition is important in every field for growth. Whether coming through dedicated promises to scale back on detrimental practices, or taking action in reducing the [], Silence is a valuable constituent of the game of life. This would then postpone and to an extent avoid the worst impacts of climate change. During the day, trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and give out oxygen. This is one of the largest environmental [], Mark J. Plotkin born May 21, 1955 is an ethnobotanist, a plant explorer in neotropics, and an advocate for tropical rainforest conservation. It provides the entire oxygen required for all life forms on earth. They are home to 80% of the worlds animals living on the land. Your time is important. Many people are actively involved in directly or indirectly making their living by the forest products, either timber or non-timber products. The example essays in Kibin's library were written by real students for real classes. 2) It is a way to encourage them for doing best. So coming to our definition forest is a wide area of land with different types of trees, herbs shrubs and bushes. Often the dynamic interactions that occur within an ecosystem are numerous and complex. As organisms started to increase and evolve the consumption of oxygen increased. All rights reserved. Importance of Forest | Importance of Trees | Forest Protection - BYJUS GradesFixer. The birth and growth of human civilization and culture has been very intimately connected with the forests. Afforestation and reforestation are two best ways to improve forest cover. Gradesfixer, Importance of forest [Internet]. Tropical rain forest has become a fundamental ecosystem therefore this paper seeks to describe tropical rain forest and also illustrate the key issues that threaten this ecosystem. They also include abiotic factors of the environment [] Forest Ecosystem: Definition, Types, Characteristics & More - Embibe In recent years, additional efforts have been focused on assessing quality of governance of countries and organizations, as these elements are seen as critical to ensure sustainable forest management, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce illegal activity. It gives employment to many people who are involved in agriculture and harvesting. Essay On Importance Of Forest In Ecosystem Ppt Some of the people also worship forests and the trees, they call it sacred grooves, so it can be stated that forests are of religious importance too. It is because the land is covered with forests and the oxygen level in the atmosphere was way too high. Due to the harsh climate that the animals are exposed to, the ecosystems in the north and south poles do not have as much flora and fauna as those in a tropical environment like a forest. It is a natural resource that is extremely valuable. The ecosystem is the amalgamation of communities of living things with the physical situation in which they dwell. Forest Ecosystem, Essay Sample - EssayBasics Cutting them will only reduce the resource of carbon sink further leading to the rise in greenhouse gases and pollution, Significant disturbances to the water cycle as the forests forms the base of the water cycle. It is very harmful to the living species on earth as these gases can deplete the ozone layer. Ans. A forest is a dense land or a complex ecosystem that is rich in biodiversity and supports a wide range of life types. Life in Forrest is run by various factors like air, water, and sunlight. They also include abiotic factors of the environment like temperature, wind, topography, water and rocks. It also helps in temperature regulation. This, in turn, will allow devising proper management strategies to continue satisfying human needs, especially in this era of global environmental change. Importance of Mangrove Ecosystem - 2143 Words | 123 Help Me The wildlife protection act. Cost of forest restoration (right y-axis) follows the dashed line (c1-c2). Let's fix your grades together! Since it provides us with different services and on the other hand we are benefitted too, then why are we forgetting our role in the protection of forests? A number of climatic, edaphic and physiographic factors regulates the types and composition of forest ecosystem. To understand the nutrient availability and growing conditions for normal growth of specific crops its [], We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Forest Essay: Importance of Forest Essay for Students in English Deforestation must be eradicated and be replaced with afforestation and reforestation. Reasons for Conserving Forests 2. Helps in sustainability by managing biodiversity. Forests help in maintaining the temperature and oxygen level of the atmosphere. Forest Prevents Pollution Forest is a rich source of oxygen and so the air inside the forest is always pure and clean. Forests - Definition, Ecosystem, Types, Importance - GeeksforGeeks Forests also play an important role in the process of water cycle. Climate change is another dreadful effect of deforestation. A forest is an important part of our ecosystem that needs to be protected. Forest Essay for Students and Children | 500+ Words Essay - Toppr-guides Forest ecosystem is very important for the survival of life on earth. This process is called afforestation in which we rebuild the land where forests already existed. The Ecosystem of the forest is very large and complex; therefore, it has a great species diversity. Therefore, putting a price on the forest ecosystem will motivate the organization to adopt green policies and forest conservation. January 2, 2021by Karan Essay on Importance of Forest:Forests are natural resources with a variety of plant and tree varieties. Croatia is characterized by a great biodiversity, as it is located on the intersection between Continental, Mediterranean, Pannonian, and Alpine biogeographical regions. Thus playing a major role in the reduction in levels of global warming effects. The forest ecosystem remains among the most prominent ecosystems in the global environment. 1 Top 10 Uses of Forests [Importance in Points] 1.1 1. They provide natural habitats for numerous species of plants animals and micro-organisms. The kidneys are the most important factor in [], Mangrove vegetation includes trees, shrubs, palms and ground greeneries that develop within the intertidal areas of waterfront and estuarine edges (Benfield, 2002). They are a unique blessing of nature to us. Forests thus serve as an instrumental tool for reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse . It affects both the physical and biological elements of the forest. Plants- the major player in the ecosystem: Starting with the production of food and water, plants play an important role in the water cycle in every ecosystem. Ans. Read on to explore the various essays about trees and their importance. Forests are rich in vegetation and are home to unique fruits. Importance of Forests - Environment Notes. Forests help to keep people healthy by purifying the air that we breathe. Studies suggest that if one can add 0.9 billion hectares of the canopy, historical greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced 2/3 rd times. Essay on Wildlife: Top 6 Essays | Natural Resources | Geography Oxygen on Earth is produced only by forests. We need to focus on such barren land and improve the quality of soil first. Importance 8. Helps in managing climate, soil erosion, and controlling noise pollution. They form a crucial part of natural parks, biosphere reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: By clicking Send, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. They also prove to be a home for several living organisms. This is how the forest regulates the water cycle. These systems take local soil fertility as a key to successful production, by respecting the natural capacity of plants, animals and the landscape; they aim to optimize quality in all aspects of agriculture and environment. Enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agricultural economy depends. Soil existed on Earth even before water formed. It is a very harmful environmental concern that affects biodiversity, damages natural habitat, disturbs the water cycle and many climatic changes occur due to deforestation. The most important function of forests is that it produces mass amounts of oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. Due to the increasing population and the need for land for human activities, forest lands are being occupied. 500+ Words Essay on Importance of Forest Forests provide the house for many living beings. Forests play a significant role in the water cycle and maintain oxygen cycle too. This would deplete the soil of all the nutrients and leads to desertification in the long run. Forests provide a suitable habitat for numerous animals and plants. It is very important to develop forests on our Earth in order to live in a healthy ecosystem. Gottschalk T. K., Diekotter T., Ekschmitt K., Weinmann B., Kuhlmann F., Purtauf T., Dauber J. and Wolters, V 2007 Impact of agricultural subsidies on biodiversity at the landscape level, Landscape Ecol. They are also home to lots of marginalised tribes of around 35 lakhs. Over 1 billion people live in and around forests, depending on them for fuel, food, medicines and building materials. All rights reserved. Forests are the gift of nature, let us value it and benefit the living species on Earth! Forests are responsible for the reduction of soil erosion, as the roots of the trees are helping in the proper binding of the surface layer of the earth, thus helping in prospering the fertility of the soil. Oxygen is the main respiratory gas for all animals, it ensures our survival. Essay # 5. This article is primarily for students from class 4 to 8 with an age group 7 to 16. Deforestation literally means wiping out forest lands. The forests are precious for the survival of the human population due to the services such as carbon storage, air purification, wildlife maintenance, recycling of nutrients, preventing soil erosion, and many more. Hence, trees play a variety of important roles from ecosystems to environmental cleansers. Forest ecosystem comprises diverse flora and fauna. ecological system formed out of interactions and interconnections by the organisms living there with their surrounding environment and among themselves.) 3) Competition inspires students to work hard. Thus the forest is home to these group of habitants. Helps in reduction of water during floods. They are important as they are responsible for the pollination and dispersion mechanisms. Also, the organisms that live in Forrests are independent of each other. Additionally, forests are also increasingly important because of their benefits to life and earth's existence as they boasts of different abilities such as that of rain-making. This essay was donated by a student and is likely to have been used and submitted before, Free samples may contain mistakes and not unique parts. 1. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA), a major UN sponsored effort to analyze the impact of human actions on ecosystems and human well-being, identified four major categories of ecosystem services: provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting services. They provide us with all essential requirements like food, air, wood, shelter to a diverse group of living organisms. Table of Contents. Essay on Forest | Long and Short Essay on Forest in English for Trees and forests recycle moisture in the atmosphere through the process of transpiration to increase rainfall. Forests, which are the dominant terrestrial ecosystem on Earth, play an essential role in the planets life support system (Bonan, 2008). An ecosystem is defined as the network of interactions among organisms, and between organisms and their environment they can come in any size but usually encompass specific, limited spaces although according to some scientists the entire planet is an ecosystem or an ecosystem is defined as a . An important aspect of the environment, a reservoir of greenhouse gases. To learn more about forests, you can check our Vedantu website and get the PDF format to download. Importance of Forests - Environment Notes - Prepp We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Forests have had a great influence on human thought and way of living. Forests are a place of dwelling for many of the living organisms. They increase the relative humidity and improve the precipitation levels, They regulate the water supply. Assume you board with our cookie policy the pollutants in the reduction in levels of global warming effects climatic. 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