(a) After (Mark 14:12-17). The Bible has many humorous stories! To do so, one would first have to not read the book, which is the practice of most Christians; or, if one does read it, dump in the trash can ones rational intelligence to become a fool for god, in other words. Skeptics, and even Christians, will raise many purported contradictions in the Bible. But after the initial shock had warn off the Matthew account then explains that they worshipped him (Matthew 14:33). Although some alleged contradictions would probably need a lengthy explanation, I will try to keep my answer as direct and concise as possible. On this point Donald Morgan had this to say in an article entitled Introduction to the Bible and biblical Problems: RG: It is true that some Christians simply believe that the Bible is Gods word and we cannot always fault them for that. When faced with the overwhelming evidence of the truth of Gods living Word -the Bible, they themselves decided to become followers of Christ. The contradictionist really missed this one. (b) Four hundred and seventy thousand (1 Chronicles 21:5). ah ganun ba?
20 Fun Hebrews Bible Quiz Questions and Answers Try downloading another browser like Chrome or Firefox. For every alleged contradiction we have offered a plausible solution. When the judgment was pronounced against Jesus, it was about the sixth hour on the day of Preparation for the Passover (John 19:14).
Are There Contradictions in the Bible? | Bible Questions - JW.ORG Exodus 32:14 says "the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do" VS. RG: Let me clarify beforehand that in order to diminish the force of an alleged contradiction one does not have to pin point the exact solution but only a plausible and reasonable solution. Let's take a look. (a) Eight hundred (2 Samuel 23:8). This is brought out further in 1 Peter 3:20 where we read, God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. Therefore looking at the context of the Genesis 6:3 passage it would agree with what we find in chapter 11 of the same book. Answer: It is apparent that initially Herod being bothered by putting to death John the Baptist was inclined to believe the rumors that Jesus is John the Baptist resurrected from the dead (Matthew 14:2, Mark 6:16). Contradiction #72 Matthew and Mark agree that Jesus went away and prayed three times. Ps 19:1, ESV. Contradiction #47 Did Judas kiss Jesus? A few others take slightly more work to solve. We know this because just a few verses later (verse 24) we are told, And all the Egyptians dug along the Nile to get drinking water, because they could not drink the water of the river. So where is the difficulty for the magicians to demonstrate that they could also do this? (a) Tell my brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see me (Matthew 28:10). James 1 . We will briefly list some of them with a short explanation. >>. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Exodus Contradiction #21 How many were the children of Bethel and Ai? The Amalekite obviously expected a handsome reward and high preferment in the service of Sauls successor. Answer: It does not stand to reason that because both Matthew and Mark mention the event of Christs death before mentioning the curtain tearing, while Luke mentions it in reverse order, that they are therefore in contradiction, as Matthew states that the two events happened, At that moment, and the other two passages nowhere deny this. The story culminates with Davids defeat of the Philistines in 2 Samuel 5:25 that you can see bordered in red below. Contradiction #88 What was Jesus instruction for his disciples? Many times we have seen where one of the gospel writers includes a piece of information which another leaves out. Salamat sa message mo. The edited document was the one found during the time of Nehemiah (7:9). In both passages, David brings the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem after defeating the Philistines. (b) After he bought the field with the price of his evil deed he fell headlong and burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out (Acts 1:18). -This is a very good case for her to have made herself a living sacrifice while maintaining her virginity for life, which is still a big price to pay as the only child. An alleged Bible contradiction is claimed for Matthew 27:28 and John 19:2. Its apparent by reading some of the Bible Contradiction lists that there are common reasons people think the Bible has contradictions when close inspection reveals otherwise. How many contradictions are in the Bible? Youll surely want to view these posts as soon as you can! >>. Answer: To begin with Moses and Aaron did not convert all available water to blood but only the water of the Nile (see verse 20). ESSA: Perhaps many of my readers have doubts that the Quraan is the word of God. (a) No. (a) Yes and his female disciples witnessed his burial (John 19:39-40). Jesus while the other one defended Jesus. Do Genesis 1 and 2 Contradict Each Other? (b) Eleven (Matthew 27:3-5 and Acts 1:9-26, see also Matthew 28:16; Mark 16:14 footnote; Luke 24:9; Luke 24:33). Answer: The text in 2 Samuel 21:19 is a copyist error. . To do otherwise is to rely on the fickle emotions of the heart even when they run contrary to all rationality. Answer: Several possible solutions can be offered to this discrepancy. Joshua and the Israelites routed them and the five kings fled to the cave at Makkedah, from which Joshuas soldiers brought them to Joshua, who killed them all. ESSA: Additionally, if someone is offended by this book then toss it in the trash, or pass it on to someone else. Now you will soon see, step-by-step, how they dig themselves a deep pit and then fall right into it. The theological implications of this verse are profound and beyond the scope of this short article. The Bible also teaches that there is only one God. So why does Matthew say that the colt and its mother were brought along in verse seven? Both Religions claims divine origin but I think that Catholic Christianity is better off in proving its claim.
PDF 101 Clear Contradictions In The Bible - University of California, Berkeley Before the advent of the printing press (1456 AD) copies of the manuscripts have to be done by hand. Answer: John the Baptists statement I did not know him in John 1:31, 33 could be understood that it was only after having been given the definite sign by the Holy Spirit did he attain absolute certitude about Jesus being the Messiah. His son Eber lived 464 years, etc. The Philistines had captured the Ark of the Covenant but they returned it by putting it on an ox cart pulled by two cows after the Philistines started breaking out with tumors. We should not think that we can do better than God. So he prayed to god] If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands, Then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the LORDs, and I will offer it up for a burnt offering Judges 11:30-31, [The terms were acceptable to god remember, he is supposed to be omniscient and know the future so he gave victory to Jephthah, and the first whatsoever that greeted him upon his glorious return was his daughter, as god surely knew would happen, if god is god. Heres the passage. (b) No. But if we take a good look at this page, we can see there is a heading at the beginning of chapter 13 with the title Bringing Back the Ark.. Some of them take more effort than others, but what does it say about the claims of the contradictionists? Its super easy to refute all of the supposed Bible contradictions that cannot be answered. Many people fail to account for cultural differences across 2-3 millennia. The reason for bringing extra pairs for clean animals was that they are to be used for offering after the flood (Gen 8:20). He was not an apparition, whether ghost, phantasm, shade, or any other paranormal entity. (2 Samuel 5:19). It happens when people get focused on trying to prove a point. (b) Each man will have to bear his own load (Galatians 6:5). Numbers 23:19 says God does not repent. (b) No (Acts 22:9). Any argument should be examined thoroughly before accepting or rejecting its claims. Heres an example of one of the blatant contradictions in the Bible published by a mistaken author. When youre done reading this, you will know the truth. It would have made the entry to Jerusalem easier if the mother donkey were led along down the road, as the foal would naturally follow her, even though he had never before carried a rider and had not yet been trained to follow a roadway. The Bible is one continuous story filled with adventure, heroes and villains, triumph and defeat, good and evil, love and jealousy, plot twists and ultimately, a happy ending. List of the Biggest Contradictions in the Bible, Irrefutable Contradictions in the Bible, Bible Verses That [Dont] Contradict Each Other, Bible Contradictions Chart [Bad Day for Atheists]. 1 Chronicles 13 repeats the story of 2 Samuel 5. Contradiction #54 Did Jesus ascend to Paradise the same day of the crucifixion? After all, there are too many Bible contradictions." Therefore, it is not surprising to recognize that they both had different fathers! After the death of Judas there were only eleven disciples, and this remained so until Matthias was chosen to take Judas place. Thats all I am asking you to do here read the scriptures and see if what the Church has been telling you is really so. (b) Many people born after that lived longer than 120. Contradiction #86 Did anyone tell the women what happened to Jesus body? Matthew and Mark state that the temple veil ripped right after Jesus died, but Luke states that it happened before the Lords death. (b) Heli (Luke 3:23). After seeing the sign from the Holy Spirit, he acknowledged his unworthiness to baptize Jesus as recorded in Matthew 3:13-14. Contradiction #20 How many were the children of Hashum? Heres a whole List of the Biggest Contradictions in the Bible I wrote up thats been viewed many, many times. Many, many former atheist truth-seekers when finally exposed to clear-headed thinking- have themselves become Christians after realizing the truth they were always looking for was right in front of them!
Contradicting Bible Contradictions | Answering Bible Contradictions document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. no im not, im just curious about their faith. Privacy Policy and
(b) His brother Andrew told him (John 1:41). If you know somebody else who needs to read this post, do them a favor and forward the link to this article to them. What is incredible about the Bible is not its divine authorship; it's that such a concoction of contradictory nonsense could be believed by anyone to have been written by an omniscient god. It simply says: Jesus entered the temple (Mat 21:12). (4) The audience of Romans 14 is a gentile audience, so the context is completely different than the Hebrew audience in Exodus 20. Answer: The fact that John does not mention a kiss does not mean Judas did not use a kiss. As I asked earlier, If I can show you 101 contradictions in the Bible would you agree to listen to what I have to say? I have presented the contradictions before you; now the following is what I have to say. Answer: Again this is supplementation not a contradiction. Thief on the Cross Contradiction. Notice that the above three quotes are all from the same chapter of the same book! Skeptics then comment that 2000 years have gone by and Jesus
300 contradictions in the bible pdf . Contradiction #89 When did the disciples return to Galilee? The edited document was the one found during the time of Nehemiah (7:9). Contradictionists are generally sloppy and they just repeat what others have already written. But the New Testament passage in Romans seems to be saying any man can decide for himself. After the curtain was torn, then Jesus crying with a loud voice, said, Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit! And having said this he breathed his last (Luke 23:45-46). The solution? Feedback: Does Deuteronomy 23:3 Invalidate Jesus Messianic Claim? Answer: One possible solution to this apparent contradiction is to consider the relatively long period it took to complete the construction. Answer: 1 Chronicles 15 also mentions that David brought the Ark after defeating the Philistines. Contradiction #13 In what year of King Asas reign did Baasha, King of Israel die? The ultimate truth is found in the Bible itself, and scholars like Archer, Geisler, Howe and Brooks make it easier for all of us to understand. Troy Lacey, AiGU.S., explains. These passages describe a time when King David was fighting the Philistines. Contradiction #27 Jesus descended from which son of David? Therefore he made Goliath the object of killed instead of brother of Goliath, as in 1 Chronicles. Is the Muslim author willing to take the same openness and confront alleged Quranic contradictions? Answer: There is no contradiction here. Why not use the same standard when judging the reliability of the statements of The Bible? Instead of explaining away the Christian answer the Muslim critic should face it head-on. When Jesus entered Capernaum he healed the slave of a centurion. The basic fallacy in alleged contradictions 16-23 is the failure to appreciate the listings in their historical context. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Romans 13:11-12, Be ye also patient; establish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. James 5:8, Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. 1 John 2:18, But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. 1 Peter 4:7. Or so they say. Contradiction #15 Solomon built a facility containing how many baths? Answer: Jesus could have actually spoken in Hebrew Eli, Eli.. (Mat 27:46) since this could either mean my God or the short form of the name Eliyahu which the Hebrew for Elijah. If this right is God-given then why bother to convince anyone about alleged Bible contradictions? Contradiction #23 How many singers accompanied the assembly? There was plenty of other water for the magicians of Pharaoh to use. In Chronicles the ore-gim (weavers) comes straight after men\r (a beam of) thus making perfectly good sense. Thus 23,000 thousand could have died in one day (1 Corinthians 10:8) and a thousand more died afterwards to make a total of 24,000 (Numbers 25:9). Uriel probably married Tamar (Absaloms only daughter) and their daughter is Michaiah (2 Chronicles 13:2) who married Rehoboam and their son is Abijah. It is clear that it would take some time for Herod to realize that he had been outsmarted by the magi. There are generally two types of copyists error. Contradiction #51 Did Jesus say anything secretly? Berechiah, 6. In seeking assurance, he sent for his disciples to Jesus (Matthew 11:2). Jephthah would have known that God did not accept human sacrifice. Another favorite title is 101 Clear Contradictions in the Bible. Second, it is possible that the 4,000 stalls in 2 Chronicles are large stalls which housed 10 smaller stalls to produce the 40,000 small stalls recorded in 1 Kings. Second day: Jesus went to Galilee? . Therefore the Acts 7:14 quotation of Stephens speech before his martyrdom is correct because he was quoting from the Septuagint. It requires more than a show of internal consistency to make a book belong to the category of the Bible. (a) Yes (Matthew 8:5). When I'm not writing about it, I'm often enjoying the great outdoors.
Answering Bible Difficulties - Defending Inerrancy . (b) One million, one hundred thousand (1 Chronicles 21:5). Is this why so many former atheists have become believers in Jesus Christ? Contradiction #9 When did David bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem? In Luke 24:10, all the women are mentioned together, as they all went to the apostles in the end. What is incredible about the Bible is not its divine authorship; its that such a concoction of contradictory nonsense could be believed by anyone to have been written by an omniscient god. Also, 1 Chronicles 21:6 makes it clear that Joab did not complete his numbering +30,000 troops by Benjamin = 500,000. Viewed many, many times How many baths Christian answer the Muslim author willing take! He acknowledged his unworthiness to baptize Jesus as recorded in Matthew 3:13-14 the Bible... Goliath the object of killed instead of explaining away the Christian answer the Muslim willing. 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