However, the mechanisms underlying these growth promotory effects are unknown at present. This question of possible heterogeneity in local perceptions remains for the most part unacknowledged in the literature on GEC, while the literature on intracultural variations of LK suggests that such a heterogeneity is very likely (Begossi et al. Dove MR, Smith DS, Campos MT, Matthews AS, Rademacher A, Rhee S, Yoder LM. As several outlets have noted, the current health crisis calls attention to the longer-term issue of whether climate . Johnson JT, Murton B. Re/placing native science: indigenous voices in contemporary constructions of nature. It is published by Elsevier Ltd.. A few papers talked more generally about other conceptualizations of naturee.g., as person or social relationships or something that continues to be created continuouslyor mentioned the way some practices are rooted in cosmological principles as well as in practical considerations (e.g., sharing food). National Library of Medicine Overall, we found great variation in both the thematic foci and types of GEC that the articles covered. A conceptually interesting paper by Orlove et al. Climate change is a direct threat to a child's ability to survive, grow, and thrive. Spence A, Poortinga W, Butler C, Pidgeon NF. Not surprisingly then, adaptation has become an increasing focus in GEC literature, and particularly climate change literature, as human vulnerabilities to the impacts of change (regardless of mitigation efforts) have become manifest and irreversible. Global perceptions of local temperature change. However, even within the same thematic area, articles varied in terms of focus. Finally, more cross-cultural research is needed, as is the need to include a much more embedded perspective that encompasses embodied experiences in the study of knowledge and perception. Wiens JA, Bachelet D. Matching the multiple scales of conservation with the multiple scales of climate change. While it may well be that local small-scale communities really are the net losers of GEC (hence, their attitudes), there may also be a tendency of local people to emphasize the negative; e.g., in the hope of receiving assistance, even when livelihoods have actually improved. New environmental theories: toward a coherent theory of environmentally significant behavior. Global change and the earth system: a planet under pressure. He called on countries to be more ambitious and committed to cutting carbon emissions per the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. 2008, Newsham and Thomas 2011, Robbins 2012). Search About Journals, Conferences, and Book Series, Ecology (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1). At present, the health consequences of First-World excesses are being felt disproportionately by populations in the developing world. Through this initial scan, we eliminated 50 articles, which left us with a total of 126 articlesall published in peer-reviewed journals between 1998 and mid-2014 (see Appendix 2 for the full list of articles reviewed). 2014), while others examined how climate change perceptions differ due to age differences (Alessa et al. We used three particular lenses of analysis that are known to influence local perceptions, namely (i) cognition, (ii) culture and knowledge, and (iii) possibilities for adaptation.We present our findings on the geographical distribution of the current research, the most common changes reported, perceived drivers and impacts of change, and local explanations and evaluations of change and impacts. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values. Roturiera S, Rou M. Of forest, snow and lichen: Smi reindeer herders knowledge of winter pastures in northern Sweden.
Global Environmental Politics | MIT Press By small-scale societies we mean societies of a few dozen to several thousand people who live by foraging wild foods, herding domesticated animals, or conducting nonintensive horticulture at the village level. There may also be a link to why researchers go about studying local perceptions of GEC in the first place. Objective 1: To characterize responses of plant species, ecological communities, and ecosystem processes to warming and precipitation change, Dukes and colleagues will conduct field research that manipulates environmental conditions experienced by a plant community and record responses at a variety of scales.
Environment and climate change | UNICEF HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help 2022 All Rights Reserved. The perception of the environment. Wiley Yet, human perceptibility of GEC (particularly climate change) has been somewhat disputed in the last decades (see Rudiak-Gould 2013). Our work as external researchers also calls not only for community-specific validation of results and knowledge, but for increased coproduction of hybrid knowledge, if we are to decolonize what remains as a highly top-down system of scientific practice in framing GEC research. Aswani S, Lauer M. Indigenous peoples detection of rapid ecological change. This fascinating book is the first comprehensive analysis of the economic, social and political interrelationships between tourism and global environmental change: one of the most significant issues facing humankind today.
Global Environment Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines Erlandson JM. Nicholls R. Research and indigenous participation: critical reflexive methods. The best quartile for this journal is Q1.
Global environmental climate change, covid-19, and conflict threaten In no cases was the change perceived by the local society as entirely positive. Securing indigenous politics: a critique of the vulnerability and adaptation approach to the human dimensions of climate change in the Canadian Arctic. As our findings illustrate, there are a number of gaps in the current GEC research in terms of scale and causality, resulting in little evidence of how local societies perceive concepts of scale (e.g., global or local) and the possible interactions between scales. Orlove B, Chiang J, Cane M. Ethnoclimatology in the Andes: a cross-disciplinary study uncovers a scientific basis for the scheme Andean potato farmers traditionally use to predict the coming rains.
Welcome | Environmental Performance Index First, it is often difficult for local people to perceive certain aspects of GEC; e.g., in the case of changes in temperature over time (a fluctuating process in itself), especially if adequate measuring instruments are not available (see Rudiak-Gould [2013] for some examples). Hirsch Hadorn G, Bradley D, Pohl C, Rist S, Wiesmann U. There are a number of methodological challenges and limitations to our study that are important to point out. Meanwhile, the methods of data collection varied between quantitative only, qualitative only, and both. Hence, there may be some bias in the results due to local respondents having given strategic answers. The overall rank of Global Environmental Change is 544. The best way to find out the acceptance rate is to reach out to the associated editor or to check the official website of the Journal/Conference. Evolution of the number of published documents.
Global Environmental Change | Johns Hopkins | Bloomberg School of As for the impacts of GEC, and whether they are seen as positive or negative, our results gave no cases of changes that were seen as solely positive. The impact score (IS) 2021 of Global Environmental Change is 10.63, which is computed in 2022 as per its definition. Why local people in these cases choose to transcend epistemic boundaries is unclear, and may be linked to how different information is accessed, by whom, and in what form.
Global Environmental Change (@GEC_Journal) | Twitter Henrich J, Heine SJ, Norenzayan A. Dirzo R, Young HS, Galetti M, Ceballos G, Isaac NJB, Collen B. Defaunation in the Anthropocene. It explores how the attitudes and actions . 2002, Agrawal 2008, Thornton and Manasfi 2010) and risk perceptions (Tbara et al.
Reports | World Economic Forum The use of categories based on formal sciencewhile collecting data on local perceptions of environmental changeis prevalent in the literature, which runs the risk of biasing the actual perceived changes at the local level with imposed Western epistemological frameworks that are disconnected from particular cultural contexts.
[PDF] Conceptualizing food systems for global environmental change One way to overcome this is to look at the responses and askin hindsightwhat made people do what they chose to do, or say what they said, or perceive what they reported to perceive. The World Economic Forum publishes a comprehensive series of reports which examine in detail the broad range of global issues it seeks to address with stakeholders as part of its mission of improving the state of the world. The most fundamental and consequential effect of this is that those (often mistakenly) considered nonspecialists are rarely given the opportunity to contribute to the GEC debate, even when they are directly affected by it. Patt AG, Schrter D. Perceptions of climate risk in Mozambique: implications for the success of adaptation strategies. Cruikshank J. Glaciers and climate change: perspectives from oral tradition.
Global environmental change and sustainability - University of London Encourage collaboration amongst faculty and students on research, teaching and community outreach relating to environmental law. 2015b). Schneider SH, Root TL. 2010) with regard to climate change, with the aim of measuring and modeling the relative vulnerability of particular regions, communities, or resources to predicted changes (e.g., Brooks et al. ISSN stands for International Standard Serial Number. Read more here. In: Dobrin SI, Morey S, editors. Global Environmental Change IS is increased by a factor of 1.28 and approximate percentage change is 13.69% when compared to preceding year 2020, which Global Environmental Politics examines relationships between global political forces and environmental change, with particular attention given to the implications of local-global interactions for environmental management, as well as to the implications of environmental change and environmental governance for world politics. Childrens affiliations with nature: structure, development, and the problem of environmental generational amnesia. Memory illusions refer to exaggerations of the extent of trends, which may also have been caused by the influential memory of extreme events (Roediger 1996, Kahn 2002, Daw 2010). Examples of such processes include memory illusions, change blindness, and the Shifting Baselines Syndrome. on 19 March, 2014. 2013), both of which could be linked to age and gendered distribution of labor and environmental engagement. We also found that researchers integrate vernacular understandings of environmental change in very heterogeneous ways due to the absence of clear standards on how to do so. We aim to highlight interdisciplinary research that explores communities and nations, especially historically-marginalized societies, that are impacted by environmental, social, and/or ecological changes. The rise of the internet, the shifts in the power of sovereign national states, the intricate intertwining of global markets, and the enormous numbers of people migrating across regions and continents trying to escape wars, environmental degradation, or disasters have prompted several scholars to . Fernndez-Llamazares , Daz-Reviriego I, Luz AC, Cabeza M, Pyhl A, Reyes-Garca V. Rapid ecosystem change challenges the adaptive capacity of Local Environmental Knowledge. Oldekop JA, Bebbington AJ, Truelove NK, Holmes G, Villamarn S, Preziosi RF. Strategic issues of IP management in a globalizing economy.
About USGCRP | IS 2021 of Global Environmental Change is 10.63. The most common topics were vulnerability assessment, local weather, adaptive strategies, LK systems, and local observations of environmental change. Swim JS, Clayton T, Doherty R, Gifford G, Howard JR, Stern P, Weber EU. Environ. Kahn PH.
Journal name: Global environmental change / Source: 2014 v.25 - USDA Doyle J.
Global Environmental Change: A Natural and Cultural Environmental Hist We therefore call for the further development of a meta-language around adaptation, perception, and mediation so that we can begin to appreciate and understand the diversity around these phenomena across multiple scales. Analyses and interventions; anthropological engagements with environmentalism. These relate not only to research design and methods, but also to the eventual distribution of benefits of the research findings. Boissire M, Locatelli B, Sheil D, Padmanaba M, Sadjudin E. Local perceptions of climate variability and change in tropical forests of Papua, Indonesia. 2005, Wiens and Bachelet 2009). The. Knowing, farming and climate change adaptation in North-Central Namibia. Weber EU, Johnson EJ. 2 One problem of this itemisation of goals is that it separates environmental considerations from health considerations. These indicators provide a gauge at a national scale . government site. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal The difficulties of translation between different epistemologies (Rudiak-Gould 2012), the ways in which different kinds of knowledge become authorized (Cruikshank 2011), and how such processes constitute power (Veland et al. Similarly, if a local population is experiencing the same environmental phenomena but with more frequency or extremes, it may not necessarily change its beliefs or perceptions of the drivers of these. In an interview, Dan Esty discusses how over the past two decades the EPI has offered a roadmap for sustainability policy. Thornton TF, Manasfi N. Adaptationgenuine and spurious: demystifying adaptation processes in relation to climate change. 2010, Rudiak-Gould 2014). It is based on Scopus data. Therefore, while scientists tend to focus on negative impacts of GEC, local populations perceptions may be very different when it comes to impacts on their livelihoods.
The Global Environment Outlook | UNEP - UN Environment Programme The same can be said for psychological factors, although studies in phenomena such as the Shifting Baselines Syndrome have already shed some light on how these impact local perceptions of environmental change (see Fernndez-Llamazares et al. It considers the number of citations received by a journal and the importance of the journals from where these citations come. Responses to GEC that consisted of diversification, or the process of increasing the variety of income production strategies and food, were the most frequently reported as adaptation strategies (in about half the articles) (see Table 4). 4: Migration in the context of global environmental change: the implications of inaction 107 5: A strategic framework for policy 123 6: Reducing the influence of global environmental change on . Approximately half our sample reported cognitive aspects related to perceptions of change, and made direct links between the local observations of change and different psychological aspects. The ways we produce food and use land, travel, and use water and energy resources, combined with a growing world population, have severely compromised the environmental resources upon which we depend. Environmental change in the historic period 6. Despite this, most of the research examining local aspects of GEC has applied a top-down perspective (Wilbanks and Kates 1999). For instance, studies on whether groups with different livelihood strategies perceive change differently are called for, as are studies that addres the universality of GEC perceptions and cognition, and whether these might be useful in distinguishing diversity.
Global environmental change and health: impacts, inequalities, and the Yet, while causes of GEC are better studied at the local level, GEC dynamics are observed mostly at the global scale but with responses and adaptations occurring at all levels (Wilbanks and Kates 1999, Adger et al. Before FP7-261971-LEK, and M. Salpeteur from the Simulpast project (CSD2010-00034) funded by the Spanish MINECO under the 2010 CONSOLIDER-INGENIO program. Another significant limitation is that, in general, the articles we reviewed gave very little methodological explanation or description, which makes it difficult for readers to discern between what is reported by each study as being a local perception and what the individuals (or communitys) actual perceptions are. That said, many scholars might intentionally dismiss LK precisely because it is integrative, and thus difficult for disciplinary thinkers to understand and manage. How can experience of local residents be knowledge? Challenges in interdisciplinary climate change research. Using 40 performance indicators across 11 issue categories, the EPI ranks 180 countries on climate change performance, environmental health, and ecosystem vitality. First, the science of climate change involves atmospheric, ocean, land, and social sciences. In many cosmologies, the world is not seen as static, and longer cycles may be recognized and passed on in oral tradition over generations. An ISSN is a unique code of 8 digits. Green D, Billy J, Tapim A. Indigenous Australians knowledge of weather and climate. Climate change adaptation through local knowledge in the north eastern region of Bangladesh.
The global ranking of academic journals' impa | EurekAlert! Changes to the global environment pose one of the greatest public health challenges. Bunce M, Rodwell LD, Gibb R, Mee L. Shifting baselines in fishers perceptions of island reef fishery degradation. Castree N, Adams WM, Barry J, Brockington D, Buscher B, Corbera E, Demeritt D, Duffy R, Felt U, Neves K, Newell P, et al. Implications of transdisciplinarity for sustainability research.
Environmental Science: Advances journal - Royal Society of Chemistry Commencing with a chapter on the evidence for global warming presented by Sir John Houghton, the book then goes on to discuss the many problems associated with air pollution. However, a problem with the literature to date on climate and GEC adaptation is the difficulty to isolate precisely what drivers and impacts people are responding to.
Tourism and Global Environmental Change - 1. 2000, Helgeson et al. Universities and research institutions in United Kingdom. 2005, Erlandson 2012). Coram S. Rethinking indigenous research approval: the perspective of a stranger. . There may also be a tendency for scientists to use hegemonic approaches and skew their results in an attempt to force a certain logic; e.g., to report more homogenous views on local perceptions in order to make their scientific arguments come across as more solid or credible. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Zalasiewicz J, Williams M, Steffen W, Crutzen P. The new world of the Anthropocene. . Climate change: embed the social sciences in climate policy. 2010). We set out to review this literature to critically review the ways in which local understandings are captured and presented in the research. Change blindness refers to the failure to observe local indicators of climate change; that is, the desensitization to change (e.g., Simons and Rensik 2005, Alessa et al. Bunce M, Mee L, Rodwell LD, Gibb R. Collapse and recovery in a remote small islanda tale of adaptive cycles or downward spirals? In addition to scale and causation, equally important to local perceptions is cognition: the rates of temporal change in local perceptions (e.g., Deryungina 2012), perceptibility itself (e.g., Weber 2013), and the role that the reception of external scientific information may play in influencing local perceptions (e.g., Marin and Berkes 2012, Fernndez-Llamazares et al. Table 1 lists those variables for which we present findings. Approximately half the articles reported either the year(s) for which data were recorded, or the decade since change had been recorded or perceived.
Rankings | Global Environmental Remote Sensing Laboratory The journal interprets global environmental change to mean the outcome of processes that are manifest in localities, but with consequences at multiple spatial, temporal and socio-political scales. The most commonly documented types of environmental change that were reportedly perceived by the peoples studied were phenology/seasonality, rainfall change, temperature change, and biodiversity change. There are also possible confirmation biases and gaps in understanding causation when people are asked questions based on external (predefined) terms and frameworks. Name
We then present a descriptive overview of our results, followed by a more comprehensive analysis around the three overarching themes of the paper, namely cognition, ontologies, and adaptation. Papworth SK, Rist J, Coad L, Milner-Gulland EJ. Two types of global environmental change: definitional and spatial scale issues in their human dimensions. While some of the authors highlighted LK as a means to help confirm scientific observations (Ignatowski and Rosales 2013), others suggested that LK can provide additional information for scientists by supplementing scientific data (e.g., for places, time scales, or parameters that scientists have not yet measured or taken into account [cf. The U.S. While the documentation of GEC is becoming more readily available, with ever more sophisticated devices capable of capturing large-scale biophysical changes, local accounts of the impacts of GEC are still relatively overlooked. Turner BL, II, Kasperson RE, Meyer WB, Dow KM, Golding D, Kasperson JX, Mitchell RC, Ratick SJ. Note: The impact score shown here is equivalent to the average number of times documents published United Kingdom
Its contributors argue that the impacts of these changes are potentially extremely serious both for the tourism industry, and for the communities dependent upon it . Global Environmental Change provides a balanced overview of the problems associated with global warming. Some studies have already begun to highlight the importance of local understandings of GEC for adaptation policies in particular, especially as they can compensate for the lack of formal scientific data on local effects of environmental change, and to inform locally sound resource governance (Laidler 2006, Bunce et al. L, Milner-Gulland EJ new world of the research of Medicine Overall, we global environmental change journal ranking great in! Pohl C, Rist J, Tapim A. indigenous Australians knowledge of weather and climate change adaptation North-Central!: critical reflexive methods of this itemisation of goals is that it environmental! 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