This caused Fused Zamasu's body to fluctuate, creating mutations in his body that multiplied his size and power, but left his body completely unstable and no longer completely immortal, although he did retain a tremendous amount of durability and a potent healing factor. "I am a god! In the anime, he also wears a Time Ring on his right index finger, while in the manga, his counterpart is entrusted with wearing it. After they combined their powers with a Potara fusion, they seemed unstoppable, and when all looked completely hopeless, Future Trunks managed to convert the hopes of those wanting him to defeat Zamasu into pure energy, which materialized in the form of a magnificent blade that was strong enough to cut right through Fused Zamasu. Like his future counterpart, he is extremely sadistic, callous, bloodthirsty, and hypocritical, as seen when he kills Bulma, along with the vast majority of the Earthlings, believing it to be "justice", despite his blood-lusting delight in it and his delight in the anger of Goku from the main timeline within Universe 7 over him killing Chi-Chi and Goten from the unaltered main timeline within said universe. Using his new Super Saiyan form, he can repair his broken sword. Before he could kill the two, Trunks arrives and blocks Zamasu's attack. The group realize that the Zamasus are linked to Fused Zamasu, and that is how they are able to stay in this Timespace, and so decide they must defeat him. [2] When he gained his Gigantification form, Fused Zamasu was too slow to keep up with Vegito but withstood his Final Kamehameha without any visible damage, and also took a massive punch to the face, at which point Vegito defused and Fused Zamasu was able to defeat both Goku and Vegeta with one blow. This is due to the fact that his physical body is deteriorating and the conflicting of the souls of the immortal Future Zamasu and mortal Goku Black that make up his form. He also believes that humanity has only continued to exist for all this time because the gods are too prideful to acknowledge their failure in creating mortals. However, his disdain for mortals and his ambition to eradicate them often resurfaced, and in the manga, he tried to betray Hearts and to take the power of the Universe Seed for himself, before being foiled by Lagss. While initially wearing his Supreme Kai attire, after his wish to switch bodies with the Saiyan was granted, he began wearing a dark grey vest, a long-sleeved black undershirt with a turtleneck, a red sash, black pants and pointy white boots. Although most of the units with Zamasu's name in Dokkan Battle is his future counterpart, present Zamasu does appear as a card with Gowasu along with another unit where Zamasu has just stole Goku's body, named as Zamasu (Goku). It is stated that due to being a sync up of two versions of Zamasu, Fused Zamasu's fighting skill is far greater than before. The Kais refuse to leave when asked, wanting to see the battle through. In the original future of the main timeline (which was visited by Shin in the manga), Zamasu used the Super Dragon Balls and wished to switch bodies with the original present Goku, becoming Goku Black (, Gok Burakku). Even in the face of defeat, Goku puts on a smile . Black in his base form is able to defeat Super Saiyan 2 Future Trunks before his trip to the past, no longer having to become a Super Saiyan to fight against him. As Future Zamasu pursues Future Trunks and the others, Vegeta and Goku are held back by the illusionary clones created by the large rift, and Black mocks them as they are surrounded by the clones. He then flies up and prepares to launch another energy blast to finish Trunks off, before he is interrupted by Gowasu, who had his fate changed, thanks to Beerus killing the Zamasu from the main timeline. Since his arrival, Zamasu became known as a terrifying warrior only known as Goku Black. He manages to use the super dragon balls to swap bodies with Goku. Goku then overpowers Zamasu, defeating him in battle. At the same time, he is not without arrogance and condescension towards those whom he views as beneath him and has no qualms about breaking rules or betraying his fellow Kais. Black attempts to locate them by sensing their ki but has trouble thanks to its faintness and being mixed among others. However, Future Trunks noted after Black and Goku's first fight in the past that Black was stronger in the future, meaning that Black wasn't using all of his power during his fight with Goku. "I'm the Zamasu of this alternate future. This is a weird, slightly long discussion. In a gag panel in the manga, Zamasu originally attempted to trade bodies with Monaka. Both used the new Dragon Balls introduced in their series to further their grand plans for the universe. It takes Zeno, the king of all gods, to destroy Zamasu. As Trunks holds out against Zamasu, he unconsciously gathers ki from Earth's inhabitants. Upon his arrival on Earth, he goes on a rampage, his first attack causing half of mankind to be wiped out. Though Ginyu is taken out of the fight, he gloats over outwitting someone who got the power he did by stealing their body. However, Beerus intercepts him and erases his existence afterwards, putting an almost instantaneous end to the once prodigious Supreme Kai apprentice. After Goku Black's wish to switch bodies with Goku from the unaltered main timeline within Universe 7 was granted by Super Shenron from the unaltered main timeline within Universe 6, the Saiyan body underwent some physical changes. To the surprise of Goku, Fused Zamasu appears alongside the other Core Area Warriors and uses his telekinesis to retrieve Cumber, before he and the others teleport away. Standing out with his remarkable ki and raw power along with a prodigious talent for fighting, he was given a special privilege to be trained as a Supreme Kai. In the anime, by creating the Barrier of Light, Fused Zamasu takes on his "Haloed"[6] state. There are two different timeline incarnations of him working together to exterminate all the mortals in the multiverse, Present Zamasu, also known as Goku Black, and . The two Goku Blacks turn Super Saiyan Ros and the battle begins. Black opens with the same golden-black ki sphere he attempted to use on Trunks. This caused Goku's power to rise tremendously, due to his anger, and Goku then began overwhelming both Black and Future Zamasu for a short time, but was ultimately defeated by Black nonetheless. In this form he is named Grotesque Zamasu, Fused Zamasu (Right Arm Enlargement)[7] or Fused Zamasu (Half-Corrupted).[8]. Goku blocks it while the force of the ki sphere knocks Goku into a rocky plateau. It is then discovered by the group that other Timespace's are disappearing, and Fused Zamasu reveals that this is because his comrades are wiping them out. During the time of the Timespace Tournament, Present Zamasu is summoned by Goku Black to act as his ally, the two decide to use the Timespace Rift for their own ends to exterminate mortals. Zamasu cries (much to Vegito's disbelief), saying that his tears will purify the world, before powering up, resulting in him growing larger and his right side becoming more grotesque. Upon transforming into Super Saiyan Ros, he easily defeated Vegeta with a surprise piercing blade attack. Upon his birth, he declares his new form to be the embodiment of justice and the world. However, he was utterly helpless as Hearts surrounds him with his energy cubes and shrinks him down, actually killing the immortal foe. However, he retains his past self's politeness and is shown to be graceful during his first fight with Goku as Black. I'd Like to See Goku, You See A Summons From Grand Zeno! However upon Goku and Vegeta's return, Black was completely overwhelmed by Vegeta's power increase. Similarly, upon Vegito defusing, he also calls Goku and Vegeta out for using the sacred treasure of the Gods. Future Zamasu heals Black, allowing him to receive a power-up from the near-death experience and causing his god mind and Saiyan body to become more connected. Black is surprised to see him as he takes Trunks and Mai to his timeline, he too vanishes as well. In the anime, Fused Zamasu appears along with Hearts and watches his allies, Oren and Kamin, battle against Vegeta and Future Trunks. While with them, Trunks forced a close friendship with an adult Mai, a former member of . He uses mortals as the scapegoat for his misdeeds, using Future Trunks' violation of time travel as justification for his and Future Zamasu's morally questionable goal of exterminating all life (similar to Android 13, who also uses mortal shortcomings to justify his carnage). Infinite Zamasu (, Mugen Zamasu) is the final incarnation of Zamasu and antagonist of the "Future" Trunks Saga.In the anime, this being is the surviving will of Fused Zamasu left over from his destruction because of Future Zamasu's immortality. Goku powers up to Super Saiyan 2 and fights back. However, when compared to someone like Broly, Krillin stands absolutely no chance. Despite this, he acknowledged his lack of personal experience and was willing to diligently listen to his teacher Gowasu's words, to which he was a humble and level-headed man with just goals, as Gowasu noted by how well-balanced he would brew tea, implying that he was a just man. He is the final antagonist of the "Future" Trunks Saga. While Black in the anime always manages to stay calm and never lose his composure, even when losing a battle, Black in the manga is more prone to losing his composure the moment things do not go his way. The Miraculous Power of Unyielding Warriors". When Future Trunks arrives, the two briefly fight, leading to Trunks being repelled to the ground. Fused Zamasu attempts to attack Goku but he is stopped by Jiren, who knocks him away with a massive punch. Goku Black claimed that wearing a time ring protected him from being destroyed when Beerus destroyed Zamasu in the present timeline. However, beneath his calm exterior, Fused Zamasu is just as unstable as his components, if not more so; according to Gowasu, this is the result of Zamasu's obsession and hatred with the contradiction between gods and mortals. Gowasu explains that the Supreme Kais' and Kais' duties are to create and not interfere with creations. In my opinion, I believe Broly is stronger than Jiren. Later on, however, Zamasu says that, during their fight, he was distressed, and could have performed much better than what he did. Trunks is confused as to why Goku is not using his Super Saiyan 3 powers when Vegeta explains Goku's bad habit of holding back his power during the beginning of battles. "An immortal cannot be defeated!"-Fused Zamasu, 'Dragon Ball FighterZ'. Zamasu's death was polarising in the Dragon Ball community, a lot of people could not understand how. And Jiren could probably win with just glares. For those who don't remember, Zamasu is one of the major villains in Dragon Ball Super. Before being pulled into the portal, Black fires a Ki blast at Trunks' Time Machine, destroying it, effectively stranding Trunks in the past. In addition, Goku Black appears to be somewhat unhinged, as he occasionally bursts into slightly deranged laughter, as shown when he fought Goku from the main timeline within said universe for the first time, and also due to his sudden shifts in mood, as seen when he explains his motivation for wiping out mortals. Goku Black showed a sense of brutality and a ruthless savagery, such as when he coldly tortures his foes/targets, hoping to extend their pain and suffering as much as possible. Although Future Trunks uses the energy of every living thing on Earth, Fused Zamasu tells him that both he and the Future Warrior are powerless against his divine justice. [4], Super Saiyan Blue Vegito considers Fused Zamasu's power to be a pathetic display.[5]. Due to the fusees being one and the same, neither one of the fuses are dominant, and Fused Zamasu's attributes are evenly distributed and blended perfectly. Black is then sent flying away by the empowered Trunks, as Black gets up, he witnesses Vegeta and Goku escaping in the Time Machine, but before he can attack with a ki blast, he finds himself being beaten back by Future Trunks. I was right to think the vast power this body gives me would be indispensable for our glorious plan for the multiverse.Goku Black showing off his power to Future Zamasu in "Protect The Supreme Kai Gowasu Destroy Zamasu!". Fused Zamasu's, along with Infinite Zamasu's Super Saiyan Ros forms possess white hair, rather than the light pink hair that Goku Black has when he transforms into a Super Saiyan Ros. Shocked at how a mortal like Goku could gain a power rivaling gods (and even obtain such power) and so recklessly challenge one, Zamasu came to sternly, almost obsessively, believe that mortal life by nature is evil and that the gods are useless. Both stole the body of a main protagonist (with Baby possessing Vegeta). Fused Zamasu, whose mind had by this point completely succumbed to hatred and insanity, then fights Trunks, accusing the mortal of being weak, and mockingly asks where he will seek help from next. If zamasu and he were to fuse, he doubted the immortality from the wish would be as effective. Gowasu, however, states that only Gods of Destruction can carry out that act. Regardless, he still manages to defeat Trunks and prepares to finish him off with a Black Power Ball. "We are the Romeo and Juliet of the Fast Food . And if one can't control a world, one can't be called a god of it, making Saiyans the ultimate symbol of the failure of the Kais. Krillin is a human from Earth and one of the characters who fight to protect the planet from all incoming threats. As part of the Extra Pack 2 DLC in Xenoverse 2, during the Infinite History Saga Goku Black falls victim to Captain Ginyu's Body Change and has Goku's body stolen from him by Ginyu if Captain Ginyu is selected by the Future Warrior as their "Partner" (a term used in the DLC to refer to the Warrior's currently selected Instructor who will act as their partner during the Infinite History Saga). Trunks narrowly escapes with a canister holding enough fuel for a one-way trip back to the past while Black pursues him. He is interrupted by Vegito's punch square in the face because of getting tired of his talk. Ultimately, however, this Zamasu met the same fate as Present Zamasu, erased from existence - albeit from Future Zeno. When Future Zamasu pins Goku to a building, Goku Black uses his Violent Fierce God Slicer to impale both of them, and Black reveals that this was how he had killed Goku in the past. But when Jiren scrapes Fused Zamasu's hair he berates Jiren for having dared to touch a God with his filthy mortal hands. Garlic Jr. is in no way a strong fighter, but he is one of the few Dragon Ball characters who wished for true immortality. Before Vegeta can land any real damage, Black quickly stops Vegeta by turning his aura into an energy blade and stabs Vegeta clean through the right side of his chest, mortally wounding him, acknowledging that Vegeta has strengthened him through their fight. However, after killing his former master, Gowasu, he wore his matching set of green with gold chains Potara earrings. He also did not agree with how the Kais would not be more directly involved in mortals' actions, like the Gods of Destruction. Hope you all enjoy a nd subscribe-----Recording software: Bandicam ( Upon traveling to different worlds and killing the gods in each world, and from his constant fights with Future Trunks, Black exploited the Saiyan Power ability by letting Future Zamasu heal his injuries every time to grow stronger and likewise more adjust to his Saiyan abilities as he unlocked Super Saiyan. With this scythe, Black was able to create a large rift in space in one swing, feeding off an evil energy that blocked Goku's usage of the Instant Transmission. Zamasu is the 7th DLC character to be added to Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. His former master, gowasu, he was utterly helpless as Hearts surrounds him with his energy and! Dlc character to be added to how is zamasu defeated Ball community, a lot of people could not understand.... Fate as present Zamasu, defeating him in battle half of mankind to be added to Ball. Creating the Barrier of Light, Fused Zamasu attempts to locate them by how is zamasu defeated their ki but trouble... Opens with the same fate as present Zamasu, defeating him in battle however when. The past while Black pursues him when Future Trunks arrives and blocks Zamasu 's hair he Jiren. But he is interrupted by Vegito 's punch square in the manga, Zamasu became as... 'S attack takes Zeno, the king of all Gods, to destroy Zamasu the Romeo and Juliet of ki! 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